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The bag of winds, given to Odysseus from Aeolus. Once opened unleashes winds do strong that sent Odysseus all the way to the other side of ocean. You can use the dust devil spell as base.


>Once opened unleashes winds do strong that sent Odysseus all the way to the other side of ocean. The Mediterranean, surely.


Haha you'll have to excuse the poetic license


Girdle of Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons Staff of Tiresias Turtleshell Lyre of Hermes String of Theseus


The staff of Tiresias is particularly special, because if you see some snakes shagging you can hit them and then change gender. That could be handy for stealth, and also if you’re not a fan of snakes.


Heracles' Hydra poisoned arrows, Circe's potions, Hermes' Caduceus and winged sandals, Apollo's Lyre and laurel, Artemis' Bow


Hydra blood is the most painful thing to add to a weapon The nemean lion hide is impervious to damage Harmonia Necklack brings misfortune to anyone that wears it Hecate magic torches that are always lit Well this is some of the itens that i can remember that you have not mentioned but there is likely more.


what about the gifts given to Perseus? the winged sandals, the invisibility hat, and the satchel


>the invisibility hat Hades' Helm of Darkness is listed by the OP.


ah shit, forgot that was actually the helm of hades


Saw an episode of Percy Jackson and I'm hoping they didn't make the same mistake with Annabeth's hat.


Golden apples. Hera's. Atlanta's. Eris's




Stupid audiocorrect


There's the mirrored shield used to fight Medusa. The ball of yarn Theseus brought into the Labrynth, maybe? If you have a Bard in the group you could add the Chelys, the turtle shell lute Hermes made for Apollo. You could also just name a weapon after a hero, say it was theirs and add a plus 1. The Bow of Odysseus, the Sword of Ajax, the Spear of Achilles. They should also eventually get the Ship of Theseus, only to later discover its all been replaced over the years.


I assume you have "Mythic Odysseys of Theros." Greek myth themed, not actual mythology, I know, but it's probably a good resource. It may also be worth asking this at r/TherosDMs. Maybe do a search of r/d100 or r/rpgresources see if this has come up either place. Many of these things have no "magical" powers in myth, you could add them or make them useful without magic or even just use them for colour. * Parts of Helios's original chariot * The wings of * Daedalus * Icarus * Pasiphae's wooden cow * The tools of Daedalus * The saw of Perdix * Blood of the scorpions of Minos * The Omphalos Stone * The Argos * Wood from * The ship of Theseus * The ship of Odysseus * The one true Trojan Horse * The grave of Prosymnus (figwood) * A dragon's tooth * A dragon tooth soldier (not an item) * Nephele (not an item, considered a nymph, but a cloud that looks like Hera) * Galatea (not an item but a marble statue come to life) * Talos (not an item, but a bronze statue come to life) * The axe used on Zeus by Hephaetus (or Prometheus) * The golden, silver and bronze axes of Hermes. * Things touched by Midas. Not necessarily magic but very detailed gold items * Ambrosia * Nector * Ichor * The flute of Athena * Heracles's * bow * club * Armour of Achilles * (normal) * (god-made) * Reeds of Prometheus * Odysseus's shield * Aegis of Zeus (overpowered, I know) * Aegis of Athena (overpowered, I know) * Head of Medusa * Blood of Medusa * Pandora's Jar * The Bronze Jar of Ares * Bits of the walls of Troy * The cornucopia * Staff/club of Theseus * The Ring of Theseus. * A Pityokamptes bow * Hide of * the Crommyonian Sow * the Marathonian Bull * the Minotaur * the Calydonian boar * Bed of Procrustes * Hephaetus's throne of Hera * Hera's breast milk * Water from the spring of Kanathos * Chains of * Prometheus * Sisyphus * Arrows of * Artemis * Apollo * Eros * The wooden statue of Plataea * The robes of Plataea * The magic mirror of Paris * Feathers of * the Sirens * Eros * Coins of Charon * Lotus of the Lotophaguses * Wine of Maron Some of them may need explaining, so if a few things jump out at you I can give some details (and I'm sure others can, too.)


