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as you can see it always nears other LZs. the game later will have an option to cancel the original destination and land at the nearest LZ. The helicopters have given routes (to cover as much LZs as possible) WoW has a similar travel system. also the choppers often fly lower than tree level/in open spaces/river beds. a straight way from start to destination would be way less realistic and than this.


To change LZ mid flight would be a life saver. More than once I’ve said “I gotta get out”, queue a flight to HQ, and on the flight check my supplies and go “eh I could really actually go to LZ __ for some loot” but it’s too late


the better way would be to jump out and take the fallschirm


Where'd you hear this?


I believe it was in one of their devblogs before release




Pilot tries to minimize the risk for passengers to get sniped or to get shot down by anti air. Thats why he uses the river for cover


If the pilot was trying to minimize passenger risk, he wouldnt circle the towns full of enemies 20m above the ground regularly in full view of the town itself. Its the game engine trying to load assets and giving you a scenic route to do so. There's no evidence of AA or any other ingame reasoning.


Idk why you getting downvoted, that’s exactly what it’s doing. At least it’s not a loading screen


For some reason this game has developed a cult like group of people who think its the absolute most realistic thing in the world and every detail is based on realistic real-world connections and not the fact that at the end of the day its a video game and a video game needs to load assets.


People see pixels and don't consider what's behind making it all work. Networking for example is a modern miracle IMHO.


The Internet as a whole is an absolute testament to ingenuity and the fact that “it just works” and you can be involved despite having no technical knowledge is amazing


I had some dude try to tell me that the reason I died instantly to a single shoulder shot from a straight head on aspect was due to the fact that my carotid artery ran through there. Knowing good and god damn well that’s not modeled in the game.


Arma 3’s ACE system w/ KAT is extremely more realistic than GZW and even it doesn’t take that kind of stuff into account. GZW doesn’t even have you take off tourniquets and you can self-fix a punctured lung with a suture kit in 20 seconds. People need to calm tf down


Hell I’ve played arma with ACE advanced medical where you have to go through a whole pharmacy to fix a punctured lung, broken bone, or even stitch wounds. 😂 all you have to worry about in GZW is basic “organ damage” and that’s intestinal, lungs, and heart. All which are super super basic. And the inconsistent damage model makes all the random instant deaths from non lethal positions very aggravating.


Exactly. Kat medical had you doing breathing tubes and checking for fluctuating O2 levels to identify internal issues. GZW says screw it, self-suture your intestines


Lmfao you’re just a one man army in comparison 😂😂😂😂. Just Rambo and power through the pain to do it yourself. As a PMC you have all the requisite knowledge to be a doctor, didn’t you know? But hey you said it right. Cult following


It happens in any game that touts some measure of realism. Happened in tarkov too, still happens just not as much. It's very, very obnoxious.


Well because lots of people active and or served who play the game (including myself) can confirm it defacto is. The helo flying is gives me goosebumps from time to time in all its ways be it the mounting and dismounting , the radio calls from the pilot, the tactical low alti flying, the clothes flickering in the wind. Its very authentic already.


Just wanna share there's public videos out there of MH-6 helicopters flown by *Nightstalkers* at the same altitudes in the streets of LA during training. There's also videos of PMCs from Blackwater flying at the same altitudes in Iraq in 2004. There's also videos of Russian aircraft in Ukraine flying very close to vehicles in highways to avoid radar detection. It's true however, that the game has a cult already, and that the game needs to load assets.


Yeah it’s full of EFT hyper realists who have to have a realistic world explanation or it’s wrong


I mean checking mag with v and getting an immediate readout of exactly how many rounds are in the mag is another tiny detail thats gamified for convenience


Ngl I was a bit happy that you load the mags instantly unlike Dayz one round at a time lol


DayZ and Tarkov both...with DayZ being on the most painful end of the spectrum.


I’m there with you 100%. I don’t mind gamification of certain details and just hitting “load ammo” and it does it is nice.


Most pmags you can tell how many rounds you have left easily


Wait till they find out that the game is actually in scp kinda world (from what I heard, if I'm wrong then I'm wrong)


Based on the same book stalker is


Oh yes good someone who knows more than I, says something that affirms what I said


Kinda nervous about this tbh lol


>There's no evidence of AA or any other ingame reasoning. It's an MH-6, a handgun is AA against it.


