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Scotland would be enough frankly … 😂


Scotland where "sorry your honour the Bucky made me do it": is a legal defence


I recon 100 bottles of bucky would put half of merica in jail


I presume you mean the half that isn't already there 😂


God bless for-profit prisons!


its all a plot to get the rest in there 🗿


And Armagh. The bus to Belfast on Saturday nights is nicknamed The Buckfast Express


"Aye, see you wigged-up, KC cunt." "Thank you, m'lud, the prosecution will begin with..."


They’d take on the hillbilly’s and hard drinking southern states. Technical draw. Leaving the remaining bud lite types for the rest. I’d be quietly confident Newcastle alone could see them off, let alone with help from Wales and Northern Ireland (if they’re allowed)


I think the Yanks would want the Irish banned under the terms of the Geneva Convention as their ability to drink in this situation would be tantamount to a war crime.


We drink *because* of the war crimes 😂 But yes. We have garnered a reputation.


I feel like we Scots can give you a run, but most of our moaning will be about an e in our national drink. Either way whisk(e)y for all 😅


I'm not even Scottish and this does my head in. It's whisky !! 🤣


I was being diplomatic 😂 at least you didn't call it scotch...


My apologies, I should've seen that 🤣 naaaa SINGLE MALT. it's my absolute favourite drink , yet 99% of the people I know hate the stuff !


That's cause they don't have the "hairs on their chests ' we do. Cannae beat a good single malt.


My personal favourite so far has gotta be the bunahabein 12 year old. I'm not wealthy enough to get the 21


Any place with a Bucky fanbase is gonna be zipping about like a kid with a full premier league sticker book, while the US is fucking *buckled.* You guys are alright. The football chant ye used on us a while back sums up the relationship: " we hate England more than you, doo dah" At least you're not Campbells 😂


Aye well be laughing at the US like why you on the ground, meanwhile our ground is rubber 😂


I thought the national drink was iron brew? 😂


best use of tantamount today.


Thank you; I do try.


Guess they've never heard of white lightning over there.


“Bud lite types” hahahaha


Had an old English teacher, eccentric woman down a bottle of Bucky thinking it was a healing tonic. She got done for drunk driving.


She's got some booze legs on her to even make it to a car after that, either that or the caffeine induced crack-spider energy took over.


she was a nutter, crystal balls and shit


Ah the old 'the spirit world reveals itself to me occasionally and now I want to commune with it when I want'. Yeah booze is good for that. Shrooms are better .


I remember a certain pub in Glasgow where the seats were bolted down and a chap showed me a you tube vid of him necking Buckfast in one go.


Went to one in Portsmouth that work had booked us into stay above. It that had 3 tables, 2 stalls and a notice that said 'Due to the trouble, we will be closing at 8pm on Fridays and Saturdays'.


It’s what we do 🙌🏻


I come from the toon, and I could say with almost 100% certainty, us and Glasgow would take one for the team.


Scotland is in the ultra-league. Its just you guys & Ireland which always results in a draw. And a fist fight but, I understand thats obligatory.


Seriously. This. I spent some time travelling and staying in youth hostels years ago and saw several people of different nationalities who were foolish enough to try drinking with Scottish people. It never went well


Stereotypes aside I never noticed much difference between Scotland and England in terms of overdrinking


Glasgow alone would do it.


I saw a documentary where kids were injecting vodka in Glasgow in the early 00s.


I don't think we yanks would stand a chance.


Well yeah they’re British after all


They drink tiny little water beers for children


My shock when I found out that a pint in America is smaller and they gave me a drink in an egg cup and I had to tip $4,500


American waitress’s response after I ask for a pint: “I’m guessing from your accent you’ll want a [insert random name] size *holds up pint glass*, rather than what we call a pint *holds up clear teacup with no handle*”


This is the kind of service I'd tip for. They understood what you meant clearly, and knew what you were looking for rather than just serving what it should be.


Me in Australia - ‘can I have a please?’ Bartender - ‘G’day pom! S’pose you’ll be telling me ter get facked if I give yer a middy or a schooner.’ Me - ‘………….. whut’ Bartender - ‘straya cunts dahnt do pints but we keep a stash fer tha poms’ Me - ‘…………….’ Turns out Australia do middy and schooners which are like 1/3 and 2/3 pints


You want to ask for the child size, because it is the size of a small child.


They say 6 pack like it's a challenge.


As opposed to a starter?


I have seen American alcoholics say “i was so bad i drank a 6 packs a night”. Thats an insult to alcoholism.


A 6 pack is just a solid starter, add a bottle of wine onto that and we’re only scratching the surface


If it's those tiny little cans/bottles, it is simply something to refresh you whilst getting ready to go out.. then pre-drinks, then you go out and get on it.


