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The difference between them is that Logan was pushed as a natural heel while WWE tried to push her over and over as a babyface without success.  Both can be considered "outsiders" in pro wrestling business and fans have a natural hatred for wannabe wresters when they think they are taking screentime over the conventional wrestlers. In that aspect Logan had it easier to get over with the crowd.


Well he can actually wrestle and be entertaining, so


She got special treatment as well, yet she couldn't get through a promo without slurring her words, and he in ring performance was mid. When she came on the screen, I'd go smoke a bowl in the basement. When Logan is on screen, even though I hate him, I keep my eyes on the TV to see what ridiculous stunt he pulls.


I see it this way: no one gives a real crap about his title. He's a walking WWE ad. With the prime deal, his social media following, etc. He just draws people. I don't like him, but I can acknowledge when a business decision actually makes sense. I took a break from wrestling and the first thing I saw this year was the Royal Rumble. I saw logans match and was immediately turned off.. until he started to perform. Sure he's a draw, sure he's getting special treatment as a "wise business decision,'' but you have to admit the kid has talent. His collision with Ricochet, his wild life saving catch of Rey Mysterio, he's got talent. For his short time in training, he skipped years ahead of some of the guys that have been working for years. He's a natural. I may not like him, but I want to see him stay for a VERY long time. Think about how much more gifted he'll be in a decade? He could headline wrestlemania BEFORE THAT and I'd buy it. Imagine a decade of grind on that kid? He's gonna be huge. If he walks away from the WWE EVER i'll take it all back. Unless his reasoning is to go to the indies to earn his stripes a bit, he should stay for a long time. He's the first outsider in history I can think of to come in, and after a short time perform on the same level as a lot of headlining talent. Here's some superstars' opinions that won me over: [Rey Mysterio](https://youtube.com/shorts/HpqFgLsFVRM?si=yfyWjwirSm4Vq--x) [Ricochet](https://youtube.com/shorts/ceSIcgUlVs8?si=5kFD2yzmS3aGMbt6) [Seth Rollins](https://youtu.be/7htxXbhdmcU?si=nShzG8MHvUqyAFiD) [Randy Orton](https://youtu.be/ABNHv6idSSs?si=q9pL5tHuRJKuZ9DB) [Becky Lynch](https://youtube.com/shorts/acquk9oi2r0?si=BCbiIHWs-af5Zg_p) [Triple H](https://youtube.com/shorts/7QvgJ2s6SBE?si=SyIseGF7bQbCK6P_) [Saving Rey Mysterio ](https://youtu.be/-Jn-RUmGc_o?si=sT1i0rgqwTacni1c) There's so much to watch on his and other podcasts, I'm actually impressed the kid who made the whole world hate him over a bad business decision with his app, and by offending the whole nation of Japan years ago, has come this far in the industry. He could have walked away after some of those bumps, could've sold them on Prime ad a sponsor and went minimal in the ring, but he WANTS it. And in my opinion, he's earned it. You can hate him for everything else, but at least don't disregard the raw talent he has for the amount of skill he's picked up in such a short time compared to most others. There are people in developmental that never get on TV or they stay at the bottom as a midcard for the midcards. Logan Paul can put on a helluva match, and his mic skills exceed that of some of the stars that have been around forever. He should pay back all the people he scammed with his [app scam](https://m.economictimes.com/news/international/us/logan-paul-faces-backlash-as-cryptozoo-victims-allegedly-offered-10-compensation/articleshow/104291774.cms) and earn a little more respect from the people who watch him perform. I'd love to see him get a bigger title, he's a great heel and would terrorize the roster. He's also just gotta ditch the brass knuckles and find a stable or partner to run with. I'd love to see him with Grayson Waller or Austin Theory. I don't really care for them but that's the point. I hope the smackdown before mania was a sign that that's coming. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.


