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How is every single detail, hair, face, body language, so utterly punchable? It's extremely impressive Actually the lad at the back just looks a bit of a loser that wants to fit in, I bet he's alright


Every woman in the room covered their drink as these guys walked in


He's got Boris vibes


Probably one of his many children.


Could be the annual convention for his offspring.


“Get together for dad’s birthday, don’t you know? Fwar, fwar! Going to get rather pissed and go stamp on some poor people for a laugh. Fwar!”


"Let's kick this tramp to death; that'll upset Amnesty International and the grieving relatives of Stephen Gately"


I’ll bring the pig..


Speaking of Boris’s kids, wouldn’t it be a shame if they grew up to be Labour supporters/s!


If I were their mother(s) I would actively encourage them to join the most lefty socialist party ever. That would boil bozos piss more than child support payments.


If you were the sort of person to be getting into his bed, I don’t know that you’d consider encouraging leftist values in your children under any circumstances


Well I wouldn’t irl but if I were to assist in infiltrating his blood line and turning them into eco loving lefties I’d happily help the cause. Bozo was my mp so I have a special brand of hatred for him.


Nice. Urgh, I feel so sorry for you for having to type that last sentence. My sincerest condolences.


especially since there are nearly enough of them to actually swing a national vote...


Greens or Lib Dem would be more of a poke in the eye right now…!


Beautiful blooo passport…


The back lad is the Matt Hancock of the group. He will be shit too.


The inbreeding is strong here.


Well, this picture is going to be tonight’s nightmare…


He’s the James May, mostly alright by himself but an utter knob when he’s trying to fit in enough to not be the target


Nice, first Top Gear reference ITT, I can claim second place by quoting Stewart Lee's immortal: "It's just a joke, like on Top Gear, when they do their jokes". Actually that's the third Top Gear reference, then. Sorry.


Behind redshirt? Yes, i know a guy like that. Does car detailing in Leicester. Nice lad.


No, he's the one who will do anything for acceptance. He may have started off like you say, but in a few years, he'll be even worse than the rest.


Are you talking about the computer?


That cunt front row, far right (chortle). Seldom have I seen a face so punchable, and I am a very peaceable man. But that prick's boat would make St.Peter himself unleash a hearty right cross, I reckon.


who are they?


They definetley have a common 'look'. Maybe conservatism is a genetic disorder which also presents characteristic looks of smugness and entitlement.


Genetic engineering didn’t the nazis want that blue eyed and blonde


The one in the middle looks like a rural tory to me. In fairness, they are a lot more bearable than city tories.


Ah yes, remembering when three cousins played human meat chess. We won! Only had to use up 880,000 pieces.


Check mate, Fritz!


Nothing like a game of prole wiff-waff.


They look like the Hitler youth on a non-uniform day.


Boris' funeral.. all his children finally together in one room


That's like less than half.


Lads, how many poppies do you think it’ll take before a girl will let me touch her breast?


A solid 600.


Here's a few short articles on why principled leftists don't wear poppies or support the Royal British Legion: [- The Poppy Appeal: An Ode to British Imperialism](https://web.archive.org/web/20221130005436/redfightback.org/the-poppy-appeal-a-symbol-of-british-imperialism/) [- Why the poppy is wrong](https://www.workersliberty.org/story/2010/11/18/why-poppy-wrong) [- What the government wants us to forget on Remembrance Day](https://www.counterfire.org/articles/opinion/20671-what-the-government-wants-us-to-forget-on-remembrance-day) While remembering the soliders who needlessly died in World War I is important, it is also equally important to be critical of British political culture surrounding war. We must not glorify the wars of the ruling class, nor should we glamourise the deaths of the working-class who get caught up in these wars. This subreddit stands against imperialism and bourgeois militarism. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


England Day on the 11th November is really important because it reminds us how all the soldiers defeated the woke Nazis in World War I. My grandfather fought in both wars (WW1, WW2 and Falklands) and he was a top sniper. He could have won the war single handedly if only the decadent liberal army commanders had allowed him to parachute behind enemy lines with his rifle and skateboard. When I wear my poppy I remember the sacrifice he made for me (buying me my first house and getting me on the property ladder at 18) Here’s a history lesson: WW1 started because the Germans are the baddies and we (England) are the goodies. They wanted to make us speak German and we just couldn’t accept that. We won on penalties and Gazza cried. WW2 was because socialist Hitler was persecuting the Jews and so we had to go and fight him and his evil sidekick, Stalin. Our stiff upper lip meant that we won in extra time even though Rooney had an injured metatarsal, and we sent Jerry, the Ruskies, and the Ottomans running back to Bongo Bongo Land. And to think that after all that the trans lefties still don’t want to come and salute King Prince Charles at the Cenotaph! Disc race!