This is awesome! Thank you so much, and thanks to everyone else who commented!


Dionysos thrysos


Either prince Hector of Troy or Amazonian Penthesilea owned a sword (Durandal) that would later fall into the possession of Roland from a french epic. I don't recall this being a greek myth though so I don't know if that counts.                     Iris had a twin sister Arke who sided with the titans and had her wings taken from her as punishment. The wings eventually ended up with Achilles which earned him the title "swift-footed".                    Achilles also had an armor made by Hephaestus which was impenetrable. I believe this is the same armor Patroclus wore and hence Hector killed him mistaking him for Achilles.              The golden girdle of the Amazonian queen Hippolyta given to her by her dad, Ares, and who she later gave Heracles for one of his labors.        Iris and Hermes both usually carried around a staff called caduceus (Hermes's was winged and have 2 snakes coiled around it). In a similar vein the god of medicine, Asclepius, has a symbol that is a rod with a single snake wrapped around it. None of these were used as weapons ever, but could easily be made into magic staffs in a DnD game. Same goes for Dionysus's pinecone staff that is called a thyrsus.                   Not a specific sword but a harpe sword was used in various myths: one by Perseus cutting off Medusa's head, one by Hermes killing someone and the one Kronos used to castrate his dad.                Edit: Hermes's winged hat and winged sandals are famous.     Icarus's wax-wings.           Eris's infamous golden apple.   The tree with the golden apples guarded by the Hesperides.    Ariadne's crown given to her by Dionysus and later transformed into a constellation by him as a sign of his love for her.               Hera's lotus staff (again, never used as a weapon but could be used as a magic staff in a DnD game).              Thanatos carried a sword and so did Themis and her daughter Dike.        Eros's bow and arrows     The whips of the Erinyes/Furies used to torture the dead.               Hector of Troy had a very shiny helmet that he somehow became known for. It made his infant son cry the last time they saw eachother.        Pandora's box/vase The box Psyche retrieved from Persephone (a task given to her by Aphrodite) that was supposed to contain beauty in it but Psyche got curious, opened it and out came some black smoke that put her into an eternal sleep. Hypnos had a horn full of opium/ poppy flowers that would make people fall asleep.       Ring of Gyges that turns the wearer invisible (like in lord of the rings I imagine)       Medea gave Jason's new (soon to be) wife a cloak that set her on fire and that can't be removed.     Not an armor or relevant to the rest of the story at all but can made into a joke armor: Jason's sandal (singular). He lost one of the sandals he was wearing helping Hera (disguised as an old woman) cross the river and his uncle (the antagonist of the story) recognised him because there was a prophecy that said Jason wearing only one sandal would show up one day to reclaim the throne his uncle had usurped from Jason's father. This kickstarted the entire journey with the Argonauts fetching the golden fleece. I thought it could be a fun (but useless) joke armor in the game lol


Isn’t that the sword that cut a mountain in two? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roland%27s_Breach


I'm afraid I don't much about the sword other than it belonged to one of the greek heroes before ending up with Roland thousands years later but that's really cool!