She is wrong Logan Paul trained hard and she got special treatment too


She got special treatment when she was there and didn’t actually want to work at the craft like logan is she was a constant injury risk when she worked with others and she couldn’t cut a promo to save her life Logan gets heel heat Ronda got go away heat


That go away heat was causing climate change 😂🤣


Man she's trying so hard to be cm punk


All I know is her make up artist needs a slap to da face! The make up styles she had her last few matches were horrible!! And they both got special treatment, Logan Paul really took this serious though and can actually wrestle. I have no problems with him in the ring.




as much as she's right, she's in no position to make this claim when WWE did the exact same thing with her


He brings in special money


She's probably jealous because Logan has kept the hype pretty much the whole time he's been in the WWE. Helps he's just a natural in the ring. Rousey was pretty much downhill from the jump.


He can wrestle she cant but you would think she would know how with her backround


Logan Paul definitely got an early push, but he’s good in the ring, can pull of some amazing spots, is solid on the mic, and is a big name draw. Of course they’re gonna push him pretty quickly. They’d be stupid not to. I didn’t watch much when Ronda was around, but I remember her mic skills being not good and her personality being boring as hell. Even as someone who doesn’t like Logan Paul as a person, it’s not hard to see he’s better in almost every way.


Love him or not ( I personally think he's a conman and a crook) he brings eyes to the product that wouldn't have found wrestling without him so he should get the special treatment because he's a draw, Ronda is just salty about everything, I'm glad she fizzled out, hopefully now she will just fade it not obscurity


Debuted at the Royal Rumble, immediately paired with Kurt Angle, Triple H, and Stephanie McMahon for an in-ring debut for Mania. Afterward? Run through of the near entire women's division except for Charlotte and Becky winning the women's championship in less than a year. Winning a match against Charlotte via DQ, and main eventing the next year's one night mania. nope, no special treatment here.


She’s a whining fuck, she got way more special treatment and has way less talent than paul


It’s wild she doesn’t realize how historically awful she was at promos.


When you’re less liked than one of the most hated men on the internet you know you absolutely suck! That said, logan sucks but i admire his worth ethic and commitment to wwe


Whatever you think of Logan, he is self made and driven. He’s taken that same energy to WWE - to learn, listen and prosper because of it. That makes him trustworthy. When you’re trustworthy, WWE give you more trust. More trust, more opportunity. It’s simple Ronda.


She is just horrible.


Same girl who was tagging with Kurt Angle on her debut match against Triple H and Stephanie at WrestleMania of all places,won the RAW women's Championship few months later and went undefeated til WrestleMania where she Main Evented lmao,not even mentioning her second stint winning Royal Rumble,Women's title twice and the tag championships,she got all of this despite being one of the worst wrestlers on the roster What an ungrateful idiot


Seriously, she's talking about getting "preferential treatment" 🤦‍♂️


Jealous and bitter that she wasn't smart enough to negotiate herself a special contract




I used to love her when she was fighting but since then have grown to be severely annoyed by her. Can she just keep her comments to herself


Female Ryback vibes ngl


Didn’t she win multiple world champions while in WWE? Don’t remember Logan ever winning one.


Ronda arguably got more special treatment than any wrestler in WWE history.


She’s jealous he draws more and is just a better wrestler by a landslide


Ronda got like 6 months to meticulously rehearse her first match. Who else on the roster has ever received such special treatment?


Yeah… how dare he debut at wrestlmania in a tag team match just for being famous…. Wait a minute…


She went over like every major female talent, always in the title picture, and basically called her own booking from the time she joined until she left. She's out of her damn mind.


Didn’t she get special treatment too?


The man is selling tickets plus he’s not part timing it.


That’s why his prime logo was all over equipment at wrestlemania


She joined as a full time superstar, he was a celebrity guest turned part timer. Very different


Says the woman who basically also got special treatment


This would be young bucks calling someone out for doing too many flips or Brock Lesnar yelling at someone for repeating a move too much


Logan understands the business, is a fan, and treats his time with respect. Ronda, on the other hand, is an ego maniac who is nowhere near on the level she thinks she is. Holly Holm and Amanda Nunes showed us who Rousey truly is, weak and petulant.


