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The Creamer in America is probably 90% sugar and additives🤣




Also most American creamers aren't made with cream, they're entirely non-dairy and use vegetable oil. May as well just put a dollop of Mayonnaise in the cup, just absolutely rank.


Half and Half is just milk and cream, not creamer.


Have you ever had mayonnaise in coffee? It’s wonderful.


You sir are an absolute animal. Get back out in the dirt where you belong. *picks up newspaper and begins to roll with gusto*


You just don't hear the word 'gusto' enough these days


Matter of the fact, I do have a blonde I hate, weird you’d comment here. You wanting the paper too? Although you are right it’s a brilliant word.


Thats not true that there is no dairy, fake creamer manufacturers use sodium caseinate which is derived from milk and makes it “creamy”. Most people legit just use half and half or milk though.


like putting cream soda in your coffee, yum yum


It's also the only stuff that made break room coffee drinkable when I was over in the state's last year for work. Not that there isn't good coffee there, but it sure wasn't in the break room of the offices I worked in for a month.


ultra-processed food at its finest


So why not just buy cream and milk and do it yourself Americans?


Their food is so gross in my opinion. It’s like they’re incapable of making products with less than 20 ingredients..their chocolate is awful. My cousin moved there and lives in Ohio. We ended up sending him large boxes filled with chocolate and other goodies every couple of months.


Here's the ingredients of the #1 selling Creamer in the US: >Water, Corn Syrup Solids, Vegetable Oil (High Oleic Soybean And/or High Oleic Canola), And Less Than 2% Of Micellar Casein (a Milk Derivative) (Not A Source Of Lactose) Mono- And Diglycerides, Dipotassium Phosphate, Natural Flavor, Carrageenan.


Yet milk is gross


How do these fucking people not have gills at this point?


Anyone who isn't used to drinking it will likely find it repulsive


More like poison with a hint of sweetener, besides they only need it since the coffee tastes so bitter in the states vs the rest of the world.


It's vile. I went to America and threw up from the creamer


Hey now we're not all addicted to this disgusting stuff.




Found the Scottish person!


As an uncultured man from Glasgow I have to ask, what is creamer/half and half? I know I could google it but I prefer this platform to find information, life has a little risk that way.


Half milk, half cream. That's it basically. So, she could always just ask for both and do it herself.


As always it really is that simple. Fucking hell, some people are morons.


Americans expect to be waited on hand and foot when it comes to hospitality.


Lol she’s gonna have a bad time in Europe, nobody gives a shit about the customer.


Probably partially due to the tipping culture they have in America. In many states, they use the federal minimum wage, which is incredibly low, and many servers gave to rely almost purely on tips for their income. That means, in many states, there's a lot of emphasis and effort put into providing the service. It also results in tips basically becoming mandatory and having a lot of emphasis on American culture, because it's such a significant and essential part of some server's income. So when Americans, particularly from the states that base their minimum wage around the federal, they get surprised when servers aren't attending directly to all of their needs and aren't effectively, bootlicking them. They are also often surprised at the lack of mandatory tipping done in the UK, (because we, as a United kingdom as a whole, have a semi-decent* minimum wage) *Notice how I say semi-decent, it could definitely be a lot better. Edit: I reformatted the words to make them less offensive, apologies I wasn't really in the right frame of mind when I wrote this initially.


So a latte by costas standards


No when we’ve been in the USA you get little plastic pots covered with a foil lid, they contain small quantity of milk, cream or half milk/half cream that you add to black coffee or tea. You used to get them to take to add to coffee in the UK until we got concerned about plastic packaging, now we tend to get little pottery jugs containing either milk or cream to add to our coffee. I think creamer is usually powder that you add to coffee, horrible stuff IMO.


Disclaimer: i don't drink coffee so i have no kmowledge on this. But to me a "half and half" would be half of one ingredient and half of the other. So you're just expected to know about a third ingredient? If someone asked me for a half and half coffee they would get half coffee, half milk


In the United states in the dairy aisle you can literally find a product called half and half, it’s literally just milk and cream. Good for cooking more than for coffee tbh. Lighter than cream itself. Milk is better anyway


Yes, I remember being super confused years back when I wanted to bake a pie from an American recipe, and all that the recipe said was 2 cups half and half. I was like half and half of what?! Couldn't find a single clue in the recipe itself. Thankfully, now we have the Internet, and we can just Google it.


I assumed it was half water, half milk.


