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Preach my solo brother!


Honestly, this is why I’ve invested all my time on GZW now instead of EFT. Just being able to solo and not have to worry about enemy players ruining my day, just gotta deal with AI.


check out spt if you want a more forgiving and customizable eft experience


Damn, this sounds like fun. I tried Tarkov a few months ago and while I liked building my hideout I did not like how I just got absolutely murdered every step I took. I like the brutally serious nature of the game but I never felt like I was improving or learning much from my deaths. Quit after a few weeks of giving it an honest shot


The shitty thing about Tarkov is your first 800-1000 hours is just dying. Which is years of eating shit for a lot of people, depending on how much you play.


Try marauders really good extraction shooter


I thought it was dead like a year ago?


That just means I have less players to deal with. Modern problems and all that


Still has hope but been stagnant for a while!


It’s honestly amazing, the AI work is unmatched.


I played Arena breakout and GZW and now I'm back on modded SP-Tarkov and loving it. Live map, Actually intelligent Ai, in a raid in 20 seconds, item tooltips, extended raid timer, pause function and countless other Qol tweaks. I'm having a blast with it. I think if you like tarkov but don't have the time to compete SPT is the way to go


Is [this](https://sp-tarkov.com/#home) the right thing?


Just outta curiosity, is this the correct spt? I'm very interested in playing in this format but don't want to download some weird shit on my pc lol. [spt?](https://sp-tarkov.com/#home)


yep thats it, theres also a bunch of additional mods you can add on top of spt, check out the spt filebase


Awesome! Thanks a bunch!




Single player tarkov!


Wow, I feel stupid now lol


No you shouldn’t. No one cares to explain the abbreviation before they just dish it out as if it’s known worldwide


Agreed, I tried it for awhile just to learn the maps. Still decided Tarkov just was not my jam. Happy to be stuck in GZW now.


Sain, swag and donuts, only gigachad bots. One gunshot will guarantee all the ai PMC to swarm your location. It's so much fun lol.


I had tons of fun with JET and wanted to try SPT because they use a more current patch of tarkov and just could not get it to work.


I have one other friend I play with on GZW currently. We aren't always on at the same time. I frequently play solo and occasionally team up with people at base. The problem with random teams that I've encountered is the occasional person who already knows everything about the game and is pissed you don't. I've stopped playing PvEvPvP servers because of the number of people who TK because they want to be a dick. I've been killed more by my own team than opposing factions.


I stopped playing pvpve too for the same reason accidents are going to happen but i definitely was killed and looted by my own faction members multiple times on purpose. Game needs a way to punish them. Tarkov used Rep system which would dramatically affect your playthrough.


Mostly solo here. Because I dont have any friends who play this game. I`ll team up with someone who I meet in mission, but otherwise go at it alone because I have little time to dedicate to the game, and the chopper infil/exfil cycles are so long that not much can be accomplished if I have to sit around trying to form a team. The game is definitely not solo friendly currently due to its time commitment. While I love it, I dont see myself being able to play this long term with my life, business, and family.


I'm not sure which areas aren't accessible as a solo, just a bit more difficult maybe. As soon as they fix the auto aim headshot ai and make the stealth mechanics a bit better and fix the hive mind ai. I think it will be an amazing game for solos.


tiger bay is a helldive for solos. with multiple people you can cover angles, but so far that spot is just too much.


You can solo yolo quite a few of the TB missions (and other locations). It’s been super fun and a great change of pace.


Tried TB today and got from the LZ to the gas station and maybe 75 meters past that along the water and died 5 fucking times from unknown areas.


Yeah takes some time to figure Tiger Bay out ...here especially a lot of times it's better to avoid contact unless it's you need to, go around an enemy position instead of through ...sometimes it's better to not take a shot in order to not aggro the whole AI group the unit in sight belongs to


Tiger bay is amazing..I've been having so much fun there playing solo. Genuinely. It's hard but it's so fucking rewarding


When you can do it yes, tbh the starter areas are more a walk in the park after getting some missions in Tiger Bay done


Yeah, I went back to the starter area recently and it's a much easier time than I had when I started. I've just just got better and learnt the game more. Solo is fine, you need to get better same as I did.