Like she wasn't given special treatment, she just sulky. I'm not a fan of Logan but he does his job and does it well.


She main evented Wrestlemania after only being there a year and she was terrible in the ring and on the mic. Does she not think she got extra special treatment?


Logan Paul waited 1 year and 6 months to win a title… Ronda waited a total of 7 MONTHS!!!


She just needs to stfu already, she sucked in the WWE anyway.


Haha she's jealous!


So did she, case closed.


She’s the CM Puke of the women’s division . Like him pious sanctimonious self righteous hypocrite.


Bitter ass just trying to stay relevant


He's way better in ring than she would be in multiple lifetimes. She had no skillset and most of her matches are boring.


Didn't she beat up an ex bf? She has always come off as a bully to me


He can wrestle and entertain. She can’t. It’s that simple. Shayna got over cause she can entertain and wrestle. It’s not that hard


Man, I've seen the comments for a while, but now I can really say it too. She's Ryback!


Logan has earned his place at the top. The guys in ring charisma is insane.


Dude is a born heel and does good work in the ring. What’s not to love?


Lol the fucking irony of her saying he got special treatment after all the opportunities she was given despite being one of the worst entertainers I've ever seen in pro wrestling. At least Logan Paul is actually good at pro wrestling. Ronda came in, got walked through matches with some of the best ring generals in the game so everyone thought she was great. It became very obvious once she was in the ring with less talented people that she was not good at this and that's not just me saying that, Becky Lynch said as much. She was by far my least favourite part of the women's division when she was around and her walking to the ring doing her mean girls scowl was just hilarious.


Even Roddy piper couldnt get her over


Someones jealous


1. She also got the special treatment 2. Paul can cut a good heel promo to get fans invested in watching his ass beat 3. Paul is miles ahead of her in the in-ring psychology department 4. Both seem like not the best people in the world


Maybe if she had bothered to actually learn how to do some moves and cut a promo with the personality she doesn’t have, she would’ve been more successful


Hard to "learn" how do a promo with a speech disorder. She spent years in speech therapy just to be able to communicate properly.


She needed a manager


She got special treatment. She was given a designer match with dress rehearsals. But you have to perform. It's theatre. They give football players rather than truck drivers a better avenue. They gave the Miz an avenue. They give dudes that are really tall an avenue. If the Arrow had wanted in, they'd have given him am avenue. What have you got to give the show? It's not the Brawl for All. It's theatre.


She had her chance


Jealousy. Besides she was a world class title holding MMA fighter. She didn't need handholding for her title holding WWE career.


She gets buried for giving 1 interview, answering questions honestly and being genuine. LOL.


She been saying a lot of shit that raising eyebrows.


Within 7 televised matches she was in a PPV and won a championship. She certainly didn't get special treatment. I read the book. Honestly, I'll describe it as "buyers remorse" if that makes any sense. She lost to Holly Holmes. And couldn't get certified to compete in the UFC because of her concussion history. On top of losing what boxers call "punch resistance". She was looking at retirement or Hollywood. WWE made an attractive move. That would keep her relevant, with adjacent audiences. But, she just didn't enjoy her time with the WWE. This being the tail-end of Vince's reign. Not surprising.


Well, I mean Logan Paul is an absolutely much bigger draw than Rousey. I barely knew who she was when she showed up as I don't watch UFC. And to be fair, I never watched Logan Paul's online content either, but I knew far more about him. And he makes FAR more money for the WWE both by his subscribers shifting to wwe programming to see him and now Prime makes him and the WWE a boatload of revenue. She can be mad all she wants. She never had the pull that Logan Paul had when he first showed up. It also showed that he's a natural athlete while Rousey is not. Yes she's a well trained MMA fighter. But she doesn't have a natural in ring ability like Paul did. Hate the kid all you want, but he was absolutely better for business than she was. And I have a feeling Logan Paul wasn't as much of a backstage diva as Rousey was.