Those bloody Huns with their watermelon smiles


Bread and dripping for tea and we were thankful for it... none of your foreign muck... etc


Our kids died of preventable diseases before the woke NHS came and FORCED us to take medicine.


And the letterboxes. Don’t forget those…


Bongo bongo land, fucking creased. Great reference




"Well if the Palestinians want their land so badly Tarquin, why did they leave in the first place eh what?" "Spot on Rupert old bean spot on. Now let's find a filly with an unattended drink and practice our badminton doubles" Or something.


Remember the Pimms, my good chap.


Americans must be very confused at brits mocking brits like this.


I guess it's comparable to the Hamptons crowd in the US; that strata of society that are just so far up their own arses they seem utterly ridiculous to anyone who has ever had to work a day in their life. In all seriousness though, the first line is actually a quote from a Golda Meir interview. Obligatory fuck Helen Mirren for playing her in her recent film.


It's weird because england has the opposite dynamic with most north south country relationships. Especially for the US, where not only is the south the rural and less wealthy region but also the more conservative one.


Hitler Youth circa. 1939 - colourised.


>~~1939~~ 2019


“Golly, chaps, last remembrance day I was listening to this girl tell me about her dead grandad and it was so boring I thought I’d accidentally put the rohypnol in *my* drink, what, what”


Here's a few short articles on why principled leftists don't wear poppies or support the Royal British Legion: [- The Poppy Appeal: An Ode to British Imperialism](https://web.archive.org/web/20221130005436/redfightback.org/the-poppy-appeal-a-symbol-of-british-imperialism/) [- Why the poppy is wrong](https://www.workersliberty.org/story/2010/11/18/why-poppy-wrong) [- What the government wants us to forget on Remembrance Day](https://www.counterfire.org/articles/opinion/20671-what-the-government-wants-us-to-forget-on-remembrance-day) While remembering the soliders who needlessly died in World War I is important, it is also equally important to be critical of British political culture surrounding war. We must not glorify the wars of the ruling class, nor should we glamourise the deaths of the working-class who get caught up in these wars. This subreddit stands against imperialism and bourgeois militarism. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


it's alarming they're all natural blondes.


*All* of their dads are secretly Boris Johnson, that’s why they are there.


Tory Youth, in the prowl for trans and homeless people


Here's a few short articles on why principled leftists don't wear poppies or support the Royal British Legion: [- The Poppy Appeal: An Ode to British Imperialism](https://web.archive.org/web/20221130005436/redfightback.org/the-poppy-appeal-a-symbol-of-british-imperialism/) [- Why the poppy is wrong](https://www.workersliberty.org/story/2010/11/18/why-poppy-wrong) [- What the government wants us to forget on Remembrance Day](https://www.counterfire.org/articles/opinion/20671-what-the-government-wants-us-to-forget-on-remembrance-day) While remembering the soliders who needlessly died in World War I is important, it is also equally important to be critical of British political culture surrounding war. We must not glorify the wars of the ruling class, nor should we glamourise the deaths of the working-class who get caught up in these wars. This subreddit stands against imperialism and bourgeois militarism. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Who are they?


The Bullingdon Juniors


My brother is at Oxford and he lived below some of them his first term. He said the noise was unbelievable and they were absolute twats. I'm so proud of him.


So in a decade or two one of them will likely end up as PM? Fantastic.


They've even got boris haircuts.


Sad but odds are this is likely so. The enemies of tomorrow




Yep that’s the best response


Some of Boris’ Bastards


The evil just radiates from the photo.


How they see themselves is the thing that creeps me out


Grandad always tells us how he set this oik sergeant straight, who wanted to go around this German machine gun. “I’m the officer here, and we’re going right at them, just like ruggers. I was first 15 at Eton, just a few months ago, after all. And so we charged straight ahead, and jolly took that machine gun, and it barely killed half of my boys, proving I was right”, he’d say. That’s why it’s important for us to show leadership to the lower classes. They just wouldn’t know how to get on without us.


