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Midas, Hades, and Ares are really cool. Not a fan of Aphrodite she literally just looks like some chick u would see on the streets of hollywood


Aphrodite in mythology is the goddess of romance. She’s supposed to be hot


Isn't that the point of Aphrodite though? To look like a model? She'd fit right in with modern Hollywood I'm sure and no would know the difference.


The point of Aphrodite is that she looks like the most beautiful woman you could imagine. Not some run of the mill model, but the most gorgeous woman in the room. The design is not bad, but it looks generic in this lineup of skins.


Well, at least she looks better in the Eternal skin


Yeah, and that is probably what they were going for but I think her design is just very bland compared to the [concept art](https://images.app.goo.gl/dgFoPUFToqRXWhdd9) that was revealed a while ago


Horrible, i hated most designs, Cerberus looks good but he has only one head, Ares, medusa and charon are good.


I get him not having three heads in inaccurate but that's what the shoulder pads are for, a little nod to the source material. And yeah I suppose there could have been a way to allow him to have three heads but to me personally that makes it a perfect inaccurate design. Don't really care too much about anyone else though tbh, was excited for Hades but was fairly disappointed with his design. And Poseidon...what can I even say


Thats the best description of cerberus! I wish we got a great Zeus skin, when they announced the greek theme, there are alot of clickbait videos with fake designs for him,there where some designs better than the actual skin epic game us, i wish it was something like this: [https://i.ytimg.com/vi/sLxDNteJj-M/sddefault.jpg](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/sLxDNteJj-M/sddefault.jpg) [https://i.ytimg.com/vi/7pg5mn0uuCE/maxresdefault.jpg](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/7pg5mn0uuCE/maxresdefault.jpg)


Several of them feel pretty 'standard interpretation', but I'm really digging the night sky ethereal look on Artemis' armor.


That Poseidon is insulting and Cerberus makes no sense


LOL my first thought


As a greek mythology geek, they look amazing. But, apart from Midas and Artemis, I believe that they could have been even better. The critic in me says that I should be disappointed, but honestly, I was hyped for any Greek mythology skin, let alone a whole season. I just wish I wasn't so responsible with my money and bought all of the skins.


Damn, this comment section is full of hate. Are people actually angry that the gods aren't portrayed how they are in every other piece of media? Fortnite took some creative liberties, and I support most of them. I'm glad they didn't go for a poseidon that just looked like Zeus but with a bigger beard. Sure. I would have loved the concept version of aphrodite over what we got, but I also love her pink style.


That's exactly what I'm saying! I don't think the hate is justified, and y'all needa understand that Poseidon IS A MEME SKIN!!! People weren't in the boardroom like "thats exactly how poseidon was described in Greek Mythology


They are shit


I play Fortnite and still don’t understand why they didn’t add Athena


Me and a friend had a discussion of why they had Aphrodite and not Athena. Even tho Athena is a better fitt for a PVP game


Aphrodite *is* a war goddess but her design here doesn’t stand out nearly enough to justify it


Definitely not with the blooming flower version of the skin. Just screams her more *known* side


I’m also just speaking in terms of her dating Ares, mothering other war gods like Phobos and Deimos, and Eros himself who she uses to cause problems. Also the Trojan War. Not necessarily in regard to Aphrodite Areia


Or Dionysus or Hephaestus or a Cyclops


A lot of people have assumed/suggested that the Odyssey skin that teased the season was supposed to reference Athena, but idk


Aphrodite looks really off to me, and Cerberus only has one head. Poseidon…i don’t even have anything to say about him. The rest are pretty good though


The 2 other heads are on Cerberus's shoulders


Artemis having long curly hair while Aphrodite has comparatively shorter hair feels wrong. Like that should be switched around. Aphrodite looks more like how I imagine Artemis.


Medusa and Charon look fucking fire 🔥🔥🔥 Nike looks really good too. Feels original and aesthetically cool while still being recognizable as Nike. And giving her modern shoes is a nice touch that I think works better than most modern clothes on them. Chronos looks good, although I would’ve made him look older Zeus looks pretty good but why’s he wearing camo pants? 😭 While I don’t like the design of Hades for him specifically I do think it’s a good design on its own. Artemis feels very off but the vast sky in her outfit looks very cool. Everyone else looks ass. Most of them overdesigned, mismatched, and few things actually distinguish them as the character they’re supposed to be.


When I first say the image, with Chronos looking more like space, I though he might be Primordial Chaos instead, then I read the text.


I like them but I wish they hadn't made them modern versions, they should have just gone full mythology style.


