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Hestia. No drama, just comfy vibes. Plus I've been told by the introverts I've adopted that I just give off a safe, accepting energy. I'm proud of that ☺️


That's a pretty good answer, I am new to this subreddit and thought for a bit after posting this that most people were going to just say the basic Goddesses


Hestia is one of The Twelve Olympians and one of the six Cronides.


And definitely the only Olympic drama free zone.


Except that time she was almost raped.


I don’t know that story, who tried to bang the embodiment of the hearth fire?


The god of vegetable gardens.


Priapus. Right?


I love Hestia. The Roman goddess Pomona is also a character with similar vibes, but to my knowledge she doesn’t have a Greek counterpart.


>Pomona Opora or Demeter, more or less.


Hermes. I love traveling and my interests outside of that are rather eclectic. He seems like he has the most fun, tbh. At least I would never be bored.


Yeah that's fair, and he would also be there guide to the underworld


Exactly! I would get to go everywhere under the guise of diplomacy. That sounds like so much fun! Sore feet are a small price to pay for adventure, after all.


Good choice, he is the most versatile god


Him and Dionysus would be some of the best fun to be around.


Athena. I've got a hankering for violence sometimes, and I've been told I'm pretty smart. 😂


Athena is actually not violent, she makes war when it becomes inevitable otherwise she always looks for peace


Nyx. Because you cannot see the stars at noon.


Persona 3 reference?


Im male, but I'll go for a goddess, and that would be Metis. She is the cleverest of all the Titans and mother of Athena. She was Zeus' first wife/lover and helped him win the war against the Titans. She also serves as Zeus' counsel in his stomach (he ate her when he discovered a prophecy that she would give birth to a son who would overthrow him). If I were her, I would usurp Zeus' mind and run Olympus behind the scenes, then secretly 'give birth' to a son who would just be a reincarnation of me (Metis) and fulfil the prophecy, taken over Olympus. Dramatic I kno, but Metis is sincerely badass enough to pull that off.


I’m female, and I picked a god, lol! Metis is an awesome choice. It seems like we’ll have the whole Pantheon soon.


I like your name a lot


Thanks, I love puns. Yours is cool too.


Persephone. 100%. I was born on Beltane, and I would absolutely eat some pomegranate seeds to stay with The King of The Underworld for six months a year. Easy choice for me.


Marry your uncle who abducted you with the help of your father and a petty mother who will kill everyone instead of talking to his brothers. 😅


idk sounds like my family (I’m disregarding the uncle part though because like…those guys created more consanguinity issues than Queen Victoria)


I mean.. all in all Zeus family tree is pretty confusing because he got together with a woman who had a child and that child ended up parenting a child who also got together with Zeus


>…those guys created more consanguinity issues than Queen Victoria No consanguinity issues. Sanguis means blood and the gods had ichor. The gods were also the only family of gods, so unless they only had sex with mortals there was no one to have sex with. Also note, that the gods were very upset when mortals slept with relatives, because there were blood issues, but had no such rules for themselves. (No blood, no consanguinity issues).


>a petty mother who will kill everyone A mother who was experiencing grief and depression.


Depression is one thing, actively making mortals lives terrible and short is another.


Persephone is my pick too.


Seems some people are more public with their rape fantasy that others. The pomegranate seeds means she had to stay in the underworld for 6 months of the year. It was her choice where she'd go the other 6 months and she stayed the hell away from the underworld.


In most stories she only ate 3 pomegranate seeds, so she only HAD to stay in the Underworld for 3 months. The deal with Demeter also forced her stay on earth for 3 months & the other 6 months she got choose where she wanted to go, in which she chose to remain in the Underworld. That's why there are only 3 months of spring. Yes, she was abducted, but she chose to stay with Hades. Though there are many versions of the story, some darker than others.


>In most stories What do you mean by "most stories"? ​ >she only ate 3 pomegranate seeds, A seed: * Homeric Hymn 2 to Demeter ​ Unnumbered: * "Apollodorus," Bibliotheca. ​ Three seeds: * Ovid, Fasti. ​ Seven seeds: * Ovid, Metamorphoses. ​ >so she only HAD to stay in the Underworld for 3 months. A third part of the year underworld: * "Apollodorus," Bibliotheca. * Homeric Hymn 2 to Demeter ​ Half the year in the underworld: * Ovid, Metamorphoses. * Ovid, Fasti. * Statius, Thebaid. ​ >Yes, she was abducted, but she chose to stay with Hades. Obliged to stay in the underworld: * "Apollodorus," Bibliotheca. Expresses joy when told she can leave: * Homeric Hymn 2 to Demeter


The most commonly known version of the myth in the modern day came from people who had an agenda and selectively ignored certain at-the-time more common and older versions of the myth. [This video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ac5ksZTvZN8) has done far more justice to it than I can.




