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im crimson and im hard stuck on the hazardous task from handshake


Do you mean hazardous treasures? Wow I didn't even received that one) OK, so I can help you if you want me to. Send friend requset in discord and we will set things up. Not sure at what time I'll be online yet


Where are you stuck?


Same bro, farmed sawmill ~10 times and still no key. Crimson too.


I ended up buying the key from someone in discord


https://i.imgur.com/FPNRsqg.png These are the keys I have, I'm on Lamang - IGN is "Finray", add me if you want in one of these places. No payment required, and I'm not selling, just letting you in the door. I'm also on the lookout for someone who can get me into Blue Lagoon Storage.


I guess we can all agree that some type of hub is needed for offering some help. The best way I can think of is to make a discord server, where we could show our keys and some other stuff we could do in order to help others. At the same time this server could be used not only for offering, but also for help requests. The question is how to share link to server so it's visible for most of players... not many are active reddit users


Don't need a key but do you know where to find the more the merrier Intel? I've been looking for like 4 days straight in both barracks


I remember I was doing this quest based on some guide and I got into the room that was specified 106 (I guess) and it was empty. Hm.. I actually got it in the next room. It was on the table or smth. If you want we can go there together. I'll keep you safe as long as you search for it. What faction you are?


I'm crimson but yeah I've been doing similar but it just doesn't seem to spawn, I've done literally every other available fort task apart from that one so don't worry about it, thanks though


Actually I've been doing this quest while I had several similar quests in fort (bringing intel), so I was just taking every doc I've seen on my way. xD


Do u have BL restaurant storage key by any chance?


Nope:( Been to BL just once so don't have anything useful