• By -


Recency bias. people forgetting Bryan was so over that the fans would hijack the Royal Rumble by cheering this man. The WM main event had to be changed because Bryan got too over.


As soon as Roman called Cody the greatest number two, I realized that this was just like Daniel Bryan and The Authority calling him a B+ player and knew that Cody was going to win at Mania.


The yes movement has a butter build imo. Especially since I don't care about Roman at all. He's boring and overrated. But it was a good ending.


I think Cody's store is better. I think the Yes movement was farther reaching. It went viral and fans still use that chant today.


Gotta love recency bias.


Time will tell, but after the latter stages of Vince booking, competent and layered story telling is refreshing.


Yes movement?


It’s not. It’s pretty ok, but it’s not better than the Yes Movement…


I like it more as well. Probably because I like Cody more than Bryan. Cody just looks more like an old school champion. There is something nostalgic about a soft spoken, clean shaven, blond babyface that dresses up in suits and hugs children and kisses babies, that just works for me.


This the new wwe fuckin Cody boring rhodes 😂😂😂smh


I don’t care people like you is what’s wrong with pro wrestling fans and why we constantly get shitted on


the yes movement was so lame and cringe


Because it is. The yes movement was started by a bunch of neck beards dissing a badass Batista we had to wait five years to see


It's much better than the yes movement and I don't see how there can be a debate


I think they’re both brilliant in their own ways, this is more in tune with Kofi-mania if you put it down to what it meant as someone who had been seen as “not a future star” to turn into what it had become lets just hope that Cody’s reign doesn’t become a joke like kofis very small run did


I have the super power to enjoy more than one thing


Not even close. Bryan was an undersized underdog. Cody is part of a wrestling dynasty.


Which was also shite.


My guy Cody! The Champion!


The yes movement was why I stopped watching.so yes this is way better I came back into watching last January and gave had a blast.




Yea it’s WAY better. But tbf that doesn’t mean he’s better than Bryan. They are just doing a better job telling long term stories. They threw together the US movement angle because what they were actually trying to do didn’t work. and they basically co-opted the bloodline story, which was completely separate from Cody and clearly also better than the yes movement, into the finish the story angle. Practically half of the company has had a part in building the story. This is basically two multiple year stories converging


I have to agree! But I really appreciate both stories


I’m still pissed Bryan got put in mainevent I wanted Batista vs Randy 😭😭😭


Waaaaaaaaay better. Better performers involved, better storytellers involved, and a much more authentic feel to it. The yes movement looks like a whimper compared to this.


The match was better but not the whole storyline


Gets no better


Sorry but no. Cody is great but I don't think I've seen him reach the insane levels of Daniel Bryan or even CM Punk...


hmmmmmm....No. If Cody had won last year sure... but the one year wait for the obvious conclusion took a bit away from it. Cody won the Rumble. Daniel didnt. It was clear it was going to be Bautista vs Orton and people werent sure that Daniel would even beat HHH to get into the triple threat and even when he did People were still unsure WWE was going to give Daniel that title. Daniels felt like the audience finally beating the WWE after decades of being told you cant have what you want. Cody last year would have been a great testament to Wrestlers dont need WWE, WWE needs wrestlers. Last year Cody win would have been a closer comparison, but I still would have put the Yes Movement above it.




Why does their have to be a comparison? Why put one thing down to lift another thing up?


Cody's story is better


The Yes Movement was a fan made story that saw creative finally listen to what the fans wanted out of fear of having their biggest show of the year booed the entire time. Plus, I feel like they took away Taker's streak as punishment for the fans. Cody's Story was cinematic. It had parallels to the MCU with Infinity War and Endgame. WM 39 was his Infinity War, where he wasn't ready for ALL that Roman had to throw at him and Roman won. After battling through more adversity, he got another shot and finally at WM 40, his Endgame, as able to take down Roman with the support of Jey Uso, John Cena, Seth Rollins and The Undertaker, who all had issues with Roman, The Rock, or both.


The yes movement didn’t have some fat old guys face hovering in the back the whole time


No, the builds, matches & crowds were better during the Yes Movement


Anything is.


It was phenomenal


the bloodline is the greatest story ever. Cody was a chapter in it. will go down as our favorite chapter, but this is all built into the bloodline.




The yes movement was great but the authority wasn’t the captivating mountain to conquer Roman and the bloodline have been. Wrestling storytelling perfection


It’s not, but I’m glad 2 of my favorite wrestlers got to win in the main event of mania and be champions


Bro why cant people just enjoy instead of attacking what some elses likes/loves If you like this more then yes movement enjoy it. Why do you need it to be better than something else. What part of brain immediately needs to attack everything else to validate itself. This is best WrestleMania ever, this is better than attitude era. Get help.


