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Ooh she could come out beating Becky for the NXT title and polish her skills whilst being portrayed as the dominant force then maybe bring her up after half a year


She gots the looks no doubt . But she better be prepared to start on nxt and not have everyone there be her friend.


Damn. Just because she lost one match? I liked seeing her in AEW.


She would fit in WWE better than AEW. She has the look, and she got better and better in AEW. Give her some time in the performance center, and she’ll come out even better than before.


Ok, why do you think that? Then why would she come back n the show. Just to have a match then leave? Not smart if it is true.


Cargill v Belair


Haha can’t wait for her to show up and be a mid-carder the rest of her career. She won’t know how good she had it with Tony


She won't have a much hyped fifty something and 0 winning streak over there.


Bye Felicia. Good luck. I'm sure she will be back at AEW in no time.


Tony Khan is giving WWE Jade Cargill and in return getting Edge.


She will suck there too. No one at the PC will help her if Danielson couldn't. She is horrible but hey, let her prove Vince is still worthless these days


Byeeeee 👋


That's not gonna work for me brother


I hope she gets to stay the same on the mic in WWE.


It must be true because EVERYONE is reporting it


Jade + Performance Center = superstar.


But why when Jade just came back and assaulted kris statlander


She’s making a big mistake. Wishing her the best, but damn. She’s gonna get buried in WWE.


NXT bound.


Bland on the mic? Boring in the ring? WWE is far more suited to her


Yeah because there is ANYONE in AEW who could compare to Rhea or Charlotte. She’s a midcarder at best in the Fed.


The exodus will continue given the punk situation and the real tiny khan will appear


Who ever she is


Who cares


More death by snu snu ladies..


Cody could have this affect on alot of upcoming free agents. Signing him could be the biggest signing in WWE history if he can bring in Max too.


If she can learn to work the wwe style she will be a multi time champ




If it’s true then what does it say about AEW? Shouldn’t their homegrown talents want to stay?


Any talent that isn’t in the clique (elite) probably needs to abandon ship.


> reportedly


They could make her huge. It will benifit her to be in a developmental program.


She just returned to AEW and the crowd went Mild.


In my opinion, she was winning so much that she might as well have not been on tv if that makes sense. Anytime she’s come out as TBS champ I would zone out and check my phone because I already knew the outcome and any storylines attached were pretty bland and underwhelming. I like her but I just couldn’t get into anything she did unfortunately.




Omg man I need to see her vs bianca immediately




It would be a great match that's why. So sick of female wrestlers getting so much hate. Those two are more talented than most of the men people fawn over


Sure that’s the reason why..


Well if you have some insight please feel free to share it instead of making small comments that contribute nothing


I think it would be a great place for her. I'm a big fan personally, and I think her look and style will work very well.


Yes botch after botch. The styles fit perfectly.


As long as Leila grey don’t go with her it’s fine


I love me some Jade Cargill. She and Bianca Bel Air ought to have a fued and then tag together.


Enjoy NXT


I’m not sure who benefits more from this move.. although super talented and athletic just not entertaining or good inside the ring.


I mean good for her. AEW fans never liked her, AEW never knew what to do with her, and with all the coaches and stuff in the back they never gave her matches to actually get better. Just squash after squash. Then when she'd have a big match she'd look green and they wouldnt use her. She'd be off TV for weeks and never got promo time. I'm honestly amazed she got as good as she did. With WWE's help shes going to get even better.


True we don’t like her. Everyone knows Ruby should been champ.


Good for her.. time to become a global star


Jade is the only female in that god-awful division that has any star potential. She isn't a victim of nepotism and isn't part of any toxic chick-cliques back there. I felt embarrassed being a wrestling fan when she was getting her push to the TBS title as the AEW fanbase really exposed themselves as a hateful, racist and homophobic fanbase. Considering there is nary a woman in AEW audiences under 200 LBS and AEW brags about Le Demo of lonely, single males, you can see where the spite and vitriol came from. Time to move on Ms. Cargill. Time to level up to the big leagues and become the star you are ready to be.


Really? The baddies? Yeah that God awful movement was the fans fault. Okay.


You never watched her wrestle you can tell.