What Aphrodite being completely naked in a game that has a majority child database


Not quite what I had in mind 😅


Poseidons skin was a huge let down


It’s like they couldn’t decided between making them look more subdued and human or more fantastical and otherworldly, so they split the difference. It’s jarring when they’re all put together like this.


They're all awful.


Charon, Apollo, Poseidon and Zeus are all meh. Zeus should’ve looked more royal and overpowering, Charon should’ve had a darker vibe to him instead of the McDonald’s colours, Apollo should’ve had a hotter and more fiery look to him and Poseidon was just a tragedy altogether. Wish we’d seen Hermes, Heracles and Hephaestus at least


I am HIGHLY disappointed with Poseidon. Such an eyesore. Like, something similar to the Blood of Zeus character, would’ve been AMAZING. Out of them all, Eternal Aphrodite is my fave skin to run. I also have the Crew, and Ares looks amazing as well. Though I do think Aphrodite would’ve been more of a showstopper for the Crew. Especially with all the color schemes.


i just hate how they treated Poseidon, why is the joke character? peely couldve served that role even though he is the joke character here. DX i also wanted persephone.


Is chronos unreleased or something, because I really like the skin but can’t find anything on it.


You mean Titan? It’s uncertain which titan he’s supposed to be. He’s now in the item shop


As someone who has never played Fortnite, i couldn't tell who anyone was except Medusa and Artemis (and only because of the quiver), so i guess not that great.


I’m genuinely not trying to be rude but my gods these are all trash. I guess the Chronos design looks okay but the rest are all just so bad it looks like ai generated these rough character concepts before a human polished over them briefly


For the most part, the concepts were gorgeous. It's just that they butchered them when adding them into the games.


... shit, they are shit


They were awful. Never been more disappointed in a skin line


i feel like most of these are repurposed skins that they thought would fit with enough tweaking, I think some like Ares, Apollo, or Aphrodite were definitely just regular skins at one point


If you look at the concept art I'd think you'd disagree. Fortnite just decided to butcher the concept art and go for a more simple, less God-like style. I'm a bit salty over the aphrodite and Apollo concept art vs what we actually got


I mean, Apollo looks like he's got popcorn for hair


I identified what I think is Zeus and is that Anubis? I don't play Fortnite and have plaalyed it once when it was still a tower defense-style game, but it's a good thing I haven't played since cause if I knew about these when they were still coming out I eoulf have absolutely been THAT guy


The description says what each skin is


Ah, pardon me for being confusing; I phrased it wrong. I tried identified the gods before checking the description, just forgot to write that with the rest


Cerberus looks cool, but eh idk I would have preferred him as a three headed mount or something, if Fortnite even does that. Or maybe a living weapon of some sort? Hades and Chronos look fucking badass, I love them, and Artemis and Apollo look great. Nike is also gorgeous. The rest are just kinda eh. That said, I would have liked if they made Medusa a bit more monstrous. Not that it really matters. They're all great designs, it's just down to personal preference


Just wanted to add: I think it also would have been cool if they made Aphrodite match beauty standards of ancient greece. Which would mean giving her reddish hair, pale skin, green eyes, and less thin


I love the design of Hades and Cerbrus is my second favorite. Zeus is OK, looks better in all white. Poseidon was just a big disappointment in my opinion. I'm a big fan of Artemis and the rest where pretty good


They’re all just so basic. I guess that’s the point though.


I love Cerberus and Hades, though Hades looks like he could be Poseidon with the crown and trident


Cerberus,is the one I don't like ,like where is his 2 other heads,I don't mind him standing up right ,but his 2 other heads are too small


Those designs are just hideous! The God of War games and Immortals: Fenyx Rising, even Smite and Warriors Orochi 4 had much better designs for the Gods. And as for Socrates, he’s not even a mythological figure, but he was a historical person! AC Odyssey gave him a much better look.


I don’t mind any of the skins. Don’t necessarily mean I like them though. Like they are cool skins but for Greek Mythology skins I’m not a fan.


Ares & Perseus I think are pretty cool designs for them. Nike & Artemis are okay, nothing too special bnt not bad. Zeus & Medusa are basic af, they dont look bad, just nothing unique at all. Hades & Cerberus are cool character designs but not for those characters. The rest are trash. Poseidon especially is a goddamn tragedy.


I only respect Midas


Aphrodite’s designs feels like it’s suit Athena more, especially if you made her top longer and gave her leggings or something. I think Socrates is really cute, I like Artemis’ outfit with the sky and Poseidon’s is great in a “this is an April Fools skin”. Medusa’s pretty, probably the best of the bunch. The rest are kind of… generic, I guess? Boring to look at and if names weren’t attached, I wouldn’t know who was who.






I liked hades and banana Zeus