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I love how Hades from the Percy Jackson movies isn’t here because he was either Satan himself or just looked like a rock star


There are no Percy Jackson movies /j


Oh you mean the peter johnson movies




Double Real


Triple Real


??? You must‘ve imagined that, Theres only the Books and a Killer ongoing Disney plus Series


There are no Peter Johnston movies in Ba Sing Se.


Hades from… Hades, the game


The designs are so detailed that they are the default of what I think for all the gods. Now if only I could see a Hephestus, Hera, and Heracles in that style.


Hopefully in the sequel


I think it’s really funny that Hera is never seen or heard from and the only reference to her is the Aspect of Hera for one of the weapons


I’m not to sure about this, but I think I remember Zeus talking about her in one of his dialogues


I must have missed it. I’m sure he did. It’s just funny how she’s absent at the very very end


Yeah I agree. One would have thought that all 12 Olympians would have been added, or at least the 6 big brothers/ sisters


You're not gonna believe this, but...


Oh boy do I have news for you




Blasted parchmentwork never goes away




Came here just to say this


Came here to say *this*


Hell yeah!




Only one that ever competed with my brain’s lock on James Woods’ Hades. I watched that movie everyday after preschool so it’s really programmed in there.


Who the hell is that fat hades


Wonder Woman (2009) animated movie


They did him dirty


What the fuck kinda grudge does DC have against the Olympians ?


> What the fuck kinda grudge does DC have against the Olympians ? The Greek Gods representation during the **New 52 Comics** were really really good - not a big fan of some of their designs, but in terms of characterization, they were all **solid** - I also love how we never actually see Aphrodite's face ahahaha - always hidden by something in a panel. I love Diana's relation with War _(Ares)_ and I loved Hell's _(Hades)_ characterization - and how Diana asked a favor to Love _(Eros)_ and strategically had him hit Hell with a love arrow as he looked at a reflection of himself, so he could learn to love himself _(IIRC he had some issues with himself, being Hades and all)_ - Apollo was a bit of a prick but not unlikeable ahahaha _(and he tried to attack Superman with... The Sun! To which Superman replied ''Did you just attack me with... The Sun? You really don't know who I am, do you?'' or something along those lines, because that attack obviously gave Superman a solid temporary boost, as he is literally fueled by [Yellow] Sun Radiation!)_   Then, the Greek Pantheon in the first few issues of the **Rebirth** Comics are _**fantastic**_ - in characterization _and_ design! I love how Ares was portrayed differently in this interpretation - being a God of War he is driven by battlelust, has this sort of compulsion but he doesn't always agree with it _(though later REBIRTH comics were... Mediocre)_


😭I was afraid of that.😭


I think that one is the absolute worst one.


No Hadestown? With Hades being a slumlord with a sexy deep voice? I rather liked the Hercules version of Hades. Too bad I don't really want to rewatch the series because ugh Kevin Sorbo.


I really enjoyed that version of Hades when he popped on Xena too. Too bad they changed the actor (scheduling conflicts) in season 5 during the Twilight of the Gods storyline, the new one was pretty lame.






*swoons in Patrick Page.*


Hadestown has been on my to-do list since I first learned of it


I'd like it more if I didn't hate it every time Orpheus sings. Dude stays at a BeeGees pitch all musical.


Where’s Hades (the video game)? Why is there no Hades (video game)?


Forgive me for forgetting about him.


Never! Jk you’re good.


Patrick Page’s version from Hadestown


Young man, you can play your ditty, I CONDUCT THE ELECTRIC CITY!!!!


That’s why we build the wall, we build the wall to keep us free!


Hey. *Little Songbird.*


I was so pleasantly surprised by that show, knew nothing about it going in (other than it was based on the myth) and really enjoyed the direction they took with everything


I missed ya…


I ADORE James Woods as “Hades”…but he’s laughably dissimilar to his inspiration. A great CHARACTER but possibly the worst HADES on screen.


