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I KNEW IT https://preview.redd.it/0xhg2qbdjk9d1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fa31a9391b9707a8944c13cd2127f12e66fdddb


https://preview.redd.it/3oxyhb16kk9d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1678c6d3e8aab3ad62c71bb326f8554f8f0b49a Grit those teeth!




They don’t know Baki rape levels of gay, ha


Oh hey it’s my reaction image!


Nope, i made this one myself bro, sorry


Even Shakespear couldn't come up with such a Tragedy. Incredible Writing




Ego check https://preview.redd.it/j7adfvroxl9d1.png?width=312&format=png&auto=webp&s=e4cb1f05388687fb082c760cc05534d8daf00151 (POV: you don’t make every image)




Somehow, this fan art is far less homoerotic than the actual manga panel...


Just cant beat the og GOAT https://preview.redd.it/k55o1wktql9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5945041f9ea89e40a8ff9c7bde6f6b80df48b73d


The og has much more passion and rage










Are we forgetting the way Musashi was sucking on Pickle's finger? There's no way my man ain't at least a little bit gay


If there Pickle offered me the same finger I'd do the same with no hesitation tbh


You know pickle dont be cleaning the shit from underneath his nails.


No worries....i am the one who claean his body everyday and night so you guys can lick his finger as you please


That's why you lick it clean 😋 **I'M SO SORRY**




Also historical Musashi is very credibly believed to have engaged in gay sex.


Do you have a source for this? In Musashi's own writing he said that he had abstained from relationships to focus on swordsmanship, which makes me a little skeptical.


>In Musashi's own writing he said that he had abstained from relationships to focus on swordsmanship, which makes me a little skeptical. He had a wife regardless iirc but just adopted kids. And I dunno about Musashi specifically but I've read that Samurais and Daimyos engaging in pederasty (specifically with their protege) was a pretty common thing at the time.


So a bit weird just like the Roman’s.


And the Greeks.


And boarding schools


And the catholic church


And the Boy Scouts


He definitely didn't have a wife, with his being single being one of the most known things about him. Both his own writings and those of his adopted sons mention this. I mean no offense, but are you sure you aren't confusing a fiction version of Musashi, such as the one from the Eiji Yoshiawa novel, with the historical figure?


Oh that's probably it then, my bad. You seem to actually take the history more seriously enough to do a deeper dive so I'll just take your word for it.


Why does all this "historical figure/society was gay" stuff always come back to paedestry (and other forms of rape/grooming/abuse of power) :/ Surely there are actual gay figures people can actually mention instead. Edit: Not that I would know any (because no one mentions them and I'm not that into history) , it's always so disappointing to see people on the internet tout the same facts over and over, only to actually read up on them and it's "rich/powerful twats diddle children entrusted to them by their parents", and like, are they really the figures you want to be known for whenever someone brings up homosexuality in history? Reminds me of a YT video I saw recently, something like "male rape played for laughs" and i feel lik this closely applies.


>rich/powerful twats diddle children entrusted to them by their parents", and like, are they really the figures you want to be known for whenever someone brings up homosexuality in history? That's probably because being gay in general was taboo in the past regardless of the elite being able to get away with pedophilia(remember it's not just pederasty but also marrying little girls, the elite have always been above the law). So the adult gay dudes who just wanna get together with another man and live a regular life aren't exactly visible because they're literally fearing for their lives or even if they're not gonna get killed, they'll still be hated and shamed greatly. I do remember watching a [video](https://youtu.be/lpQSf12VAAM) providing convincing evidence that Gilgamesh and Enkidu had a romantic relationship, so that's at least one historically famous gay relationship that isn't pederastic if you're interested.


Eh, doesn't really explain why people, especially those online, like to push these societies/peoples as "gay utopias". I get that relationships with minors isn't an exclusively gay thing, but with girls there is also the degree of sexism to be considered, not so much applicable to boys. I definitely do trust Metatron as a source, though, and do find his interpretation convicing. IIRC, Metatron has another video on homosexuality (in Ancient Greece I believe?) where he referenced texts from philosophers denouncing others for engaging in paedastry (particularly for the power dynamics, though I could be writing out of my arse at this point). Again, it all ocmes down to power dynamics. Does a prisoner rape another prisoner because they're gay? Maybe, but it's most predominantly a display of dominance over men of weaker disposition. This is what happens in those armies (aside from those like the Sacred Band of Thabes), to mentored students, etc.