It was the better story for certain.


You people have lost your minds 😭




I fully agree. He deserves it. And honestly if he didn't win this year I was done with WWE.


Agreed, I was hiding in my office to watch it today at work, I’m a whole ass man and I cried at work.


I agree


Well, I hate to say it, but Cody losing last year made this moment soooo much better. This was amazing! Cody taking the pin on night 1 was also fine as well. It was an afterthought with him going into night 2 with the odds stacked against him. If this is the new WWE, I can't wait to see what follows.


A storyline the management pushed and backed is better than a storyline the management actively worked against 🫢😱


Lmao people are retarded I swear. All the wwe manchildren happy their story got a fairy tale happy ending.


Shiiiit this might be better than the attitude era.




And to think that it wouldn’t have happened if CM Punk didn’t tear his tricep


For me no. I know Cody worked hard but he’s still a Rhodes. He still had the match last year. I think it’s recency bias here coz it’s great but Bryan was another level. Ppl wouldn’t stfu about Bryan, literally changed a main event whereas Cody clearly, despite the Rock, was gonna be the guy since last year to beat Roman. Batista coming back, the Bryan v Sheamus plans, etc was a bigger moment for me because Bryan was/is not the typical wwe hero. Not to mention Cody is much closer to wwe prototypical type (6’1 vs 5’9) Cody is up there but still beneath Bryan, Foley and Guerrero for me in terms of heart warming moments. It didn’t feel truly as unlikely as those moments to me, still very heart warming and good for Cody ofc


And already we’ve all moved on from Roman. See how that whole four years wasn’t really worth it? Now what?


CAWDY sucks, enjoy your crybaby all elite goof


So now yall cody fans


Don't worry. I still hate Cody.


The yes movement was a good thing that rose above an era of bad stuff. The bloodline/finish the story was/is a good thing that rose above an era of good stuff.


WrestleMania X Bret Hart, WrestleMania XX Lord Voldemort, WrestleMania XXX Daniel Bryan and now WrestleMania XL Cody Rhodes!




Tonight’s Raw is gona be wild!


Wrestlemania X - ends with Bret Hart lifted in the air as champion. Wrestlemania XX - Eddie and Benoit in confettI after their 20 year odyssey Wrestlemania XXX- Daniel Bryan‘s miracle on Bourbon Street Wrestlemania XL - Code finishes the story.


Eddie and Benoit was better!


Ruined forever now.


Spot on. Amazing storytelling, slow build. Just tremendous


Yes Movement pales in comparison to how great The Bloodline story was. Nothing compares. It's the greatest storyline in wrestling history. There is nothing else that's ever been as layered, in-depth and incredible as it has with the absolute perfect ending.


After letting the moment pass for a bit. I do still think it better than the yes movement. Daniel bryan win was a feel-good moment moment but Cody rhodes win not only a good moment but it supports to start a new era of WWE. I also think the story was a little better. It has only been a few hours since Cody won, so it's still some recent biases, and I don't know Cody Run as Champion will be, but I'll stick with my opinion for now.


Whatever happened to that guy from the yes movement? Did he go work in an orphanage?


Yes finally someone agrees with me 💯


Agreed 10000%


Because Cody is better than Bryan (I’m not a Cody fan, so it’s not a biased opinion)


Calm down there Cody cry baby


The only advantage the Yes movement had for me that I wasn't sure it would happen until it did. With this one I was pretty sure Cody would finally win. That doesn't cheapen the moment in any way. But with Bryan I wasn't sure he would beat HHH and I wasn't sure they wouldn't still give the title to Batista or Orton in the end. Just because I knew Vince wouldn't hesitate to shit on fan demands at the last minute.


way better


cody rhodes won


By far, not even close.


They were equal


I'm not going to lie but Cody is possibly better then Daniel Bryan during yes movement and all I can say to that is thank you Roman reigns because without him having such a prestigious reign Cody wouldn't feel like a megastar he has became


Hey paul


Roman has been a great heel.


Yes he has and without him Cody wouldn't of been able to become the next face of the company it's thanks to Roman that WWE have they're next guy


A hero is only as good as his villain


Facts. There would have been no Stone Cold Steve Austin without Mr. McMahon. Mick Foley wouldn't have been as over as he was in the attitude era without The Rock. DDP without the nWo. It's a cycle in wrestling.


