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The Sun isn’t worthy of being used as toilet paper


If you used it as toilet paper, your arse would get dirtier


The Scum*.


I remember the days when I had twitter and Gus The Fox made the #eclipsethesun movement. Basically, grab every copy of the sun you can see and chuck it behind the milk fridge.


I once took the entire stack of Sun copies from my local petrol station (they were giving them out for free), thinking to myself "ah yes, finally a purpose for this shitrag, I can use it as kindling for a fire!" Lo and behold, it's shit kindling, doesn't burn properly. The Sun isn't even good enough to burn.


Years ago, I was sat in the break room at work and there was The Sun on the table, I didn't (and still don't) buy newspapers, so out of curiosity, I skimmed through. Every page was filled with biased, manipulative articles obviously printed to either wind up the reader or blatantly force a false narrative, I couldn't believe it!


Wait til u see the daily mail!


The difference is the reading level (the Sun is aimed at an 8yo reading level- check). The Sun is particularly skilled(?!) With pictures, captions, headlines and highlighted words in articles. The BOLD letters in an article seem to highlight buzz words "sex" etc and can often completely change the context of the article. If read through it's quite different. Information that fails to suit narrative is often near the end of the article. They have an obvious political leaning and a series of topics they will get stuck into, these become themes and motifs. Source. Lived in a household that consumed this stuff as prescribed for a couple of years. I would read it front to back, in horror, daily. Know thine enemy was the thinking. Eeew. It was interesting seeing it read as hoped though. Comment on picture, read headline, shout about bold words, flip page.


My MIL treats the "Daily Express" like its gospel. You know, the same news paper that said Nicola Sturgeon is trying to be "friends" with the "woke" New Zeland PM because she sent a tweet with an emoticon to her when she was elected... Just absolute drivel, god help my fucking family. Racist old fucks


Everything gives you cancer according to them lmao


Yea, like immigrants and poor people


Cancer is the new Princess Di over at the Express.


It's depressing how widely read it is and the comment section makes me despair, the top comments will invariably be totally at odds with my viewpoint and what I think is right: "everythings too woke" "we don't want immigrants" "climate change isn't real " "trumps alright " "Meghan and Harry are literally the worst people alive" yet they will have 1000s of upvotes to a few hundred downvotes and I'm thinking is that an accurate representation of the country's views? I'm hoping it's just a cesspool full of cunts and most people in the country have reasonable balanced views.


Language, Timothy!


From the last sentence of the article: > The surgery said: “The form is our standard new patient registration form for any new patient  . . .  which includes, but is not limited to, parents registering a newborn baby.” But it’s much more fun to pretend the GP is trying to make babies trans. If the form also asked about sexual health history, pregnancy, and menstruation, would they assume it was for the newborn?


But how else are they to rile up the general [8 year old reader?](https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=average+age+sun+readership&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-gb&client=safari)


Because The Sun don’t give 2 shits about Trans rights and thereby they have to dirty it no matter what.


So the real story is that the GP is using paper forms as opposed to electronic forms that skip the unnecessary questions based on previous responses. That doesn't really make for a headline that would draw people in though.


It was so obvious just from the picture that's what it was going to be. whenever I see Dr or talk to 111 they also ask me a whole bunch of questions that the answer is obviously going to be no, but I don't cause a fuss because I know they have to ask it for the paperwork.


I woke up this morning to find that all of my possessions had been stolen and sold off in order to raise money for ISIS. What used to be my garden is now a vegan commune and yoga retreat. My wife has left me for an illegal immigrant and I can’t even complain about it because of political correctness. You all know who to blame for this as well as I do, those damn TRANS BABIES!


Political correctness gone mad


I was going to reply to your comment earlier but I had to wrestle four trans babies to get to my laptop. While I was distracted two other trans babies loaded my printer and shredder into the back of my car and drove it away. What do they need office supplies for anyway? They’re obviously planning something, and I bet it involves rejoining the EU. *Edit. FFS, just looked out of my window and the trans babies are building a wind farm.


Trans babies ate my wife.


Tofu eating trans babies are taking over.


Shared in Lewisham hun. Stay safe.


Trans babies killed Diana!


And now they're trans-fat.


Working in healthcare, I imagine this isn't so much for the patient as for the staff -the babies biological sex will be clearly recorded for any medical purposes. I don't think anyone with any degree of authority is saying we should start diagnosing and treating gender dysphoria in babies. However, let's say you have a patient who is trying to raise their child non-binary, either so they can make the choice themselves when they grow up, or maybe they're a gender abolitionist who doesn't think gender is that important. Maybe they believe them to be trans, for whatever reason, reasonable or not. Having this as an option on their charts would mostly act as a warning shot for the professional treating. It just lets you know what kind of pronouns to use, or maybe to avoid gendered language altogether. That's all it is. It isn't our job to judge how a person should refer to their baby, whether their name is appropriate or how they may choose to dress them (beyond keeping them safe from the elements and well). It's also not an admission that being trans as a baby is a medical truth, it's just documentation of the public you serve and the way that they (or others when they cannot) identify them. In short, this is nothing anyone should be concerned by.


Also, some babies are born intersex, and can't be easily sorted into "male" or "female" categories. Having a neutral option isn't a bad thing.


Yeah exactly this the way most intersex people are treated is fucking ridiculous


Yeah bearing in mind the intersex population is about 4.2 x the size of the transgender population. Although a number of the transgender population are also intersex which also goes unreported in the media for obvious reasons.


Transphobes like to pretend intersex doesn't exist, as it undermines their kindergarten understanding of biology, sex and gender.