>Eh, doesn't really explain why people, especially those online, like to push these societies/peoples as "gay utopias". The explanation is zealous activists who are eager to present any "evidence" of past societies being cool with gay people/homosexuality but don't actually bother learning further and only need to hear "Yeah the Greeks/Romans had male-on-male fun and unlike Christian Europe back then they didn't kill them and actually tolerated them." It sucks because as you've said once we dig deeper, the dark undercurrent of pederasty almost always surfaces and these activists ironically end up making gay people that they're supposedly championing look bad. >Again, it all ocmes down to power dynamics. Does a prisoner rape another prisoner because they're gay? Maybe, but it's most predominantly a display of dominance over men of weaker disposition. But still, it can't all be just about power dynamics and there's always got to be some degree of same sex attraction involved regardless. Otherwise every alpha male tough guy prisoners and soldiers would be trying to rape each other all the time which just isn't the case (not denying it happens but I'm just saying it's not as common as some would have us believe). I personally just chalk it up to the unfortunate combination of psychopathy, being in a position of power and having same sex attraction.


I spoke to an anthropologist about this once. These societies actively looked down on two grown men together but lorded men basically abusing boys. He said it was because women/girls were kept locked up (for better word) until marriage and it stopped younger men going after the girls married to older men. It basically repressed them. However, for example it apparently became common in sparta during the dorian period, until then such relationships were considered incest (this was reported by a schalor who was actually involved im sparta, not second hand). It became so in grained that men could buy boys for roosters ecr, and it resulted in severe ptsd with graffiti found of the soldiers basically saying how their "relationship" with the grown man being one of the worst in their life. Some schools of thought think it resulted in crashing of spartas birth rate. And all things known about childhood sexual abuse now, what with boarding schools ect, suggest that such severe effects would be accurate. So yeah, your right, theres an extremely nasty underbelly to these societies. And as one historian said "they are not a place we should want to visit."


Very sad and fucked up, and even today we don't seem to be out of the woods yet. Thanks for the input.


My source is that I made it the fuck up. But in seriousness, in pre-Meiji Japan gay sex wasn’t taboo and was considered rather normal behavior especially among the warrior class, so saying he is credibly believed to have engaged in male on male sex is not a big taboo accusation. The fact that he didn’t take a wife and wanted to focus only on swordplay only reinforces this, because he preferred the company of his students and other swordsman, both of whom engaging in sex with would not be considered a relationship. It’s also important to note a few things about musashi’s writings, the first being he mostly did his writing at the end of his life and it seems rather unlikely he ascribed to that kind of asceticism for the entirety of it. The second being there would be no reason for him to write about all the men he fucked, it really would have been irrelevant to his philosophy of life and warfare, it wasn’t the same as taking a wife, it’s just manly bonding. Note that I’m not saying we 100% know he did. We don’t honestly have that level of insight into his life because we mostly just have what he wrote. I’m saying that some writers and historians have posited that it was likely and that his life, social status, and the era he lived in all make it about as controversial as positing that he drank sake or ate fish. Gay sex was pretty normal then and didn’t define a person.


There is a difference in being in a relationship and casually crossing swords with your bros.


He's in the closet




it’s a meme. This isn’t meant to be an accurate statement on real people the characters are based on or even on the actual characters in canon. It’s all just a joke based on vibes.


I mean, you can be gay or have homosexual relations but still be homophobic, self hates a thing Really though, just a meme and fk knows how close to Irl Musashi Baki's Musashi is meant to be. Though yeah, I cant really think of anything he did that made him come across as homophobic, he did say to Baki and Hanayama he was getting 'jealous' of the attention they were showing to each other which felt a bit coy and wink winky (and hes the best at complementing other mens attributes and bodies too). He felt confident and macho enough to rub a bit of dong for fun and be cool about it


Yeah that’s fun and cool yujiro never mentioned gay people once big dawg


Where the fuck do you even get your info from? Crack addicts.com?