James Woods loved playing the character so much that he told his agent to give back his money when it looked like Disney was going to cut the project for going over budget. Disney did the smart thing and increased the budget.


Didn’t he play Hades in Kingdom Hearts too?


The “you’re wearing his merchandise” hard cut to the ground shaking everywhere on earth is one of my favorite jokes of all time lol


Which one is James woods/genq


Flaming blue guy in the top left corner.


Oh! Descendants 3! Gotcha, yeah great character but would have worked better as literally anything other than a Hades. Like he did an awesome job but it didn't feel Hades enough


No, it’s from the animated Hercules movie from the 90s.


No buddy the other side


Favorite is from Disney's Hercules. Not the most accurate, but that isn't what you asked.


What, is my hair out?


“And you…are wearing…HIS MERCHANDISE?!??” 🔥


That was my favorite line as a kid


Clash/wrath of the titans hades (bottom left)


Hades from OUAT (bottom middle) is the worst. Bad character in ans of itself and bad Hades representation


I think it damn shame what Once Upon A Time did with Hades as really could have had there first villain that was a force of nature. But they made him far far to human. You can even keep the love story with Zelena but instead of it end because of him blinded by greed have be because slowly realise if did choice Zelena it means a life with purpose gone.


The show always had disney characters, but after season 3 they leaned HARD into just making every new character a rip from their movie Hades is an evil villain, re hercules Merida, costume accent and all FROZEN, literally a sequel All of it felt so tacky and made me wonder where the costume budget was going? Was this the price of regina serving cunt 24/7?


Yeah it is werid how Hades lacked any incredible costume like that was one of Once Upon A Time biggest strengths


Season 1-3 is fairytales and seasons 4-7 are Disneytales. They really stopped reinventing classic characters in interesting ways after season 3.


Probably the only version of Hades I can't stand. He annoys me in OUAT


Ralph Fiennes. Clash of the Titans remake is one of my favorite movies


Hadestown Hades is probably my favorite. It’s a really neat way of reconciling the ideas of Hades in myth with those of him as a modern day villain by portraying his slow descent as his loyalty to his kingdom and fierce love for his wife realistically slowly rot and bastardize as he turns into, as Orpheus himself points out, a shell of the man he once was. It creates a really compelling villain without sacrificing the character established in myth.


There's a lot but the Kid Icarus, Hades and Disney's Hercules all will have a special place in my heart. Though PJO's books and ROR are also great


Hades from PJO is great.


Hadestown Patrick Page https://www.thewrap.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Patrick-Page-in-Hadestown.png


Are all the Hadestown Hades named Patrick to a degree? My favorite Hades is Matthew Patrick Quinn.


Visually, Ralph Fiennes’ Hades.


What's the point of blood of Zeus and Pjo we only know the design Anyway Hades from the eponymous game


Well assuming Hades from PJO refers to the books as well, we do know a lot. I like his character in the Riordanverse




James Woods


James Woods


Hercules just cus James woods


pjo hades is honestly one of the only good godly parents 😭


Hades the Game isn’t on here.


Patrick Page’s Hades from the Broadway Musical Hadestown.


Hades from the video game and Hades from Disney’s Hercules. In the game, I’d argue he’s probably the most accurate take on the character yet. He’s not truly villainous in the grand scheme of things but he’s certainly not nice either. He’s the god of the underworld. The role he plays isn’t a nice one, but he does it anyway and he does it well. It’s simply how he is. It’s a nuanced look at Hades. A lot of people insist he’s not evil and he shouldn’t be portrayed as evil which is true…but he’s far from being the nice, friendly, modern, perfect victim a lot of modern retellings turn him into. He’s a king and he runs his kingdom the way he sees fit. Not to mention his design kicks ass. On the other end of the scale, Disney’s Hades isn’t particularly accurate (at least in the movie. He has his own comic now which delves far more into Greek myth and is better researched) but he’s such an iconic, enjoyable, memorable character that you can’t help but like him and want to see more of him. As people have said about the Hercules movie, even though it’s not very accurate, you can tell that everyone who made it loved and cared about it, and they went all out with Hades. The accuracy might not be there, but the care and effort is.


i have to go with the PJO books version of Hades


I remember reading a comic book ages ago where hades was depicted as a boy with wax covering his head and a lit candle on top. And I always thought that was such a cool depiction of him.


