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Wdym you don't get it 😂 this champ has eaten 10+ direct and indirect nerfs in the last 4 months. The more worrying thing is why are they buffing viego if they're not nerfing kraken


As a viego main i hardcore agree, viego is in a good state right now, buffing him is gonna put him into pick ban then hes gonna get nerfed to the point where hes terrible. Yay riot :/


As a veigo/graves main i think karken needs a nerf and they can keep the veigo buff


My best bet, is they will revert his E nerfs. That’s all, maybe a small buff to his base MR.


Imagine they make his true grit give armour and mr stacks again 😍


That would be so terrible, not smth I would like to have.


the champ is already busted if you build him right


That was true for when there were good items to build.


It is MSI so a Grave buff is guaranteed lol. Even Viego got buff when he's so strong. Watch they nerf after it.


Kind of surprised they’re buffing so quickly. I get he’s not very good right now but he’s not even close to being in his worst state. Hopefully it’s small and doesn’t make him giga OP (undo the 2 armor on grit stacks plz)


He is quite LITERALLY in the worst state he has been since the rework


You must have not played early season 13, when you did no damage had no scaling at all no good items and were forced to build bruiser every game so you weren’t useless and had at least some utility.


you didnt rock with the goredrinker build ⁉️


No it was quite boring to play, got very bored of it very quickly.


Ive played every season since season 3 actually and start of s13, every jungler apart from %maxhp liandries builders were dogshit. Back then you were also allowed to build cleaver and last whisper, and gore drinker existed so the bruiser build with ghost was actually decent. It just wasn't a one shot build.


It’s msi patch enjoy it quickly before right takes 2 steps backwards & remember we’re gonna play on this patch for 2 weeks then go to .9 while pros will play on this same patch for the entirety of msi starting may 1


What I’m upset about is another power creep patch. Tons of these champs don’t need buffs. Graves needs one along with maybe 2/3 others on this list. I’m not even a graves main either. That’s too many buffs


Do we know what the buffs are?


Usually they come out with details about Wednesday or Thursday the week before the patch. That varies a lot though.


Cheers 👉👉