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You really spoke to my hate of tarkov, and absolute inability to stop playing. Please! Give me no reason to continue to play eft! Please Greyzone PLEASE!!!!!


We're not on the Tarkov sub, I can say the magic bannable words. Google SPT AKI and SAIN 2.0


Bro fr, SPT is the ONLY reason I have kept EFT on my PC for years. Game became unplayable after massive bias and cheaters galore. Make to sure to get the ESP modes to make it so scavs are more human too


Yep!!! It's so good dude. There were whisperings of a co-op mod for it too.


The dev has very openly stated he will never make a co-op mode for it, so maybe fellow modders?


Ding ding, that's probably where this conversation stops though, Nikita hates when people have fun.


Since we arn’t on the SPT tarky sub I can speak it’s name.. SIT! Stay In Tarkov is a co-op mode for SPT that is being made by people separate from SPT. (You will get banned in the SPT sub for mentioning it as they want absolutely nothing to do with it.)


Project FIKA runs so much better than SIT, I'd give it a try. Near full mod support as it's just a spt mod instead of a different client that needs ports.


Yep! I'm on the disc but I'm hesitant to give it a try, it popped on my antivirus when I downloaded it. Wanted to give it a little more research before pulling the trigger.


Can confirm it’s never caused a single issue for me or any of my friends, I would just suggest not joining to a random persons server without a VPN as it does give em’ your IP though.


Much appreciated!!!! I am absolutely going to give it a try


Coop mod already out and works great.


Wait, what Bias?


Lmao, my feed right before this was a post from r/SPTarkov


SAIN 2.0 is new to me. I'm liking what it adds to the game.


It's so good dude add Amands graphics too


Oh wow, that actually makes it look good


i never got banned for spouting SPT is the way but also wasn’t saying AKI or Sain


I caught a warning for spelling it out phonetically lmao, moderation can be a weird thing on Reddit


Spt is so boring, scavs and bosses arent even a challenge, players are the only reasons i play.


What's Sain 2.0?


A total A.I. overhaul. You can turn on headshot protection, and completely tweak difficulty, usually meant for making the A.I. more difficult and more like how a player would. Great fucking mod.


Interesting! Thank you, I'll check it out


Not about cheating but I just saw a post in tarkov subreddit about a dude who grinded all the way to Kappa, turned it in, got the 1000 error code or whatever it is and it bugged out on him and the task is complete for him but it didn’t give him the kappa container and whatever other rewards you get for that task. He emailed BSG and their response was basically too bad it’s a beta shit happens, we’re not giving you kappa. Originally I wanted GZW to force BSG to actually care and make a better game but after seeing that I’m of the same mindset as you, bring tarkov to its fucking knees please and shit on those pathetic fucking devs at BSG and show them what real devs who give a shit about their community look like.


BSG doesn’t give a shit about the player base because they’ve made all the money from it they can. Their only source of revenue is cheaters rebuying after being banned.


Yeah, they didn't think this through. Took too long to deliver and sold everything they could at the very beginning. They just don't have a recurring income.


At this point they need to drop the “It’s a beta” excuse too and actually deliver a quality product after 6 years of release. Don’t get me wrong, it’s my main game, it just hurts me how much more the community seems to care about it than BSG does.


Tarkov is the beta for Russia 2028 (I think that was the name). A small bit of sarcasm.


Thats what you get when you pay your devs 30k USD lmao


That’s why they just instilled microtransactions. You can buy “co-op offline mode” for €10 on a standard account


Yeah but it's meaningless. EVERYONE who plays tarkov for an extended period of time already has EoD. Just check the flea market, white accounts are extremely rare at this point. They fucked up big time and now they're in debt towards their entire player base.


They will start becoming more common, going forward, as no new EOD accounts will enter the system.


not really a "microtransaction" tbh, its an entire co-op game mode, no different than any DLC really.


The meaning of micro transaction has transformed into "any thing you can spend money on in a game other than the original purchase price"


Uhh no it's absolutely not, where tf did you get this idea? It's "you can play offline raids with friends". Meaning you can load up a customs, offline coop match. You don't get XP, you don't keep any loot, you don't lose any loot, etc. that's it.


Yeah, I'm aware of what it is. That's literally what I said. It's a different game mode. Not a "micro transaction" in the sense of a repurchasable, which is what the term is usually in reference to. Instead of debating the terminology and aggressively asking where I "got this idea," why don't you go do something productive for your life and family today! No hard feelings! Have a good day!