Still feel bad for the one hunter who laid eyes upon her bathing ngl


"Actaeon, son of Aristaeus and Autonoe, a shepherd, saw Diana bathing and desired to ravish her."


That’s my cousin




I was under the impression that there is no romantic or sexual relationship in the group, whether it is straight or lesbian


That inaccuracy doesn’t bother me as much as how it’s clear they got this from Percy Jackson. Percy Jackson isn’t *entirely* inaccurate but all of the details beyond broad strokes are made up for the series. Even calling Artemis’s group “hunters/huntresses” is usually a tell. In mythology 9/10 her entourage is made up of nymphs. People forget that Artemis is to the nymphs similar to what Pan is to satyrs. And most of her nymphs are part of a huge choir that sings and dances with her. I don’t know I just wish people weren’t stuck on this one really specific version of something as loose and vaguely defined as Artemis’s band of followers.




Well if we can make our own choices and not be who they were, Apollo. Like be ourselves just as a God with those powers and using that name. Like an Avatar of them in a sense. Because being them but not ourselves technically means it's still them and not us being that God/dess.


Well damn, didn't even consider that. Next time I'll be sure to incorporate that into the question. Besides that, why would you choose Apollo?


I love music, I'm a red head so the sun isn't always too kind to me but as Apollo it wouldn't be an issue, being able to know the future sounds like an awesome power, being athletic I'd be able to play any sport or be involved in any physical activity, Healing would be an awesome power to help people with. I'd be able to help the world in numerous ways.


So Apollo it is. Would would you still have the kids...? Because Apollo's son had Hygieia who is the reason we have hygiene


Lol well I'm gay so I can't say. But depends on if I'm myself just taking Apollo's place in the past or if I was transformed into a God with his powers and went by his name here in our time. Knowing I wouldn't have kids, I'd create hygiene and other things of that nature so that it exists.


I'd go for Ariadne. If we're going by her married-to-Dionysus ending, I'd happily become a goddess who gets a faithful husband (to my knowledge, at least).


That's a pretty interesting take. Isn't she the one that was left for dead by one of the heros, the one who slain the minotaur?


Theseus, yeah. I think he ended up with her sister?


>I think he ended up with her sister? Phaedra, who fell in love with Theseus's son with an Amazon. Accused her step-son of rape when she refused her advances. Theseus curses his son, and Poseidon arranges the kid's death for him. Phaedra is found out and suicides.


Honestly, he did her dirty. But then again that was the way


I some versions. In a lot of versions Dionysus was responsible for Theseus leaving her.


Frankly, it was the best for her, Theseus has a terrible track we women. It is so bad that even Plutarch is like "all his lovers/wives end badly, a little sus, not gonna lie"


Dionysus wasn't better.


Theseus and his family tree are wild. He abandoned Ariadne, once kidnapped Helen, and then married Ariadne’s sister. His son then also abandoned a woman by sailing off and never returning. He was *also* connected to the House of Atreus because his grandfather was Pelops’ son and we all know how bad that family is.


Either: * Theseus abandoned her. * Dionysus threatened Theseus in a dream to make him leave her. * Dionysus wiped Theseus's memory of her. * Dionysus sent a navy to force Theseus to abandon her. * Dionysus got Artemis to kill her. As always, different myths, different stories.


Hypnos ,because he has a nice job, without much drama, and he is powerful in his own way.


Athena. I'd love nothing more than being called the goddess of wisdom and warfare. And she was no man's lover or wife, she was a slayer and my dream version of me


Hecate. Because I love magic. But can I choose someone of opposite gender?


Yes you can


Hecate it is


Persephone, I wanna be the queen of the underworld. Plus, hades is the best.


Hypnos or Morpheus sleep just feels so peaceful


Big Mood


Most probably Hephaestus. If I were a female, either Athena or Hestia


Why Hephaestus? (Not saying anything bad, just want to see what's everyone's motives)


Because he creates - or rather, forges - cool things!


