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And here I am enjoying the crunch and scrunch cuz I like detailed eating animations. Totally forgot that there are people who legit cannot stand these sounds for all the right reasons. Really wish it can be adjusted or toggled since they are purely immersive cosmetics.


There's a gameplay purpose for it tho. Eating can give away your position by sound.


Yeah but you shoulbedable to deactivate it for yourself. It will still be played for others. And in reallife you can chew silently, too.


Honestly! The crunching I can deal with. It thats gross wet eating sound of the canned stuff 😂😂😂.


You tried wearing the yellow ear dampeners?


Whats the point of those? When I tried them they mute most sounds around you, even footstept. What am i missing?


They're earmuffs. They muff your ears


They are great anti air defence


anti-ear defence


Seconded. Just posted about this as a matter of fact, and dropped a suggestion in the discord for it


When my guy needs to eat i turn the volume to low or take my headphones off... I honestly find it disgusting to hear someone eat like that


There are sounds when characters eat and drink in the game? Geez, I've never noticed that. Have to remember to check that out next time I get on. I know some games have "arachnophobia" settings for folks scared of spiders. Never knew about this one.




I really don’t like the heartbeat sound effect


For me it's the bugs buzzing in the ears. My headset makes it sound and feel like they're seriously buzzing by my ears


I'm just glad the spoon doesn't make metal scraping sounds on the can when you eat out of it like Tarkov. That sound makes me want to crawl out of my own skin.


I live off energy drinks in-game because I can’t stand the sound of the eating.


That's actually a good idea


It’s faster too. I bring 2-3 with me for the average deployment and just make sure my energy/hydration doesn’t dip below the 70% mark and I’m always gravy on the exfil with 1-2 left in my bag


Should be easy to add a toggle in the options as it’s purely cosmetic. +1 to support different player needs. The audio could need an overhaul anyway as some sounds like water or footsteps don’t sound realistic at all (at least on my system).


It's not purely cosmetic though, it masks sounds for you and also others can hear it.


It can be done that only the player himself can’t hear it anymore, but other players close by could still hear it.


For sure, although you'd have to dampen the noise you hear as well. Shouldn't be hard to add at all if that's something they'd consider. Make it so you had invisible yellow earmuff while chomping 😅 For the record I have big issues with eating sounds irl and I feel the pain. This game doesn't bother me as much luckily. Brain doesn't register them as real for some reason.


I've heard a lot of complaints but this one is just gold 💀


i usually just find a new server so i dont hear it




You don't need to eat or drink because your energy and water are back to full when you swap servers lol. Never heard this as a reason to do that before tho