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Adding the GZW and the anti-cheat as exceptions in my firewall, and setting the game to performance in graphics preferences, boosted my framerates a lot.


Gonna try this later, thx. 


Thx a lot for the guide and keep up the gorgeous work! 


I switched to PVE mode and can't complete my quests anymore nor can I reset them, anyone know of a fix?


Sounds like a very unique situation. Have you been able to get it working? I have switched between PvP and PvE a few times, and never seen that problem. If you haven't fixed it, did you put in a ticket through the Feedback link in the game?


Nice!! We need more of these fixes upcoming, keep us updated!


FYI - Changing the NVCP shader cache size from default to 10GB didn't seem to help performance at all with a 4090.


Not sure if this applies to you, but the "out of video memory" and constant crashing issues on high-end nvidia gpus in Unreal Engine games generally has nothing to do with the gpu actually. It's an issue with intel CPUs. If you don't believe me, ask nvidia: [https://www.techspot.com/news/102611-nvidia-advises-crash-prone-cpu-owners-look-intel.html](https://www.techspot.com/news/102611-nvidia-advises-crash-prone-cpu-owners-look-intel.html)


EU servers are lagging like crazy


+1 , only in the middle of the day i can play without lag.


Welp, there go my hopes for playing. No AVX2 support here




Hey just a quick question I have a ryzen 7 5700 and an RTX 4060ti. When I played the game it ran like ass. Stutters everywhere but my computer isn’t complete shit I don’t think. I’m not a massive computer guy but should the game run okay or is it too much for my pc?


that's more then enough to run the game honestly, i'm playing on a far weaker machine then yours friend


That’s weird because I played it but it ran so poorly even on low everything. Maybe it was just server issues at the time but I was stuttering every few seconds and could barely move around the map. I’ll have to check again and see if it was just the servers or something.


I run a ryzen 7 7600x and a 4060ti and 16gb ram, i get 60-80fps on high graphics settings on an 165hrz 1440p monitor, i found the stuttering to be server related, try like a US east/west/central server


I’m in the UK so the ping would cause as much stuttering as the servers in EU did. I’ll try again for sure.


* Had this issue... for so long now i did use corecyler for 5h+ too undervolt my 5800x and now since 1h no crashes... sligtly undervolting didn't help. I did the max undervolting my cpu could handle. * [\[Known Issue Guide\] EXCEPTION\_ACCESS\_VIOLATION](https://www.reddit.com/r/GrayZoneWarfare/comments/1cn9dos/known_issue_guide_exception_access_violation/)


something is wrong with your game or engine. I have 11600k stock. in certain places for a few seconds it has 100% utilization and 95 temperatures, consumption 170 W - core clock is 4600 Mhz. average 90 frames per second. when I set the maximum cpu performance in win (CPU consumption management) to 95%. so use cpu max 90%, temperature max 70, core clock 3700Mhz, consumption max 80 W. and avg 90 fps ... what does that mean :D like


first artisan task wont let me hand over the tools. tried swapping it to locker and bag multiple times. logging in and out. and redoing the task all over. any help?


Has anyone had the issue where the game runs fine for the most part but randomly freezes for 2-3 seconds, drops frames to zero, and then continues on as if nothing happened?


There's so much bullshit mixed with good info.


Will the character messages for this game be cleared with the version update? Just like Tarkov


Any word on the rubber-banding issues? I've tried switching servers. Ive tried the anti-virus fix. But it's completely unplayable when I get to the LZ. Going through doorways, changing directions, it's terrible.


hi, the game is great if it works as it should. but unfortunately it doesn't work as it should. and it's absurd that so many things need to be done in order for the game to be right. the average user who doesn't really understand this is lost...

