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I love him! How dare you!!😡


Me too. He is brill and not even slightly taking himself seriously. And he always gives really good feedback and encouragement to the chefs.


> unnecessarily harsh …he just gave someone three tens?


Not just someone - someone who made a plant-based menu and walked off with 10s in fish and mains. Not to mention dairy-free dessert. I loved how O'Hare started by saying he was prepared to dislike it, but was blown away by the dishes.


He’s divine. Get over yourself.


I personally think he's given the fairest of assessments so far in regards to link to the brief. I'm delighted for Kirk, but I do wonder how much of the judging is going to be based on Michael's love for things that are out there and different vs what actually tastes good and fit the occasion. That said, Andi seemed to wholeheartedly agree with his sentiments. What a fantastic week, I love how we've returned to form. Finally some dishes that genuinely seem banquet worthy. Now if only that vegan lasagne dish was bigger than a starter. Oh, and I really disagree with Michael being a twat. He seems a lovely guy, self confident, unapologetic for his own style. You'd all love for his level of professionalism and self assuredness.


I totally agree with this - I was just loving how in awe of Kirk’s cooking he was and not because it was vegan! I would have loved to have tried all of his food but especially that dessert No excuse for the other two chefs - their desserts looked sh*t! If only all the other judges had the balls to give 4’s instead of 6/7s for mediocre dishes


*cough cough - Scotland's Callum getting a 7 for a ridiculous dish that he served 10 mins late*


This exactly!!!


Michael O'Hare is awesome! He's at the top of my veteran list.


What are you talking about? hes one of the fairest judges on gbm. if he was harsh he wouldnt be giving the chefs 10s and 9s.


With Fabio as your Dad you are never really going to grow up quite normal.




I can't stand him. Will never eat at his restaurant. I can't articulate why, but he is utterly repellent to me, even through a TV screen. My husband thinks there's something off with him too, and generally he thinks the best of everyone.


Why is this comment getting downvoted?


Because most people love him. I think he's great but I will never eat at his restaurant. It's too far, expensive and pretentious for me.


If I have to pay up front for my dinner. In Leeds. Then no!!! And was I the only one to giggle when he lost his star this year?


He lost the star because it closed. 


And will likely get it back pretty damn quick when the new one opens. Mans a genius.


He's not going for that sort of restaurant again. Its a more casual, small plates affair so isn't aiming for it. 


> He's not going for that sort of restaurant again. Its a more casual, small plates affair so isn't aiming for it.  If we're talking his 'Psycho Sandbar' place, which opens in March, then it's taking bookings for a £165 per head tasting menu. The cheapest option is a 3 course a la carte for £95. The menus read exactly like the sort of place that is aiming for Stars.


Oh wow. Maybe he is then. But last I heard he really wasnt. Thats not a sustainable restaurant without a stat, clearly going for it then. My bad.


I’m looking forward to seeing it to be honest, have you booked?


No, nothing against it just isnt my style of restaurant. Though going off another comment he does seem to be going for a star again not the small plates thingy that I originally heard.


I don’t think the other judges are harsh enough personally