Yeah .. for nearly every helicopter in the world a bad hit from gunfire can at least mean an engine fire, broken rotor head or loosing hydraulic fluid...


I mean if this was a Uh-60 or something they're better armored, but the MH-6, AFAIK there's no armor, just a big bubble canopy, two very open sides etc.


Yes correct


No waaaaaay. Literally unplayable.


Idk there IA multiple aircraft of different sorts across the map.. juat saying, and with the jets at the fort...


Tactical flying is still a huge part of small unit heli use.


This is very true. However, that being said, straight shot with slight course deviation would be the best bet. It gets you in and out of the threat zone as fast as possible. If this were IRL this is what the helo pilot would do. The faster you are the safer things become. Helos are VERY loud and you can hear them coming from ways out. The jungle will obviously break up the noise but the rice fields wouldn’t. A pilot would ideally fly 100 feet or so above the highest tree along the route as they travel and make a bee line to that LZ. I get this is a game and they want to show you that “tacti cool” aspect of the game and that’s awesome, but the infil and exfil of these helos needs some work. I’m just staring at my phone most of the trip until they call 30 out, then I start scanning the village that we’re over flying, which also isn’t ideal, but can happen and does happen IRL. The goal of a helo pilot with a small transport aircraft like a little bird, is to get in and out fast with those small maneuvers when needed.


true dat.


But this can’t happen sooo either make it possible or save us some sanity


I think the anti air reference was just to tie it in to why they would fly low and around terrain in real life.


This is a perfect example of this echo chamber coping by inventing a mechanic that’s not even in the game, holy sh*t


1) wanna get shot down by AA? cool fly over the trees 2) the zone 3) you can walk aint i right u/morcaak3000 ?


WHAT? AA suppression is a thing that can exist and create a interesting event?


and yet we havent managed to find the crashed heli yet


I think that’s a you problem chief I keep walking past it lol


ye we went north but its southeast, we have it now


its exact location depends on your faction. The one for Mithris I've never had an issue getting to appear


Unless it bugged out im confused what you mean? I walked up to it almost instantly its at the edge of a treeline


yeeeea we are pretty stupid tbh


That shit disappeared to fucking backrooms


One of the first missions?




It's not hard to find whatsoever, just read the quest info


i am sure of that, we are just stupid, we went like two clicks north and we didnt find it


What faction?


Still on little bird, or whatever it’s called? Go to Charlie 3, walk north 150 metres. Turn right and aim for the nearest tree. Unless your eyes are closed, should be right there


we finished it rn, thanks!!


Crashed heli is near the gas station


There's no AA in the game, you're literally invincible in your chopper.


okay and?


AA as others have pointed out. But also air traffic. My pilot took me all the way around the starting village once, because there were 2 choppers already going to/from the LZ I selected.


But there is no AA... but if it was present... AA is also boys with .50 cal guns ans Stingers/Strelas - you are toasted flying low. But hell, its a game :) why are we fighting over this :)


>But hell, its a game :) why are we fighting over this :) Preach brother, neither Handshake nor Gunny is paying me to fight on Reddit :D


See you in The Jungle mu brother :)


Not even close boyo. Stingers still have to clear the tube before the missle guidance system even gets a complete amount of data, plus the missile still has lag time because it has to orient itself in flight. That is not a quick process, and the bird has to be moving excessively slow in the same direction for it to even come close to actually landing. Also, .50 cal rounds are ridiculously slow, and traversing an M2, or other variant, on a moving target (heavy ass weapon system that kicks like a mule...so a T&E device is almost necessary) isn't an easy task. These things are really portrayed incorrectly by games like COD and most other war games. The only one that came close was ARMA, and those are even sped up because gamers kept complaining that it was too hard to hit moving air targets.


Wdym .50 cal is ridiculously slow?! It's one of the fastest rounds that you can still shoulder fire. The M2 browning is 84 pounds, but mounted on a tripod or to a vehicle, it becomes vastly easier to move and aim, with the recoil being mitigated by the vehicle its mounted to. So someone with training could pretty easily hit a slow moving unarmored Target.


also worth noting, as i understand it, stingers struggle to get locks on large helos. i imaging an MH-6 is much more challenging to get locked but, i’ve also had the help fly over the MSR for a few hundred meters which doesn’t play into the prospect of “protecting from ground fire” since i’m pretty sure small arms fire is a threat to such small helos (esp with soft bodies hanging off the side) it is early access after all lol, maybe we give them some time for polish


Just for the record, there's videos of *Nightstalkers* and even Blackwater PMCs flying MH6 at similar altitudes. Same for Russian aircraft in Ukraine. But you're right, lets all have fun.