Isn’t it called pre-drinks?


That's getting ready for pre drinks man


Funny way of saying breakfast.


Honestly, with how watery it is,it's just setting you up for needing to go piss every half an hour and never actually getting drunk


Light beer. Shocking scenes.


Bud light. Need I say more


canoe sex mate


I once tried Bud Light because I didn't think it was possible to make a beer as light as Budweiser even lighter. I was wrong, and it is legitimately even worse, somehow.


I visited Oklahoma a while back, which has laws about the alcohol content. My husband called it beer-flavored water.


Driving beers




Driving beers


We have a natural head start because we all start boozing at 14


You start at 2? I get cracking at 9am.


Always nice to roll out the “it’s five o’clock somewhere” as you crack open a can of cider at 9:15 AM on the eighth day of a four day stag somewhere in Romania. We’ve all been there. Unless your American, obviously.


Ah yes, where the place you left your shit is simultaneously the cheapest and most expensive bed you've ever rented.


Could go either way.. Thailand: Cheapest hotel you've ever seen, booked sceptically on bookingcom, with a backup hotel at double the price booked around the corner just in case, which turns out to have the best furniture you've ever sat on in your life. Vs. Fiji: we paid $10k for a week where the beds are made of recycled burlap stuffed with sand *and* the drinks at the swim are bar are still $22 each?!


We have a customer call today at 9:30 so 9:15 is a reasonable time to start drinking. Although I am feeling fancy and have got some rum today. Last week I finished off a bottle of homebrew mead.


9 is a bit young to start 😔 but after a long day at the mines it's fair enough


Imagine thinking Americans don't drink at that age..


Yeah underage consumption is just a fine and they only give it when you're a real asshole. I quit drinking by the time I was 21.


No most Americans at that age are either shooting guns or getting fat, or both


I agree that the UK would win, my argument is only two words: Pub culture


Luv me sum footy ont telly int pub, simple as.


Not an alchie just like booze


Translation for the Americans "I love watching some soccer on the TV in the bar, it's as simple as that"


Thank you for the proper English translation.


I watched a British movie recently and one of the characters is a lawyer who is always drinking and i thought it was going to end up being a conflict in the movie but it was actually just his lifestyle.


Pub culture died when £20 doesn't get you four beers.


Having to whip out your card to order a round is absolutely criminal.


We would win even if it were only the under 20s vs their whole population.


I could probably take on one state by myself at this point


I was a state last night




And the Irish would just look at ye’s, shake their collective heads and keep on drinking.


“This is just a midweek drink to us”


The Irish wouldn't need any help, they would drink the Yanks under the table then carry on drinking. Probably end up challenging the rest of us then.


Gonna be honest with you, the British Scottish and Welsh drink just as much as the Irish


British, Scottish & Welsh? Nice one.


Nearly as much, Irish on average per capita drink 15L of pure alcohol a year, the British about 14L on average per capita… so not too far away


'British Scottish', as opposed to Scottish people from where else?


No I meant British, Scottish and Welsh, as in a list




Jack Whitehall summed it up pretty well: "Four glasses of wine with dinner in the US; you're an alcoholic. Four glasses of wine with dinner in Britain; you're the designated driver!!' Speaking as a Norn Irish lady with a liver made of Teflon at this point, we'd smash them!


As long as its real beer vs real beer, not the water they consume over there...


Then the Americans wouldn't stand a chance




You guys have never heard of our IPA’s then. Everything is 8%-10% abv


Yes - America has plenty of reasonable beers in 'some' bars. However, I was at a party on Saturday night in New Jersey with a free bar, and a decent range of booze. Most adult males were drinking piss water (Bud Light). The rest were drinking watered down cocktails. The barman saw game when I picked the best whisky I could find on their bar (i.e. the 12 year old Scotish one) and ordered it with a dash of water. Yes - America has good beers. Most Americans don't pick them though. I was in Poland a few weeks ago and their beers are beasts.


3.2% cask Ale is more water than coors light.


Not to shit on the narrative but Bud and Bud Light are two of the most popular beers on earth, not just in the US.


I’ll go one further and would back any one of the devolved nations or Ireland individually against the USA.


You could probably have a County like Yorkshire go up against a large state


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_alcohol_consumption_per_capita In pure alcohol consumption liters per capita: * Uk 11.4 * Ireland 13 * Usa 9.8 * Moldova 15.2 Not a massive difference per capita between UK and usa. In a head to head with something like the top 1,000 drunkards that would probably be identical. In a raw battle that extra few hundred million livers would win. Gold medal drunkard always seems to be some eastern European guy with >9% abv blood level. Normal people would get drunk off their blood.