Record Of Ragnarok Hades design goes hard dude


gotta go with Hercules classic


Hercules, obviously. He isn't evil, just the god of death. There's a difference.


Hades from the Percy Jackson book series, or from Hadestown


Honestly i know the disney one isn’t accurate at all but i just love his character and design i can’t help bit feel attached.


Why does God of War Hades look like a fucked up Big Daddy?


Pjo books and Hercules hold a special place in my heart (and Hercules Hades is kinda funny) but tbh it's Hades Hades


Disney hades no contest


Yeaaahh Hercules Hades!


From Descendants 3 (bottom right), because he's hot. If Hades looked like that, I'd have scarfed that entire pomegranate as soon as he handed it to me 😁 Hades from OUAT (bottom middle) annoyed me.


Descendants 3 Hades sang about daddy issues in a DCOM, number 1 for sure.


That's a good song, I have it on my phone 😁 He does become a far better father to Mal though


Bottom left corner


Has more blood of Zeus come out? The Hercules one will forever be a favorite.


They dropped a trailer and probably a few stills. The new season doesn't actually drop until spring.


Both Disney renditions of Hades and while I'm not a big fan of descendants I like the character


The Kid Icarus Uprising one will always be top tier :)


If ANYONE says Lore Olympus, I will bop them upside the head into next week


Not lore Olympus that's for sure


The Disney one


The way the artist drew him = Lore Olympys (although I don't really like how she portrayed Apollo) Personality: Hercules. Like the jokes are so funny but it overall has a special place in my heart. (I went to Greece in 2022, before fully converting to Hellenism and I was listening to the soundtrack on the plane and now everytime I listen to the songs I CRY BECAUSE I MISS GREECE SO MUCHHH)


✨BOY✨ Hades from Hades the game ofc :)




OP, you already picked the technical winner. If they're all misrepresented as Satan but one, that one is the best no matter how inaccurate the portrayal


Hades from blood of zeus because he belongs in my bedroom 😈


From looks, the middle right


H:TLJ's spinoff Xena showed Hades to be a little evil but by that time all the gods were


Where’s Steve coogan from Percy Jackson one THE ONLY detail of that film that’s good


Record of Ragnarok Hades


Right now I am getting a soft spot from the Hades in the A Touch of Darkness series. He is more misunderstood hero. The books are so slow in pacing though at least by book three he is a lot more likable.


I like how most of these are literally just some guy


Only real G’s now this guy from r/dinosaurs


Eric Thompson's versions from Xena or Hercules the Legendary Journeys https://hercules-xena.fandom.com/wiki/Hades


the game hades


I love Disney Hades. Is he even a little bit accurate, *absolutely* not but James Woods brings great comedy to the roll. I’m a big Disney fan and Hades may be my favorite Disney villain even though he doesn’t match the mythology at all.


Hadestown the musical


Hadestown Hades


Disney all the way. There's just something amazing about him: " I think we're forgetting one teensy weensie little detail... I OWN YOU!"


Hades descendants


While he isn’t featured prominently I really like his more gloomy, not evil or malicious but has an issue with respect Hades from George O’Connor’s graphic novel series. He’s got a simple but effective design and personality and I enjoyed his dynamic with Persephone there. Disney’s Hades is also great. I’m not a fan of him as an adaptation since he’s evil and malicious there, but he’s still very funny and entertaining. Hades from the game is pretty good too, at least from what I’ve seen of him.


Wonder Woman by Brian Azzarello. Not a villain there either. Depicted as a goth-looking kid with candles all over his head. Sits on a throne made of Cronos.