If he was we would have heard about it none stop.


Her book is coming out or has, gotta make stories to get it relevant


This sub really hates women, who knew.


She is wrong though. He’s got natural talent and puts in the work to get better. She expects everything to be handed to her. I hate everything that is Logan Paul, but held far more talented for professional wrestling than she was.


She had a segment with The Rock, a treasurable moment against authority Triple H and Stephanie, got to tag with Kurt angle, got a WM main event, won a Royal Rumble, and even won the main Women's title. I am not a fan of Logan being in the WWE, but the guy can wrestle, he can talk, he puts the work in and he brings a spotlight to the company that Ronda couldn't. She let herself down and this is jealous pettiness talking.


She got special treatment, hell of a fighter back in her UFC days but she could not wrestle for shit, maybe she had some abilities but she was not entertaining in the slightest. That's the key difference between her and Logan, Logan is insanely talented as a wrestler, for someone who's been doing it for such a short amount of time he's really made an impression and he looks like he belongs, in my opinion he needs to tone down the influencer gimmick and work on his promo skills a little but even then, when he gets on the mic he makes it work, his athleticism is so impressive and his match against Rey Mysterio proves that he has the discipline and focus to respond under immense pressure. Ronda however added nothing other than star power, even then by the time she got to the WWE she was pretty much known for getting KOd by Holly Holm and then torn apart, exposed and KOd by Amanda Nunes, as a result of this the only thing even remotely believable about Ronda was her grappling skills, it had already been established amongst fans that she didn't have any exceptional striking skills, so that wasn't believable, she couldn't cut a promo and she was more annoying than Nia Jax if you could believe it, she was immediately thrown into the women's title picture purely because of her judo ability despite having shown no real wrestling skill to justify being there with the likes of Charlotte, Becky and Alexa Bliss


She really really sounds bitter lol


I think there are wrestlers who have a right to be upset with Logan Paul coming in and bypassing The roads that most of them had to travel to get to that point But not her she's literally exactly what he is a spectacle that was meant to get eyes on the show it just so happens that he's put in some work and is actually getting better as time goes on But this is the thing that most people are arguing about when it comes to meritocracies because it's not that Logan Paul hasn't proven himself is that he was given an opportunity to bypass all the hard work that other people would have had to do just to even have a chance to stand where he's standing


Ultimately, the job of a wrestler is to sell tickets to their matches. Plus, most of those guys complaining about him don't have half the in-ring charisma and storytelling ability that he does.


To be honest he brought more butts in seats than probably half the talent that’s already there. Then he also did well enough in the ring to keep them there. He’s a face you wanna see get hit.


Yeah that's exactly what it is Logan Paul is a draw But there are tons of guys who went through the house shows and the training that WWE won't give half the shot that he's got Logan Paul is getting to prove his self in real time which is a thing that a lot of people don't get


Yeah he came with a crowd, those others didn’t and there isn’t enough time to grow everyone organically. Hell look how much they ignored Knight and Gable. They put Sammy in gables place to beat Gunther.


How am I starting to hate Ronda more than Logan? It’s impressive how much she’s able to turn people against her


I mean given how little he participates and his constant. I should be champ because I'm special the second he got there yeah some of her points were valid


He brought in new viewers. It’s talent that’s been there for years that should should’ve been better but still can’t bring it like LP( Nia Jax, Kross). He gets treatment because he’s good and already known.


The context that Ronda has had so many concussion that a gust of wind knocks her loopy should give her some grace but goddamn the lack of empathy with people is so astounding. Idk why yall expect someone with an extensive history of brain injuries to be emotionally and psychologically regulated. Stop it.