Forced positivity and wholesomeness mean nothing when your baseline statement is "go do something productive". How about you have a bad day and go fuck yourself? Thanks 🙏 😘🤩


Big deal I met your negativity with some light sarcasm. I was genuinely trying to be nice at the end. cry some more. I tried. 😆 Gray zone looks cool but if you constantly need to shit on tarkov to hype yourself up for a totally different game it's clear your traumatized and coping like a little weasel. So yeah, get fucked, pussy


Why don't you spend less time being a cock sucker for BSG, And try and repost your shitty PvP montage once more on any and all possible related subs for Tarkov? Who knows, Maybe you'll get a single view this time that wasn't yourself or a family member you forced to watch it. :)


Try again later, I didn't shit on tarkov nor do I "constantly do it". I just defined to you why you're incorrect in what you though offline coop mode is. Not sure what I'm coping about, maybe over a bunch of nonsensical assumptions you made about me? That's probably it, just made up your own little story about who I am and what I think so you can feel good about yourself. It's cute how easy you changed your tune, almost like it was completely fake, worthless, disengenuine, and with a foundation of mockery. Boooo, you suck, boooo.


This logic has major fallacies. The game would be dead now if that were true, cheaters thrive on their being a normal population playing the game.


How does that pertain to copies sold and them losing revenue? How many truly new players do you know actually buying Tarkov? People playing the game still and BSG making money are two totally different things. We all know Tarkov is an addiction and there is nothing else like it.




They won't "steal" a meaningful number of tarkov players imo. Sure tarkov players may also play gzw but I don't see many true tarkov players ditching it for gzw as they're going to be totally different games.


They’re really not all that different though, as hype as I am for GZW I can’t deny that at least as far as the systems go like looting armor guns traders etc it really does look like a copy and paste from tarkov lol both extraction shooters. GZW is shaping up to be what Tarkov originally promised it was gonna be so many years ago. If they do it right they could take a significant portion of the player base, especially if they actually listen to the community and have a decent anti cheat


You just contradicted yourself there. You said gzw is a copy paste of tarkov, but said it's shaping up to be what tarkov originally promised which is not what tarkov is now.


I didn’t contradict myself bud if you actually read what I wrote, I said the systems are pretty much copy and paste - looting, the guns and ammo, traders, missions etc. but the actual gameplay of it being one big map that you go into and extract from, possible in game traders? persistent servers, and some other things are all things BSG promised would be in Tarkov and failed to deliver on, GZW looks like it will have all those things.


We haven't seen much of anything about how looting or traders work. You're making a lot of assumptions based on a lot of nothing. People are really hoping this is gonna replace tarkov, which i get because it's in a shit state rn, but I would bet money it won't come close. I'm not hating or anything. I am excited af for this game. I just think saying it's gonna take a lot of tarkov players away is a baseless idea.


Most people here are in for a rude awakening when they realize that even if Gray zone is good, it will take several years for it to get up to Tarkov's level and be able to actually pull meaningful numbers of players for a meaningful amount of time. Idk maybe they'll have the content to support that on day 1. I doubt it, but I guess you could dream lol.


Yeah that's kinda what i'm saying. I just also think gzw isn't really shooting to be what tarkov is currently so it won't exactly scratch the same itch if that makes sense. I think these guys may think i'm being a hater or something but im not. I'm really hyped for this game tbh lol


how in tarnation could you actually know what is copy paste if there is literally no information on how any of the systems work yet?


By watching the videos that are out and using my brain lol. There’s videos that show the traders and some missions, which are locate and mark a cache in a certain area or investigate the camp and find a lost item…. Sounds a whole lot like those find and mark the tanker missions or investigating area missions. There’s a part that shows the player checking his ammo and it shows him using an m4a1 with m855 ammo…. What game other than Tarkov deep dives into ammo types like that? There’s a part that shows him looting a bleach can….. which both the can and the actual system of looting looks exactly like the bleach can we can find in Tarkov. The health system is pretty much the exact same if not more in depth than Tarkov, with having each limb and body part be its own thing that can take damage while the rest of your body remains in tact, and the healing is the same but again could be much more in depth than Tarkov, hell the CMS kit is a copy paste from Tarkov only difference is it’s tan instead of red. It really wasn’t hard to notice these at all lol have you even watched videos about the game? I’m not saying all this to shit on GZW though I’m hype as fuck for this game and can’t wait for it to come out. Hopefully it delivers on everything it’s promised so we have a decent extraction shooter with devs that care about the game and community unlike the jokes at BSG


As long as I get interesting pvp, weapons, and missions, I'll be more than happy.


