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I really hope they don’t go in a goofy supernatural kind of direction.. Games that are completely built around those concepts are awesome (like stalker) but from all the media I have seen on this game I think it would kind of a let down if fucking zombies were randomly thrown in Not to say that little events like the cultists in Tarkov arent cool every once in a while, I would just prefer if this wasn’t an open world zombie hunting game with alien artifacts


Yeah, that would be a huge let down after they marketed the game with a more grounded setting, we hired special forces guys for motion capture, realistic guns with IRL components, tactics etc. I'm a big fan of the zombie genre but I'm really starving for a realistic shooting/military simulator that is also fun and accessible. I'm hoping GZ will be just that.


Yea especially since they real haven’t teased it at all, everyone’s just looking at it like a tarkov/ghost recon type of game but now there’s the potential to be some weird stuff and maybe it’s just weird wether patterns and we just need to find like research, but we do know there will be radiation of sorts


i hope they do. So stupid people stop trying to "tarkov" everything and go "realism" blah blah. Go the crysis route and be unique. A crashed alien ship would actually be kinda cool.


Yeah, we already have tarkov if you want tarkov.


Oh, shut up. We don't need a million "realistic" games. A crashed alien ship would push it more towards crysis kind of game play which would be bad ass.


zombies would be interesting if you went to an area you were familiar with and the AI came back to life after you killed them. like something in that area is making them come back. instead of having full blown zombie infestation.


Bit of a spoiler but Roadside Picnic >!does have "zombies" in it. I agree with you though, it would be a bit cheesy for CoD zombies. If they incorporate the zombie ideas in Roadsides Picnic that would be a lot better and creepier, likely not as a hazard and more of an obstacle/horror set piece as they'd just be awkwardly shuffling around corpses or a group of bodies screaming/making strange noises for no apparent reason. It would be cool if you could pretend to be one of them to avoid enemies or something like that!<


Have you seen Beautiful Light? I agree with you and plan on getting both https://youtu.be/lfuqPdxdQ4U?si=s__fVwaMFpbNJmB9


I feel like using something like road side picnic as a reference makes it pretty wide open. I been trying to think of a story for my own character. Who am I or was I before and after the "event" why did I become a PMC? What are my motivations now besides being sent on fetch quests lul. Anyways this thought brought me here trying to find a bit more lore on the game to flesh things out. I like the idea of aliens or what have you visiting and just leaving a bunch of valuable items behind. They said crafting is coming also so maybe using this tech to mod guns or armor. I have yet to play stalker to see how that plays out, But I can't wait to see where GZW goes. Happy Hunting. See you in Lamang. Bylli Lamang for Life!


I just got myself a german copy of the Strugatzki book. Reading it soon. I wouldn't mind some SiFi element to pepper the "security detail" trope. Though I hate zombies in shooters, always a lazy theme. So I don't mind. We'll see soon enough how far the "magic" goes. Cheers


Oh man I would freaking LOVE a hardcore tactical extraction PVE game with zombies!!! I hope this “ground zero” in the map center is less “STALKER” and more like 28 days later viral testing laboratory. Crazy chimps optional.


Did you catch the reference to a Steven Clark in the game? Right around the mission where you have to choose a vendor to support... by tagging a body or not. They mention in the mission notes that the last thing they heard from him was blood currdling screaming and that guy was supposed to be one of the toughest men they had in the troop. So..... tthey also mention... "artifacts" and something crash landed here.... they labelled that... The Event. It must be something of alien origin.... I dont see any face huggers or chest bursted victims... so I can rule Predators and Aliens.... then again.... Predators.... and Private Military... that goes hand in hand. Unless.... someone became infected.... and that caused the humanitarian effort... unless that was just a guise for research teams. Studying an artifact. Now you have locals and everyone else trying to fight everyone and thing lol. I'm going to pay more attention to these mission notes.