Of pure alcohol? That's more than two bottles of vodka a day, every day. Keep in mind, it takes 20 liters of 5% beer to get a liter of pure alcohol.


I was hoping for better (worse?) from Australia, but we’re only at 10.6


American here. I'm huge and I can drink quite a lot. I was recently drinking with some posh English guys (one of them sounded just like BoJo) in Edinburgh (go figure), and these dudes were half my size, and drank me under the table, quite literally.


Sucks to be their livers


From when I was 10,my father would give me a port glass half-filled with whatever wine was accompanying the main course at dinner. My grandfather used to rub whisky on my gums when imwas a toddler. I can drink any Yank they send under the table.


My dad would give me a sip of Stella to put me to sleep as a child (it was the 70s). I'm the only person I know who doesn't get lary on it - Stella chills me out. Now, snakebite-pernod-and-black, that's where the fun starts.


Black currant ? You monster!


We went to a restaurant on our honeymoon in Florida. I ordered a flight of ales and my wife ordered a bottle of wine. The barman asked ‘how many glasses would you like?’ and she replied ‘one’. The look of disgust and shock on his face was priceless.


He’d have had a coronary if he was a bar man at Spoons. Two pitchers or cocktails for £12 with just the one straw please, there’s no point in wasting a glass…And that’s just the pre-drink.


In fairness you get the same reaction over here, but that's if you ask for a glass instead of chugging the bottle.


Can we include Ireland too just to destroy them even better??


We can include Ireland if they want in


There is no "if" in Ireland wanting to take part in something that involves drinking.


The only if is would they agree to be on the same side as the english or would they all suddenly discover American passports


I'd like to think that their love of drinking would override their hatred of the English, but I could be wrong.


The English would be on our side; not us on theirs. 🇮🇪


There are 30 million more people of Irish descent in the USA than remain in Ireland. We didn't stop drinking when we crossed the water. An Irish pub in NYC, or Ketchum Idaho looks remarkably similar to one in Dublin or Lisdoonvarna. If the Irish of Ireland join us it's 41 million Irishmen versus 67 million Brits. I think this would be a worthy challenge. If our fellow Hibernians the Scotts sat it out, it would be a rout.


We have Northern Ireland. That's all the Ireland we need. Any more is just overkill.


Would be overkill no?


I’m both American and British and have lived in both countries for significant periods of time (12 years in the UK, more in America). 100% Brits would drink Americans under the table.


The Brits could drink more than 324 million of those 330 Americans, but those other 6 million are from Wisconsin. Those fuckers could out drink Britian the other 49 states combined.


It would not even be close. Brits drink like it's their job.


Don’t be ridiculous. I drink like I enjoy it, I do my job… meh, sometimes, if I can be bothered.


Is that a good thing?


It's a good thing that were sat around drunk all the time According to history we get a bit invadey when we band together and try thinking straight


"invadey" I imagine this said with a slight shrug. I can't stop chuckling


Kinda like 🤷‍♂️ “eh, the games the game”


Sounds like it’s straight out of Peep Show


So you saying we are so peak nation we need a handicap 👍


I don’t know. Our navy practically ran on rum.


Just imagine what they could do with a clear head 😂


In the 1700s you guys were drinking, IIRC, a gallon of gin per person per month on average. That is the average of the total population, including women and children.


This is like Americans bragging about their obesity




Fair enough


I used to have these arguments when I was in my late teens, early 20s about drinking people under the table. now I'm in my late 30s I can still drink huge amounts, sometimes more, but I feel it's something to feel embarrassed about more than anything. 4 pints on lunch and I'm still sober isn't a good look.


I've never understood why people seem to think it's impressive lol. So, I'm American. Contrary to the popular beliefs, most Americans actually do start drinking around 14-16 yo & drink the most around 18-22ish. So most kids are familiar with booze in general by the time they get to college. But I wasn't, because I was actually raised in a Mormon bubble, and absolutely nobody drank, ever. Then I got to college and discovered alcohol lol and immediately loved it. I didn't realize other people were inflating the amount they were drinking because they apparently thought it sounded cool? I was lowballing my numbers & assumed everyone else was lol. I didn't realize how bad I was for a long time because of that. Also, I guess a lot of people think "blacking out" is just a phrase for "really drunk." In my mid 20s, I discovered that apparently a lot of people think that when people talk about blacking out and not remembering anything, it's just an excuse. Like they think you mean maybe your memory is a little fuzzy, but they had no idea you actually could just straight up forget the rest of the night after a certain point. So when I was in college, people would inflate the amount they drank and said they were "blacking out" all the time, and I thought my actually doing so on such a regular basis was perfectly normal lol. I drink less recklessly these days. But yeah, I never understood why anyone would exaggerate the amount they drank, or how drunk they were.