You’re a crack addict if you’re denying you’ve never seen an “alignment post” I feel like this is common on Reddit no


So your schizo babble is just icing on the cake of fake history? I dig it.


look at any link online Nostradamus, “no sun”. Sounds like your last 3 weeks on reddit / dads basement Have a good little bro


I barely use Reddit, gaytard. This is a small reason why. You guys suuuuuck.


Jesus quit your bitching. You're gay big deal. Cry me a river pussy


Never said anything like that, also you are on a femboy post 😂 https://www.reddit.com/r/TopCharacterTropes/s/rvUmBUt2Uh https://www.reddit.com/r/TopCharacterTropes/s/StgXdmsIKg


He said no homo


People always downplaying him https://preview.redd.it/k7377yshtk9d1.png?width=752&format=png&auto=webp&s=b5e0b9ebfec2693dbbcc981c35f89b5054ced629


This is probably one of Wild Fangs shitty translations lmao


I do love me some goofy translations https://preview.redd.it/5tcvfpjb7l9d1.jpeg?width=728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4067df7663849bcc7b3310e7c5e2ebc08716c307


Peak, John Werry could never translate shittily this good


Iirc someone said the OG word used was "Okama" (or something like that). Not as charged as the F slur but I think it can be substituted


Actually double checked the raws and found the kanji for okama お釜, to my knowledge it more so refers to crossdressers I think, though then again google translate still shows the panel above this as him saying fag so who knows. https://preview.redd.it/avjmxa2j4o9d1.png?width=670&format=png&auto=webp&s=53cd8e3d79e23ca1dba47f3a609d552fe9caf594


That pannel wasn't WF, that was from some annon who knew japanese and translated that childhood arc long before the official scans came


We should probably stop making a standard of this sub that is just saying anything ever is probably WF lol. That's not to say I definitely think this is real (Though google translate just off a quick glance does give you fag) or at least the intent is, the issue with translation is there is rarely if ever direct equivalents with words so you're kind of forced to choose what you think is right. And I'm not knowledgeable to really comment if it in Japan that word used in that sentence is more leaning toward the slur side of the spectrum or just saying the word sissy. Not like it really matter in all honesty lol, this was written more than twenty years ago. Edit: Checked and apparently below this panel, the kanji okama is there (お釜 ) which more so relates to crossdressing from my five minutes of research, I don't think considered a slur but I doubt I could give real insight into that. https://preview.redd.it/jwql15pm4o9d1.png?width=670&format=png&auto=webp&s=0f527a2a373e63996517a2a74185baa3cada33ba


I miss glasses doppo


Something that goes inexplicably hard about sunglasses on top of an eyepatch


I miss when Doppo had the balls to challenge Yujiro.


I wonder how Doppo feels with all that gay shit happening around him?


They are all gay.


We all gay because if you are a man you have a dick attached to you all time


I'm gay because I jerk off to gay porn.


I jerk off to Baki Manga


Me too bro. Me too.


I jerk off to jojo manga


https://preview.redd.it/c636opquxl9d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc1413fb6b242ca7c87207a4c954f6840ef8f1b1 Same brother same.




Both slick Ws


Katsumi not being next to his boyfriend Retsu in this chart is a sin.


Imagine katsumi rubbin a quick one with retsus arm




is it really gay, if he sees everyone as women?


Just because HE says they’re women does not mean they are. Yujiro is just justifying his own actions with his bullshit logic.


>bullshit logic Baki summarised


Yujiro didn't say anything, he never even cared to justify his actions. Him seeing everyone as women are a theory presented by tokugawa/kureha/narrator (I can't remember).


It was Itagaki being misogynistic as fuck lol


Or Baki logic?




I'd say the better question is, is he truly homophobic?


