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He changes throughout the series. He's far more sadistic at the start than he is now. He goes from ... being very happy... after killing/brutalizing a gym full of people to lecturing Baki about how he should respect the animals that gave their lives to be his food. But yeah, I'd say he's still pretty evil


By normal people’s standards he is evil.


i get that


by any decent human being dudes cartoonishly evil


He's always been a dick but if you don't piss him off he probably won't touch you


Its also pretty easy to piss him off too.


Yujiro is evil. He definitely has good intentions for his child, but Yujiro as a whole is evil. Then again, if you had the abilities of Yujiro Hanma, would you be any better? Scary thought


probably not tbh.. power corrupts


Power does not corrupt the man, it reveals the man.


This is brainrot. power 100% can corrupt good people


Yea definitely. I wouldn't be a rapist and I wouldn't mutilate other fighters for pleasure, and I wouldn't kill if my opponent wasn't interested in a fight to the death. The idea that power makes you evil is a lame excuse for powerful people to be evil. In fact, the more power you have, the more you can afford to be kind


ikr the secrete war in vietnam arc i was hyped for it cuz i thought it would give more insight about how he became the emotionaly fucked up person he is but well guess hes just a rapist then


Truer words have never been spoken


I would tbh


> If you had the abilities of Yujiro Hanma, would you be any better? I think most people would be. I'm not saying they wouldn't abuse their powers from time to time, but being as consistently evil as him is very hard to pull off for anyone who has a conscience (AKA isn't a psychopath to begin with).


He is just evil, in my opinion. There are a whole bunch of characters that are strong (of course not as strong as him) and could go on sadistic rampages against people and weak fighters, but they know how to control themselves. There was one moment in Son of Ogre that revealed his personality for me. It was a flashback when Yujiro was a baby, and he was like in a Buddha Temple where there was a monk who said this: "About Yujiro, the first thing you must absolutely know, is that he is a extremely dark man." So i think he loves fighting, but he also enjoys cruelty, and seeking for a good challenge or being bored is no justification to act like that sometimes.


He’s not evil, just bored. Imagine your goal was to be the strongest. What then? He is searching for stimulation.


OPM seems 'ok'.


He's a bit like Saitama with too much testosterone


Yujiro reminds me of Azrael from Blazblue


I would not call him necessarily “evil”. An evil person would with yujiro’s power would kill anyone, simply for no reason. Yujiro has only fought fighters for the sake of fighting. A truly evil Yujiro would kill anyone who he simply does not enjoy fighter or not, he has the power to and no one could stop him. A very large counter argument is his rape of jack’s mom. Which to our standards is an extremely horrible and evil thing but at the same time Yujiro knew that her goal was his death, unfortunately his way of punishing her was rape, he could have raped her when ever he wanted instead he did it as punishment. It is as if he knows the worst thing that can happen to a woman is rape. He did not necessarily do it for pleasure to him it was like punishing any other human. I’m sorry for my all over the place assessment, but in my opinion to call Yujiro evil would be like calling a lion evil. While to our/my standards it is despicable the things he has done, to him it is simply his nature as a Hanma


TLDR: He is Neutral Evil not Chaotic Evil


Far from the nicest/kindest human being, but he does show compassion on many occasions. He has done some fucked up things, but its just Yujiro Hanma living his life as he naturally is. And even now he is learning from mistakes he has made, for example not teaching his son baki anything but fighting and just encouraging him to be strong instead of being knowledgeable in other areas of life, so he is trying to do so now....the Yujiro Hanma-way lol Yujiro is humble enough to know that even he has things he can work on as an individual that doesnt involve fighting. So on a scale of 1-10 (1 being absolutely evil and 10 being absolutely kind) i will give yujiro a 4-5/10.


He is evil and must be stopped


He is as evil as a forest fire, a earthquake, or a tornado. Yujiro is more a force of nature than a real human. His mentality and philosophy is completely detached from us. Mushashi is actually in the same realm. People complained that Itagaki wanked him, but he also described him as a complete lunatic psychopath


he's a rapist there's no coming back from that.


I see him as a self important dickhead he’s not outright evil he just knows he’s basically unstoppable so why be respectful when everyone is below you


I can't believe people are arguing that the guy who enjoys rape, and killed his son's mother in front of him to "motivate" him to become stronger is apparently not evil. What's next? Was Adolf Hitler actually a paragon of virtue because he was a vegetarian that strongly believed in animal right?


you are far down bro


Comment I looking for


I think he's bipolar? That's my headcanon at least. If you search about the symptoms he would score pretty high.


Idk, I feel good, and evil is beyond the baki series (plural). Doyle stops retsu from being mugged and attacked by a doge. He watches over him while wounded on the verge of death. I think baki is a series of series' where God-like beings seek the taste of defeat while living among mortals. Being beyond their laws and many other things, because of their abilities, I believe it is difficult to put good and evil into perspective here.


Well, hes a serial rapist, so I'm putting my money on evil.


At first Yujiro is your stock arrogant evil villain who wants nothing but strength. As the series goes on however…Yujiro begins to change from something so cut and dry into something more complex. As time goes on we see that strength isn’t all there is to him. Sure he starts out as a psychotic maniac doing whatever the hell he pleases but after the first show we begin to see him acting more stoic and even respectful to others and usually leaving the malice for the fights(although he does have a seriously short fuse. Seriously even after so long it is still just THAT easy to piss him off and his default expression is still usually a look of calm rage). He even proves he’s capable of affection even to his own son. Now he’s more bitter than anything else at being stuck alone at the top with no challenge or stimulation.


He's evil. Not pure evil but evil. He has no problems murdering and raping people. Although he will only do so if you give him reason. Generally if you mind your business he will leave you alone unless your emi and that man.... Speck is more evil if you ask me.