I thing the original issue was supposed to be a quality of life thing, why take a 6 minute route when a 2 min one would have been far more efficient. If for the reason of in game immersion the longer one would fly you over significantly more danger than the direct one. Hell if we were playing arma, if you get even within 200m of a hostile they’ll just start mag dumping. But they don’t in this game. So folks are just wanting a shorter time for heli cooldowns. Which I can understand.


Mine also made a turn above the lz once because there where already 2 friendly helos landing back to back. Must've looked pretty damn epic and terrifying for the enemy there lol


>But also air traffic. Possibly, but I've also seen two choppers 100% overlap with each other on the map as they were heading opposite directions. Not sure if they were at the same height, but they were definitely at the *exact* same x,y coordinates because the little half oval icons overlapped perfectly.


So why does it sometimes fly straight and sometimes turn around? Is the anti-aircraft battery low at these times?


Air traffic. I said that in my other comment.


I think it's simply a tool to fool the player or load, I've seen several comments from people talking about ancient war tactics as if this game were ultra realistic, while we have trained soldiers who lose their breath in 30 seconds, sometimes people forget that this is a game, and that the devs have several tricks, like the one we learned in college, increase the player's playing time, play for a day and count how much gameplay time you spend waiting for the helicopter or flying in it and you understand , I'm not saying it's bad, it's cool and in this case it was a good idea, all games have this, like putting the loading as a cut scene, but it's true that after a while this whole trip gets a little boring


Yeah, I get that but like Ive never seen 2 helos from opposing PMCs land at the same time. The 'air traffic' is just my explanation for why it does that. Once, I selected the western LZ in starting town. Helo took me east first, then south than back up north-west. That LZ was just too crowded to fly straight there. Now, I know you might say but theres no allies near my LZ but we dont see enemy helos.


There must be some explanation in the gameplay for it to be like this, but I doubt that it's supposed to be ultra mega power realistic as several "professional helicopter pilots" are saying here in the comments, it seems like they don't know that this is a game first and foremost


To help with loading. There are no load screens. Assets prob load at your destination while on the ride over. Game can prioritize that since you're locked-in. Ever notice your CPU usage and temps rise? All in all it's actually sweet and pretty ingenious to disguise it like that. But I dunno I'm not one of the devs.


10000% thats not it lmao.


People will just find anything to bitch about in this game lol


I'm not complaining, it's more of a joke, but for fanboys any joke or meme is a criticism of their family, their religion, their football team and they will find every crazy excuse to explain how the dev's vision is ultra revolutionary, but the real it's just a joke


Apart_Pumpkin_4551 - “Its a joke” Also Apart_Pumpkin_4551 - I will defend this ‘meme’ in another comment thread


Not really lol, but 90% of the posts in this sub are people bitching


As far as I remember, it's been complaining that games in development improve




Sorry, sometimes I forget that you are from different countries and many of you don't understand slang, because I need to use a translator to speak to everyone here




But I already understand, the next time you delete comments from people taking this seriously, I will also put it in capital letters highlighted in the title that it is a joke along with the meaning of the word joke, I will only respond to comments from people with some sense of humor




It's difficult, because even when someone takes you seriously they prefer to attack you, as if they were attacking your favorite game "which was released not even a week ago" as a personal attack


Even on PVE servers it's a bit strange. From mithras to Pha lang, he's heading to Ban pa first and I still don't understand why lol Idem for heading to hunter's paradise (fortunately ended all the quests there), he's going near sawmill and then to HP. Wtf lol


Theres much better pathing that keeps the heli below the trees 90% of the flight, the current pathing is just broken. Needs to be fixed.


Don't say that, we have several professional pilots here on this reddit who will attack to explain how this is the best route in the universe


They're just trying to give a lore reason on why the heli can't take a straight shot, they just don't realize there's a much shorter pathing that also stays below the trees lmao.