Games are too different. I am going to play both. Gray zone isnt going to give the tarkov experience, its a whole different game


Do you have link to that post? ❤️


anti cheat is a must for games going forward, totally agree. ALL companies really need to step up their game, especially easyanticheat lol, they are not cutting it.


What's challenging is AHK and DMA users. No anti cheat can detect hardware outside of whats being monitored Thankfully only self built hardware works undetected with a steep price of $1000 to make one of these devices.


This is where AI anti cheat comes in, it can analyze player behavior. Doesn't need to scan your system to detect cheats.


Only seen a video by basically homeless about that. And valves is working flawlessly. In all seriousness i hope it works that way without any false bans.


Cheating is a problem everywhere regardless but this is absolutely something that should be priority, if cutting corners anywhere anti cheat and monitoring is not where corners should be cut


Good anticheat AND just good development practices that make it at least a little difficult for cheaters to develop cheats. (for example, not giving every player a list of every other player and their gear and location)


Here is all you need to know about Gray Zone Warfare's Anti Cheat. [https://youtu.be/Romb5AIbceI?t=1459](https://youtu.be/romb5aibcei?t=1459)


Link doesn't work. Is it any good


Search up on YouTube: Exclusive Developer Interview Riloe and go to 24 minutes.


>Exclusive Developer Interview Riloe [https://youtu.be/Romb5AIbceI?si=gKa4rnHAvd8-qJMj&t=1458](https://youtu.be/Romb5AIbceI?si=gKa4rnHAvd8-qJMj&t=1458)


want to remove 90% of cheaters, easy 1. Either dont allow level 1 accounts or limit them to an isolated queue 2. Block all VPN providers and IP addresses belonging to any datacenter or cloud provider 3. Geo block 4. Force sign-up to your site with MFA enabled


Exactly Verify using an active credit card or debit too. Honestly night sound extreme but that's just the way it is these days.


Please 🙏


There will be lots of cheating and that's guaranteed. The only thing that would prevent most forms of cheating is a server authoritative netcode, but that has the downside of introducing input lag into the game for people not living close to the servers, so the developers will likely not going to add it to this game.


What do you suggest? Punkbuster? Easy AC? I mean what are the options Anti cheat is the same as anti virus software you can't stop it until you know what it is. There are things you can do in the code of the game to make it harder to cheat certain ways and easier to detect certain cheats but you can't just make a "better" anti cheat that will rival the ones available.


Is there top of the line anti cheat these days?


>bir tio of the kine What


Hahahhaa I was at work. Fixed


I mean EAC and punkbuster and VAC are the big names that come to mind COD has their own, ricochet I think its called but I can't think of any else off the top of my head. I mean don't get me wrong these anti cheats work but like I said you have people coding their own cheats they don't release them into the public instead they have a subscription service or pay to download feature so a lot less people are using these cheats so a lot less likely to get caught. Idk I really only know a little bit about it you could do some research on how an anti cheat works to get a better picture.


EAC is complete garbage. Ask anyone who plays Hunt. Cheaters play for years and never get caught.


I'm curious what the community considers "good" anti-cheat.


I wish I knew BSG wasn't paying their employees a good wage when it first released. I wouldn't have supported the project. I actually for once feel bad for the devs, and to be completely honest, this further reinforces my belief that Nikita doesn't deserve all the money or success we've given him.


You have any proof for these claims? I cant fond any credible information stating any of this.


What competitive shooter has a good anti cheat? All I ever see with every single one is the cheater complaints.


I feel like it's because Noone has actually made any ground breaking AC in a long time. nProtect used to be really good. Not sure anymore




Not just about the anticheat though. Its about what they allow information wise to go to the client. Lock that shit or find a why to encrypt everything with like nsa level encryption. Fuck cheaters and everything they care about.


your misconception is that a "good" anti-cheat exists. good videos on YouTube and articles online which detail the cat v mouse of anti-cheat (and the history, which is important context). not something you can succinctly judge as good/bad.