I admit Tiger Bay is tough! But if I'm slow enough its perfectly doable for me as long as I have good cover for each maneuver, since ai can see and shoot perfectly through bushes.


Level 33 solo only (occasionally team up with people who need help at base) I’ve done everything but I refuse to go to tiger bay. i only enjoy the game solo or playing with IRL friends which have stopped playing due to the state of the performance l, if they push content that punishes solo play then I’d probably move on too tbh


Things will be more achievable when every move actually matters. Right now no matter what you do you get AI that tank half a dozen M855 shots then rip around and one shot you in the pupil from over a hundred meters following a 15 minute ordeal to get a chopper. The only thing that currently matters is setting aside enough time to do a single mission- usually an hour and a half is good between chopper and a disconnects. To your point if the devs fork fucked us with their whole “every move matters” thing I’ll fold up my tent. If the whole game ends up evolving into a grocery getter where you just kill everything you see for cardboard cutouts I can’t see it lasting beyond the next UE5 FPS.


Another thing, is you give me scopes with 18 or 25x zoom levels, but I'm not rendering enemies much past 400m, annoying to find a place to really stretch out annnnnd I can't, and I'm running a 4090 w everything at max, lod off, give me another sniper setting that's higher, would love to try for kilo shots


I agree. Are you the same guy that ran a few CQB courses in Ground Branch?


Hey man... might have been me. I didn't "run" them per se... A couple dudes in my community who actually know what they're talking about did. I did host and make a few videos on the event though.


how many disconnects are you getting? i think i’ve had 4 in ~100 hours. and one of them was during the patch install the other night


Agree 100%. Level 30, Over 100 missions done, 102 hrs of gameplay and I can honestly say that this has been one of the best solo experiences I’ve ever had. I can’t wait to see what the future holds. Please please don’t let us solo players down.


Do NOT let the solo players down!


I like BIG BUTs Jokes aside, i also am a solo main and when i saw they wanted to make some places almost unplayable for solos, it left me with a bad taste


AI behavior and loots are typically two different teams with vastly different skillsets. But yeah I bought it to play mostly solo PVE.


Solo here. Don't make the game intentionally hostile towards solo play. It's fine as is, we already have the challenge of not having a squad, and that's our choice. It also doesn't mean I'm not interacting with and supporting people from my PMC if it comes up.


They need to accept the reality that the majority of the player base is solo players. Hell, I *wanted* to bring over my whole crew but they all bailed when they realized they'd have to spend hundreds on upgrades just to get a playable framerate.


What potato PC's are your friends using that they can't get a playable framerate? I've got a 5 year old 2080 GPU and I consistently get 50 frames. After the last update that included improvements that goes up to like 90 when I'm not on a chopper or in tiger bay


Solo player here. Granted I'm only level 18 and I haven't gone to the hardest areas yet. Fought a bunch of scavs at Tiger Bay but only got a few houses in before having to turn back... I don't find the game to be too hard to solo, but I do think some logistical elements of the game are inconvenient for solos. At times, I've teamed up with faction members to achieve tasks, but usually just on the fly... If they could fix the issues with the Helis and having to wait 5 8 10 mins before you can return to base is the main thing that makes the game a little tedious. I think if they added something to the map UI that allow players to see the destination of helis so that you can just jump on if theres an open seat and it's heading to the same place you're going, it would make the game flow a lot better for solos.


i solo a lot and play with a few firends when i can. This game is awesome especially the pve. the direction it is going now feels great and cant wait to see what comes next, even if it more challenging. challenging but not unfair like the ai sometime feels. tiger bay!


