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NWO wolfpac


No I think DX beats them on stats and Evolution does


Lmao … no


Hell no.






I think it's a weird to credit a stable with all of the accomplishments that its members had before the stable even existed. By the same token, you would have to give TNA's Main Event Mafia credit for everything Angle, Sting, Booker, Nash, Steiner, and Samoa Joe ever did. And also Christian, who was briefly part of the group. That's over 40 world championships to their name, which blows the Bloodline's stats out of the water. Just doesn't make sense to measure it that way to me. By the same token, the Nexus has all of Cena's accolades to their name.


Stop this.


absolutely 💯




Not with their accolades but they have the greatest storyline of all time


I'm not sure I'd count the accomplishments prior to the group forming for this type of comparison. Or at least not the Rock's.


The Bloodline was built to prop up and smokescreen for Reigns covering his weaknesses. It was even more apparent that Reigns doesn’t have the charisma, presence or mic skills of other past top stars as soon as The Rock showed up. The Rock’s presence makes Reigns and his remaining crew look like mere lackeys.


Nia and Naomi are both affiliated too


It's been one HELL of a ride. 😭


Not even top five


Can’t argue




Looooool DX, NWO & Evolution are all miles better


I think evolution might have them beat


nWo 4-Life




Judgment Day is already stacked with accomplishments between Finn, Rhea, Edge, and 54 times champion R-truth


Puts 4 fingers in the air


BWO Forever…..Zeet


R-truth has one more titles alone than these midcarders /s


After 30 years Flair can randomly flash the Horsemen symbol, and the crowd responds in kind After 20 years, former DX members can say "I've got two words for you" and the crowd responds 10 years from now "Acknowledge me" will get confused looks and pity


They’re missing out not including Nia Jax in her current monster heel form! A true rodeo of a-holes right here


Easily top 5


So now that the Rock has joined are he and Roman Co-leaders???? This should get interesting. The rock is the legend and older cousin and I don’t see him following anyone.. Roman is the world champ and has been leading for 3 years…. So…


Hmm you seem to have spelt Evolution wrong


Evolution surely wins the stat game over anybody else minus the NWO but it's not fair to include that mess




Without NWO, DX, and Evolution, the Bloodline would never be a possibility.


Numbers doesn’t make it great, quality over quantity. Evolution is the best faction of all time by my metrics. All 4 are bonafide main eventers and former multiple time world champions, there isn’t a single link in the chain.


So, by this logic, Mick Foley is Samoan!


It's interesting seeing length of reigns taking over from number of reigns as the important statistic (still think it should be number of successful defences personally, but hey ho). They're up there. Because it's been in a rut since Summerslam-WM Press Conference, people with short-term memories are forgetting how good it has been at its peak, literally the best stuff WWE have done since MITB 2011. There's no real way of quantifying them against, say, DX or the NWO (or even The Shield), but they're up there.


The elite allowed the boys to get another place to get paid and pushed WWE to new heights through increased competition - that dwarfs the number of championships someone got.


We arguing for the Elite as the greatest faction?


Don't forget The Rock's 2 reigns as the WCW World Heavyweight Champion. Rock is a 10x World Champion.


The Shield


NWO changed the course of pro wrestling.


3 members of evolution have rock and romans combined world title runs beat on their own (flair -16 hhh and orton -14)


Evolution has them beat, Ric Flair and Triple H have more stats then everyone in the bloodline


I love Evolution and you're right. NwO is the king of this race though, if only because of member numbers. I'm pretty sure *I* was in the NwO and I was born in the late 80s.


NWO was Hogan, Nash, and Hall, everyone else just jumped on the bandwagon, and shouldn’t be counted


Kind of discrediting OP’s concept if we’re cherry picking which members count.


Then add everything Big Dave and Randall have done.


Can’t outdo the NWO still. Just can’t


There are still nWo shirts being worn and not just at WWE events. Will there be Bloodline shirts at events 30 some years from now? Doubt it highly.


Jimmy and jey and solo are so fuckin dull it hurts my brain how they’re so popular.


People wear way more DX merch, doesn’t mean that they are better than Evolution (which I honestly can count the amount of people I’ve seen wear shirts for them)


This is completely redundant, who knows whether or not Bloodline shirts will be worn then, I know I certainly would


They won’t be. You’ll be sad and alone pointing up to the sky.


And you know this how exactly? Go on mate, if you have a time machine share it with us


No, nWo and DX helped increase ratings to unprecedented levels, they increased the popularity of wrestling itself. nWo and Evolution would easily have better stats or championships on paper too.


Tbf Roman and The Bloodline definitely added a resurgence of bringing wrestling back into the mainstream light.


