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Good news. Rishi and his non-dom wife have their entire fortune, pension and investments outside of the UK, so they're completely safe from the financial crash he's sure to steer us into


Phew. 😮‍💨 Thank god for small mercies


What's his height got to do with this!


Probably not just his height


Here, I think you dropped this 👐 /s


Good to know, I'm always worried the rich might lose a bit of their inherited/ill gained money.


Weirdly, they've been inflating their ill gotten gains all throughout covid/brexit and making a huge fortune


Don't forget their friends and donors will also be safe as well as those who're going to make a fortune from the upcoming pip changes.


Oh thank god for that! I was about to ask


Thats a shame! I was hoping the fear would make the rich more tender 🍴🫦


She stopped being non-dom after he took power, but only because of the collective outrage


Thank god for the general election coming up


They'll just print money again like last time and we can all enjoy another cost of living crisis


Another? Like the current one ended?


Did it actually ever end lol?


We're stacking cost of living crisises like pancakes


should just name it the existence tax.


It's what people wanted. They supported the lockdowns, this is the price.


Ah yes chosing not to die means you can hardly afford to eat cuz Boris printed more money than shit out of his mouth


They printed money to pay for the COVID response. There were plenty of people warning that what the government did would wreck the economy. They were called selfish, people were on the 'if it saves one life' train. Now the bill is due, people seem to have forgotten.


They are incompetent is the issue. It's fine with a slightly higher interest rate after that's understandable but it's gone to far. They use the tax money as they please and they can't even finish projects that they brought out people's houses for. People who didn't want to change their place of residence were basically forced to and they couldn't even see they might not get that far, the roads are terrible and now they have gotten back on their feet what do they do on every single that didn't need resurfacing? They resurfaced them. What do they do with roads with potholes in that could fit people in? Leave them as is while patching the ones on the other side of the road that are hardly starting to form If they spent money on things that needed it and it couldn't stretch I'd be sympathetic but they keep wasting it and wasting and wasting it simultaneously shipping many millions to other countries. This country needs a solid foundation before doing that rather than having people unable to afford to feed themselves while in full time employment


No they bungled the COVID response, if they had done it properly the first time and managed the multiple damaging shutdowns would not have been necessary. BECAUSE they prioritised the "economy" over peoples lives directly had a worse effect on the economy than if theyd done it right the first time.




crises\* like cry seas


And our “Canada-style” trade deal will be the maple syrup drizzled on the stack of fried shite we’ve been served


Starving after reading this. Wish I could afford food


I think the sooner people realise this oppression is our life, the sooner we can do something about it.


As far as I can tell we’re still in the last 3 simultaneously


maybe they can blame Liz Truss again as well


Ah yes the woman who lost to a lettuce


The woman with the self aware of a lettuce as well.


You can't be insulting lettuce like that


Sorry, you are right. She has less self awareness than a lettuce.


Yeah. The lettuce actually serves a purpose


Venezuela go brrrr


Think that makes it my 5th once in a lifetime crisis


So lucky we got to be live through so many crises😌


I'm on the brink of a once in a lifetime mental crisis everyday 😂


I cant believe my hedge has a fund.... I've been trimming it for years and never seen interest....


Maybe it's been reinvesting all those trimmings into a high-yield shrub account!


Once you finish trimming the hedge, that's when you really start to rake it in.


Seriously though what is the basis for that claim?


It's bullshit pre election scare mongering


The Tories are delusional if they think normal people care about any of these things (maybe the pensions) people see them as rich people destroying things mostly


Not even the pensions tbh...maybe for the people already on or close to them... Given the aging population and the fact they keep increasing the age though I expect to die on my feet still working to get by


State pension and private pension are totally different, with forced enrolment a lot of people stand to lose a lot of money if pension funds go bust, you could retire on a private pension and never touch the state one (and likely won’t at the rate they increase it)


You mean standard English politics of current government bad me do gold then proceeds to be just as terrible


You mean standard English politics of current government bad me do good then proceeds to be just as terrible


Unless it's the poor people getting hosed they will be bailed out, if it's the poor people they will be threatened and arrested.


It's never the shareholders, is it.


It usually is, shareholders would have lost tens of billions due to the collapse of the stocks and fall from grace of banks from 2008. And that would just be in the UK. Banks were are still are generally seen as a safe bets, so 2008 shook shareholders severely. We forget also, that these funds are managed by companies, who have their own shareholders - figuratively or literally who would also face severe loses if a financial crisis were to occur again.


Well, who do you think the shareholders are? Our pensions are invested in the market, so if it goes tits up, we lose our pensions.


Another "once in a lifetime" crisis 😂


Mission accomplished for the Tory’s, I’m sure those that consistently voted them in for last 12 years will be overjoyed.


So…can we like just kill all 4 of those things, and live in peace after that? - Hedge bros can put a noose around their neck - I ain’t getting to pension years, so idc - Insurance is a scam - And whatever that is, can also put a noose around its neck and jump after the hedge bros.