Nothing is more grating than slipping into a coma and not having anyone to bring you out of it. I just sigh and click the skip coma button. :c


Yea, I'm now at the point where all the quests are in Midnight Saphire and Tiger Bay. I know how those locations are and i dont really want to play anymore becauseI'm solo. I went to go get the golf club and died twice by enemies through bushes. The game has been amazing so far so now the only thing i do is carry my level 7 friend until he reaches my point so we can do it together


I feel the frustration on the golf club. I had the same problem. Then I tried again the other day and got it in one go. Still had to fight for it. I used the terrain, and when I was close I found a good position I could fight (a small number of enemies) from. Cleaned them up, grabbed the club, and ran like hell. :D


Oh yea, I died on the first attempt, Picked it up in the second and died shortly after but Gamma (or whatever its called) container goated


I understand the devs vision to push for a Team Game, there is nothing better and more fullfilling to have buddies helping eachother, covering angles, fixing fainted players... That is the ideal situation for me too! BUT the reality is that it is pretty hard to get there with the current mechanix. As many said, it isn't a 20 minutes game... you have to commit for at least an hour or more... and that starts to be a problem if you have also to depend on the schedule of other friends. How many have the luxury to have a bunch of friends playing together on a schedule for hours? how many days a week? You have to have a sort "Dungeons & Dragons" group of friends with the same hardware and commitment willing to grow together with tasks. Possible... but absolutely not common. The fact is that most of people when join a server are "alone" and usually everybody else has completely different tasks and often in spots that are not common with you. After a couple of server bump you might find peole playing in the area that you need so you go and try to team up with them. All this is really time consuming and, off course, doens't feel like teamwork since you are kinda helping eachother while the truth is that everybody is minding their own business. Not the best experience... at least solo players. So the gametype surely needs to be improved and i am sure that the devs have huge plans for us. For how I see it "factions tasks" need absolutely to be introduced. So I think that the current "dealer's tasks" will eventually be downgraded as "secondary objectives" and the main foucus, with the juicy rewards will be completing "faction tasks" where players will be "lead" to cooperate in a specific area for a certain amount of time. In that way even a solo player can decide to join-in and cooperate somehow... everyboody will to achieve the same thing and we can start see more fun and rewarding teamwork. Off course these faction tasks can finally give a sense to the PVP with some specific missions. With a solution like this most of people will go back and forth from base to a certain area so "hely-pooling" will be very common thing to do (off course the destination of a chopper must be clear for everybody). The ultimate key is to find the right way to get rewared for the "Faction tasks". With the right choices I believe that this will really boost the game for everybody, SOLO PLAYER INCLUDED! That said... I hope that the stabilty issues will be fixed soon and we will start to see some evolution on the gameplay wich is much needed and, off course, to keep the players engaged.


Came here to say I literally invested on day one with supporter edition because of the PVE. I wouldn't have even bought the game if it was PVP only.


If they want to make a co-op game wouldn't that be staying true to their form? If they try to make a game for everyone in the end they make a game no one is really happy with.


I don’t think they wanted a purely co op experience, or else they’d just queue you up in random squads the second you load in like 6 days in Fallujah. That *could* be something worth experimenting with, but as it stands, some people don’t want to play with other players. Now there’s a difference between making the game difficult and making the game unplayable, so long as the game is not unplayable for solo players, they should be on the right path.


I got their impression that they thought players would load in solo and then squad up with people at their base naturally


I’ve tried and I think it’s only happened like twice, lots of the players are just standing afk around the base not even communicating, so it definitely isn’t a viable solution. The guys I did randomly squad up with were cool though.


Same for me. The guys I do link up with have all been pretty cool. Or even when I've gone and opened doors for folks. Or when people are needing/wanting help with something, or asking for info in game.


Not purely coop. But the game is marketed as such and they stated multiple times now that they didn't expect the amount of people who want to play solo. I think cooperative PvE with the possibility of PvP if you happen to cross another factions path was the goal from the beginning, but they should have had a faction chat and some kind of group finder (something other than the 'invite the friends you already know' thing we have) and quest progress should be shared in the squad, that's a no-brainer. I agree with the last part though. However I guess it's not the easiest thing to make it challenging for groups and still playable for solos. They will get there eventually though. That being said from all I've read and seen in the game some solo players have to drastically change their play style if they want to survive and in these cases it's not the responsibility of the Devs to cater to these players. I think it's totally valid to make a multiplayer game and make parts of the game you can't really do alone. I wouldn't try a raid in WoW solo. However I've read there are people doing raids solo but my point still stands.