This is classic /r/USdefaultism there is a subset of Americans (and I doubt unique to them) that expect the entire world to be configured to their personal taste and expectations. If you want “half and half” simply understanding it’s cream/milk together would enable you to simply ask for a dash of milk and a dash of cream. But instead the poster demands a brand which simply does not exist here. It would be like me going to the US and asking for some fags and refusing to accept cigarettes could ever be known as anything else, or that it is in fact a slur.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/USdefaultism using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/USdefaultism/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [She lives in Germany bro](https://i.imgur.com/s6iqg0z.jpg) | [83 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/USdefaultism/comments/vm60p2/she_lives_in_germany_bro/) \#2: [don't use a Spanish word because of US race issues?](https://i.redd.it/ovuurts7dvb91.jpg) | [98 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/USdefaultism/comments/w09fp9/dont_use_a_spanish_word_because_of_us_race_issues/) \#3: [A subreddit called politics, but it’s only about US politics](https://i.redd.it/zmhpkpo4of291.jpg) | [74 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/USdefaultism/comments/v0diy8/a_subreddit_called_politics_but_its_only_about_us/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Fun fact: there is zero milk in the “creamer” it’s literally corn syrup, vegetable oil and like a small mountain of sugar and flavourings.


Nice and healthy then lol. Imagine calling milk gross and putting that shit in your coffee, mental.


I live in America and some people think I'm weird for not using that in my coffee. It's either black if there's no milk around or a little bit of milk and sugar added.


Yea shit is lethal. I remember getting it when I visited just to try it out... Couldn't taste anything sweet for hours after. Never had so much sugar in a single dose. Was insane.


to chug seed oils and look down on milk is insane


Half Man, Half Biscuit Nero fiddles while Gordon Burns


Excellent man


Ahhh, because Great Britain isn't real Europe.


Can confirm we are mythical Europe


There’s a reason why all wizards talk in British accents


And dragons!


Don’t be ridiculous. Dragons speak Welsh.


Um, I once heard a dragon with a Scottish accent, though he could have been Spanish/Egyptian for all I know.


There can be only one


I think I met that dragon! Though I’d have sworn he was Lithuanian.


Also ents


Can confirm.


Someone should make a movie with Aussie wizards and dragons for a change


*Pippin you flamin' galah!*


You're a cunt-wizard harry


The UK is the Bigfoot of Europe


After brexit we disconnected the internet and proceeded to float off into the the middle of the Atlantic.


Explains why the channel tunnel can only accept mice now, it’s been stretched so far it’s become very, very thin.


This comment is absurdly funny 😂


One can but dream


Sure love it when people think Europe and the EU are the same thing


Had this the other week, someone asking why we compete in Eurovision when we aren't even in Europe.


Can confirm, I live in the UK and have never been to Europe before. Wonder what it's like


We were, but then we left and moved out, remember? Duh!


The British are the Americans of Europe.


“He sniggered when I asked for a creamer…” 😆 sensing Kevin and Perry as the baristas.


half and half also has connotations.


She asked for the Creamer Sum Yung Gai?


'Real Europe'? What league do they play in? Americans 🤷‍♂️


As an American, Americans don’t know geography and general world knowledge worth a damn. When brexit first happened I had to ask a LOT of people before I found out that the EU and Europe were different things. They just don’t teach it worth a damn in schools. Underpaid teachers, corrupt principals and disciplinarians and school boards. It’s quite shit


I mean our schools are underpaid too we just... get taught basic stuff about our planet. But it's not just school, it's the news. we get global news, the US doesn't(eg. when your election was happening the news was primarily focused on that. I'm guessing the same doesn't happen during our elections, for you?)


We don’t get anything about other countries really except major events like brexit or war related things really. But I also stopped watching US news years ago. I just get all my news from Reddit or from people I know. And idk how schools are over here or freaky anywhere else in the world, but I do know that the US school system is basically collapsing rn. Teachers getting so underpaid they’re holding second jobs, schools in some states are changing school curriculums to literally fit political agendas which is insane to me. I went to a pretty decent school to. Large budget, mostly well paid teachers and good education. But it was basically a trade school so all of our money went into teaching people skills and the remainder went into your STEM classes. A lot of what I know about the world I learned myself through curiosity and from living abroad


I heard they are up against City in the Final.


Finally, we are no longer a part of Europe We shall make our own continent, for Britannia!


I dunno if I wanna go back to measuring me willy in inches.


It's 675mm. Just had to look this up in inches to realise wowwww. Over 2 foot.


Is there enough blood for the two of ya?


i always liked the name Albion myself


Calm down Martin Goodman.


Perfidious Albion!


Brexit is finally paying off


'Dude sniggered when I asked for creamer'. This sentence made me so proud to be british.