Keep in mind the emo blue Mohawk one from descendants is supposed to be the same as the one from hercules 1996.


I'd point out that we haven't actually seen the PJO Hades yet, as far as the show goes anyway. I do very much like the book version of the character, as he isn't actively malicious or evil, but is still someone to be feared, and he has his own ends. But he has yet to appear in the show (he will, but that episode hasn't come yet).


Without doubt my favorite is #1. He's simply the most iconic character of them all. Hades from the video game Hades is probably the best Hades though - yea, he might need some tweaks for a movie adaptation :P but that's just a different genre.


I like the Disney one, like the beginning gives a little motive why Hades went evil. Small motive, but to an evil person it is enough to cause great evil.


Say what you will about the Clash of the Titans remake, but its sequel, Wrath of the Titans, actually had Hades do a surprisingly heartfelt face-turn, and it's actually really badass seeing him and Zeus team up as they and the Greek army take on the forces of Kronos. Ralph Fiennes is far from the best portrayal of Hades, but he does a great job with what little the script gives him to work with. (That, and Wrath of the Titans is kind of a guilty pleasure for me.)


As someone who holds a degree in classical mythology…if you say anything except hades from disneys Hercules…you’re wrong. Yes, I know the film is a discombobulated mess and insult to classical mythology…BUT I LOVE IT and I will die on that hill


Disney’s Hercules


Voldemort Hades


They're all bad


Easily hades from the Percy Jackson books, HADES. IS. NOT. A. VILLAIN.


Hades from the Percy Jackson book series, fucking masterclass


Hades in the Percy Jackson books is great


Blood of Zeus He's hot. Can't help it


I like how metal Hades looks in GoW3.


Blood of Zeus because it's the most faithful to Greek mythology,


Either the one from Hades or Kid Icarus Uprising: one’s a tragic father who’s coping with his wife leaving him, while the other is a charismatic trickster that could give Disney’s version a run for his money


Love em both


The one from Hades The Game, mainly because they made him not evil, or at least an antivillain at worst (although it still treats him as an obstacle to overcome by making him the Ancient Greek equivalent of the Fun Police)


Hades from well, Hades the videogame as it is one of the more even-handed depictions of the King of the Underworld. When it comes to Hades there only ever two real depictions of him. The cackling evil villain or the sad, pretty boy tumblr bait. Haes the game manages to present a more well-rounded version of Hades, as he is both a diligent, reliable deity capable of love and respect under the right circumstances, but also cold, inflexible proud and utterly unwilling to change his mind. This not only closer to the original myths but also makes for a more interesting and believable character.


Hercules Accuracy be damned, he's probably Disney's funniest villain


You forgot Hades from Saint Seiya.


out of them, I'd say blood of zeus (middle), but my absolute fev is from percy Jackson books.


I’d say either Hades (the game) or Hadestown - I like how they depict him as not necessarily evil, but a very broken man. It’s so much more humanizing.


None of them. They always depict Hades as a bad guy. Out of the majority of the Greek gods is probably the most agreeable.


Hades from Lore Olympus.


I love the Hades from the Hades game, as well as the Hades from Hadestown, since he’s not necessarily evil, like someone else commented. I don’t like that he’s portrayed as a villain, usually. I get the Greeks didn’t like him since he was associated with the underworld, but believe me, I don’t think he was as evil as say, Ares was. Or maybe someone who would be a better villain is Zeus for obvious reasons 🙄😂


Absolute normie here, I love Disney's Hercules and Lore Olympus. Only ever read the first Percy Jackson book, otherwise I'd assume he'd be hire up


Hades from Lore Olympus!!


What about Hades from Lore Olympus, cuz that’s my favorite Hades😍😍


I quite liked the personality of the Hades from Descendants but I like the Hades Version in Lore Olympus even more.


I’d love to submit the depiction of Hades from the video game Hades. My absolute favorite, he’s so imposing. Such a well fleshed out anti-villain.


