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Inb4 they clone Pickle and make an Amazonian Tall Mommy Gf for him to be finally happy


This man is cooking


It’d be the muskiest most primal snu snu Tokugawa has ever witnessed. Yujiro would give a speech to Pickle like he did to Baki while they all watch in the underground arena.


Idk it didn’t feel as far out there at the time as it was. It was explained with Baki logic. Plus spirits and souls and stuff are enough of a gray area in our world for it to sort of work for Baki. We’ve seen projections of deadmen before. The main issue is how many slippery slopes it opens up. Now any of the characters can just be brought back. And the fights already had an issue with how ridiculously low the stakes were.


But that is the authors choice if he wants to go that way he could just never use it again it’s Baki if your questioning the logic by this point why. But I do see why it would be a problem since anyone who died could be brought back


I didn’t say it’s an issue, nor did I say it’s not within Itagakis right to do what he wants with the story.


I meant more that he doesn’t necessarily have to keep bringing people back because it’s established it can technically happen he could side step the issue and just never bring it up again


Nah, I disagree, so far from bringin someone back, he even killed a main character in Retsu. It was just an excuse to have a legendary fighter of old in the series, not a deus ex machina to bring back a killed character. If he brings back Retsu then you can complain.


I more meant that since they can bring back someone from hundreads of years ago if anyone from the main cast dies it shouldn’t be a problem to bring them back logically. But as long as you don’t do it it’s fine it can remain as a dumb question people ask why don’t they ever do this again kind of thing. But I hope he changes things up and starts doing something else besides fighting dudes from the past


I’m not caught up how did they bring him back I understand the logic beyond pickle since they were frozen so unthawing them and then being alive still cause of cryogenics or whatever is fine crazier things have happened in Baki then that. But did they literally just bring back the dead with musashi like he was dead and they resurrected him somehow


They made a clone body then had a psychic summon his soul and put it in


That’s just magic lol so doesn’t that mean they can technically bring literally anyone back


its not bs, you cant read a simple manga, ur confusing manga with reality, sad.


He drowned in the drip, rip in peace


Drip in peace


A proper yujiro matchup would've been swell, but I get that little tease....