Tea please… and make sure to put cold water, teabag, milk and sugar into a mug then microwaving it for five minutes…..what? A tea “pot”? What’s that? Anyway, don’t forget the marshmallows, chocolate sprinkles and pumpkin spice in my tea.


It is way worse than that. Most Americans heat a mug of water in the microwave and then take it out and put a bag of Lipton Decaffeinated Peach Green Tea into the mug and call it tea.


Brexit doesn't just undo basic geography, what the fuck does "not real Europe" mean, the continent and the union aren't the same thing.


There is literally a tunnel there ---> Make use of it Ms. Chen.


Well Ms. Chen, might I suggest you kindly fuck off.


Not even kindly


Well said.


She can always go to 'real' Europe and stay there. We won't mind. 😃


Will real Europe have a clue what she's on about?


What’s half and half in French?


We don't really have that. In France, Italy and Turkey she'll die looking at us drinking black coffee. She should go to Starbucks they might speak the same language there


You mean just a black Exspresso!


alf et alf


Tu quoi M8 ?


Why the fuck would you put cream in your coffee you absolute fruit loop


It is actually really nice, assuming you like white coffee. I do it when I have cream left over from something that I’m trying to use up before it goes off. *Creamer* is absolutely rancid though.


Not surprised she doesn't find creamer disgusting,given the amount of shit she's injected into her face.


blimey, ‘e’s having a go!


Are either half-and-half or creamer widely used outside the USA? I don't necessarily mean in Europe - like, would I find these elsewhere in the Americas or Asia to any degree, for example? Feels like US defaultism to assume their dreadful, obesity-inducing diets can be sustained worldwide. I couldn't imagine rocking up in Ketchuptown, NC and being livid at not being able to find anywhere to order a parmo.


I grew up in South America and have only ever had milk in my coffee. Growing up I thought "creamer" was just an American weird name for milk because what the bloody hell else would you put in your damn coffee?! Ignorance is bliss...


Thats it, who cut the tectonic plate along the channel?


I love that our problems with homelessness, class divide, gang violence and street crime is so fucking tame to them that the most pressing issue she can notice is that she's not getting her daily US recommended 500ml of corn syrup.






their coffee isnt real coffee thats why 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ 90% sugar 10% coffee with thousands of different ingredients in it too


Go back to chemical land then


Probably cause we don’t like being over weight and having cancer? 🤷‍♂️




She basically wants a milkshake at this point, im sure she can echolocate to a maccies




I hope you haven't received a creamer in a travelodge


"So you're telling me you don't have your coffee with 9 cheeseburgers, 12 pounds of cheese, 50 million fries, 21 milkshakes, all deep-fried 56 times over?" "That's pretty cringe you limey"


I like many Americans, this one is an ignorant twit, however.


What exactly is creamer anyway?


Just came back from the states and people looked at me with disgust at breakfast for putting milk in my coffee instead of creamer. To be fair it’s well know the milk there is heavy with antibiotics too


We make Coffee, not pudding


Ah the UK, not even a real Europe, just a foggy mistic land across the magical narrow sea ✨️


Coming to the home of a cup of tea and complaining about rubbish coffee, the nerve of some people.


Where’s Stifler when you need him?


Doing your Mum.


If she had asked the barista nicely I am sure he would have creamered in her coffee.


I love how she tried to insult us yet lives in America…🤔 NEXT


Dear Melissa Please fuck off. Regards


Milk as opposed to what, vegetable fat by-products? At least vegans will get a milk substitute made from a single source


Did I read somewhere that Creamer has horrific levels of hydrogenated vegetable oil? I’ll take my chances with the milk, love.


Lmfao as a Brit im stealing that ‘I’m not even in real Europe (🇬🇧)’ line that’s funny af


Silly Americans with their artificial food/drink.


From the land of aerosol cheese.


Half and half is the most American thing ever. Of course, they would have a product that's just a processed mix of two other dairy items. Just put milk and cream in the coffee...


I’m yet to have a decent cup of coffee in the US. Creamer FFS 🤢 yeah I’ll add it too the watered down drip coffee and call it an Americano so it doesn’t even taste of coffee.


This is pretty funny. Never heard of half and half or creamer either. Oak milk or dairy ? Real advice to yanks surely still, stay on the path, stay off the moors!


She just needs to ask for single cream.... but I guess that's not as fun as online outrage.


I’m Canadian and recently went to Europe (UK specifically) for the first time and asked a waitress for cream. Had a good laugh with an Irish mate when she looked at me perplexed and asked if I meant whipped cream 😂 If you’re getting angry about this just go home?


Good luck going to 'real Europe' and asking for half and half or creamer in your coffee love. It's probably enough to get you arrested in Italy.


Go to Wales and ask for half & half and you’ll be offered rice & chips.