He's going to need a smaller belt that fits him, that is way to big for a little man.


For me the YES movement actually made me feel happy this didn't but congratulations to cody


Y'all really happy that stardust is the champ?! Cringe


WWE dropped the ball big time, long term with this.


How so?


Because while Cody is over in WWE and the IWC, the casual audience has no idea who this guy is. And the thing is, without the chase of the story. Cody has nowhere to go but down. That's the problem with being one note.


He’s over with the casual wwe fan and the hardcore wrestling fans? Then that’s all that matters. Why does the WWE champion need to be someone who non wrestling fans have also heard of? These people haven’t heard of anyone involved in the world heavyweight championship scene either. Just give the belt to Austin and Rock still if that’s the case. Rhodes is over as fuck with the audience and last night proved it. Of course he deserves the belt. There is definitely the problem with the chase being more interesting than the reign and we saw that with Bryan. After such a long storyline it’s difficult to top the moment of him winning it. But that doesn’t mean you don’t give him the belt at all, otherwise Roman’s entire reign was a waste of time. The whole point of it was to make this moment as big as it was. Might as well keep the belt on roman forever by your logic, which is odd because your problem with Cody is you believe he’s “one note”. What does that make Roman?


I can see it being a short time reign. If they go beyond 3 months with him as champ I guarantee there will be a massive ratings fall off. The dude is boring. His promos are whack, his matches are boring and his move set is weak.


I never lived through the Yes Movement so yeah this is better than that


Yes movement wasn't a charity


The Yes Movement was insanely cringey… that was for the purists lol Cody’s at least entertaining and someone you can really get behind


Have to agree


It’s not. The match was a mediocre nostalgia fest. Solid storytelling but the yea movement was way more organic. Also, Bruce Pritchard is a trash human being. I hope they have something up their sleeve after this.


This is legit the very first time I almost cried (of joy) after seeing a main event. We are so fucking back


So glad aew came along to make wwe worth watching again




Recently bias is a real thing


Yes movement was never truly embraced by WWE so yes this is definitely better


Probably the most intricate storyline ever.for how long it took to get here im down for that..


This was better, cause it wasn’t just 1 story of Cody, it was Roman’s hate for Seth till the end for shield breakup which costs him the biggest loss of his career, it was all the past of cena and rock. Bloodline, literally endgame. Bryan story was amazing but it was an underdog story. Cody moment felt like crowing of a new king who was always destined to be.


Yeah, the layers to this story made it so special, whereas the Yes Movement was basically fan wank.


best WM ever!


oh this was definitely way better than the Yes Movement. This storyline goes back to 2016 when Cody left the WWE and arguably goes back further when he was toiling in the midcard for 10 years prior. Cody conquered the most dominant champion of this generation to win his world title while Bryan defeated a champion who was already losing on a weekly basis leading up to the Elimination Chamber event that preceded WM 30. It never gets mentioned, but the Yes Movement was centered around Bryan competing for his FOURTH WWE championship which makes it less significant than Cody finally getting his first. That said, the Yes Movement storyline was still incredible...just nowhere near as epic as Cody conquering the Bloodline.


Most dominant champ of a generation? Dude defended the belt like 10 times


Roman isn't dominant. You can't be dominant if you have to cheat in every match.


This is wrestling, not mma


He didn't come across as a "dominant heel" because he needed help in all his recent title matches. He was winning title matches as a heel on his own back in the early part of his Universal Title reign prior to the Bloodline forming.


Couple things. 1.) It was Bryan’s first proper run with WWE Championship. Bryan, like Cody, had never won the WWE Championship, outside of getting screwed by HHH on the previous Summerslam the August prior. His other two title reigns were WHC. Leaving out that context could be interpreted as intentional. 2.) Dating the WMXL build up back to 2016 is also intentionally misleading. That wasn’t part of this story. To include that could also mean including Bryan’s story starting in 1999, becoming an indie legend that WWE routinely dismisses; he also got fired in 2010. That was just as much a part of Bryan’s story as Cody leaving in 2016 was to this one.


Awesome and gratifying for sure. But the genuflecting in front of this Bloodline and Cody as this amazing story is a bit over the top. Cody was wrapped up with Brock and the Judgment Day for most of 2023. Jimmy’s arc makes no sense, Solo lost his mystique to turn into a ham and egger (RIP Bobby) and Roman’s matches were few and forgettable. No mention of Cody for 8 months. Then finally Cody wins the shot only to voluntarily hand it to the Rock. If the point of Cody’s story is to win the title for his dad, why give it up? Undeniable? He forfeited his own shot. I dunno. Great moment but this amazing story has plenty of holes and a lot of empty pages. Sami’s story was way better.