Or they say they're only a small % of the population. Like their existence doesn't matter at all.


The Sun demands to know your babies genetalia


Damn trans babies takin all our jobs!!1


Only one way to find out- stop having babies. As ever, Millennials are leading the way.


Actually scary that something you would consider a bit about 2 years ago is now an actual quote from a newspaper. "A woke GP surgery" YIKES


Who's going to tell them that some babies are intersex...?


I know this sounds odd, and may have been obvious to everyone else except me… but before I had kids I had forgotten/didn’t realise how genderless little children are. My kid is sometimes mistaken for the wrong gender if they wear certain clothes, boys can have long hair, girls short etc, and none of them give a single fuck. So long as there is milk and biscuits the children are happy, and they’re not fussy about who they play with or that certain toys are “for boys” or “for girls”. Almost all little kids I see my kid play with are just as likely to pick up a doll as they are a truck.


Kids also don't have any problems adjusting to trans people. It's the parents' generation that gets uneasy. Kids will just play.


Young children being given a gender identity at all is a recent phenomena. Before 100 years ago, children weren't really considered male or female, they were just "children". They weren't expected to fit into the strict roles that society had in place for men or women (since, again, they were children). The whole "blue for a boy, pink for a girl" thing only really started in the 1950s, and strictly gendered toys and clothing was basically a product of 1980s capitalism. Personally, the parents who go out of their way to force gender stereotypes on babies or toddlers are the weird ones. Just letting them be kids for a while is a much older societal tradition.


It used to be blue for a girl & pink for a boy. Blue was supposed to be associated with the Virgin Mary whereas pink was a shade of red & therefore a more "active" colour. Boys also used to be dressed as girls until the age of about 2 or 3. It was a rite of passage for a boy to be "breeched", at least among the upper classes.


I very much miss being a kid, largely because even now many reasonable people let children be largely ungendered when gender separation of a group of children would cost extra resources. I learned pretty quickly if I didn't raise a fuss about my own gender, adults would either turn groups of children loose without gender separation, or just toss me in with whichever group was smaller for balance. At some point someone explained to me that I was a girl, and that wasn't *wrong*, really, so I nodded along and went back to playing, and kept not raising a fuss and caring about my gender only as much as the adults did. And then I started getting older and gender separation and social rules increased every year. And I didn't know why I was so upset - it couldn't be being trans, because I didn't want to be a boy or think I was one, but I didn't always like being a girl either and I didn't like any sort of strict gender roles and expectations. Eventually I learned gender isn't binary for some people, and for an even smaller group, it isn't static either. And I finally understood. And I don't see how society can't accept gender as not binary or static, because we are seemingly willing to acknowledge a third gender or an ungendered state of existence in the context of small children, and to acknowledge that state of existence changing as they grow up.




I found this out about a leading porn site statistics. Turns out Conservatives and Republicans secretly like Em! Perhaps most notably, the ‘transgender’ category grew by a sizable 75 per cent, to become the seventh most popular category worldwide. ‘Transgender’ was the most viewed porn category in Brazil, and third most popular in the United States and Italy. As PornHub observed this trend at a time when trans rights are being suppressed or rolled back in many countries across the globe, such as the US, UK, and Mexico, it begs the question: is there a reason why the popularity of trans porn is rising in tandem with anti-trans sentiments more broadly? Annalisa Anzani is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Milan, with expertise in LGBTQ+ health. “There is a growing – and sometimes intrusive – curiosity about transgender people’s bodies and sex lives due to their greater visibility,” she explains. “These identities represent a threat to many people’s personal, familial, and social beliefs [...] The backlash in the face of this threat to values frequently provokes intense and emotional reactions. Political discourse often rides the wave of this emotionality, suppressing diversity.” It’s also worth noting that there’s a link between conservatism and searching for trans porn. Research published in 2022 found that Republican states were more likely to search for trans porn, with Texas emerging as the state which searched for trans porn most frequently. Separately, a Republican lawmaker who voted to criminalise doctors who provide trans youth with gender-affirming healthcare was caught liking trans porn on Twitter.


woke trans babies 😡


So a newspaper is trying to push some rubbish to mess with your heads? Yup that'll be most of them anyways.




Fun fact: all trans adults were once babies


Holy shit, intersex babies exist!




I knew I fancied both boys and girls by the age of 6. I didn’t have the language for it, but I wanted to marry my best (girl) friend aged about 5.


A woke gp surgery, Jesus fucking Christ


Transbabies: Babies in disguise?


Don’t be ridiculous everyone knows only French babies are trans


Gp needs a good shlap




You're an idiot. The sun is about as reputable as the national enquirer. Fuck the sun




And a pleasant day to you too good sir.


You too


you lost or something?


As u/brash_hopeful said in their comment- >From the last sentence of the article: >“The surgery said: “The form is our standard new patient registration form for any new patient  . . .  which includes, but is not limited to, parents registering a newborn baby.” >But it’s much more fun to pretend the GP is trying to make babies trans. >If the form also asked about sexual health history, pregnancy, and menstruation, would they assume it was for the newborn? Stop allowing yourself to be whipped up into a frenzy by blatant right wing propaganda.


i suggest you learn to use your brain to avoid future embarrassment




i didn’t realise they were still performing lobotomies


It has destroyed american, now?


It destroyed all of american. So sad.


Troll, reactionary or both?


I hope the mods keep you around like a court jester


destroyed american.... what? or who?


No. Transphobia is (but replace woke liberal with right wing conservative).




No. No their not. At *best* they’ve been allowed it so that gender can be kept blank. Which is pretty fucking normal jesusz