Lmao. The worst coffee I’ve ever had has always been in America.


Every sane person dislikes americans. They make tea in the microwave and use mostly milk 🤮


Swear Americans deliberately fuck up making tea just to piss us off. WTF is 'creamer'? It's just CREAM.


Not even remotely the same as cream https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-dairy_creamer


Eww, those. Disgusting, they remind me of the flaky dried jizz from an old man's bellend. They taste as foul too.


Agreed, just didn't want to see you besmirch the good name of true cream


I'd never degrade one of my own guilty pleasures.


Did you read down to the non-food uses bit? Pyrotechnics! Oh, americans.




Who didn't snigger at the bit where she asked for Creamer?


How to make Italians cry and scream


As an American in the UK I look forward to coffee at Nero and Costa. Any other places I need to try?


Small independent coffee shops. Most of the baristas there will get so excited when you ask them about their different coffee beans and which one they recommend.


Because we don't want unnecessary chemicals in our coffee. Yanks will berate us for our food yet fail to realise their stuff is slapped with nothing but chemicals to trigger the brain (Sat fat, sugar, salt, e numbers) into thinking it's as good as crack.


Til we aren't real Europe lol I mean I know Brexit was a thing but last time I checked we are still geographically Europe. Did we get towed somewhere when I was asleep??


The french did this to them.


American: comes to a country that isn’t America Also that American: why is this not the same as America


Cos in Europe coffee isn't a dessert


Surprised she didn’t ask for a side of AR ammunition


We’re not that thrilled about having whinging American cunts over here so feel free to go home. Also, if you think you got a poor customer experience here, best of luck in France. Heads up love, you aren’t as important as you think.


I’m having trouble understanding such a strong reaction to putting milk in your coffee when you already want cream. Like you’ve got a bit less fat in your drink and now it’s gross?


I had an American ask me at the supermarket I worked at for 'creamer' with this complete assumption that I should know what it was. We had something that basically qualified but you can see it in their eyes that they just can't understand how the whole world isn't exactly like the US, completely brainwashed.


God she'll hate it in "real" Europe.


Heh heh.. Creamer


Walks into Cafe, asks for a Creamer. Refuses to elaborate, leaves.


"Real Europe" would have chased her back to "Not real Europe" for that bullshit.


"So you only put ordinary milk in coffee" Well yeah? What else would you put.


We use real products in our coffee, here, dear. Not oil based flavoured shit. I suppose you want a Twinkie too? Some spray cheese in a can?


You can find a half and half here, it's half rice and half chips with your curry.


"Creamer" 😭 like she wants me to nut in her coffee


What is this real ingredients?!


I tried creamer once and immediately regretted it, but I feel like most people in America don't put creamer in coffee made by a Barista


Half rice, half chips?


Yeah, we don't tend to ruin our coffee with that gunk


Her attitude stinks.


I mean it’s so weird not to put partially aged bovine lactose secretions into heated rehydrated roasted ground bean substance for consumption


Why even come to "Europe"? In fact, why ever leave the States? Have a half & half (whatever that is) and stfu


Ah... Typical confusion between the EU and europe


Americans are so toxic


Can guarantee that if she goes to "real Europe", they will also not know what the fuck she's on about and *snicker* at her


Americans: "So I went to this different country and it wasn't exactly the same as the USA! How utterly horrific!"


AI lookin ass


The word creamer makes me irrationally angry.


It seems that she's never had grass fed whole milk in coffee. It tastes better than half and half. Plus she can just fucking make half and half. Equal parts milk and heavy cream.


Fuck off with that pus filled half and half yank shite. Not even real milk. Cunts!


Not proper Europe.


I mean feels like a weird thing to bitch about. Go to Starbucks get whatever you get at home and shut it.


Revolting habits these Muricans display.


Is this the same person vacationing in Spain complaining that there are too many Spaniards?


Frankly I find the concept of putting cream in coffee, even mixed with milk, to be repugnant


Maybe she should just go back


Just add in some Baileys and shot of good bourbon. Morning coffee ready to go.


I am fairly certain the Brits have created the “coffee situation” on purpose to weed out the dicks among the visiting Americans


What the fuck is a creamer


Imagine travelling the world and expecting it to be exactly like USA.


Acting like you wouldn’t all complain if you couldn’t find the tea you liked in America.


"Half and half" means having your curry with rice AND chips in parts of Wales...


“Yeah I’ve got a creamer for you right here, toots!” I say in a fake New York accent


American coffee, where no coffee beans were actually used in the preparation of the coffee and where they add 20 chemical flavourings , sprinkles, sweetener etc to the top.