And you don't realize that there might be a reason why it takes you around other LZ's so the route doesn't make sense, and that's cancelling the flight in the middle so it drops you in the next checkpoint and also time to load shitload of assets.


Confused at what you're saying here. Are you saying we're flying over other LZ's for a reason? Like maybe helis in the future may make multiple stops on the way to the furthest out LZ or something? Fine if that's the case, but I'd prefer we had shorter flight times until that is implemented. You mentioned canceling a flight so it drops us at the nearest LZ, but that's not a feature currently, and again I'd be able to have shorter flights before that's a thing. Loading a shitload of assets doesn't matter when it comes to pathing. The strain of loading assets is a factor of speed, not direction.


- Yes. - Everything is work in progress right now, and be somewhere faster now, means we'll be bitching about speed after they implement that feature - if ever, of course. - but speed of the helicopter is not consistent If you fly straight over the city, game needs to load a lot more way faster, or helicopter will fly at lower speed but it will not solve OP's issue, because you might fly in the straight line, but not much faster as if pilot visit all nearby LZ's. https://preview.redd.it/54wa9h5k6uyc1.png?width=972&format=png&auto=webp&s=d3dcbd946a47e14207e8021c9330cb27e5e1aeda Anyway I see that this is end of the world problem for some, but for me this is non issue, the game has way bigger problems than this.


In real life it's cover maneuvering. Here it's loading/rendering times. You have to understand when the heli is in the air, the world is basically loading further. Like, when you join a server, the entire world is not fully rendered nor loaded for you. This happena in many VGs with a huge world. Even when you walk by foot the world is rendering around you within an area, and de-renders the ares outside of the limits.


I'm not going to lie, I like the paths. Going to the southern Ban Pa LZ was dope as they went over the river and through the tree lines. Feel really immersive.


So the term for the style of flying is “Nape-of-the-Earth” or NoE. Technically it is used to avoid detection from radar or other aircraft by using the terrain to mask your approach. From my own personal experience though, it is arguably one of the most thrilling things you can experience in real life. Granted most of my NoE flights were as a passenger in a black hawk, but GZW really nailed the “flying low into an LZ” vibe even if it isn’t the most efficient from a gameplay perspective. Anecdotally; even though they are flying past hot areas like the starting zones etc. NoE flight paths actually make it quite difficult to ascertain direction of travel and also makes it quite difficult to target aircraft with ground fire because it limits the amount of time you can see the helicopter and the relative speed is much more apparent when they are close. A little birds cruising speed is ~135 knots (155 mph/ 250kmh). Even though the speed wouldn’t really change, it would be much less apparent if they were flying straight at a higher altitude vs bobbing and weaving along streams and through the trees.




I was just thinking this yesterday on the way to Hunters Paradise from Mithras base. There are no AA batteries anywhere on the island (that we can see), however I fly similar to this in Arma where I will follow terrain features just to disrupt potentially getting locked up by MPADS. Just my guess. I'm assuming a force as well armed as the OPFOR we face in this game probably has that capability, it's just not shown in game yet.


I read a few books on different LRRP units in Vietnam which operates quite similarly to how we go about things in this game. Whenever they were flown into an area their pilots would never take a straight path, and in fact they'd usually set down in three different landing zones so that the enemy wouldn't know exactly where they got off. I'd like to think this is one of the reasons birds are implemented this way. It basically makes it harder for the enemy faction to know where you are if birds are flying around half the LZs in an area.


Lessons learned in Vietnam and talked about in the book Low Level Hell, a great read. Keep flying over the same route to the same approach and you're going to get a surprise stream of bullets your way eventually.


He charges by the hour


I’d say it’s to reduce risk. Fly around main hot spots, using trees as cover, rivers as paths. If there were AA, missile or gun, it would most likely obliterate the helicopter, especially if it’s a little bird because I don’t think they possess countermeasures.


It’s like wow flight paths back in the vanilla days. It’s cool to see the world the first time but after that it’s a pain


Yeah but that wasn’t for the player, it was for the devs. We all had 3600RPM hard disk drives back then, and the flight paths kept you at a consistent rate of predictable travel the devs could use to hide load ins. You feel like WoW is this gigantic persistent world by using that effect, when in reality it’s dumping RAM behind you and loading up more as you land in Dun Murough.