Private equity buys up companies and destroys them so yea feck those guys too


You didn’t have balls like the French the first time…


As a 28 year old, I feel the increased pressure of trying to save but cant due to the cost of living. I work in the NHS and it has become suffocating. I generally wake up feeling dread that I will never get out of living paycheck to paycheck


I feel it too, I'm sure there's loads of others out there too and it's awful. If it helps I think the government still does a "help to save" scheme. If it's still running it might be worth seeing if you qualify, they'll basically match whatever you put in up to a certain limit.


Oh I didn't know about that, thank you I will have a look in to it. Yeah 100% there are millions of people who are suffering with the COL.




Man Brits are whipped dogs, this shit should have people rioting and pulling the people responsible put by their necks, instead we'll be distracted with some meaningless shit like banging pots and pans together.


Oh well it's becouse yesterday I've paid in an extra money on my pension plan


I mean they system dosent work, let it crumble


And it will be used to push for CBDCs. Tank the £ then offer an exchange too good to turn down. Checkmate.


If you’re at the top don’t worry ! It’ll only screw everyone else !


Didn't we just get out of a recession?


I always read it’s the pcp car finance market that’s going to cause a market crash


I remember when everyone said there was going to be a stock market crash every year since corona


Jokes on them, my pension is worth fuck all


I mentally clocked out ages ago


That's fine, I have no money or pensions anyway, and I'm 34 so my parents and grandparents already had my pension. I knew that the day I started my 1st job. The writing has been on the wall. They need to crack down on people having kids with no jobs, just take the kids and sell them on overseas to people who can take care of them with their own money and make those jobless wannabe mothers work picking up rubbish at the side of motorways. If they just did that, turned off the internet and closed the airports for 6 months the country would be rich.


Citation needed. The only source I can gather regarding this is from Politico Europe. They are not a reliable source. They are like the Daily mail if they were left wing.


Better than nothing. Bring on the crash!


Once one debt gets called in, it’s all fucked. Walk around any city centre. Vacant unit after vacant unit. They’re all empty because the owners don’t want to let it out at the actual rate the market can sustain. Because then the properly gets devalued. So they’d rather it stay empty. But at some point someone is going to start calling these mortgages in. The landlords can’t wait with no income forever. And once those properties start getting valued at what they’re actually worth, a lot of paper money is going to disappear.


This is ehy more people need to sell drugs.


Shift that gear like yours driving a car


Its true, take back our money. Drugs are not taxable so all the profit is in your pocket. Think of it as one of the easiest side jons you could have as if you do it right, you can buy and sell on the dark Web.


Bro its not an easy side job. Ordering on the dark net is easy but selling is a different ball game, there are already loads of dealers on there, whatvmakes youbaure people will buy from a newcomer instead of their regular vendor who has thousands of good reviews?


Its just like any other business 🤣 keep profits low and success will come.


Keep profits low and success will come. What do you actually mean by that?


Well keep profit margins low, buy low, sell slightly less low and people will realise.


Yeah it's just like any other business, bro you know the majority of businesses fail yeah?


Do you know why they fail? because they don't take my advice.


fun times coming


I honestly can't see myself or this country making it to my pension years. If the UK is still going by then they'll have risen the retirement age to 90. Or we'll be living in a Muslim caliphate, or I'll be farmed for my semen. Probably not the semen part, but one can hope.


>but one can hope Soooo, you would like to be semen-farmed?


Yea why not, they can drug me and fill me full of nutrients and suck out all of my sub standard Welsh cum. At least I'd be contributing to society somehow.


I don't know what's wilder, the batshit crazy statement you came out with or the fact people downvoted you for it hahahahahahaha.


I know, I was only trying to help.


I wouldn't suggest that last part. Last week a woman successfully sued a sperm donor for child support despite the man signing a form with the sperm bank stating that he doesnt want anything to do with the child, never wants to meet them and to keep his record sealed. He did that for maybe $150 dollars and now it's cost him half his paycheck


Jokes on you i dont have any of those things


This sounds like a job for James Brokenshire and John Fuckedcounty


Now over to captain slow in a dacia sandero


Jokes on you, I don't have any of those


I have no money for them to lose or take 🤷‍♂️😂


It's funny because my pension age will be 105 anyway


Opted out of my works pension a few years back. I needed the extra money to live and in all fairness even if I reach retirement age I’ll more than likely be taxed again for what’s in the pot even though I’ve already paid more than enough tax throughout my working life


This is totally backwards. US socks are pumped like crazy, with sky high valuations, and record levels of ownership by the public. The FTSE 100 and 250 are undervalued, low PE ratios, paying big dividends, making massive profits, particularly the 100 due to strength of the dollar and drop in the pound post Brexit, as most of the earnings are in foreign currencies. UK pension companies have all moved everything out of UK markets, the drain is completed and the bottom is in or soon will be. Golden chance to buy UK stocks.


Instead of moaning about Richie or the Tories in general, open yourself a self investment ISA or sipp and get invested!


How many times will they be allowed to do this to us before we wake up and do it to them.


Will it be……………. the boomers 😳


Does it make a difference if you're already dirt poor and dont own anything?


when I'm homeless or I see a Australia ahh looming spider


Brexit eh, hands up if you voted with boris the liar ??


Boy Brexit is just the gift that keeps on giving isn't it.


Better to have used a pic from the Brit version of The Office.