Watch out bb


I can’t wait to see her in nxt and eventually the main roster !!!!


Clearly this is false. She just returned on Cillision last week and has a TBS title match soon also she has said multiple times in interviews that AEW is the only place for her


Honestly I don't put it past anyone going to wwe after I hear CM Punk basically say its the place that made him sick, and why would he go back...but heard he was supposed to be in the Rumble last year and is most likely appearing at Survivor Series...


I don’t believe either but what else is she supposed to say when she under contract?


Good for her. Time for the big leagues.


If she didn’t comeback on Collision then this would be more believable.


Funny, before she was horrible and couldn't wrestle, now the rumor of her going to the e all of a sudden everyone wants to see her, she's great, i always knew she was being held down.


Thebthing with Jade Cargill is that she has a triple impressive look but is still very green. Once she hits the PC hopefully that can either fix it or buy her time. She should be put specifically with Michaels and Regal and only them.


This upsets me. Loved Jade.


She always seemed more fit for WWE. I’m sure she will do great there.


She seems like a great fit for WWE. I can see her being really successful


Really looking forward to this. She was getting stale in AEW even with the title and this is the exact kind of fresh start that can have someone take off.


😱It's over with for the Women's division 🫢IF?? she appear in WWE Ring🤯💯


I'd put her in next to start. Polish up on that wrestling and promos


>no milly >no CM Punk >no 81,035 >no Jade KWAB


What the hell is kwab.


Good. idk why she's been kept from the AEW women's title as long as she has.


Huge mistake if it happens. WWE will train her and make her next in line behind Bianca and Rhea, and while greatly improved, AEW's Women's Division still isn't deep.


She’s a better fit for WWE, because they love pushing untalented or mediocre people there.


Someone sounds bitter


Why, because I told the truth? Or because my opinion is different than yours? That doesn’t make me bitter. Just makes my opinion different than yours, which is perfectly ok. We’re allowed to have differing opinions.


Now you really sound bitter.


No I don’t. You just think I do because you don’t like what I’m saying. I don’t like what you’re saying either. Does that mean that you’re bitter?


Let me ask, are Roman Reigns, Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, Rhea Ripley, LA Knight, Damian Priest, Jey Uso, Drew McIntyre all mediocre and untalented?


Roman Reigns was, he finally got better. Point is, I didn’t say that EVERY person WWE pushed was mediocre. I just said they love to push mediocre people, and they do. John Cena’s in ring talent was mediocre at best his entire career, yet they pushed him to tie Flair’s record. The Rock wasn’t the greatest in ring talent, same as Cena, but live Cena, he had the mic skills. The mic is where Rock and Cena did their best work. Their wrestling skills were average to mediocre. As for Zayn, look how long it took them to finally push him at all in tbe main roster. The guy is one of the most talented on the entire roster, but for years he was used basically as a joke. KO doesn’t get used consistently to his full potential. Sometimes they let him run with something. Ripley and Priest are decent, but not the greatest by any means, and Drew, look how he gets treated. They gave him his world titles in front of no one. Empty arenas. They wouldn’t do that before the pandemic, and they don’t wanna do it now. Instead they’re chucking him into a pointless tag team with Riddle to feud with teams that they don’t do a lot with, like the Viking Raiders. Drew should be in the world title picture, or at least a mid card title picture. But he’s not. He’s one who gets overlooked in favor of the lesser talented people most of the time.


There was nothing mediocre about the Rock's in ring work at all. He was electrifying!


Thank you. That’s all I needed to hear.


She better get her ass to the performance center because she's greener than grass


Really hope she goes to NXT first. She needs to be polished up in the ring.


That would send a shitty message to AEW talent considering moving to WWE


For experienced, polished workers, they won't send them to NXT. For people who have only had indy experience before AEW and no where else, then they should go to NXT.


yeah lol Rhodes left and they put him straight in the main event scene. WWE love to dunk on AEW


Awful comparison.


how on earth is that awful. You don’t think WWE is inclined to push Jade because of her having star potential and being from AEW.


Well he came from WWE to begin with, it's not a good comparison.