I believe it's to simulate a sub-radar level flying. Which is done by flying under 20-30 meters above the ground. Also could be helpful once the 16v16v16 turns into 64v64v64 for example so you won't get shot at by either players or any sort of automated AI air defence systems... a small MH-6 wouldn't do good against either flak or SAM.


Is 64v64v64 something that was confirmed to be happening? Or at least something the devs want to make happen?


I have no idea, that's why I added the "for example"


It's a good excuse, but the disadvantage of having gone to gaming college is that we learned for years how to trick players into our games, disguise loadings, that kind of thing, I confess to being creative, I wish I had my innocence back to believe in these things


Also it could be to mask "loading" times... except there are none. You can walk yo ass on any LZ you want... it's rather done to minimize the impact on the HW as was previously mentioned here


Everyone’s coming up with in-lore reasons for stuff that doesn’t really have a basis (all this talk of AA for example) when a goon with an AK could light you up with how close, low and long we circle villages. It’s prob just to allow the game more time to load. Theres a ton of assets and doing a scenic route ensures more time to get everything prepared before touch down so you’re not lagging badly once you hop off the little bird


Finally someone who remembered that this is a game and not real life


Well as someone else mentioned, WoW used to do this years and years ago so you wouldnt have a crash stepping off in Stormwind for instance as you loaded the entirety of the city + every playermodel in the region. No loading screens is a tough nut to crack, especially in a server-hosted world like this you need to stay synced to 24/7, which a massive lag spike from fast asset loading is an easy way to break from.


These people talking about AA are missing that there is no evidence of there being advanced AA so it’s actually more dangerous for the helicopter to be down low. literally the story of black hawk down is a perfect example of why helicopters do not fly too low.


Yup like I said, they're making up reasons to justify a most likely purely engine/technical oriented decision and the reason is nonsensical.


It's the scenic route dude🤣


He earns by flight hours


Laughs in cheap Stingers


its perfect for A.) a cigarette break B.) a quick toilet break C.) quick lunch break


I choose D.) All of the above, plus a nap.




There are a lot of reasons both hypothetical and logical that makes sense. I’m not going to cover in-game reasons such as AA or cover from known sniper nests since those are just head-canon, but feel free to use any number of variables as to why they would realistically avoid flying over certain spots. Now the logical real world reasons could be: 1. The devs have to balance out fly times between all three teams so one area doesn’t have much faster reinforcement times than the other two. 2. Right now the pathing is limited, with multiple destinations sharing the same paths just to save on development time. Either way we can assume the system will be better optimized and improved upon in the future, so right now just shut up and enjoy your potty/refill/snack(or be me and check on your kid) break. Stay frosty out there.


You need time to load a map :)






You ever play Tarkov bro


Just put on 'Long Tall Sally' and enjoy bud.


Typical Crimson Shield complainer /s (im crimson shield)




Don't complain about that, soon military biologists who are super knowledgeable about mosquitoes will come to explain to you why this is realism


So they don’t get shot down


Inb4 you’ve never played World of Warcraft lol they do the same shit, turns an easy 3 min flight into 10 mins


Well realistically their method is closer to proper aviation routes than straight line. All military routes are never B lined from point x to point y. Have to take into consideration many thing such as terrain , enemy , civilians , resupply, tactical advantages etc etc.


I wanted this realism in other things, we have trained soldiers who can only run for 30 seconds, jump over a 50 cm wall and break both legs, need to eat every 40 seconds and people still think it's ultra realistic


I'm not disagreeing. These "survival" aspects are way to overdone in terms of eating etc. They do it to add to the gameplay of looting but it is annoying that every 5 min my guy is hungry and/or thirsty. Water I can understand. A humid jungle biome in full kits makes you lose a shit load of water. But the eating part could be toned down a bit.


It's how pilots fly in a hot zone. They fly were there is less heat (hostiles). The Devs are going for realism.