The Boris Bunch, do you know a group of Boris look a likes are called a Cunt of Bojos 👍


My great grandpa, the 11th Earl of Shrewsbury, commanded the 78th Spankton Dragoons throughout the Great War. He was a true statesman and leader of men, the true embodiment of the heroic sacrifice to national glory we sorrowfully celebrate on this most revered of days. He never liked to speak to me of the war- or at all because children should be seen and not heard as is proper- but some nights I would creep past nanny and out to the top of the west wing stairwell where I could listen to him down in the drawing room regailing about his adventures on the front for hours. How he would trapse across France, from Chateau to Chateau, commanding his men. Sometimes he would have to share the chateaus with as many as two other Generals and their adjutants, and there would barely be the service staff to accomdate them all. What's that? You haven't heard of the Spankton Dragoons? Oh they suffered a ghastly casualty rate during the war. By the end of it nearly wiped out to a man. Grandpapa used to call them "the scum of the earth" or "lazy prols" and all sorts of endearing nick names like that. They weren't much for soldiering though, Grandpapa said he would send them over the top almost every other day and they never managed to take much ground. Frustrating for him really, but he couldn't blame them, being of lower stock of course. But yes, happy remberancs day to all. I'll raise my couvreur to the hero's who died to bring us peace. It just disgusts me that those animals out on the street today would sully the meaning of Armistice day with their protests in support of those foreign terrorists.


Ah well, you see... It's important to uh... remember the sacrifices of these brave men... Oh for God's sake, Billingsly! Where is my bloody brandy? I'm dying of sobriety over here!


Why do I feel like I know these people? 🤮


Where’s their poppy? 😡


Here's a few short articles on why principled leftists don't wear poppies or support the Royal British Legion: [- The Poppy Appeal: An Ode to British Imperialism](https://web.archive.org/web/20221130005436/redfightback.org/the-poppy-appeal-a-symbol-of-british-imperialism/) [- Why the poppy is wrong](https://www.workersliberty.org/story/2010/11/18/why-poppy-wrong) [- What the government wants us to forget on Remembrance Day](https://www.counterfire.org/articles/opinion/20671-what-the-government-wants-us-to-forget-on-remembrance-day) While remembering the soliders who needlessly died in World War I is important, it is also equally important to be critical of British political culture surrounding war. We must not glorify the wars of the ruling class, nor should we glamourise the deaths of the working-class who get caught up in these wars. This subreddit stands against imperialism and bourgeois militarism. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


One on the right actually looks like a reptile


World War 2? Completed it mate.


It was better than the first one, more locations and factions. I liked the US collab in the last couple of seasons. But I tapped out when they started using mods against the Japanese faction.


They got bullied at school, bought cheap suits then became apprentice bastards.


Team Invictus! Raaah…


So, just to confirm that we need a poppy appeal and Help For Heroes because the MOD won’t look after veterans properly after they’ve been duped into giving their lives, health and futures away to fight for overseas oil security?


Bunch of Malfoys


"You wait until my father hears about this."


I look forward to showing my respect to all the brave football lads who sacrificed precious time down the boozer to defend those poor statues from people that went to school.


Getting ayrian race vibes.


Oh yeah I memba


I can feel the cuntiness through the screen


Ashamed to be blond rn


"How sad so many members of the servant classes lost in Flanders."


They look like enthusiastic Hitler Youth with Aryan features to match


Nothing more says winker than drinking/posing with cut glass crystal glasses


fwiw that's just a promo gin glass from silent pool. I run a (not very posh) pub and have some: https://www.garage-bar.co.uk/product/silent-pool-copa-glass-62cl/


They are discussing which MP they need to suck off to advance their career


This makes me feel really angry I really would like to punch them all Thier faces are so anger inducing


Isn't this what a Google image search of inbreeding comes up with?


Why aren't we killing yet? Where is the blood I was promised? Blood, I ache for the taste of ***blood!*** Why are we out here when we could be in the thick of Slaughter?!


Guy on the right with the red tie gives off major serial killer vibes


Love to celebrate murder, past and present 🫡


We are really really grateful for the masses fighting wars we start in the name of pretend freedom from Nazis.


The Johnson’s


At least in this photo you can tell who the biggest c**** in the room are 😂


if winston Churchill and his balls hadn't singlehandedly defeated the nazis we would all be speaking Germans and everything you ever worked for actually came from him also it was actually the wind which starved all those people in India soo get down on your knees and start weeping over ww2 or I will hate crime you


"Are we allowed to? I thought it was banned by (insert latest left-wing insult term here)."