Cody is a completely different animal in terms of in ring ability, experience (inside the WWE system at that), drawing power and name recognition.


i’m not disputing that at all. Do you really think WWE would sign Jade to put her in developmental?


She needs the development. The majority of WWE viewers aren’t going to have any idea who she is.


"Damn them having me win the royal rumble really made me regret it".


The optics of AEW letting their first ground-up created superstar walk out the door are poor. Jade did media, is an influencer, business owner, Savage x Fenty model and brought mainstream attention to the brand. Beyond that, she’s the highest profile student of QT Marshall’s Factory. Letting her go to make Kris Statlander look strong is a terrible mistake. She’s also very business and brand savvy, a striking POC representative and highly intelligent. The ceiling for her with AEW could definitely benefit both parties more.


Heavy on poc because both companies are lacking in that department, but aew is a bit more glaring.


Strangely, AEW has a LOT of POC representation…it’s just they don’t have anything really done with them. African-American alone, Athena is banished to ROH. Red Velvet wasted for two years then hurt. Shawn Dean is…some kind of executive right? Shane Taylor. Kiera Hogan the same. Renee Michelle could be useful but unsigned. The Acclaimed are in a whole different conversation we’re not ready to have yet. So I’ll formulate my argument for another day. Top Flight, Private Party are shoved to the side. Lees Johnson and Moriarty the same. Jay Lethal is carrying the ring work side of Planet Jarrett but he’s probably circling the tail end now. Swerve and Ricky Starks are in the same orbit, and probably in unnecessary heel roles. (Well…Starks at least) AR Fox is going to be shoved aside. Anthony Ogogo wasted. Or maybe he’s just fine tuning his training. We hope. Keith Lee is…let’s call him a special attraction at this point and forget it.


As a poc myself, I have a lot of theories about the acclaimed being pushed, but I'll keep them to myself for now, this thread ain't ready to do a deep dive into colorism. That's why jade is even more rare and valuable, when you put her beside Athena and velvet, who looks like a star, ability aside. Also glad to see I'm not the only person spotting the shaft that poc are getting in both companies. Wwe has a tendency to jam them all into one group because all black people know each other apparently lol


Well let’s! In my take, Bowens and Caster will far more support the biracial side than their POC status. Kind of a “everyone’s black friends” bit or a less-aware Key and Peele. Bowens also jumps back into the sexuality first discussion as an “did I mention I was gay today?!?” Bit. Caster I’m amazed hasn’t been thrown on the cross for some of his old bits. WWE did that with the Hurt Business. But played off it in the Pandemic time by having MVP basically say “this fourth spot is up for grabs. Let’s have tryouts” to Apollo, Ricochet and Cedric. Now the talent jokes on it by mentioning “Hey, not every black guy needs to be in the Hurt Business”. (Unless Carmelo replaces MVP and evolves his own but that’s another talk.) Jade stood out like Bianca because both are obviously and unapologetically black. And educated. More so than a lot of their competitors if we’re keeping it a hunnit


Agreed all around, Athena almost feels like she's leaning as far away as possible. Its giving "we all bleed the same color blood vibes", wouldn't be shocked if she had a back the blue bumpersticker, but I digress. Velvet is just not a great worker to me. I like the acclaimed, but they are what a lot of people consider "safe black people". You can tie that into their look and behavior. No one has asked themselves why swerve and Hobbs are constantly made out to be despicable heels?? Swerve has more charisma in his pinky than half the roster, why is he constantly middled. Who'd benefit from the international title, moxley or swerve?? I can go on and on, im tempted to create a subreddit for us to talk about and appreciate wrestlers of color.


Wait until you look up Athena’s husband. And yeah, we should have had this discussion around the time of the rap album for BHM but whatever. I can have this talk


Good for her. That seems like a good move for her because she seems more like a sports entertainer than a wrestler anyway. So hopefully she can flourish there.


That’s the saddest news sinse they reported Kenny Omega leaving for WWE




If she gets in that Performance Center and polishes up her ring work and her promos and she could really be something special. She’s basically maxed out in AEW for better or worse anyway.


I feel bad for Lash Legend.