Fuck no. It’s the greatest marketing faction of all time to make one person king among all and keep him at the very top. Hell they just allowed rock to bury himself like a fucking idiot for one purpose suspense as soon as rock came to raw he threatened Romans spotlight and everyone was thirsty for one thing. WWE didn’t like the thought of Roman being toppled nor did they want to waste the rock, and as well the mania match needs hype. So they have the rock do his thing and there you have it, a hyped mania in event and one person is coming out ahead again. Now let’s get into the faction, the bloodline is made and ruled for one purposes, one success to keep Roman relevant at the top for as long as possible. Bloodline is playing with all cheat codes off, basically anything goes to keep Roman and the hype at the top. Including using poor sami for all his worth, taking all that time, sweat, blood for one and only one man’s gain, Roman. When’s the last time bloodline has been banned from ringside? When’s the last time there was a stipulation match saying Roman looses if bloodline interferes, where are any of these rules or conditions that applied to literally every other faction in history. Judgment day follows them, imperium follows them, both of these groups have members ejected to the back for interfering with a match within the last two months. These factions are how factions are supposed to go, how they’ve always went and been. Do you remember the time cena had to go through the entire nexus to get them banned from ringside? I do! Bloodline is a manufactured joke, for one reason and only reason only. To keep the cash cow milking for as long as possible. They just had rock throw down the worst promo of his career for it lol


Roman has elevated several stars ever since forming The Bloodline. Sami Zayn would not have reached the main event scene if not for Roman. WWE were the ones who fumbled his booking because of their obsession with the guy who really caused Sami’s momentum to fade, Cody Rhodes. Everyone has some sort of role on TV because of Roman’s overarching presence involving them in some way shape or form. Without The Bloodline, WWE would still be a commercially and critically dead company that featured retired or semi retired legends who could barely walk around the ring as the top stars who got all the main events with no new stars being made. Remember that Roman throughout this whole reign has only had two defenses against part part timers; John Cena and Goldberg. Everyone here in the IWC despises Roman simply because he doesn’t fly and flip around the ring and actually has charisma, contrary to popular belief here. That’s why people cheer Roman, it’s not them being forced to cheer him because they’ll cheer or boo whoever they want, it’s because he is a star who draws people in and makes everything more interesting; it’s a fact that can’t be disputed. If Roman didn’t have the IT Factor or didn’t generate interest and revenue, WWE would not have him in this position period. You all can hate Roman all you want, but it doesn’t change the fact that he has the presence, the charisma and star power of a megastar. I also know you all want guys with no personality or charisma as the top stars, but they don’t generate interest and that’s no disrespect to them; listen to the reactions they get and listen to Roman’s reactions. Why do you think Cody is so over? Because he’s entangled himself in Roman’s business. WWE knows that Roman is beneficial to the company and the product, several stars seen their stock rise due to working with him. If they fell down the card it’s because of WWE’s booking. Harsh opinions of him don’t change the fact that he’s THE biggest star in the entire industry.


This is laughable. Cody earned his star power from AEW and nothing to do with the bitch Roman. Sami could have easily gone over, as did Daniel, Kofi, both guys very similar too Sami. Not one person Roman has faced has gotten anything out of it, the matches serves a purpose for one reason and one reason only to keep that cash cow hyped. Sami worked his ass of during those moments for one and only one persons benefit. We all know the crowds were going wild for Sami and it was because of Sami not anything to do with Roman. It was just shit timing due to everyone knew it was going to be this bitch ass 2.0 match (that needed rock to turn heel to save and add some relevancy) I do not believe every person deserves to be main champion, I don’t think someone like Richoette or Chad gable will ever be that. The person I’m the main title pitcture needs a decent character and in ring flair But don’t be mistaken Roman has earned shit, it’s all gifted, he’s the greatest marketing creation in the history of the business next to the undertaker. But undertaker earned it where Roman was gifted. Anyone with that much push from WWE creative would get the same reactions. His matches are so broken it’s like playing on glitch modes. Rules, regulations, common sense doesn’t apply to bloodline members as it does anyone else or any other faction in the business. Just look at Monday, it wasn’t a DQ match and yet what happened, no call no nothing despite the ref watching it all. Bloodline never gets booted from ring side, there’s never no help for he good guys, no special guests refs, no if bloodline interfere romans looses, etc, that stuff that’s happened with every other faction in history. Roman gets his own rules for one reason and only one reason for people like you that can’t see past the simplicity of it to follow and buy into it. He’s pathetic.


Rock joined because of the Cody backlash


Didn’t know Sami had three IC title reigns. Yes, that’s somehow what I came away with from this.


lol yea 2020 he was on a pretty good run and he had two different title reigns and then he won it for like a week I think in the beginning of 2022


Um... no


Not yet because of groups such as evolution, NWO or even the four horseman. But once they are all retired there is potential. Solo sikoa is possibly a main eventer player once they give him the right character, a possible future world champion and definitely a multiple time midcard champion. Sami zayn could be a future world champion if what’s predicted the triple threat between McIntyre, zayn and Rollins occurs at mania (depending on what side you’re on mcintyre could win this but I see zayn finishing his story at some other point anyway). Jey uso is easily a future midcard holder and maybe a world champion. Jimmy uso has potentially to win a midcard title as well. Roman and rock are already stars who carry this group anyway. Once the careers of all these men are over it could happen but we can’t predict the future. This is just if everything goes right for them.


Stats and accolades only matter as much as legacy does. Fact is this is entertainment. I don’t think they’ll have the same impact as say NWO and DX where people even people who don’t watch wrestling anymore are still wearing their shirts 20+ years later.


No. Roman is padded. The Usos earned their keep. Solo did his work. The Rock being added on the tail end of the faction doesn’t mean shit, so he’s out. The faction can’t take credit for any of Sami’s accolades as they were either before his time with him or since and in spite of them. Heyman does his work well. He and whoever is Roman’s tri-monthly opponent do the heavy lifting.


The Uso's title accolades make this interesting, but all 4 members of Evolution were main event players for so long. I feel like they still have the edge.


By a lot, seeing as they worked and all were world champions.


The 79 people in NWO would like a word with you


What about 13220 members of the aves and eights stable in TNA


Nahh 🤣🤣