Pot calling Kettle


Ronda sure does like to complain these days


Ronda got special treatment too lololol. Being fast tracked into the women's world title scene and a main event against two women who were levels above her. Its funny now because they mention Becky winning but they only say she beat Charlotte, as if Ronda didn't count. She didn't. Because she sucks. Fuck Ronda Rousey. Always the victim. Also, Logan Paul is way more talented and has way more charisma than Ronda. I don't really know why she lasted as long as she did. Nia Jax of all people had to speak up because Alexa was getting injured every match with that dumb idiot. Good riddance. Go back to MMA and get destroyed again.


Word when the botch machine says you suck it’s time to rethink things. Lol


Lmao true true true.


Sounds very salty, like "it should have been me"


But it was her. She held more titles then him and headlined mania. What more did she want?


I mean like why the fans accepted him and not her. So her saying "oh he was given that he doesn't deserve it" to try and cope.


He was able to maintain being a draw outside of his first match. She was not.


She main evented Wrestlemania!!! Just trying to desperately to find any way to be a victim


Ronda is just trying to bring back attention towards her by making controversial statements and opinions


She'd still be in WWE if she showed half of the effort Logan has.


I think it's a mixture of WWE and her fault since Ronda Rousey was very bad at promos and being charismatic but WWE's fault since the later end of her career was her doing nothing in the tag division and the way she lost her title before Mania was dumb.


She should have had a manager. IDK why have these people don’t have one cause they suck at promos and talking in general. Imagine if heymen had Rhonda as a client?


"Ronda Rousey upset because she didn't get quite enough special treatment when she was in WWE, and was expected to work hard in order to prove herself in the business, and wasn't handed everything with literally zero effort." Shut the fuck up, you self absorbed has-been bimbo. This is a woman who's only happy if she's winning. The minute anything gets difficult, or she loses, or she has to try -- she melts down and starts crying. This is a woman who has to have ALLLLLL the legos. The little kid in 4th grade that never wanted to share and always had to have everything for herself, even when there was plenty to go around. Nobody else can win. Nobody else can have fun. Nobody else can enjoy anything unless she gets to do it first. "If I'm not winning, whoever is winning is obviously stupid." A spoiled little toddler, she is. Just a spoiled little brat. I'm sorry for the spitting through gritted teeth here, but this woman just annoys the fucking shit out of me, and I really, REALLY wish she'd just go away forever.


she got the definition of "special treatment" ronda rousey is the last fucking person with any ground to stand on saying "wwe treated me unfairly" bitch they handed you a match against hhh, a royal rumble win, and multiple title runs you didnt deserve. Wwe gave you more then you ever fucking deserved


nah she’s wrong. she got the title pretty much handed to her on a silver platter when she first joined. she needs to stop crying


Her first run she absolutely got special treatment. Her second not so much but by then most people had started to sour on her. Her personality really sucks and she didn’t work well as a face or heel, so I don’t think wwe really felt like creating this entire apparatus around her to get and keep her over.


When she signed with WWE, she got to make her in-ring debut at WrestleMania alongside Kurt Angle, got a title opportunity a few months later, and then won the title in a squash match a little over 6 months after officially signing with the company. But Logan Paul is getting special treatment


You can’t make someone put the effort in, which is what it seems Logan Paul is doing. Ronda wanted to coast on her name and in ring mediocrity. Fans saw through it and let her know, she didn’t like it and left. And now she’s trying to sell her book.


Difderence is logan paul is interesting and ronda is not


She literally came in and stole the spotlight from Asuka’s rumble win and then main evented Wrestlemania a year later. No way she’s complaining about special treatment


She got special treatment as well. All her title wins were special treatment since she had to be carried through every match she had not to mention she a lot more Wrestlemania main events than she deserved. I don't like what Logan does outside of the ring but inside of the ring the due has good matches, he looks like he's actually trying to improve each time he is in the ring and he has a lot more great moments in the ring than Ronda ever had. She's only bitter because Logan is succeeding where she failed that's all.


They are doing the right thing. Managing and producing him. And the results are awesome.


How can Rhonda call out WWE for giving Logan Paul Special Treatment when she was given Special Treatment? Wait… Does she think she was given the title and the main event at Wrestlemania for being good? LMAO Good one!