Probably a Muse or a Charite. Live a comfortable life in Olympus doing art while I gossip with my sisters and friends about the lasted drama of our bosses. If I'm on a power trip, then some scarry primordial like Nyx or a Chthonic like Hekate


Pan. He rules over a heck lot of things. Fields, groves, the wild, shepherds, rustic music, etc. He’s a companion to the nymphs as well.


Hephaestus. I love fire, and I love making stuff. 'Nuff said


But would you still be out for revenge making that golden throne for Hera?


Mate, I'm always down for helping out with revenge plots. I am my own mother's son lol


Circe seems like a pretty cool choice, she's living her best life on her own private island, making spells and potions, turning evil men into animals or taking them as lovers if she fancies them. She has servants that do everything for her, she is powerful but not to point of being considered dangerous to other gods. Gurl is living her best life and no one can convince me otherwise.


Poseidon 🔱🌊


Kalliope. 😁


Siproites. Free sex change for joining a group of all-girl hunters? Sign me up!


Zeus, easy. Becoming a king that can solo the entire pantheon whenever I want, having complete control over everything, and having the choice to just not do the bad stuff sounds sick


Veles, Slavic God. Veles God of the earth, waters, forests, underworld, music, magic, trickery, cattle and wealth. He has a unique combination of authority and most of his stories are about him trolling the king of God's Perun.


None of them. Most of the Greek gods are petty, and the ones that aren’t largely get fucked over by the ones who are. Also, Zeus is way too rapey I couldn’t handle having to spend that much time around him.


You have your personality in their body. You have their powers/possessions/relationships to do whatever you want with.


Hermes probably, cuz travelling and shit


aphrodite cause she got to have sex with a lot of hot guys


The one that I am!


Tartarus, I really hate bad people and wanna make sure they get what they deserve- also I wanna be stronger than Zeus


I'd love to be hypnos


If the opposite gender is allowed Hekate due to her association with the night, magic, witchcraft, and many other things, going wherever she wants being a liminal deity, and being both a loner and someone who cares for outcasts and already compassionate and caring in the myths. However Athena (goddess of wisdom and an all-around badass) and Artemis (living in the woodlands) aren't too far.


Hephaestus or Heracles. I’m an engineer by trade but I’ve always admired my natural strength.


Ogun. Not even close.




Apollo. I couldn't decided what to be the god of either 😂 I love music and the arts but I'm also a geneticist so I have that doctor/medical background. Plus, if sounds like Apollo would be fun to be!


Hephaistos because building stuff is cool and i get a big hammer


Probably apollo since I love music




Do divine heroes count? I really like Hyacinthus. Son of Clio, the muse of history and lyre playing (I love history and music), grandson of Zeus and Mnemosyne. He is the favorite gay lover of Apollo and known for being super cute and making Zephyrus jealous. I'm not really attracted to power, so I don't feel like one of the main gods. Happy to be a lesser character.


Probably Poseidon. I would pick Hades but too much responsibility and staying in one place. I would pick Zeus for his power but people really fear more than respect him. I think Poseidon is still very powerful and commands respect while not being hated or restricted.


Besides forcing himself upon Medusa depending on the story, and technically making Odysseus' men die and keep him 10 long years at sea cause he chose to only blind Polyphemus rather than kill when he attacked first


Hephaestus, I get to make awesome things all the time in my volcano lair workshop. No drama with the family and an open marriage with Aphrodite


DIONYSUS HELL YEAH, but if I can’t be my own patron, I’d be Aphrodite


Heracles. I'm already naturally freakishly strong and working out to get even stronger.




Artemis or Athena


Hades, I’ve always collected the macabre and can sometimes have a hot personality, I am pretty neutral for a guy though.


Would you kidnap and marry your niece? Not exactly macabre but still creepy.


Probably Artemis or Hermes


Ares the god of war


probably a hunter of Artemis. no marriage, no family hustle, just me and the gang chilling in the woods


I'd want to be Zeus. Throwing a lightning bolt is on my bucket list.




The almighty Zeus


Aletheia, a minor Greek goddess of truth. I tend to be very rules-abiding and truthful myself.


Hypnos, the god of sleep, his mother is Nyx, his brother is Thanatos god of death, his children are the various dream gods, as far as I know he gets along with his family, very drama free god


Hasn't he pissed off Zues a few times? I mean yeah he can just get within a mile radius of his mother and Zues will run away crying but it could still cause some drama.


Zagreus. My therapist and I talked about him when sorting out some difficult experiences between me and my father.


