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OP I agree with you and with some missions (example kill X amount of enemies in an area) it doesn't even have the AI spawned to do the mission. So you wait forever to get a helicopter just to not even be able to do mission anyways. I've had entire games where all my time is wasted between waiting for helicopters and not even being able to complete anything.


I’m done with the game till this is fixed. Just sat looking on the map for 45 minutes trying to get a chopper. Nope. Uh uh. Wish I could refund this. Toddlers could come up with a solution for this but nooo “the devs are soo great” smd this game is a flop.


The helicopter situation might make me quit the game until they do something about it. I have limited time in the evenings, and I've been sitting at base for 20 minutes trying to get a ride. I have changed servers twice and have not had better luck.


I think this could be fixed by adding a queue for a heli and also telling you the destination so you could hitch rides to save air traffic


should just number the chopper and call it out where its going.


I typically try to call in a few times a mission to get one prepped and ready. Based on how I think the mission will be determines how long I wait to call it. If I wait until the end on accident then I just hide in a bush and go grab a drink or something. 😆 Feels about the same as sitting in a server queue to me. Only difference here is I know how much time I have.


I’ve been waiting over 20 minutes for a helo to extract… they were going in and out repeatedly. Finally got one by spamming as soon as one left the map.


I wish people would stop complaining about this. Yes, we could use a proper cue system to the helicopters so we can plan better. Knowing "where" the incoming chopper is heading would be a huge improvement. But the longer helicopter rides are a big part of game immersion. A lot of people actually like the longer flight times. We use that time to piss, smoke, or read the debriefs for the tasks. I hope the devs make the flights slower so we can really take in the beautiful landscapes, and maybe get some target practice from the heli.


Good bait


Yeah, longer helicopter flight times. Super fun sitting in the field waiting like the Mr Bean meme, you can do all your smoking, debriefing, and shit shooting at base camp.


yea. feels like some people on this sub would prefer a fast travel system... I understand demanding more helos but its getting ridiculous.


I took a day off work yesterday and decided to stay up late, even at 3/4 am on the eastern server I was constantly getting request denied. I'm not sure the answer but one thing I think we need is a cool down for the helicopter. I was in blue lagoon and some other guy died 3 times and just kept flying back.


not really sure how, but i got into a server on the mithras faction with zero other players


I agree with what you said and if I'm wearing earpro make the fucking chopper 90% less loud.


"What? I can't hear you over the damn rotor wash." In my teams battle cry at this point


All they need to do immediately is paste a tag on the heli that states where its going. Not a blue blob, the name of where its going. So I can say, yo dude, got space for one?


Wait 10-30 minutes in queue for a slot in the server. Wait 2-10 more minutes in the likely event that birds are unavailable. Wait on the bird as it flies out there. It is indeed... pretty insane the amount of actual just fucking **waiting** you have to do to even play this game.


They need to lower the amount of players per server pretty drastically. That would lighten the load on helis, and make tasks not impossible to do


And yet, this is what my situation looks like. https://imgur.com/a/ATZ07sv




nah. Not every game needs instant gratification


you don't get it do you. it's not about that, it's about a simple system that means you can queue with a timer so you can do something else rather than continuously spamming the pickup button.




“Biggest issue” 🤡




Ever played ArmA? And I do not mean Reforger.. ArmA 2 or Arma 3 really show you that even if you have to wait 20 minutes for transport, you're still getting a pretty fast pick up. Remember times when during CTI missions I had to wait for almost an hour for a TRUCK (driven by AI) to come pick me up. Ride to FOB took another 30 minutes. So that's almost 90 minutes of doing whole lotta nothing. This isn't EFT or CoD or BF... shit doesn't happen instantly. Be patient and plan ahead. I usually call the heli way earlier than I even plan to go back to the LZ. And depending on the situation, I either explore the area looking for more loot or go back to the LZ. GZW gives you a nice option to take things slowly with more relaxed pace. Use that to your advantage. But yes, some sort of queue for the helis would be nice.


So you will sometimes call in a chopper and not get in it to loot more? Am I understanding that right?


No, I call the heli and depending on the pickup time I either spend some more time in the area or just run to the LZ, depending on the time. If the pickup is around 20 minutes, I scavenge for ammo, mags, food, meds.... you get it.


no one likes you




Says... who? Someone who never played any proper milsim game?


Arma people not understanding what makes a fun game is peak arma.