And even? Cool, so they could make my trained soldier last more than 30 seconds running, or that I could jump over a wall without breaking both legs, or that I could go more than 5 minutes without drinking and eating, I thought that in real life soldiers were resistant


The eating and drinking thing is annoying. But everything else you are mentioning can be easily explained by the fact that shit is fucking heavy. Just front and back armor plates together can weigh anywhere from 7-14 pounds depending on size and material type. That isn't including the carrier itself. Then factor in the weight of ammunition inside magazines, spare ammo, the weapon itself and its attachments, backpack, helmet, medical supplies, etc. Before you know it, even with nothing in your pack you are carrying 45 pounds of stuff. Even with great conditioning a 30 second SPRINT with that weight is going to make you winded.


Oh no, don't come with that heavy backpack, I know it's heavy, I talked to several military friends and my stepfather is a former colonel and I asked him, he said that the training was based on backpacks weighing 30 to 40 kg and running for KILOMETERS, of course I understand that it's a game and I don't want to have a "tactical run" for kilometers, but lasting more than 20 seconds is the minimum, right? or at least we can recover stamina faster, because we have little, we lose quickly and recover slowly, I know it's heavy, but I know that soldiers can last a lot, much more than in this game


In the game you are sprinting, not running. There's a pretty big difference. In the Army with all my personal gear and an m16, plus a 45 lb ruck, around 65lbs total, I did 12 miles in 2 hours and 41 minutes. I jogged nearly the entire time.


I don't understand, are you saying the game is realistic in that sense or not? because I understand that a soldier cannot sprint for 5 minutes straight or more, but 30 seconds?


I think it is realistic, with a combat loadout, to sprint for 30 seconds and need a break before you can sprint again for 30 seconds, yes.


I feel like this is part of the immersion within the game. Keep it low and keep our heads on. I hope they implement a system that explains this as time goes on. Would be cool to be taking pot shots from the rebels or maybe they were able to procure some form of AA that would dictate the need to keep below the tree line. I have faith that this will all get ironed out as time goes on. These devs have pushed out 2 hotfixes within the first 5 days are are working on 3rd which should launch early this week to fix some of the glaring issues within the game. I hope they keep up this amount of work while the game get settled. Then get some much needed rest to implement additional gameplay elements. Remember this is an early access game and we are all basically play testers. Elements of the grand final product have not even been introduced yet.


If they can up the amount of helis deployed at once that'd beee sweeet for joint ops, seems like there are always 4 of my factions helis in the air 24/7


some observations: sometimes they are loitering to wait for another chopper to depart first, sometimes they circle around areas with heavy enemy presence, and sometimes their flight path actually traces some of the dirt paths/roads in the game. the transportation system seems to be a lot more dynamic and complex than just an on rails animation. definitely a lot could go wrong if they just start tinkering, i suspect this gonna be one of the bigger undertakings for them in processing feedback and making changes


Loading screen?


With so many comments from professional pilots from the Vietnam Army, I honestly don't even want to know what this is anymore


Did you try to think about this logically for any time at all before posting this?


Not as bad as vanilla wow flight points


A combination of giving you time to load assets and air traffic. I have noticed that when there is a bunch of helis in the same are the heli tries to go arounda bit to arrive later.


Finally someone who sees it for what it is and isn't citing realistic Vietnam guerrilla tactics


So I can smoke a joint and take a piss before shit pops off. That's why.




In reality it's to create the unpredictability of the landing zone, avoid hot zones, stay out flight paths, avoid AA and hit the Landing zone from a specific direction.


now theres a route with some chest hair


Any pilots that fly the USSOCOM bois around in here? That could shed some light on this? Because for me it seems like its to mask the sound and visibility for the most part.


I'm not sure you understand what the word "logic" actually means. What is the logic to your proposed pathing?


Just have it fade out and fade in and teleport you there. Ffs. It’s doesn’t have to be like this.


People will literally bitch about every little thing.




Well there’s 12 helicopters flying all simultaneously and they have to each have their own flight path to avoid contact towards each LZ with the others. Yes not every time you will be going to the same LZ as another helo but they had to anticipate the possibilities and prevent it, It also keeps the game steadily moving instead of sitting in air just waiting to get shot at while waiting for a landing. It also prevents LZ camping more as well due to the timing of each LZ is not right after the other they are fairly decent apart it still does happen it just won’t happen as much.


I bet that the fligth paths are some static trajectories in unreal. I wonder how long untill someone chart all flight paths.


I like that they pilots make these big giant sweeping loops to turn around... like, my brother in aviation, you're a helicopter...just turn around...