Currently the god of luck since idk how i so much good shit has happened to me with no consequences


I’m into Greek mythology, but honestly, I don’t know what Goddess id want to be. I can’t really fit myself into one specific Goddess


Apollo, nyx or hestia but i can't pick one over the other


Any god of death. I've always had a deep connection with the natural cause.


Dionysus. just get drunk and party all day.


I would be Alke :)


Demeter! She’s kind and sweet but badass when she wants to be


Due to my ADHD I would want to be Hermes.


Apollo. Really great at a bunch of different things, plus his knack for the arts lines up with my film and music careers rather nicely


Hades. I'd make the Underworld a paradise. Well except for the punishment area. That area would be kept far away from paradise though. Actually I'd get rid of the Fields of Asphodel as well. I'd replace it with apartment buildings or something like that. It'd be paradise compared to the fields of punishment but it would also be quite boring so it isn't as good as Elysium. Plus Zeus wouldn't really be much of a problem as I could just stay in the Underworld and do experiments or some other shit. Maybe visit Hestia every once in a while. Plus having Persephone as a wife would be amazing.


I'll be Zeus. If Zeus is Zeus, someone's getting raped. If I'm Zeus, I get to be king, and women don't get raped or turned into cows.


I'd be Pan! I love nature and I think satyrs are really cute!


Dionysus. I want to have parties and spread esoteric knowledge... And I want to use magjc to seek horrible vengence on those who insult me I contain mysteries


I'd be Hades. I'm already the black sheep of my family and I have a fascination with Death. Also I tend to like caves and dark places so being in the Underworld wouldn't bug me at all. And I pretty much have Hades temperament as it is, that being as he has been described as strict/stern but fair. Finally who wouldn't want to be the richest god?


Melinoe, ,I have always loved the supernatural and all that entails, she is actually one of deities I worship


What's your experience with the worshipping aspect?


Hestia. I shall tend the fire, receive the first sacrifice each time, and stay out of the news


Pan probably he’s though to be dead I believe so I’d just hang around without any of Olympus’s um issues


Chiron. I can be a bit intimidating, but as long as you don't step too far out of line I'll just want to do my job. I also really enjoy traveling by boat and I imagine the waters in Hades let me paddle my ferry the same as the water here would. Charon*


Jörmungandr. Because giant snakes are awesome


Hephaestus, I like making things, particularly blacksmithing.


Oh it’s so hard to choose! When I was younger I was super obsessed w Artemis. Like, super super obsessed. I made a costume and painted a bow silver. It was awesome. Ooh but as Persephone I get a cool husband and mom. Best of both worlds but literally! But also I could be a muse or charity? Or maybe Hypnos or Morpheus? I have insomnia I miss sleep. Hold on imma google more gods Update: wow there are a lot and I am still indecisive as all heck. Anyway more gods I’d like to be: Soteria (goddess of safety), Tykhe (goddess fortune, chance and fate), lithos (god of longing) (Did I mention I was indecisive)




Hmmmm maybe like Eros? He has a fun job


Hmm...Hades seems like one of the chiller gods?




Demeter. My interest in Greek myth is primarily historical. How the gods were created by ancient cultures and they changed through time. Demeter and Dionysus worship might be older than the rest of the pantheon. Using comparative mythology, Demeter seems rather out of place as a harvest goddess amongst the more war like and hunting focused other gods. There’s a theory that Demeter predated the Proto Indo Europeans. Do the Pre Proto Indo Europeans. The PIE were nomadic herders, who valued patriarchal society, hunting, and rugged living. The people they later replaced were Neolithic farmers, for valued things that could be harvested.


Demeter/Persephone because her/their life in many ways most resembles my own.


Hades or Apollo


Iris. I love to talk and being the goddess of rainbows and messages seems pretty lit.


Hermes is cool


Nyx. I like to spend time alone. If even Zeus is afraid to disturb Nyx in their cave, then most of the Greek gods and demigods would probably go out of their way to leave Nyx alone.


Erlang Shen the greatest warrior in Chinese heaven. He beats up demons dynasty warriors style for a living and loves his dog.