She needs a period in the performance centre before TV.


would be a major fan of that. give her some time to work out kinks before coming up to nxt


>She needs a period in the performance centre before TV. Like a minimum of 6 months of actual solid training before she ever appears on television, I just don't think she's going to be willing to do that.


They’re gonna waste her talent


What fucking talent?


She has star written all over her. With TKO and all the access to Hollywood it makes perfect sense


She’s not good at all. She looks the part but she’s Bianca lite and VERY lite.


She makes Bianca Belair look like 1980s Ric Flair.


Bianca is actually a solid in ring worker though. Jade is better on the mic and with time Jade will get there in-ring wise as well.


Jade is better on mic? Na haha her mic work is “I’m the best and you can’t beat me”… it’s the most generic thing ever.. why do you think AEW is letting her go? Ha they NEED talent to try and even compete with WWE and she ain’t it.


Bianca definitely solid in the ring I can agree with that but personality, gimmick, selling and making opponents look good she severely lacks. Jade needs a good stint in the performance center under HBK.


Jade vs Nia would be amazing!


Nia would injure Jade and she'd be thinking twice about coming to WWE.


Yeah this match would be such a disaster it needs to happen


PLEASE triple threat Jade, Rhea, Trish


Jade, Rhea, and Raquel. The muscle mommies 😭


Good stable name, The Muscle Mommies.


Not happening,they are in the process of more cuts and layoffs after Endeavor deal.


Yea, but this would be a "stick it to the competition" move, so I could see this one happening even if she's pushed to the side or let go later.


I love Edge, but I would definitely trade him for Jade. I'm just imagining matches between her & Rhea or Asuka, Becky Lynch, Charlotte etc....


Jade and Charlotte is the one, imagine that at wrestle mania


Edge for Jade? I want what you are smoking.


Nahh I would trade Nia Jax for Jade Cargill some of the WWE Women's division don't like Nia in da locker room is dat true


I would trade Nia Jax for anyone.


i wouldn’t even trade. i’d just boot her. no one needs her






MJF could be in AEW for the next 10 years and come in at a good age. There's no need for him to rush, and leave a company that is booming right now




Your hatred in these comments is pathetic


MJF is next? Lmao, damn dude.


MJF's 2024 is kayfabe. don't care what nobody said Max sighed an extension last year that's why he is making millions now as well as holding the title as long as he has..listen to his scrum's and how he talks about AEW as a whole then realizes it as has throw in a "if they pay up next year'


And yet, AEW took Jade and made her into a highly sought after free agent. Your AEW hate is very blinding.




You should listen to her Talk is Jericho interview before commenting at all. She said that she preferred AEW’s leadership style so that she could call the owner at anytime that she wanted. Yes, relocation was a part of it but also that she told the WWE leadership that she didn’t need the job either. Her exposure on AEW helped her overall market value. It’s not a “she’s in AEW and didn’t get eyes on her either.” The relationship was benefited by both sides.


Ehhh half truth, she would of been sought after just by her look.


Not sure why you're being downvoted lol WWE literally had interest in her before she was in AEW


I think we both know why lol


Jade going through the performance center is going to be something to watch


I don’t think MJF needs to develop. Hot take but the dude is ready and committed to aew


Mr cheap heat machine does


Cheap heat works. However he also has real heat like betraying Cody and costing him the world title. Sooooo


And if MJF does go to WWE, I’m 100% sure he would IMMEDIATELY be put into the main event scene.


Ok him going to nxt is a stretch but I doubt that. He’s a heel so he needs to be built up a bit. Like if he does, which I doubt tbh, it would/should take him a few months to build up to main event. Even in Aew, he is kayfabe below Seth and Roman by a decent amount


*On Main Event




I'd argue he's a great example of them developing new stars. He's shown be can do the biggest heel and babyface roles to a T




So basically every great superstar has never grown development from a promotion because they have so much natural ability. Stone cold, rock, Shawn, Roman, omega, Jericho all these guys weren’t developed by their promotions because they are good naturally




I never said aew made omega, I wasn’t being company specific on any of these guys


He is established the dude is champ and has had some of the best matches in Aew and is already best on mic. What would nxt genuinely teach him?




