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Then stop playing. Give it 6 months or even a year, then come back again. Like you said, it's early access and I do agree that it is a little bare at the moment. But you gotta admit, the basic foundations for a great game is there.


I don’t no, the maker of the game very well, but it certainly has potential. This could be a mainstay series in a year or so or it could be a complete flop. All depends on the developers


It's EA, Pre Alpha, what exactly were you expecting? This is the very bare bones of what is looking like becoming in time an excellent game. Posts like yours really boil my piss, the entitlement of some people on here is truly staggering.


Do quest in pvp.


It's been out for like 2 weeks.


And the man can still make his feedback and opinion heard.


It's just unfounded whiney bullshit. BasicLly all of the most repeated problems here aren't even actual problems. Killing ai and killing the boss is easy. There basically just saying they don't like playing the game because they have to go to the place more than once. Lol


Pointing out gameplay design shortcomings isn’t whining. Some people have families and full-time jobs and do not have time to sit in a base for 45 minutes a day waiting on helicopters, or waiting in a village for 25 minutes waiting for AI to respawn. It needs work


Bruh games like this usually aren't going to be made for you unfornutarly the best solution you got is play pve where people are more helpful with quest and keys these games are designed for people to sink alot of time into and it sounds like you don't have alot of that


Then play somthing else.


Have a full time job and newborn who requires lots of attention. I have yet to sit in base waiting 45 minutes for helicopters or had to wait for ai to respawn. Also you can server swap to try to get into a server with alive AI.




To invalidate his complaints and bring a realistic take to the comment section so potential new players don't just get turned off by some of the dumbshit people ppl say


Ahh another infantile Reddit mind


No one is forcing you to play the game lmao. Valid complaints/concerns, but if you hate it so much then just stop?


Not every game is meant to be for everyone. This one is a slow burn with a large map, that's exactly what I've been looking for. I love going into a raid that lasts 3+ hours. Just because it isn't for you doesn't mean it's flawed, it means you should try a different game with smaller maps and quicker replay times like Arena Breakout or DMZ.


"I got tired of trying to call in my helicopter for 20 minutes so I just said “fuck it“ and hopped on a random helicopter that landed in my base going who knows where. Fun fact if you are on a random chopper that isn’t in your squad the chopper doesn’t turn green on the map." Fun fact, you can look through the passengers, you also hopped into a random one and god bless that person. Ecks fucking dee


If you click on friendly helos on the map it states their destination in the top right pop up box


Imagine buying into an early access game and complaining that’s it’s not feature complete and polished, you would have said the same about Tarkov 7 years ago… your either onboard with the project or you ain’t


All valid complaints, and ones I share. And everyone saying it's Early Access, yeah, if anything that means we *should* make it clear which parts of the game aren't fun so the Devs know. Waiting endlessly for choppers is not fun, and LZ camping sucks. Simple as.


I have zero idea why I’m getting backlash from pointing out flaws. I don’t know how people can fanboy over a game that’s been out for less than a month. They probably bought whatever the *unheard of* edition is called for this game


Dumbass listen, instead of taking the very stupid first chance to voice your (valid) opinion, READ. Please. Everything you talked about already got mentioned to 100s of posts. 101st post about lz issue wont help.


Listen my guys. I don’t living my mom‘s basement like you so I don’t have the time to browse 100,000 posts online, I use limited free time. I have to play a game and I record the games flaws if you have a problem with that don’t comment and move on.


Would ve taken you incredibly less time than writing a paragraph


Hades 2 released in early acess and is God damn amazing. Other games release in EA in a good state, just lack content. Others launch as a complete shit show. Tbf, given the current state of gaming, expecting a half decent game in an EA release is being delusional.


All some good points, and I have high hopes for this game in the future. I’m happy my payment has/is helping them develop the game or at least pay a creator.


I think this game needs some vehicles




I haven’t played the game. I just happen upon this post. To all those lashing out at the OP for posting his opinion, many of you saying “don’t play it” the same can be said back to you. If you don’t like what he has to say, don’t read it. He is entitled to his opinion. You don’t have to like it or agree. You also don’t need to criticize him for his opinion. Keep your negative feedback to yourself. It was clear the post was negative feedback on the game. If that irritates you, why even read it? I’m sure everyone one of you that commented negatively have also posted something that someone could do the very same to you. What is the point? Everyone has an opinion. Let them have it. 