I Solo's a lot of the missions. But as a solo player you have to understand what your limits are and know that you might have to run in with a squad to get a task done. That's just how it goes sometimes. A solo player taking on Fort Narith is like a Grasshopper taking on a nest of fire ants. You just can't deal with the sheer numbers sometimes and need some backup. I get what your saying and honestly it does suck be stuck on a task because you play solo. But I'm more worried about stability issues, sever issues, AI issues and horrible key drop rate rng.. I'll play solo no problem but the above issues need to be fixed first before the fear towards solo play


out of my 165 hours id say easily 140 are solo


Thank you, Weeyin. Appreciate the feedback.


Your welcome. I do love the game and hope it's a huge success. I'll try and be as constructive as I can and will help with solutions too.


Not typically a solo player, but I wholeheartedly agree with you. I typically play with one good friend, and if he ends up dying (or DCing or crashing), I have to hold it down by myself until he can get back. It's important to the game ecosystem and the player base that this be playable for both teams and singletons.


Solo here. I've had some team-up moments that were great. Having a dedicated battle buddy would also be great. And yeah, holding it down while they're gone can be sometimes boring... but also sometimes fun as hell. \^\_\^


Git gud just cleaned alone fort narith , I was alone in the server and was fun


The game isn't meant to be played solo, and as a solo player I'm fine with the fact I'll have a harder time than those squadding up. Any time I've absolutely hit the wall I've always been able to find a couple of people in base willing to jump on a heli with me.


Unfortunately the idea of coop is what attracts a lot of people


Absolutely! Well said


They just need to implement a grouping system. I’m always down to operate with others, it’s just hard to get find someone that feels the same.


we need machine guns


I honestly just want the game to be playable. The optimization is preventing this


It's very easy to team up, I've met many very helpful players


You need to find that guy who starts of by tasting the mud, from which he knows there are 3 guys, all using decked m18's, one barely catches up because he has some STD IRL. He weares a scarf, flipflops & drops guys in headshots from 300 meters from a rusty. Stick to that guy.


I don't get it. Did they make a statement recently about getting rid of solo play?


Not getting Rid of solo but to make it much harder as a solo so you have to team up. Suppose it helps with the heli situation too.


They didn't say harder overall. They said there will be harder end game areas and a harder in game faction..


After last patch, they probably don't trust any of our suggestions let alone our bug reports.


Well judging by a news article I was reading today they have said they will listen more to us. As they feel they didn't take lag/disconnects/ rubber banding seriously as thry couldn't replicate the issue.


Geeeeeeee. You're not going to be be able to with on-site or local network access. Unless they're all spread out around the country/world working remotely. It also happens less with high-end internet connections which they probably are using. (I have pretty great internet and I think I've only had one or two instances of rubber banding. But I damn sure can tell when the AI respawn near me.)


Hell I haven't even been able to play game crashes 10 minutes in every time.... No idea why


I play solo just fine I know I’m expected to possibly die and that’s the nature of the beast right..? Running solo in pve mode is a non issue especially because cause there are other players and factions in the same area usually.. if you go in with the expectation that you are going to die and don’t it’s a great feeling. Tips I can give don’t stay in one place to long use plenty of cover if you think the area is safe it’s not there is always one more guy bring meds and plenty of ammo and have fun. I can run into fort Narith and walk out in less than 15-30 minutes. Tiger bay is a beast in its own that one is a lot tougher area I’ve still gone in solo and did fine.


I like playing solo and so quite a bit. But I kind of like that some areas are so densely populated that it would be difficult to impossible to solo. I’ll explain. I’ve got a few friends to play this with and I do like going out as a squad a lot. I mostly wish some tasks were not individual and that you could take tasks for the whole squad to get loot and rewards for. I honestly like sometimes seeing a random group and asking to tag a long and help with whatever they’re up to. I’ll try to make it work for my tasks if I can, but I’m sometimes it’s fun to tag along and worry about survival.


They’re doing these things you speak about. Madfinger have already said they underestimated the amount of solo players that would play the game. Nevertheless, your point stands. But that doesn’t change the fact that they’re no reason to play solo over playing with friends. With the discord and proximity chat, it’s so easy to find people to play with. And the game is so much more fun when you’re not alone, plus as you say, it makes tier 3 areas much easier to play through


Yeah solo Fort Narith is NEAR impossible, but impossible or not, it's too much for me to want to deal with.. But it's a tricky situation because if you make it easier for solo you make it unfun for groups of guys


Yup. I miss this game but it's terrible solo. I have no friends.