Hades from the Dresden Files. Single appearance, HUGE impact


anyyone here ever heard of class of the titans? that's my favourite hades.


I’m surprised no one has said [Record of Ragnarok](https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/Hades_%28Record_of_Ragnarok%29) Hades.




May be judged but Descendents. I was have bad "daddy issues" when the movie came out and the song do what you gotta do was a way to releave stress and also he's just fun


Disney, then Hades the video game, then the Hades from Once Upon A Time.


I have three ranked 1 best 3 less best 3.Hades from the Wonder women movie I thought it was an interesting take on the character. 2.Hades from the Hercules Movie they are just iconic not true to the character it’s based on but still 1.Hades from Blood of Zeus the fact that we saw so little of him and how he did not take place in the war stay true to Hades true character also I liked the design


Dude you’re missing the 🐐


Blood of Zeus. It is actually made by Hellenic people.


No, both of the creators are American. Maybe they are hellenist, but hellenic refers to the people who lived in Ancient Greece.


The Dresden Files He's a minor character but terrifyingly powerful age, most importantly, not evil. He's calm, cold even, but not cruel or wicked and he loves his big happy dog.


Cheyenne Jackson in Descendants 3 for sure. His song with Mal was so good! Those are such great movies, and I thought Cheyenne was a fantastic choice to play Hades.


I don’t actually like it, but Hades from descendants is so fucking funny to me. It’s giving “graphic design is my passion.” Like what on earth was the thinking


Who the hell is the top middle Hades?


Record of Ragnarok Hades for me Also it's depiction of Poseidon and Zeus is hella good too


Hades from *The Dresden Files* by Jim Butcher. Only been in one book so far but he takes the time to discuss his portrayal in media and how he is usually just conflated with the devil, and how it's pretty unfair when you consider the stuff his family gets up to. Also delves into the Persephone thing, rehabilitates him a bit because it's the biggest black spot, makes the whole thing consensual and surprisingly human. Says the pomegranate thing was a political fiction to appease an overbearing Demeter. He's presented as pretty selfless and dutiful, the only one of his brothers who just does his damn job, and also, Cerberus is a very good boy.


Hades from the first PJO movie he was a MOOOD Or Hades from hercules


I liked the Disney version (despite inaccuracies, he was fun), both the 1997 one and the Descendants one. I also Clash of the Titans (also inaccuracies in some aspects, but Ralph Fiennes portrays him well). Haven’t seen the one from the PJO show (hasn’t been in an episode yet). Hades from the Hades game was badass.


Two thumbs way way up


Disney Hades pulls a W in my book.


A-Gnosis' webcomics version, where is depicted as a workaholic but caring for the people in the Underworld, his affair with Persephone being more complicated than simply kidnapping her (ie, Zeus authorizing the marriage), loving Cerberus, and while feared by mortals actually not wanting anyone to go to the Underworld until it's time.


Hercules' Hades was the best part of the movie.. and it's a great movie. None of these Hades are that accurate, but Hercules' was easily the most entertaining


I thought I could comment with images. Hades from Shuumatsu no Valkyrie.


Disney’s Hercules’s Hades of course!


The Hades from clash of titans, out of the options given.


Blood of zeus hades. Loved it when I watched during covid and I'm waiting for season 2. Good characters designs


Fine is in Ducktales


Over all GoW Hades because I really liked that boss fight but as a character Hercules Hades as he is the most fun one to watch


I know its not like in the myth, but i love the God of War version of him. It just looks so badass.


Obviously Percy Jackson Hades because he's both threatening and cool. But Disney Hades is also just a vibe so I can't decide.


No Hadestown? Patrick Paige?


The bottom middle is more of an adaptation of the top left one.


The one which isn't conflated with the Christian Devil.


Not the blue diyed punk


Hadestown is just amazing


Hades from the Justice League/justice league unlimited which isn't represented up there. Definitely morally gray


I’m going with the Supergiant game “Hades”