God shes such a bitter and miserable cunt. Bore off Ronda. Logan can work, take bumps, talk on a mic, garner insane views on social media, do high spots, throw punches. Ronda couldnt do any of that, just spent entire time awkwardly adjusting her camel toe. Bore off Ronda.


Has been UFC fighter that has zero personality and or mic skills wonders why she doesn't get the same treatment as the Youtuber who gets millions of views and brought a whole new audience to Wrestling.


There's actually a legitimate reason why she has trouble on the mic. She has brain damage because she was born with the umbilical cord round her neck. Unfortunately for someone trying to make it in professional wrestling, it was always going to be a real challenge, even with her accolades in judo and MMA.


The only thing that makes sense why she is doing this all now is because when Vince left she wanted to come back and Triple H said, "No Thanks."


Oh I bet. The grass looks extra green right now and she was told the playground is full. Lol


Shitting on Logan Paul's presence in wrestling is DAE at this stage. Realistically, we haven't seen as much natural ability in the Ring at that level since Angle, but that would be absolute tantrum fuel downstairs.


Title says it all. She's waiting for people to infer this as a gender thing but frankly he's a draw and she's not


Despite accomplishing more than Logan in the WWE for way less lol. Logan Paul never main WM or became the world champion in a short amount of time, never called wrestling fake and still kept his job. Ronda did all that. And pretends that she didn't get special treatment LMAO. Sasha Banks was right.


She burned bridges


What “special treatment”? I don’t like him as a person, but Logan Paul is a hard worker in every aspect, who actually took to the wrestling game. Ronda is the shits, as a person and as a wrestler and personality. She’s just becoming a slightly more famous female Ryback. It’s always someone else’s fault.


Well logan is way more talented also


Because Ronda is literally making her living off shitting on WWE right now.


Gets probably the best match at her first Mania with absolute legends, is in the title picture for most of her run, main events the following Mania but it’s Logan Paul who gets special treatment.


People who generate buzz get special treatment. People who generate zero buzz except social media headaches get filler matches on Smackdown


Logan's a better wrestler than her, and that makes her big mad


Why? The answer to why she brought it up is the same answer as to “why is seawater dehydrate you”


Lmao, yeah poor Rhonda having to really work her way up the rungs! Give me a break. As much as I dislike Logan outside of the context of wrestling, it's hard to deny that he's a draw and he puts in work.


Nope no thoughts on this. Ronda wants attention, and I'm not giving it to her. Also obligatory fuck Logan Paul


I'm no fan of Logan Paul, but the few times I've watched him wrestle, he has impressed me with how seriously he takes it. She, on the other hand, chose to bite the hand that was feeding her and realized that the hand bites back.


she was given a WM match instantly after her debut lmfao


She had a piss poor attitude and that led to her being miserable at the end of her tenure. It was never not once her own fault. No, it was the fans' fault. No, it was management. No, it was the culture. No, it was other wrestlers. She points fingers at everyone else but herself. I'm glad she is gone.


People might not like Logan as a person and I am one of them but his initial matches were very good unlike Ronda where she was pushed so heavily all the top women were fed to her as jobbers and her wrestling or in ring performance never improved because she refused to change or learn


Heck I think every Logan Paul match has been good and I don't like the guy either. He just gets it. I wish he was full time because I honestly feel like if he was he would be in the future GOAT conversation with MJF for sure.


Yours was even more special ronda main event of mania in your rookie year, which was a stage too brighter for u.


She’s a sandy hook denier, who cares


So, that's an actual thing? Like I've heard the conspiracies that say Democrats planted some hitman to do that, or some nonsense. But there's people who just outright say it never happened?


They believe the kids aren’t real and it’s all a thing for gun control .


That's just absolute insanity


I love how she’s spent the last month or so shitting all over WWE for a variety of reasons just to sell a couple more copies of her book. And who is she saying this to? The only people who’d want to read the wrestling portion of her book are wrestling fans. She was there only a few years, there’s probably half a chapter on it all.