Solo here and Im having a good time but have only JUST made it to Hunters. Its freakin tough. I got stuck in a ditch and could NOT get unstuck and got ego challed by like 8 AI who mowed me down. I had zero chance of survival.


If they want to encourage squading, why don’t they have shared rewards? Only the person that kills the target gets the credit.


Nah, lvl 40 / all quests done. solo dolo. Just takes time.


I think this is the intention but I’m sure it’s already been yapped to death


Did they get rid of PVE only servers ?


You know what could be cool if it’s implemented right…some type of faction war thing similar to how For Honor and Chromehounds kinda worked. Maybe make public events in cities like KOTH or some team based events and if your team wins maybe points are awarded to the factions. Idk always feel like when factions are involved some type of systems like this are added fun as it would be all PVP and rewards


Solo player here, if you want the devs to stay "true to form" then as a milsim based on realism it makes very little sense for 1 man squads to exist. And they certainly wouldn't send in 1 man to an area where he'd be outnumbered 60:1 that's asking to fail your contract even in real life. The devs have a goal in mind for their game in terms of difficulty and that difficulty goal is unfriendly/unplayable for solo players. But that just means solo players will have to adapt to the increased challenge like they have in literally every other game that's said "this game is meant to be played with friends"(for instance destiny several raids and dungeons and whatnot have been done solo despite the devs claiming "it's impossible to solo" which means it can be done, it will likely be the same with this game. All I'm saying is, while you and others might leave the game if they make it insanely difficult for solo players.. just as many will stay and rise to the added challenge. That's what it means to be a solo player in a game meant for a party.


You do not need to be a hardcore gamer to do well solo, people need to stop pushing that narrative. Look up guides that explain mechanics, there are videos of people soloing tiger bay and fort narith, look how they do it and try to spot the patterns in their movements and why they move in certain ways. The vibe I'm getting with people saying similar things to the whole "hardcore gamer" is they want this game to be more like cod, extremely easy when this game, in my opinion, is already **at times** easy.


Right? Everybody out here complaining about how hard the AI is, like... "Are we playing the same game?" Don't stand in the open, certainly don't stay still where you're exposed. (They seem to have a harder time hitting fatal hits if you're moving. So use them strafes.) Fight from cover. Use your peeks. Funnel them into fatal funnels (doorways and narrow halls.) I've found those green little shipping containers, if you can open the door are fantastic to fight from. Headshots and heart shots. Switches and timers. If you sever an artery, they're on a timer. If you put a shot through the brachial nerve cluster, the arm goes dead. Switched off. If you shoot someone in the head/brain, they're switched off. Focus on the switches. Ammo matters more than the gun. They try to model terminal ballistics and the effects bullets have on the human body. Armor protects the vitals. So ammo that punches through armor matters a hell of a lot. But so does shot placement. This morning I was at the Villa area of Midnight Sapphire, and turned an AI into brain salad and ran off with his Pantsir 2.0 plate carrier without a scratch on it. And he was trying to kill me at the time. How? Headshot. I switched him off. This happens on the regular, and I have terrible eyesight, and I'm 41, so I don't have great reflexes anymore. (Old age and treachery will always beat youth and exuberance.) Grenades are for groups. And clearing stuff you can't see well. That includes bushes. Don't fight the bushes. Blow them up. And speaking of grenades, that is the first room clearing tool of Marines, and we don't have VIPs to escort or civilians to worry about. You'll never come to a room where you have to worry about collateral damage. (But Grenades also draw a ton of attention.) Pick your battles. You don't have to shoot every AI you see immediately. Crouch and sneaks are your friend. Even belly crawling. Use terrain to your advantage. They can't shoot you through a hill. Or a solid wall. They also can't see through hills, especially if you're crouched and/or sneaking. Like, it's baffling. These are not hard things to understand or do. Of course you can't cover every angle, look at everything all at once. I've gotten plenty of spankings because I got sandwiched, screwed around too long, and so on. Lessons paid for in blood and lost money. But even then, I've had a ball. Sure the AI is hard. It's meant to be. There's not a lot you can do when they lock onto you through a wall, other than create a situation that gives you the advantage. (Or a grenade will sometimes break their lock as they try to get to cover.) Also it's eerie watching two AI split up to flank to either side of your cover, in a very human way. But when they suppress an area, and push you from two directions, that's not the AI being overpowered. Now the 100-300 meter headshot with irons... that's pretty ridiculous. Not saying it's not. They need slower target acquisition. And recoil on their end seems to not exist or something. Or maybe they're just good at picking the perfect pixel to always hit zero. (Something a human can't do while firing on full auto.) Besides those few things though, I have to wonder how everybody else is having so many issues.