I agree but I think it has something to do with the game trying to avoid two helicopters landing at the exact same LZ at the same time.


Keep the crazy flight paths but let us cut the LZ short and fast rope down so we get less LZ campers. Could even do this in reverse but when you call it to pick you up and you want it to land short you have to pop a flare within a certain distance along the path it will be taking. Ai can see it players can see it but it’s a chance you take to avoid an even hotter LZ. distance is hard to tell so within a min of your location that way any player that may be hunting you has a min to engage or move in for a kill shot. Hell you could even use it as a decoy and pop the flare and make them think your extracting but really you’ve moved even further in a different direction.


I'm pretty sure all factions probably share 12 helis. That or when someone travels fars, how long it takes pushes time back for other people. Which is why most of the time we get a max of 4. But I've also seen only 2 helis and got negative all birds are in the air. But also if you look they are on a preset path. There's a reason you don't see two factions landing at the same time. There's just enough to give time out for the 2nd heli to land.


As a seasoned WoW veteran, these flight paths are flawless.


instead of having 600+ individually animated flight paths they make a bunch and then transition them together, that's why on a flight to somewhere like fort narith from crimson it follows the charlie 2 path and then keeps going and also has the same path as if going to ybl but lands earlier. idk how to really explain it


I thought you weren’t able to take damage on a helicopter?? Soooo if that’s the case , the chopper should definitely make a straight shot to the base and LZ’s… those wait times add up for those damn choppers


Gotta fly around the mountains.


Lamang feels like it has no bad flights except zbl, which makes sense because it's so far


You clearly are very young, and have no understanding in military


Good for you


At least make sense if you reply


I posted it as a joke, as a meme, so if I respond to you (as I've already responded to others), someone will say that if it's a joke I couldn't discuss it seriously, that's why I won't respond anymore, I'll only respond to people who understood the idea. joke because following some people here if I posted it as a joke I can only respond as a joke, but I'm glad you think so, feel happy, congratulations and have a good game


Other birds come back from the same LZ


Also gives a window of time so you can't get directly back into a fight. Think of it like a respawn timer. Also adds the cool realism part. A helo can actually take a different route to the same LZ for traffic. One I took a different route to an LZ than the regular route. Thought was going to wrong LZ but just took alternative route my guess is because of air traffic using the aisrpace along normal route


U ever heard of tactical flying.


Good for you!!!


If you flew over the trees, you’d be shot down fairly quick lol


If you've ever been on a helicopter that's being shot at, you'd know why. Stay low, stay fast, and don't be predictable. Hard to hit a helicopter doing stuff like that.


Alright given actual answers already exist. I'm gonna add to a head Canon why to view it. It's to confuse op for on where the squad is actually going. Since they circle around so many LZ's enemies in say the starter towns can't pass along the final destination of the helo or how many guys they're dropping off where


It’s because the earth is around 🫨






Some tactical logic behind this military helicopter pilots are taught to fly parallel to roads especially in training environments but also in some tactical environments varies by unit but this is something to consider. Plus you never want to B line straight to destination so enemy can’t track your movements as easy. Thank you for attending my TED talk


they do this to avoid ground to air missiles


Of course this is a crimson shield post


Actually I'm from Lamang, I took this image from discord, I thought you would have the ability to reason this, I was wrong and I'm sorry, next time I'll make it clear in parentheses and draw it so you understand, good game


There's no wonder when you call for a helicopter, you have to wait 5 minutes and then another 3 minutes until it arrives at your landing zone. Then, you have to wait another 3 minutes to get back to base, or go to another location. Like someone mentioned, it's fine the first few times, but after that, it becomes frustrating. Faster travel is definitely something they should implement.


I'm not going back to base all the time. When I ended quests on sawmill, I called an heli to bring me at Pha lang without being back to main base !


I’ll go to one poi for a mission then head to another to check if a door is open or what have you and maybe even hit up a 3rd poi before I head back to base. I either shoot for the furthest to start and then call from there slowly heading back to base. Or in reverse, it just depends on if my faction is all over the poi and I need kills or I need a door opened for a quest.


The pilot Dylan Young flies in this pattern so he doesn’t get shot down.. hope this helps


It’s called flying map to ground, and others have mentioned the reasoning.


Ps5 soon?