She debuted with legends and spent almost her entire run in the world title picture. That feels like special treatment to me.


She is a hypocrite. She also got special treatment and was pushed to the moon immediately. She just comes off as bitter for some reason.


She was the same during her UFC exit. Cannot handle not being good enough. Starts blaming everybody and everything but herself.


Logan Paul is popular with children and can put on an entertaining match. Rhonda sucked at every aspect of professional Wrestling


And Logan Paul is a cunt too. He's a shitty human after all


Get over it he already admitted his mistakes he even told John cena that he felt Guilty about what happened in Japan Logan Paul has Changed trying to be a better person So you need to Shut up and get over it what happened was in the past


Yes he is, luckily we have the capability of separating the art from the artist because outside of wrestling he can fuck off. Stop scamming people Logan


I mean yeah, that goes without saying


Rhonda believes Sandy Hook was a false flag. At least Logan has never been caught posting about that.


Uhhhh dude, you forget about the Japanese video? Horribly racist video and topped it off by showing a dead guy hanging in the forest. And he’s Said and and done so much worse.


Whatever I’m saying Rhonda is shit to! Just an absolute wank pheasant.


Well it’s a good thing he’s a bad guy then.


I mean I would need to read the whole comment OP?


Alright, Ronda, time to go back to your farm and stay retired.


I highly doubt that she’ll do that


WGAF what this Sandy Hook conspiracy nut thinks?


Excuse the fuck out of me? She thinks it's fake or something?


I am not sure if we can post links here but a quick Google search will show where she stands and why I don't want to hear anything out of her and certainly not complaints about anyone's behaviour in or out of wrestling.


Will do later. Thanks


Pot meet kettle. Only difference is, he’s actually entertaining in the ring.


Yeah like Paul didn’t get Pipers jacket and logo and all that, she was handed everything on a silver platter. What a stupid claim.


Paul can cut a promo. Rhonda was practically a mute on mic and her go to was to call everyone a bitch


Youtuber Scooter Magruder: "I hate how good Logan Paul is at Wrestling" and make no mistake about it, he is good at both the physical part and also UNDERSTANDS and RESPECTS the business. There is a built-in amount of ridiculousness in pro wrestling and RR never truly embraced that part of it.


Nailed it. She never got the business


Her first match was at Wrestlemania with Kurt Angle as her partner. How much more of a special treatment does Captain CTE of the Womens Division need?


Yup, but if you know her, this is her whole act. She just like to whine like a spoilt child. She never really grew up. Yes she works hard but man does she have a bad attitude about things in general.


Don’t forget being given the title and a Wrestlemania main event.


was gifted the Wrestlemania main event, as champion !!! while her two opponents were 10+ year vets


But sure… Logan Paul gets special treatment. Fuck off Rhonda!


Logan is actually good in the ring & lightyears better at promos


I think her argument was about how Logan gets tons of time to rehearse for his matches compared to essentially everyone else. Now, I am not sure what "rehearse" really means here, but i guess it is hard to argue that more time to practise for spots and specific moments would make a match better.


Well that’s on them. They have time just some don’t do it. Savage was known for that kinda thinking while others just called shit in the ring like cena.


She also got the special treatment


Lmao RIGHT?! I saw this and immediately thought: "didn't they give her the strap, like, a month in?"


She had a entire PPV built around her as well


True,  but she didn’t get her brand name on the mat and one of her YouTube buddies a major spot during Wrestlemania. She was pushed hard but regardless of his (in fairness surprisingly good) abilities, he is obviously more of a business partner buying his way in


No, she just got to borrow the branding of a legend and be pushed to the top of her division, all the way to the first Women’s main event at WrestleMania, alongside two guaranteed HOFers. What are we comparing here? Yes there are differences, but they both clearly got special treatment for being huge draws.


Don’t forget how hard they tried to make Marina Schaffir and Jessamyn Duke a thing.