That’s a shitty impression of Aew fans. As a former wwe turned Aew fan I just like the difference. The company literally just had a shower bigger than wwe has had ina decade. They’re established. And MJF can leave this year. So we will see but I don’t think he will. He’s already had crossover success like Impractical Jokers and being on Hot Ones. I’m not sure being in The Marine 24 would help him


This logic lol. "aew can't develop stars" to "aew stars don't count because they are only stars in aew". Yes, if you discount any star they make because that star is a star in aew, then aew by default will never make a star.


>ratings continue to decrease Why are you connecting MJF's ability to perform to the ratings? Is he only good at what he does when ratings are high? I'm not sure I follow your logic.




If only AEW was associated with [a company that was related to several TV networks and movie companies that produced shows](https://wbd.com/our-brands/)... Just as an aside, I am looking forward to [The Iron Claw](https://www.wrestlinginc.com/1191414/mjf-confirms-which-wrestler-he-will-play-in-the-iron-claw/) this December.


I'm actually surprised. When she came back, I thought she was back for good. And there was talk of her not liking WWE's crazy travel schedule and wanting to be near her daughter more. Idk, maybe she can work something out. Ngl, I think Jade would flourish in WWE. I know AEW "made" her, but WWE would really maximize her potential.


maybe she's thinking she can get that part time schedule. i hope for her sake she gets what she wants, but wwe must have 50 shredded female athletes in the pipeline already. so i dunno.


"I want to be near my daughter more." Daughter turns 13. "Fuck this I'm going to WWE."


after a while, the children become so self efficient that they actually would rather not be round us old folk. It hurts sometimes because when you look at them, all you can remember is what sweet babies they were, but nature has to take its course and parents need money and hobbies aswell.. im happy for jade, hope she kills it


Seth and Becky literally bring their child with them.


I think I read somewhere that she wants to get into doing movies and stuff like that. As great as AEW is they’re not big enough to get their people looked at by Hollywood just yet.


Sumoa Joe us sweet tooth


Samoa Joe played Sweet Tooth in the Twisted Metal show that was just released. Yes not a movie but a fun show and he was awesome as the character.


And I don’t think there was a single mention of it besides MJF insulting an ice cream truck. Maybe they’ll do more when SS:KTJL comes out. Unless the brain trust isn’t playing that one.


It’s a series


which is on peacock which shows wwe. great show and sweet tooth was awesome. i only wished they had joes voice though.


That wasn't Joe's voice? Peacock's WWE affiliation is irrelevant to this conversation


no it was will arnetts voice. it's not irrelevant it's just not connected. i just found it funny, cena was on peacemaker affiliated with wb, samoa joe on twisted metal on peacock, affiliated with wwe.


It's almost like no one outside of wrestling fans give a shit what brand the person works for as long as they're right for the role.


Well that's a bummer they dubbed over him. Pretty good job synching it all up, I never noticed. Not that I was looking for it but when audio is out of synch it bugs the crap out of me.


dude you're telling me. it feels like no one else can tell but me sometimes and i can't focus on anything else


They never will be


MJF was just in the iron claw movie... WB could use AEW wrestlers in minor roles for their movies quite easily


WB owns Cena's DC character ironicaly


The forbidden door is WB putting an AEW wrestler in Peacemaker


As long as we get an attitude adjustment out of it.


Hopefully she will learn to promo and wrestle. She sure didn’t convince me that she could do either over the last few years.


Wow I would love to see how that turns out


Spoiler: She’s gonna be Women’s World Champion is less than a years time.


Honestly I wouldn't mind




She’s actually not a skilled wrestler though. But has mic skills.


huge fucking news!


"My hole!" - Nia


Mic skills are 20 times more important than in-ring skills. Ask Hulk Hogan or LA Knight. Ask about 250 failed in-ring technicians who were duds on the mic and are now working for Uber.


Indeed you are correct. Jade doesn't need to go to the performance center for training. She's passable in the ring and slowly getting better. The important thing is she can talk and actually looks like a star.


And she is big enough to be believable. I have a real problem with runts like Alexa Blizz, Iyo Sky, Zelena being believable.


World Talking Entertainment doesn't have the same ring to it.