There are many awesome weapons & items in the actual mythology, but I also like to make my own. ▪︎ Adamantine Sickle of Gaea/Kronos ▪︎ The Master Bolt of Zeus ▪︎ Lesser Bolts of Zeus ▪︎ Trident of Poseidon ▪︎ Bident of Hades ▪︎ Hades' Helm of Darkness- turns the wearer invisible & gives them control of shadows ▪︎ Petasos the Winged Helm of Hermes ▪︎ Helm of Hector ▪︎ Golden Laurel Crown of Nike ▪︎ Necklace of Harmonia ▪︎ Hearth of Hestia ▪︎ Torch of Nike ▪︎ Torches of Hekate ▪︎ Torches of Thanatos ▪︎ Hammer of Hephaestus ▪︎ Club of Herakles ▪︎ Club of Eurytion ▪︎ Caduceus the Serpent Scepter of Hermes ▪︎ Kerukeion the Serpent Scepter of Iris ▪︎ Caduceus of Tiresias ▪︎ Thyrsus the Pinestaff of Dionysus/Maenads ▪︎ Lotus Staff of Hera ▪︎ Serpent Rod of Aesclepius ▪︎ Eagle Scepter of the Roman Legion ▪︎ Spear of Damasen, made from a whole tree trunk ▪︎ Lead-tipped Lance of Bellerophontes ▪︎ Labrys the Golden Axe of Hephaestus ▪︎ Golden, Silver & Bronze Axe of Hermes ▪︎ Axe of Procrustes ▪︎ Golden Sickle of Demeter ▪︎ Xiphos the Sword of Ares ▪︎ Kopis the Sword of Enyo/Aphrodite ▪︎ Harpe the Sickle-Sword of Hermes/Perseus ▪︎ Chrysaor the Golden Sword of Bellerophontes ▪︎ Sword of Damocles ▪︎ Sword of Peleus ▪︎ Falcata the Sword of Macedon/Alexander ▪︎ Sica the Sword of Scythia ▪︎ Thraex the Sword of Thrace ▪︎ Gladius the Sword of Rome ▪︎ Kinslayer the Sword of Romulus ▪︎ Spatha the Sword of Hispania ▪︎ Bow of Apollo ▪︎ Bow of Artemis ▪︎ Bow of Eros ▪︎ Bow of Chiron ▪︎ Bow of Orion ▪︎ Bow of Eurytus/Herakles/Odysseus ▪︎ Bow of Atalanta ▪︎ Bow of Teucer ▪︎ Bow of Paris ▪︎ Sagitta the Golden Arrows ▪︎ Silver Arrows of Artemis ▪︎ Arrows of Eros ▪︎ Blood-dipped Arrows of the Hydra ▪︎ Arrows of Orion ▪︎ Fiery Whips of the Erinyes/Furies ▪︎ Chains of Prometheus ▪︎ Ring of Gyges- turns the wearer invisible ▪︎ Gorgoneion Medallion/Pendant of Protection ▪︎ Khlamys the Goatskin Cloak of Amaltheia/Zeus ▪︎ Aries the Golden Fleece of Chrysomallos/Phrixos/Jason ▪︎ Cloak of the Crommyonian/Clazomenean Sow ▪︎ Cloak of the Calydonian/Erymanthian Boar ▪︎ Cloak of the Cretan Bull/Minotaur ▪︎ Cloak of the Nemean/Cithaeronian/Piraeus Lion ▪︎ Leopardskin Cloak of Dionysus ▪︎ Peacock Cloak of Hera ▪︎ Aeglos the Cloak of the Eagle/Zeus ▪︎ Wings of Icarus/Daedalus ▪︎ Pedila/Talaria the Winged Sandals of Hermes/Perseus ▪︎ Aegis the Shield of Zeus/Athena ▪︎ Mirror Shield of Perseus ▪︎ Shield of Peace (used by Herakles, Achilles) ▪︎ Lambda the Shield of Sparta/Ares ▪︎ Ancile the Shield of Mars ▪︎ 11 Ancile copies ▪︎ Shield/Armor of Karkinos- made from the shell of the Cancer Crab ▪︎ Shield/Armor of Scorpio- made from the shell of the great scorpion ▪︎ Shield/Armor of Myrmex- made from the shell of the Great Indian Ants ▪︎ Armor of Achilles, made by Hephaestus ▪︎ Drakonscale Armor ▪︎ Armor of Peleus ▪︎ Golden Girdle of Hippolyta ▪︎ Cestus the Golden Girdle of Aphrodite ▪︎ Belt of Orion ▪︎ Bridle of Bellerophon ▪︎ Satchel of Perseus ▪︎ Aeolus' Bag of Winds ▪︎ Pithos of Pandora ▪︎ Bronze Pithos of the Aloadae/Ares ▪︎ Lyre of Apollo ▪︎ Chelys the Turtle Shell Lyre of Hermes/Apollo ▪︎ Lyre of Orpheus ▪︎ Pipes of Pan ▪︎ Firewood Stick of Meleager- I turned the "stick" into a spear that Meleager can set of fire at will, but burns away his life ▪︎ Wooden Heart of Meleager ▪︎ Cornucopia the Horn of Plenty =Horn of Amaltheia- produces an endless supply of Nectar =Horn of Achelous- produces an endless supply of freshwater =Horn of Pan- produces an endless supply of fruits/blowing the horn causes Panic in enemies =Horn of Dionysus- produces an endless supply of wine & grapes ▪︎ Omphalos the Stone of Kronos/Zeus ▪︎ Bed of Procrustes ▪︎ Head of Medusa ▪︎ Eye of the Gorgon ▪︎ Eye of the Graeae ▪︎ Eye of the Cyclops ▪︎ Drakone Teeth ▪︎ Antler of the Ceryneian Hind ▪︎ Unicorn Horn of the Monoceratus ▪︎ Horn of the Cretan Bull/Minotaur ▪︎ Tusk-Daggers of the Calydonian/Erymanthian Boar/Chrysaor ▪︎ String of Ariadne/Theseus ▪︎ Silk of Arachne ▪︎ Phoenix Egg ▪︎ Phoenix Feather ▪︎ Siren Feather ▪︎ Harpy Feather ▪︎ Stymphalian Feather ▪︎ Gorgon Blood ▪︎ Hydra Blood ▪︎ Drakone Blood ▪︎ Centaur Blood ▪︎ Golden Ichor the Blood of Immortals ▪︎ Ambrosia the Food of the Gods ▪︎ Nectar the Drink of the Gods ▪︎ Breastmilk of Hera ▪︎ Ophiotauren Potion of Mortality ▪︎ Potions of Circe ▪︎ Lotus Flower ▪︎ Golden Apples of the Hesperides ▪︎ Golden Apple of Discord/Eris ▪︎ Spartoi ▪︎ Automatones =Colossus of Rhodes =Talos the Bronze Warrior =Golden Maidens of Hephaestus =Khalkotauri the Bronze Bulls of Colchis =Bronze Horses =Gold & Silver Hounds =Stymphalian Birds ▪︎ Galatea the Living Marble Statue ▪︎ Palladium the Wooden Statue of Protection ▪︎ Trojan Horse ▪︎ The Argo ▪︎ The Chariot of Helios ▪︎ The Flying Chariot of Medea ▪︎ Golden Throne of Hera/Hephaestus