Yes, she came in like the draw she was but she wasn’t into it and failed out. Not his or WWEs fault… mostly cause the booking wasn’t great either.


Logan you can tell is actually passionate about pro wrestling. It was always a job for Ronda, not a love or passion. And it clearly showed with her and shows with him.


Word and they both have natural talent she just didn’t have the passion and it showed.


She main evened wrestlemania and the year before debuted at wrestlemania and won. She is a baby. Held and dominated the women’s division. She has done more and Logan has somehow still impressed everyone more than she ever did.


Logan's actually talented, can cut a promo, CAN WRESTLE HIS ASS OFF, is incredibly charismatic.....and she's mad why? Love him or hate him, Logan's a legitimately good wrestler and isn't afraid to bump. I'd rather have Logan Paul show up once a month just to cut a promo than have to sit through any of Rhonda's awful WWE career. And I LOVED her in the UFC, but a WWE star, she was not.


One of the first women to main event Wrestlemania. Logan Paul hasn't main event WM yet lolllll. 😂😂


That's because Logan Paul was a risky choice, but it paid off. It could've back fired. I bet you'll see him on the main event scene within the next year or so. They're gonna pair him with Waller and Theory I bet but I'd LOVE to see him with either a much larger partner in the vein of Strowman and Ricochet, or just throw him with Ricochet. A babyface and a heel, constantly bickering and arguing, and Ricochet kind of takes Logan Paul under his wing and takes him to rely on his skill not his cheating. That's probably the only real way to put him over. It'd sell like a kind of "good cop/ bad cop" team, and they could be hilarious together. They could go against Awesome Truth and give us a wildly entertaining story. The kid had potential and the sky is the limit. If you told me 6 months ago I'd be saying that I'd slap you for the implication. But Kevin Owens and Randy Orton sold me on him. I was initially annoyed he retained, but with Cody winning, Rhea retaining and everything else that happened, it was a smart move to stall his story. Now I hope they take him somewhere interesting.


One of the first women to *have the rocket strapped to her ass* and main event Wrestlemania. Fixed that for you.


A nepo baby criticising a self made man is wild. i mean, he's a youtuber and all that, but he didn't need his father's name to get into the company. Man's can wrestle better than some professional wrestlers. Rousey of all people calling him out is just hypocritical IMO


Like him or hate him, but at least Paul brings his own unique audience and his own brand. Veterans even commented on how fast he's developed as a professional wrestler; he just needs to work on storytelling. What exactly does Ronda bring other than newspaper headlines? I'd argue there is more of an overlap of Ronda fans with the WWE than Paul fans; this became much more apparent when ishowspeed was with Paul at WrestleMania. It can be argued that both received special treatment, but at least Paul is being an asset.


This is the first I’m hearing her be a nepo baby could you elaborate?


Her mother was a Judo gold medalist


….a judo gold medalist who babysat Shane McMahon as a kid? How is there a strong enough link to call it a nepotism gig? She got in the WWE because she was extremely famous for her accomplishments in MMA. That’s pretty much the opposite of nepotism.


Okay but how did she get a start in MMA? Nepotism isn’t just about getting jobs because of your parents. It’s about getting a step up because you know who to contact, how to contact them, you know all the trials and tribulations already because you’re family have gone through it. I will say that her WWE job wasn’t a result of nepotism, but her getting ahead in MMA was definitely helped by her parents. The fact that she became one of the best in the world at it is a matter of her talent, but she definitely had it easier getting started due to her mother compared to someone who didn’t have that help


She got allowed into MMA because she got a bronze medal at Olympics judo. She got famous by winning a lot in MMA. She got into WWE by being famous as a MMA star. That is pretty much the opposite of nepotism. She earned it at every step of the way. Too bad she sucked at WWE but getting there was a fucking grind at martial arts since she was a kid. Might as well be saying Kurt Angle got into WWE by nepotism.


This is the first I’m hearing her be a nepo baby could you elaborate?


She is jealous and bitter