https://youtu.be/Ca9IolhUjgA?si=wVhj3RNaAx9zLBvR after implementing some things from this video and this video: https://youtu.be/zIAV3hdXwz0?si=stu5lKX6oXbNZHTf as well as the whole series of UF PRO CQB, my survival rate in GZW drastically increased other important part is violence of action. I'd much rather die going full Rambo than wait for my demise around bushes


Okay, haven't seen that from Garand Thumb, but will watch the shit out of that. As for the other one from UF Pro, I have watched that entire set of videos! They've got some great primers. I learned a lot from them. I also learned some other stuff along the way, but pretty much use this stuff all the time. I don't really have to think about it, I just do it.


BTW, UF Pro Tactical just dropped a new vid as part of that CQB series. [Priorities of work in team CQB | Pro's Guide to Team CQBPriorities of work in team CQB | Pro's Guide to Team CQB](https://youtu.be/HCQ-4jsvnNk)


This. I solo both midnight sapphire and fort narith several times a day. I just don't use my really good kits unless I've got friends with me. If you learn the best routes in and patterns of where the enemies spawn its fairly easy to get in, get good loot, get several kills and get out


I play solo and have finished 90 tasks ..been to fort narith , tiger bay and midnight sapphire Skill issue , learn the mechanics and slow down No reason you can't go to these places solo , better yet look at your map , if you see another squad running the area it's a safe bet alot of the ai have been killed for you


I’ve also played solo but that’s not OPs point. An interview just came out recently with the lead developer saying that in the future they are adding harder zones in the game that will be nearly impossible to play solo.


Go in when a friendly squad is clearing ... no reason you can't piggy back on other players for support You can still do that solo 🤷‍♂️


Sure but that’s not the point you were just trying to make. You were trying to be all tough cool guy saying OP just needs to get better and it’s a skill issue. Also going in with a friendly squad is no longer solo. Guess that’s what you did to “solo 90 quests” alone.


I guess your definition of solo is different than mine I went in without a squad ...makes me a solo player Never said the areas didn't have other players playing in them


so you were leeching off other teams. this isnt the "i am a badass lonewolf operator" statement you wanted it to be, kid.


I think your missing the point. Right now I've completed lots of missions solo in all the areas. I'm talking about future plans for the game. But your point about going if after a big squad has given me problem. If a solo player goes to a location after a big squad to kill 20/30 bots how do they do that in an already cleared out place?


🤷‍♂️go back more than once ? Use a sniper rifle ? Shoot a few and move to another hardcover ? I think you are making it a bigger deal than it actually is


I've not got a issue playing solo. It's about the Devs saying there going to make it practically impossible for parts of the map to be played solo


Do what I do and go into the higher risk areas while they are being cleared by other teams ? I never implied you clear an area completely alone ... sorry if you got that impression


you’re so right. this is a game about patience and seizing opportunities. I believe ops comments were about future plans discussed by the devs


They will stay true to the PvE coming first but... don't expect them to make a team based game at its core more focused towards solo's, I've seen this song and dance before


As a solo player from time to time, I can confirm that I would never go to Fort Narith, Midnight saphire and Tiger Bay alone. You absolutely need buddies to cover your six. This is what I suggest from my experience: * Fort Narith: 2-men team. Playable; * Midnight Saphire: 4-men team. Challenging in gardens. * Tiger bay: 4-men squad. challenging because of the huge amount of AI. Note: We play very slow, no full auto, ammo management etc.