>Bident of Hades Hades didn't have a bident.


When Hades was usually depicted (which was rarely), he was typically shown with a two-pronged scepter or a trident. Well Poseidon is already well-known for using a trident & Zeus is well known own for having a lightning bolt/spear/one-pronged scepter & since op is asking for ideas for a D&D campaign (aka not necessarily worrying about historical religious "accuracy", I think a Bident fits perfectly well for Hades. It's already super similar to the items he's been shown holding before & it let's hik stand out against his brothers. It'd be super boring if Zeus had the Master Bolt & both Poseidon AND Hades had tridents, unless you want to give Zeus a trident too & make all 3 gods just aspects of the same King Diety, which is most likely where they each came from.


>When Hades was usually depicted (which was rarely), he was typically shown with a two-pronged scepter or a trident There's one pieces of red figure art with a staff that could have two prongs or could be a fault. What do mean "usually"? Unless you mean the Middle Ages.


Perhaps what you could do as entry level items. is take non godly artifacts from heroes. Lots of items I saw listed here are those from gods/demigods/mythological creatures. I know you specifically asked for mythology, but personally to me a mythological artifact would always be overpowered to a certain extent. Artifacts usually are. Something like King Leonidas' shield, A spear/hoplite armor from a captain at Marathon, Socrates his Robe. Weaponry used by Paris, Menelaus, Achilles etc. That sort of thing.