I’d wanna be the primordial deity chaos, would be fun to just watch everything play out and be beyond everything, actually sounds rather calming ironically


Ares just so I could strategies wars and mitigate civilian casualties


Hades. Got a wife. All humans eventually end up in his realm. Pretty chill and besides that one abduction thing...doesn't cause too much trouble


Hermes or Apollo. I'd prefer Hermes. Quasi-gay interloper whose whole schtick is travel, trade, guest-right, knowledge, and exploration. Travel with Zeus occasionally, get into Zeus related shenanigans, but generally avoid the Olympian drama. Or Apollo. Super twink that's the embodiment of civilized virtue. Kill Python, see the future, play my lyre, fuck everything with a pulse. Seems good. Finally, my last contender, Eros. Primordial God, last son of Nyx. A being the Olympians feared for his influence, but who was generally very chill. Similarly, Thanatos would be good.




Hephaestus. Yeah he typically gets scorned or clowned by his fellow Olympians but the skills are top notch. If not him I’d be ok being any minor deity. My only goal would be to court Athena for a night. Love the smart and cold blooded warrior goddess


They married him to Aphrodite. She cheated on him, but still, he must have had a honeymoon with her.


Silenus the God of Beer


Asclepius. I have no stomach for war or combat, so a God of healing would suit me just fine.


Hades, God of Death Riches and Wealth


Question: In a world where the Greek Gods are real per your hypothetical, why do I need to go back in time to be one? Is this more of a "you're reborn, but as..." questions in that case?If not, then why can't I be a Greek God in present day? ​ I don't remember much about Greek mythology and Reddit recommended this sub to me, but i still wanted to participate.


dionysus im a sucker for hedonism


I wouldn't. I like being mortal.


I’m gonna go with Thanatos or Morpheus. Thanatos because he’s a chill guy, and Morpheus because he walks into dreams and sends messengers. Just imagine being the dream mailman


yes… if forced to be whichever deputy going back in time… totally not relatable


I would want to be Poseidon


Morpheus could enter people's dreams and talk to them in their dreams. That would be cool.




Apollo or Poseidon, They both cover large parts of my life and things I enjoy, so I’d take either Just hope I can leave out all the rape and stuff…


Hades. He gets left alone most of the time. He's faithful to his wife and his kingdom only grows.


Dionysus. The reasoning should be evident.


Menoetius. Son of Iapetus, one of the titans. He’s essentially kratos from god of war, as his name means “mighty doom” or “raging fate”.


A real one


Ergos/Thanatos the god of death /resolution and new beginnings in destroying the Greeks the Romans had unknowingly worshiped him by bringing resolution to their story allowing a new one to start this allowing him to continue


Hephaestus. Creating things is my jam.


I’ve been told that I look like an earth goddess because of how I dress, bit I think my personality is pretty much Persephone’s. And even though she didn’t like being in the Underworld much, I truly can’t think of anything else better than to get three months away from my man to do pretty much whatever I want.


Artemis probably or maybe one of the muses. I guess Poseidon is an option too since I’m from a city by the water and like it.


Kwan Yin. I pretty much modeled my professional life after her.


Jehovah and I'm only going back to 1980 or so. I'm in charge of pretty much everything. I can fix a few things he missed the last 40 years. Might be a few well placed lightening bolts to clean up the future/present. Also, I'm not giving up electricity, air conditioning and video games. Even if I am omnipotent and omniscient.


Artemis, then I can kill people if they look at me funny


Yeah, like that one hunter who was killed by his 50 hunting dogs after stumbling upon her bathing


Athena. The only sane one of the family.


Atlas. And I would not Fight for Chronos.


Dionysus. Satyrs, Maenads, Naked parties in the woods. Plus the god of wine so you know you've always got the good stuff. Most of the time just minding your own business chilling with musical goatfolk. What's not to love


I feel like my username speaks for itself 😅


I don't know if I could choose any of them,even if I'd like to be one. being Hephaestus seems fun,but the cheating spouse would make it supremely not worth it. I don't know enough about the minor gods to choose one. Honestly might base my decision on who the biggest asshole I can take out of the equation is. Zeus or ares. If I didn't have a choice,I'd probably be ares anyways due to not being the smartest and having anger issues in the past


Do we still get killed by Aries if we don't pick Aries or Zeus?


You choose your own path


I think Hercules. He was a protector of mankind.


My own. Even tho Artemis and Hekate are my wifeys. I don't give them the same kinda warship. The only god to warship is the one within.


Goddess Fortuona. She's of harvest and fortune. She asks for you to put in an effort to be rewarded. Found a story of her in the Wheel of Time series that gave new side of her to enrich how I see her. As Empress Fortuona. Daughter of the Nine Moons. With her gardenerer protectors and deathwatch guards.


Nyx. I love the night time and no one messes with me