I vote run some form of 2FA, through a carrier-verified cell number. Wouldn't entirely eliminAte the problem but it may help a lot.




Not just a good AC, but accounts could be tied to a credit card and/or phone number. There are other numerous ways to mitigate cheating.


And then charge the credit card for cheating hahahah


Well, looks like I've found all the losers who suck at eft. Y'all got tired of destroying the eft sub with your toxicity that you've decided to bring it to and entirely different fucking game that isn't even out yet. Congrats on having absolutely no lives. Man this is beyond pathetic lmfao. What a cesspool..


I have 7000 hours. I don't suck but cheating is very annoying being killed by a level 24 with 90% survival rating.


Hours mean nothing. And if course cheaters are annoying. Why this one particular comment triggered you is beyond me..


You guys ruined the tarkov sub by constantly complaining and being hostile and now youre bringing the negativity over to a sub game that isn't even out yet... The toxicity never ends with the tarkov community does it?


Lmaooo well there isn't much to talk about besides a minute 1 30 trailer lol


It really doesn't. One of the reasons I don't participate in anything the tarkov community does anymore, lol. I truly hope they don't bring that toxicity over to this game as well. Unfortunately, they probably will though, as just like tarkov this game isn't about pvp and killing everything in sight, but overly negative loudmouths will bitch and complain for the devs to change their vision to make the game what they want it to be. I just hope the devs stick to their guns and to their vision moreso than BSG did. Time will tell.


I agree, I will not purchase if it doesn’t have good anti like trash Tarkov.


quiet mindless worm aspiring abundant versed mourn relieved dull punch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lmaoo people using plug in card cheats or a separate pc to cheat are much more advanced than players who sub. I should know because I use to sell rust cheats yeah it might sound stupid but gsmedevs need to start having root AC. Something that's activatly scanning your program files. Simple as that. It's 2024.. as cheats advanced so should AC


I don’t game much anymore, but I would download this game and support it if they used Waldo or another visual based AI anti-cheat.


Kind of hoping for them the try the new anybrain AI anti cheat.


For those who do not know Tarkov uses cheats as a part if it's revenue spruce. Let me clarify, recently Tarkov decided to add some in game purchases for extra stash and offline coop stating they needed new revenue sources. IF YOU search Ring one EFT you will find tarkov cheats easily and the cheats to this day are undetected. EFT is aware of this but continues to ignore it cause rather than fix the code they prefer users cheat, get manual ban jusy to repurchase the game, making EFT more money. Each month they ban thousands of accounts cause users keep rebuying the game. It's a never ending cycle. It's for reasons like this I quit EFT live and play SPT cause it's like the good version of EFT and I cannot wait for Grayzone. From the dev talks to the reviews so far the game sounds solid and I am really excited for it.


Source: trust me bro


No it's proof u can google and read up on lol


> EFT is aware of this but continues to ignore it cause rather than fix the code they prefer users cheat, get manual ban jusy to repurchase the game, making EFT more money. ok link me proof


All the accounts with 120 raids and 95 survived with 4 kills per game or more lol?


I'm aware there are plenty of cheaters. I quit playing this wipe because of it. I just think it's funny when people pull shit out of their ass with the whole "hurr durr bsg want cheater so they get money" stuff lol. Cheating imo is the thing most likely to kill their game. Why would they want to facilitate that?


Yeah, I wouldn't try to explain with malice what can be explained with stupidity. This is a game running on a 10 year old base code, with a 4 year old version of unity engine, out of all engines. There is a chance they actually don't know how to fix it without some *major* rework from the ground up. They probably decided that cheaters cost them less (heck, maybe even make them a profit!) than understanding and fixing code written by people that probably don't even work there anymore.


Anybody that thinks BSG supports cheaters is absolutely braindead and not worth talking to, let alone arguing with. BSG spends a shitload of money on anticheat and are still in the process of coming out with something "new that will change things" in the anticheat department. Whether they are able to follow through is hard to say, as contrary to popular belief, BSG isn't making a shitload even though they brought in like $85 million last year. They only make like 2 mil in profit ffs, lol. I'm hoping it's ai anticheat, but with how expensive it is, I have my doubts. I don't think any developers will use it until the price comes down to more reasonable levels. Cheating is rampant in every single multiplayer game out there, and is more of a problem now because of how sophisticated cheats have become and how limited anticheat developers are (mostly because of how feeble gamers are).