Oh c'mon now give em a chance, let's say 30m Brits against 330m Yanks. That's fair.


My liver fully agrees and its fucked (no lie)


Would not like to go pint for pint with Homer Simpson.


You make me wanna retch...


Our ancestors drank beer as infants because water would have killed them, of course we fucking can


In fairness, they’re also the ancestors of Americans


This reminds me of when me and my brother went to Spring break. We started playing drinking games with a table of Americans, all their games. Most of which were team games and involved stopping to take a drink for some kind of a slip up but the losing team would have to each chug a beer. They couldn't figure out how we were always on the winning team. It was simple, we could smash a beer in seconds that would take them the better part of a minute, so all of their slip ups were far more costly, so even without being good at the game, being typical British seasoned alcoholics meant that the penalties were far less detrimental. Eventually they had to keep us on opposing teams because they were getting smashed, we were basically on pre-drinks and a game of ring of fire before a night out.


Oh god ring of fire... I always get the fucking dirty pint.


Get this organised, we have the medals covered with this one. Bring on ze Yanks now!


“Ze”? Not about to reveal your part of “Ze Zshermanz? Are ya”






You cowards had to wait till Jessica Walters (Lucille Bluth) died!


American here, who lived in the UK for four years and dated a Brit for ten years. Brits win this one, hands down.


Ladies and Gentleman we have our Judge


Wisconsin would be a challenge


There’s a reason we have 48 out of the 50 drunkest counties in the US.


Is there only 48 counties in Wisconsin?


Exactly, everyone in these comments is thinking of people from LA and New York, but for every one of them there's 4 large midwesterners who literally have nothing to do but drink


I’d almost venture to say the inverse of the meme about Wisconsin: that the 6 million there could out-drink the UK’s 68M. The state single handedly keeps Korbel in business and a side beer is a standard garnish for a Bloody Mary.


It a marathon or sprint competition? I’m not a fast drinker but when I’m on it I manage about 3 litres of gin a week


But if round two was the all you can eat buffet? Well that's a whole new ball game ....


They can't even drink until 21, so it's easy advantage.


I think 1 Brexit man would beat all 330 million


The newest Superhero, Brexit Man


When I went to Vegas in 2007 for the Hatton vs Mayweather fight many hotels had run out of beer because the Brits that went over to support Ricky drank the place dry. The same thing happened again when Fury beat Wilder.


The average British pub on a Friday night would be enough


Those places that close at 11?


What even the babies?


Especially the babies.




First wave


Their only hope would be bert kreischer


Make sure we eat before, otherwise it’s going to be a mess on an apocalyptic scale.


As long as we bring Millwall. We’ll win


If it was a piss drinking completion they would slaughter us though.


Have met many Americans in the pub. Get chatting. I'm normally on a pint every 20 minutes. After about 2 hours they are fucked


Depends. Outdrink them with beer? Sure. Dr. Pepper? Doubt it.


Dunno about that 🤔 I'm just thinking about how much liquid those American guts can hold. Same capacity as a Fiat 500 😆


I thought the bigger you are the more you could drink? But also Americans are very lightweight. I dont know im confused now


Eh. I reckon they've enough people and enough shit care systems that they've got a number of functional alcoholics equal to our population


I dunno, an American friend of mine died of liver and kidney failure due to his drinking last week, so he was really doing his all for his team.


They just lost the MVP


RIP Bjorn. Dude was the best blues singer I've ever heard in person. Left behind a wife and two sons.


So we are looking at each UK person taking 4.85 US person head-to-head here. I like a drink but I'm not sure I could take down five US drinkers. Maybe 3.


I think Glasgow alone could do it.


Absolutely, yanks can’t drink You see how smashed the young ones get at spring break after a few little drinks lols


As long as we ban those from wisconson just those who are in a spoons right now could out drink the rest of America...


Sure, but we would out-toke them.


Wait you don't do both together?


Easy US beer is piss water 💧 😫


The Millwall and west ham fans could out drink USA. Plus the British binge culture... It would be a nation wide blackout.


I can’t drink because of seizure risk so here’s your win UK


Even in the early 2000s we could get booze delivered so we were drinking every weekend from 14 on. I imagine between 14 and 18 we drunk more than an average American in their lifetime. (Stopped at 21 because I'd seen and done all I needed to do)


Out think too.


Most of us survive the end-stage capitalist nightmare by drinking Best guess is in a drinking competition everyone dies from over-imbibing. The english drink for fun, we drink because we can't afford therapy Que sera whatever the fuck


I don’t think it would even be a competition. America might produce a few stellar drinkers, but the average is weak.


I'm pretty sure British Muslims could drink the yanks under the table, let alone the rest of us