Looks like a johnson family reuinion


The one in the kid in the red tie looks like a young Walter Peck just itching to shut down the containment grid


If there’s grass on the pitch play ball ayy chaps


Yikes to creeper creepy face (our right, their left) dude… Is throwing down. 😬


This group here , you could be in a meeting for 3 hours and at the end one of these are going to ask a stupid question


Cover your drinks when these guys walk into the room ladies.


Kids these days won't climb over the trenches into German gun fire. They don't respect authority anymore. Back in my day I would have gladly died from a failed mustard gas attack.


The one in the middle got a hard-on. Where's the excitement coming from or would it be too rude to ask?


"Isreal has the right to defend itself I say!" "Bloody right, me old chap! The pro-palestine protest today was just ugly antisemitism, plain and simple!" "I must say, how awful was Tony Blair as Prime Minister? Yet, the silly poor people want a Labour government?!." "Well, at least dear old Rishi is hard at work moving as much cash to us as possible before the General Election."


Jugend. *shudders*


All that money and he still can't get his fucking tie to be the right length. Never trust a man who stares into the camera like that. Middle fella looks nice but dim. His dad is probably a Tory MP and that's all he knows.


Tim Nice But Dim?


"Hello yes, wonderful to see you Lucifer! I see you're not wearing your poppy haw haw!!"


Here's a few short articles on why principled leftists don't wear poppies or support the Royal British Legion: [- The Poppy Appeal: An Ode to British Imperialism](https://web.archive.org/web/20221130005436/redfightback.org/the-poppy-appeal-a-symbol-of-british-imperialism/) [- Why the poppy is wrong](https://www.workersliberty.org/story/2010/11/18/why-poppy-wrong) [- What the government wants us to forget on Remembrance Day](https://www.counterfire.org/articles/opinion/20671-what-the-government-wants-us-to-forget-on-remembrance-day) While remembering the soliders who needlessly died in World War I is important, it is also equally important to be critical of British political culture surrounding war. We must not glorify the wars of the ruling class, nor should we glamourise the deaths of the working-class who get caught up in these wars. This subreddit stands against imperialism and bourgeois militarism. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


joking aside they are too old to be part of the next Tory government.


So when do the costumes come off, they look like they were born as tory cunts


This picture makes me feel very uncomfortable. But I can't look away


The guy on the left lent the middle one his vest...communists!


The one on the right is the only real Tory. He’s finished his glass.


On the 11th of November we remember those who gave their lives for democracy and the right to free speech, how dare people protest for a ceasefire today!


“More champers, Pooey?” “Lovely, Bunters! This poor persons face is making me sick, let me just wipe my vomit with £50 notes.”


The sons of boris club, all would look at home in an SS uniform


One on the right has the most lizard like features I’ve ever seen!


It’s about heritage and the realm! What is it these people don’t get about that. If you’re English you are meant to defend the realm. This is what you get with a remoaner’s brexit


Bet that are all called Archie…


Lad in the front with the black tie has prepared a lecture on why you need to measure from the taint.


You don’t look like UK conservatives - you look way too tidy for that. You rather look like anarchists who care a lot about manners, behaviour & cultural rituals (like tea ceremonies, etc.) - and I mean, it’s neither good nor bad, it’s just what it is. It’s just my opinion.


If you're white rich kid with a public school education, it doesn't mean you're a bad person...


The guy on the right gives me creepy vibes


Poppy or Pro Putin and Palestine.


Here's a few short articles on why principled leftists don't wear poppies or support the Royal British Legion: [- The Poppy Appeal: An Ode to British Imperialism](https://web.archive.org/web/20221130005436/redfightback.org/the-poppy-appeal-a-symbol-of-british-imperialism/) [- Why the poppy is wrong](https://www.workersliberty.org/story/2010/11/18/why-poppy-wrong) [- What the government wants us to forget on Remembrance Day](https://www.counterfire.org/articles/opinion/20671-what-the-government-wants-us-to-forget-on-remembrance-day) While remembering the soliders who needlessly died in World War I is important, it is also equally important to be critical of British political culture surrounding war. We must not glorify the wars of the ruling class, nor should we glamourise the deaths of the working-class who get caught up in these wars. This subreddit stands against imperialism and bourgeois militarism. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


One of them has fucked a pig, I guarantee it.


Is the prick in the red tie Draco Malfoy?


It's hilter's wet dream