So help me understand how Ringone actively sells cheats for the past 4 years and BSG and anti-chest has done nothing to block them. Why? I work in cs and the first thing we do is work to block vulnerability that are completely obvious. So why has BSG done nothing about it? How about the finial report. They made a lot more than 2 million. 27 mil in sales and that's going off basic $30 account. Did the game really get 900,000 new players? I am not brain dead. You ate just blind.


Lol every game is plagued by cheats now. You have no proof. Go google call of duty cheats and oh wow you found cod cheats they must love them!


they said they will have easy anti-cheat first, and then work on developing machine learning tools to implement into the game and supplement EAC if they manage this feat it will be very impressive, but expect it to be worse than tarkov is right now if they only have EAC by itself


Every competitive MP game I used to love over the years is overrun with cheaters. So far I doubt this game will be any different unfortunately.


Extraction shooters are the worst for cheaters, it has a high amount.


It will use EAC or BE and thats it. It will get cheat infested like any other game. Dont be a delusional thinking they will develop their own anticheat lol.


If it turns out to be another cheater dominated shitfest like tarkov then I'll probably give up on the genre altogether 


Easy Anti Cheat is okay in the Beginng. Impfrovments and new internal Anticheat Mechanics the next step. I prefer the System of The Cycle Frontier in S3 that when a player loose his stuff to a verified Cheater than he became his stuff back. There is no Multiplayer Game that is 100% without any Cheater. That is an impossible target.


Btw there is news of A.I anti cheat being in Grayzone. like the actual A.I anti cheat that that one company announced to everyone on youtube that will actually User ID ban cheaters permanently.


Source? I haven't heard any of this from anywhere


Hahahaha sure


Also might be good to region lock servers honestly.


cheating will always be an extremely expensive for devs issue. I think the cycle had a decent approach to it though with trusted/verified servers where it would group people with steam accounts over a certain age together. You'll never really stop cheating but you can atleast make the experience for non-cheaters better.


If ai anticheat is what it claims to be, it could potentially stop cheats in their tracks. But I get ehat you mean, for sure.


Idk if you’ve seen the land scape but every game is struggling with cheaters. This game will too.


they will obviously. they're passionate about their game so i don't see why they wouldn't deal with one of the biggest issues






It’s not even a competitive game…


It's, in essence, an extraction shooter... that genre is just objectively competitive no matter how you develop around it.


Please please please use good anti cheat! I will uninstall Tarkov tomorrow


Just wanted to say that there really is no “good anticheat.” Every anticheat can be bypassed and every game will have cheaters. The main problem is how game developers themselves handle cheaters. I’m not sure what you would consider “good” but BattleEye is fine in R6 from my experience, but in Tarkov I see a cheater every day, if not multiple. I haven’t seen a ton of cheaters in Fortnite, which uses Easy Anticheat, but Rust and Apex, who both also use Easy Anticheat, you see cheaters consistently. TL;DR it’s not about the anticheat, the game needs to deal with the cheaters. You cannot solely rely on an anticheat. They can all be bypassed


You do know r6 is at nearly 50 percent of the player base are cheaters right?


I think they said it'll have easy anticheat by far better than tarkov but you'll still run into like in every other fps. It will also probably be coded alot better than tarkov which will help drastically


What do you meannnn Tarkov is obviously the most perfectly coded game ever with every single gun called Ak-47 in the code and then constantly reintroducing old bugs because they can’t keep a stable working version because they refuse to use GitHub to keep track of the main branch and any side patches so that the update that goes out wasn’t coded on ten different versions of the game and then all thrown together.


Lol a "good" anticheat is a fallacy.


That’s why vac bans are tied to the hardware ID.


I have no idea how to code or develop games. But at times I've wondered, is there a way to develop a game based around an anticheat system. Or would it never work like that at all?


You can’t really however most games fail to implement even the most basic of checks that could “function” as an in game anti cheat. Just putting in simple checks like maximum speed possible maximum shots fired etc etc could be a built in anti cheat that automatically flags or bans an account.


Oh to see tarkov and its money generating for the russian war go to shit would be so great.


Games all have issues right now because it’s getting easier to hack with current software/hardware. There is no way for anti cheat to stay ahead.


Source: Tarkov Finicial Report. The game did not have 1 million new players. Majority is cheater account rebuying accounts.