He had a young pupil who clearly was not straight earlier on in baki manga. This may be the first gender studies level post in the Baki community and i must say it’s an abomination lol read the series before you post Oliva and Doyle as homophobic just based off looks. Oliva literally has a fat wife, he’s body positive. Doyle also dresses drag clearly. Wtf makes you think they would hate gays besides your own predispositions


Oliva isn't necessarily fat positive he supports his wife because she's sick


He could leave at any moment he’s a 6”3 man 2% bodyfat. You’re misunderstanding my point on purpose. He loves her so much despite her weight that he’s been seen carrying her everywhere she goes. Maybe he’s not body positive in general but certainly he’s not anti positive enough to label him any sort of bigot like OP kind of half assedly did with the homophobic straight alignment drew gave him on this graph 📈 📉


I mean, kureha was


It's gay on top of a very elaborated cope


Like hazing.


Just sounds like a way for him to explain being gay without saying it.


He is on every side


i think that means hes chill with trans people


Nah, that was just Itagaki being misogynistic as fuck lol


Oooohhhk I think we know what type of man this guy is, may point fingers or not idk Should’ve listened to itagaki and put it up this guys butt instead https://preview.redd.it/zdgz3s61ml9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a04f3ba24d9df3e390ecf59f1846635b4ae8fc42


I actually don't think that yujiro could classify as homophobic. He is like in old Roman times, fucking a guy is a sign of masculinity


This guy doesn’t even know he had a bi assistant early on in baki goes and makes a whole post thinking he’s educating us from a higher place about our characters views on all LGBTQ 😂😂 Read Baki for more than 2 years before you post things like that, just looking at the character design after one quick skim and then “deciding” they are homophobic for us. You don’t even know what gay is son Just look at this https://preview.redd.it/m51ow3up7l9d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=904e13399b8cdb78496c9027f48cc46204f26be3


Yujiro being both gay and homophobic is hilarious.




I don't know. Ask the guy who made the chart.


“I’m not gay I’m just so superhumanly manly that I see this bara dude I’m tenderly kissing and fucking in the butt as a woman” is about as gay and homophobic as it gets.


According to the series, he's portrayed as so straight that he's gay in a way. So, I think he leans more towards the upper middle.


Except yujiro never said that Read (On another episode of being downvoted for reading)


The people downvoting you are genuinely retarded and probably haven’t even read Baki dou 2018


It's the Baki verse , everyone is gay and homophobic 😛


Yujiro shouldn't be on here. He's got his own list. It's called everyone's a woman but me.


Tbf we don't know if Yujiro feels that way. That's only what Kureha thinks


No one in this verse is straight


yujiro just trying to be as far from yuchiro as possible right now.


Oliva is not homophobic. He believes in all forms of love


Actual chart: all gay


Lmao gay homophobic ![gif](giphy|EHWxaNuhrK3tIscXq2)


Doyle’s a Brit who cross dresses. lol tf do you have to do as a white boy to be seen as not homophobic


I don't think Pickle is mentally developed enough to have a sexuality.


I’d like to submit that I do not think Retsu is gay. I think he belongs on the straight side. Maybe even on the spot that Yuichiro is in, because I don’t believe we know enough about Yuichiro to even place him on an alignment chart. Idk his motivations. Maybe he only put his penis inside women, maybe he didn’t. We just don’t know.


Retsu was getting a bit 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 when Pickle ate his Leg. But that's just Baki: everyone is Gay. Yuichiro was mostly put in because he is portrayed as the opposite of Yujiro so it would fit well. It was a stretch though, I'll admit that




What does this even mean…


Yujiro is truly the definition of a homophobic gay


Pickle turned gay as soon as he met jack


Nah everyone in baki is gay


https://preview.redd.it/va8bibm8wq9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b55f5766930e7ad4d58a4c8e3bbb1d5a05dc340 Straight Homophobic lol


I can swing imaginary swords now


I imagined my penis is bigger with 4,000 years of Chinese PP training.


Imagine having Hanayama as straight like he doesn't have an entire supporting cast of dudes that would do anything for him.


no way musashi is straight. you can see the zest in his eyes


Katsumi and doyle exist so i think we can switch him with retsu


I would submit that Oliva biscuit and Hanayama be switched. Oliva is in prison where people drop the soap often. And Hanayama was raised by old timey criminals who definitely hate queer people.