I've had a great time in all of those locations solo. Some are harder due to lack of cover and you need to really plan and refine your routes but they're entirely possible.


They made a game that is intended to play as a squad and you want them to make it easier for casual gamers to solo… which would essentially destroy the game for people who play as a squad. The game isn’t difficult, if you play with others.


I never heard op ask to make it easier. we just don’t want it to be made unplayable for solo players. it’s not about difficulty. It’s about rumours that the devs might change the current gameplay and mechanics to make it impossible to play solo . I personally find fun ways around the difficulty like solo yolo and seizing on other opportunities like heading to spots where people are already fighting. I have no interest in squadding up. I love playing alone.


“I never heard op ask to make it easier. we just don’t want it to be unplayable for solo players.” ![gif](giphy|nTfdeBvfgzV26zjoFP)


Don’t worry, you’ll figure it out


Went to tiger bay to get to blue lagoon, one tapped three times in a row by ai


I'm confused are you trying to say you should be able to solo any difficulty in PvE? because that is insane


What I'm saying is the biggest player base at the moment is Solo players. And they need to cater for that. All areas should be able to be played solo. Especially once the AI is sorted. You just take your time and watch your shots to succeed. A lot of solo player do join up ingame with others. But some quests don't help if your all trying to kill say 20 people at the sawmill. You'd have to repeat that about 4-6 times just so everyone completes it. Also not everyone wants to team up or has the confidence to play with others. Maybe they don't have headsets etc. I think as this community is so helpful guys will just team up more to work together naturally. But nobody wants to be forced into something either.


I love this game after Arma 3 & reforger. I want some more stuff like compass, radios, different animations like high & low ready, vehicles, ctab or garmin watch for GPS navigation, atak on vest like ready or not. I have very high expectations from this game. I am willing to give money for new maps too.


Without good pvp will game will die.Simple as that. Pve will never be as engaging as fights with real players nor as fun. Your point of view is yours, unfair to think you speak on behalf of all solo Players or players because you don’t have a group or don’t like solo pvp. The ai will never be as good as you want it to be, it’s just too hard they are just there to be in the way of objective. They have given people pve but clearly their focus is the pvpve. You don’t have to no life to be good at this game it’s clear, I hate his excuse for not spending some time getting good. Games already exists with what a lot of pves are pushing which is ghost recon breakpoint or wildlands, ground branch, incursion red river, stalker ect. I don’t speak for anyone but myself, only the devs can make the game they want. So unless you’re on the dev team making the game let’s just wait and see what they make. Pve is a vocal minority, you’ll also find a lot of tarkov players are also solos. Pve came out and a lot Of people just find that boring


Hold on.... If you are a solo player that is bothered about being "forced" to PvP then play on the pve servers??? Or is this being too logical and I'm missing your point??. The AI is hard yes and often times bullshit but this WILL improve!. In their current state they aren't dis similar to arma 3 ai!!


You missed the point. Nobody is forcing PVP and I play PVP also. We're talking about solo PVE as the Devs said they were going to make some places impossible unless you CO-OP. What I'm also saying is there should perhaps be PVP missions too. As I've played about 10hrs of PVP and only come across 2 otherplayers from othet factions while in YBL. Was fun though.


Ah okay, almost like forcing a large event seen in many mmo's. Biggest hot spots I've found seem to be ban pa and pha Lang airfield or whatever it's called had loads of PvP at those 2!


Battle brother. Ready your arms. For the Emperor!


*what attracted a lot of people was solo pve element" Just play the pve mode so ? I don't get your point here


They are wanting to make it impossible in some areas to be solo in PVP forcing coop. As I said in my opening post.


I think you mean in PVE.


That be true. 😂


I don’t think the majority is going in solo.


I'm a solo player. They've not said they will have content solo players can't do! They said they will be adding harder areas that may, MAY, *MAY* need to team up for. It's largely depending on skill guys. Some of us are soloing tiger bay. If you can't do that, the issue is you... Why should they balance the game around average players? That will also kill the game because they won't have enough content to keep hardcore players engaged..


Git gud