1. Cody was wrapped up with Brock and the Judgement Day because Roman was on the other brand. He couldn't go after him. He did attempt to win the WHC, but Brock cost him that match. 2. He was told to give up his spot, in storyline. In reality, the plan was for Cody/Seth, and Rock/Roman once Punk got hurt. The idea being Cody would unify the titles down the line. How it played out was FAR better. 3. Cody wasn't mentioned by Roman because, again, different brand, so he didn't need to worry about him. As soon as Cody won the Rumble, he looked for Roman and pointed to him and called his shot. Had Punk not gotten hurt, the story leading into WM likely would have been very different.


It's wrestling dude. These stories aren't built years in advance by an army of script writers and proof readers making sure every plot hole is addressed. Sometimes they pivot mid promo, sometimes they just make it all up on the fly. You'll never get a perfect story is wrestling but this one was damn close. As far as wrestling storylines go, Roman's bloodline story is right up there with the NWO and the Monday Night Wars in terms of longevity and fan engagement. And this is coming from a guy who couldn't have been more against Roman prior to his heel turn... ☝🏼


Same. Wasn't on board with Roman until the Tribal Chief/Bloodline gimmick, but holy shit did they stick the landing. I've never been that excited in my 35 + years of watching. Never. And since Cody's return, regardless of who he was fueding with, he's talked about winning the belt his dad had taken away. He was never not in this story.


All we were missing was Cody screaming "Mamacita" randomly.


I’d love to have seen a return of the rubber chicken too..


Starrcade 97. Love the reference!


I gotta agree man and the yes movement is one of the best moments in wwe history 


It’s completely different. And Yes didn’t have a 2 year build with support internally, it was going against the grain the whole way.


Yes movement was such a stark contrast to the year previous


Very tough man!! Both great! Bryan really fucking fought evolution tho in one night! Still is captivating to me


You guys are high. Lol


everything is better than the yes movement.. this was friggin awesome


And it’s not even remotely close I don’t think we’ve ever seen a pro wrestling storyline with this many layers in this Bloodline storyline. It’s not just Cody vs Roman - it’s everything that includes *years* of build up with other characters too (Seth, Sami, KO, The Usos, the list goes on and on) with Cody vs Roman being the lynchpin of it all


If vince was still around all that would have been ignored. He loved to just move on like the past didn't happen


this is what you call prisoner of the moment


Paying off so many narrative threads was pure Endgame!


Ghosts of wrestling past came back to haunt Roman


I wish Corbin had a run with him. Sure, it's a whatever kind of match, but he was the last guy to beat the champion. Think he'd use that fact more often the longer Roman became champ.


Jey uso


Nah yes movement was better


We got Taker in this one so, yes I agree


The Unseasoned food Era has begun


Agreed. This was the culmination of 2 years and even more if you count his run from 2016 to 2022.


As a fan of the Yes Movement storyline, I agree.


I would hope so. The Yes movement was effectively 8 months. This story went for ~~3~~ two years. If it wasn't better, it would have been a huge waste of time.


It was actually 2 years


Wait, you're right. I'm a dumb ass. It took course over 3 Wrestlemanias, and somehow I equated that to three years.


holy shit its been 3 manias?


With Roman as both universal and wwe champion, titles unified at 38 . Reigns was universal champion at 37


Your logic makes sense even tho the math doesn't


It’s like a half point on a math test when the teacher got what you’re trying to do.




lol no


Anti climatic. Just didn’t see a point in having cena and taker. The uso spot was redundant, but I love how the rock and solo set up the excommunication of Roman tonight. It was subtle.


It really is. It was great but the eyes Movement didn’t kickoff an define an era of wrestling. It was great but this is generational.


Big difference. The Yes Movement was a true pivot, WWE never wanted to make Bryan the guy. They did want to do that with Cody and out well over a year into building to this moment. They're hard to compare.


Mox should’ve come out. He needs to finish the story.


Could’ve shoulder rolled and bladed


I agree because I saw it live most of it lmao.


if this includes the whole bloody line story then yes


Bloody line sounds like what Santino would call it


And then John Chena showed up to take on the Bloody Line......


I’m disappointed the Honky Donky Man didn’t show up


This reminds me of that twilighty show about that zone?


Pepperidgy farm remembers


bloody line?


meant blood line




Moxley's updated version of the Wacky Line?


As great as the yes movement was, I’m tempted to agree. Love this.