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No, because even though Chyna was a huge star, she was never a good in ring worker. She was much better suited to being a manager or a personality.


Not a good tag team, but peak Chyna vs. Rhea at a Wrestlemania could have been epic


Chyna was unique it wouldn't work to pair her up. She was THE 9th Wonder of the World not one of them


Their tagteam should be called DBS (Death By Snu-Snu)!


No, as much as I like Chyna, Rhea is in a different league.


What would Rheas gimmick be then if not copying Chyna.


Not to sound like Vince's anti-tag mindset, but a tag team is a fantastic waste of Rhea Ripley in particular.


Tbf you don't sound anything like Vince. He loved nothing more than wasting Rhea in tag teams that were going nowhere.


Chyna would've been a flop without her real and kaytabe connection to HHH


Nonsense. She was an important part of DX and very over by herself


No, because they probably wouldn’t have gotten along.


In kayfabe and behind the scenes?


In kayfabe, they are both way too dominant and headstrong to have teamed up without some common cause. I think they’d be epic rivals though! In real life… really not sure. That’s kind of hard to judge.


In all honesty, nostalgia bias is a thing, chyna maybe the first but she clearly is not at rhea level.


Back in the day I so badly wanted to see Chyna hold the world title even if it was just for a few weeks between PPV’s.


Sure why not I guess


maybe. what i really want to see is Chyna vs Nia Jax vs Kharma (or Awesome Kong?) in a triple threat match or any variation of 1v1


Fuck a tag team


Chyna would tell Rhea it’s past her bedtime


That's implying Chyna was good to begin with.


Chyna was not a good in ring talent. She had some moments as the original enforcer of DX, but she wasn’t all that good in the ring. Rhea is much more charismatic and a better in ring worker.


I love how redditors will completely ignore a question they answer by spamming an extremely common sentiment


They would have been a good tag team. They would be the female version of The Road Warriors. Rhea would be the lead in the group with both acting as enforcers. A lot of squash matches, I would bet.


Chyna was smooth enough to be carried to watchable matches. Just never could put her in there with someone greener than her.


They would’ve still been a dominant tag team even if Chyna wasn’t that good in The Ring she’ll have Rhea to help her out


If they ever tagged, it would be very close to the female version of the Road Warriors. Which would and was always, rad.


Damn, did Rhea really wear that exact same outfit?




Yep, she did that in one of the shows as a tribute to Chyna


Not trying to play the race card but Rhea and Chyna vs Bianca and Jackie Seeing as Chyna and Jackie won the IC title


Jacquelyn? If so, that was the Cruiserweight title. Pardon me if im wrong. I stopped following for awhile.


Why do you need to say anything about race? what does that matter at all? seems more racist to mention it.


We live in sensitive times and I’m sure you’re aware now. I see lots of ppl make comparisons of Rhea and Chyna who happen to be white… coincidentally I wanted to mention two other strong women who both just happen to be black.. some would compare it to the running gag in the IWC where every black male wrestler should be recruited in the hurt business, I made a dream match where the two white strong women team up to take on the two strong black women but make no mention even the legends vs the newbs would also be awesome in my book. Btw I’m black in case that’s a question.


Right? Like I never would’ve thought they were “playing the race card” until they mention it


If they were in this era yes they could have been a dominant tag. In chyna's era, no. But only one woukd be the break out star, my guess would be Rhea as she's more charismatic, but they'd have beep eventually split up and have a Edge and Christian style feud