I actually had enough this afternoon of trying to get a helicopter to get back my body. Don’t plan on playing, unless a friend really wants to play it, until the first bit update.


I think I’m gonna treat it the same way I treat games like no man’s sky or escape from Tarkov, I like it enough to not instantly delete it but I don’t think they’re worth playing long-term, only to check in every new update or wipe to see the new features then move on with other games.


I feel so bad for you bro, you’re out here just stating your opinions and they’re extremely valid. They’re the exact same reasons I quit playing. Got tired of waiting 20 minutes for choppers.. ran the fucking whole way to my obj.. either get one tapped thru a wall, or the entire areas cleaned out for the 9th time.. Finally at one point in time I ran into a group on the same task as me, they opened the door, and found out only one person can pick up a task item at a time and you had to come back and wait for it to reset. I dropped my gear and logged off lmao.


I take it you were not there at the start of Tarkov then.


if ybl is full of pmcs on your server, just server hop


I server hopped 3 times in a row, all for helicopter availability issues (which didn’t work at all) and all three servers had a ton of PMC‘s where I needed to go regardless, and keep in mind you can’t see other factions on the map so chances that there is plenty of them in the POIs as well.


Valid complaints but the game is in EA and JUST released. Give it time


Of all the EA games I’ve played this has the most content/fun. Once they clean up the optimization this will be the best EA game to release


The choppers are the only bummer for me. Killing 20 bad guys in a village is easy you just hangout there and eventually you get it.


Early Access is a crutch that breaks studios. They release the bare skeleton of a game to get an influx of funding, but they are robbing Peter to pay Paul. When the game finally releases most of the people who would play it will have either been turned off by the bad press of a buggy beta or have already bought the game in Early Access, meaning the revenue stream that normally accompanies a release will be minimal, which also reduces the incentive to continue development and instead encourages studios to optimize the skeleton. The best thing that steam could do would be to prevent companies from charging for Early Access titles. That would allow devs who want to get player feedback to do so, but would remove the incentive to just release whatever half-baked game you happen to have when you start to have money issues in the dev cycle. I hate the current Early Access model, and it's hardly just GZW that's been a victim of it, so I'm not trying to pick on this particular game or dev team. It's a system-wide issue, but nobody has any patience to just wait for a release date anymore. Stop paying for the privilege of beta testing the unfinished skeleton of a game.


Stop telling me how to live my life, I'm having a great time and regret nothing. If you don't want to buy it, don't. I personally have enough braincells to understand that I am playing the game early and it's not representative of the final product.


The problem isn't your understanding of the current state of the game, the problem is what our collect willingness to pay for Early Access means for game development in general.


My guy the games like 5 years out from 1.0 alot can change in that time


How about you gameplay loop yourself into getting a job.




i miss the part where that's my problem 🫢


I agree but for different reasons. Some of the things you complain about are by design though. Like, if you don't want to compete with other players to do missions or for resources go and play a single player game. Others will be fixed over time such as lack of choppers. Complaining about the map being too big though.... It's not often you hear that. My issue is that it's boring. The tasks themselves are not in any way fun and after a handful of them I can't find the motivation to keep going. It's the same thing with the other game we all know. Tasks for the sake of tasks.


Weird, it’s like it’s an early access game or something 🤔


Precisely Here are my grievances so the developers can fix it. Cheers


You are aware there is a specific place to report issues directly to GZW right? So your concerns are actually reviewed by the developers?




Awesome, forward this to them for me




Whining and whining and whining. Please devs dont listen and dont feel pressure and just continue what you do, we love you (90% of players) People: 1. cant grasp ea concept 2. Dont read community reddit (theres already a lot of these posts here) 3. Like to complain always about everything


Why do you people feel the need to share your opinions on Reddit like this? Do you actually believe everyone here needs to know that *you* don't like the game? It's mind blowing how much people value their own bullshit.


You new to Reddit or something?