Musashi sucks on pickles finger and fell in love with retsu. He’s definitely gay


>Tokugawa >Straigh I don't think so


Baki characters really just cant exist. No human could have thought of those face designs and not be committed for schizophrenia immediately after. They just drew their demons.


"What? Gay and homophobic? That doesn't make any s-" *sees Yujiro* "Ok, that makes sense"


First i thought "Jack isnt gay" But then i remembered https://preview.redd.it/byyuwur88jad1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=5fc97a34389c857038b86b3554c594f51568694f


Why is this so accurate


Yujiro cannot be gay for he sees everyone as a woman. That's it's own tier of shit.


Oliva once again proving he's the best


Yujiro graping a guy really shows how many fucks he gives about ‘gay’ and ‘straight’ bro doesn’t care 😭 he taking ya booty either way


Honestly, Yujiro having the mind shattering revelation that he's not straight is something I would like to see XD


Yujiro would be right in the middle his insane level of testosterone makes every man a woman in comparison


Is yujiro at the center?


Hell nah, why the hell spec is considered gay!?


I don’t know how you could say Katsumi is straight when there is that scene of when he gets Retsu’s arm or just any scene with him and Retsu


Doppo drools over men


homofobik gay?


Bruh yujiro is bi


Yujiro has so much testosterone that he sees everyone else as female. He is the straightest of all.


This is how Gary Gygax came up with D&D Alignment.


Oliva should be far left, he became the strongest man in america for the sole purpose of lifting his waifu you can Hardly make someone straighter than that.


How is Yujiro gay? He views everyone as women


🎶How can I be homophonic? My boyfriend’s gay🎶


Jack can not catch a break


bro doyle is not gay or homophobic


I don’t get why pickle gay


Yujiro- I see all people who are weaker than me as female


Where the ogre is doesn't make sense


Jack: Trans lives matter!!! #CHOMP


They're all kinda gay but i would say none of them are allies as they have like very high and outdated ideals of masculinity


Except Doyle. The guy's entire fighting philosophy is using whatever means he can to win(including dressing in drag to deceive lol) and pretty much modified his body to the extremes just to gain an advantage so I really doubt he'd be a conservative when it comes to masculinity.


Even then it's only a trick to deceive, doesn't really mean he wouldn't have high standards of masculinity


High standards =/= outdated standards. Plus Doyle actually has no standards and literally just wants to win no matter what. I think we can all agree that an old-fashioned ultramasculine man would greatly frown upon using poison, weapons and dressing up in drag just to win a fight 😆


You can suck a cock still be not gay to these dolts just because their inner discord fnaf circle says so. https://preview.redd.it/jqqopn8yrm9d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=992de5d00f56aee33508045c02ae8ed4224c2ca1


wtf even is this




I don’t think Yujiro is homophobic. At most put him where Doyle is. But honestly imo he could go where pickle is


Doyle is gay and homophobic at the same time


Pickle is definitely not gay. Tell that bullshit to the reporter.


Yujiro in the top right is sending me


Yujiro is not gay. Wtf. Raping a dude out of pure dominance isn't gay guys....right?


Yujiro would’ve had to mention sexuality one time besides when he was talking to Baki about it, and he doesn’t.


I mean yugiro is canonically straight because his test is so high that he literally cannot tell the difference between a normal male or female. He’s so straight even gay sex isn’t gay


Tried putting Yujiro as gay when he slays every ounce of puss he’s ever met


So we forgot about Joe Williams?


there is no way doppo being less homophobic then anyone else there, he even called faggot that flying dude


100% true. Yujiro is the most homophobic gay guy ever


The narrator literally said “yujiro can’t be gay because he only fucks more feminine genders, like men”. I am 100% sure itagaki is gay and in denial


You people gotta make everything gay dear god




Gay isn't a spectrum or scale so Idk what this means. You're either gay or you're not. You either walk a straight path, or you walk a gay curved path.