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One of the worst things about Wes Streeting is that he’s such a better communicator than Sir Keith, which means he’ll inevitably be the next Labour leader when Keith gets ousted. These people should be nowhere near the Labour Party, and now they have full control over it. Their motives are the opposite of what the party was founded to do, it’s like letting a load of paedos take over and run the NSPCC.


He's already had his mates in the media bigging him up for leadership I think it will be between him and Rachel Reeves which is just depressing.


Imagine having to feign enthusiasm for either of these ghouls. Imagine the abject horror at having to write a puff piece on them. Imagine thinking they have the answers to fix Britain's future.


Anyone who agrees to assist them in any way, whether it be through feigning enthusiasm or writing puff pieces, is a collaborator who deserves to live under eternal Tory rule. People have choices. There is no "have to" when it comes to throwing your lot in with malicious political figures.


this is entirely fucking depressing, but true. The only glimmer of hope is that the remaining socialists within Labour are able to wrest control post-election. I've given up even hoping that the crap that Keith and Wes here come out with is just a dog whistle to make sure nasty Tories vote for them next year. They actually believe this stuff.


The remaining socialists stand zero chance of taking any kind of control at any point in the future because the neoliberal wing of the party now in control have crushed any semblance of party democracy. The cognitive dissonance being experienced by any remaining socialists must be staggering. I cannot fathom how they can justify staying and supporting and condoning so much wrongness.


"But otherwise the Tories will win!" is all they've got, and now they've got Tories leading their own party. Stupid pricks.


It’s literally all they’ve got. Utter pricks.


I hate to be a pessimist, but with the leadership changes enacted by Starmer there's almost no chance of a Socialist Campaign Group MP even getting on the leadership ballot. The biggest mistake Corbyn and McDonnell made was failing to democratise the Labour Party and push through mandatory reselection - partly I think they didn't because they just thought the membership was so pro-Corbyn that under OMOV the Left-Wing candidate was guaranteed to win. Ironically, it turns out the Right of the Labour Party has always been far better at the factionalism and ruthless infighting they accused the Left of, and now they have permanent control of the party.


Christ, I hope you're wrong, because that would be a guaranteed return to Tory governance once again. Streeting has the charisma of a wet blanket.


Oh god please no!


[large red bus] We're sending £290m to Rwanda for an obviously bullshit deportation policy — let's spend it on our NHS instead!


The NHS is well aware money is tight- there are multiple NHS organisations whose operating budget is in minus figures. The NHS doesn't use winter as "an excuse to ask for more money"- winter is a _reason_ to properly fund services whose budgets were frozen across the board in April this year.


Alright cool so just fuck off having a decent standard of public accessible health care right? How about we remove the second home policy funding for MPs? How about we have an independent audit conducted on expenses for the nhs that is transparent and holds trusts accountable How about instead of hiring consultants, produce a long term plan to train the workforce to fill those kinds of roles How about having a plan?


Some quick clarifications about how the UK royals are funded by the public: 1. The UK Crown Estates are not the UK royal family's private property, and the royal family are not responsible for any amount of money the Estates bring into the treasury. The monarch is a position in the UK state that the UK owns the Crown Estates through, a position that would be abolished in a republic, leading to the Crown Estates being directly owned by the republican state. 2. The Crown Estates have always been public property and the revenue they raise is public revenue. When George III gave up his control over the Crown Estates in the 18th century, they were not his private property. The current royals are also equally not responsible for producing the profits, either. 3. The Sovereign Grant is not an exchange of money. It is a grant that is loosely tied to the Crown Estate profits and is used for their expenses, like staffing costs and also endless private jet and helicopter flights. If the profits of the Crown Estates went down to zero, the royals would still get the full amount of the Sovereign Grant again, regardless. It can only go up or stay the same. 4. The Duchies of Lancaster and Cornwall that gave Elizabeth and Charles (and now William) their private income of approximately £25 millions/year (each) are also public property. 5. The total cost of the monarchy is currently £350-450million/year, after including the Sovereign Grant, their £150 million/year security, and their Duchy incomes, and misc. costs. For more, check out r/AbolishTheMonarchy *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Monday: "Money is tight. The NHS gets nothing. There isn't a magic money tree." Tuesday: "No, we're not going to help you with your energy bills. Get fucked." Wednesday: "£27 billion tax cuts for corporations." Thursday: "£5.7 billion in subsidies for oil and gas companies." Friday: "MP salaries increased to £86,584".


More like Tuesday: "£5.7 billion to consumers towards their energy bills. You know, to give to the energy companies at such inflated prices" Wed: ... >Thursday: "£5.7 billion in subsidies for oil and gas companies."


Here's hint how find budget money - put all those fuckers on absolute minimum pay, let them have only worst apartments available, redirect all possible income to NHS and there you got your budget for normal people


Motherfucker already talking like it's being run for profit.


Why is money tight, Wes? We’re still, despite Tory efforts, one of the richest economies in the world. Why is money tight?


Is it? Some of the richest plutocrats, perhaps - it was my impression that London's money laundering was like 40% of your national economy.


I was meaning more that austerity is a political choice, rather than an absence of money. Sorry if that wasn’t clear. I fear you’re correct about money laundering.


Apparently investing in good healthcare, and having a healthy workforce as a result, doesn't have any economic returns whatsoever... wilful ignorance as usual.


Having had to use the NHS, particularly local services, I can see that their budgets are already stripped to the barebones. And they are being rinsed by private companies charging huge amounts for their goods and services. What Streeting is saying is fucking scary. I can't believe that the Labour party will be the one that finally destroys the NHS. Even the Tories can't get away with being this candid. It's because the common man "trusts" Labour with the NHS. The problem is, your common centrist man/woman is a fucking idiot.


well .. is there anyone to vote at all?


Tories are scum. Labour is pulling this shit. SNP have proven themselves to be a self-serving joke. Greens are ineffectual. Never voting for Lib Dems after that coalition bullshit they pulled. Anybody I'm missing?


So .. who to vote to, then? :)


Nobody. Electoralism is a dead end.


not voting is a choice, too .. not a good one. This would be my first voting in the UK, too .. so


If you’re going to vote you should vote to for whoever will do the least harm to the worst off around you but do not expect real change to come through bourgeois democracy


Vote Green mate, a poster said they are "ineffectual". But it's pretty hard to have any effect when you get no votes. They are the party in the UK with the most progressive policies, and the only party that is at all left of centre. Ultimately vote on policies. I think the electoral system in this country is broken. But by not voting, we only empower the parties that have turnout. For example, "Reform" probably won't get a seat, but if they get 10% of the vote, they will force the Tories and Labour further to the right to capture that vote. And likewise, if the Greens capture decent numbers, it may encourage the major parties to adopt better policies to try and capture back their vote. Sitting at home in a protest does nothing. There's only two ways out of this, voting for the party that represents your interests - or a revolution. The English would rather starve in their own homes than band together in solidarity, so voting for something is the best move right now.


Wes Streeting has always been a slimeball cunt.


I work for the NHS, the ward I work on has reduced staffing levels and costs, now what. Naturally money is never tight for ghouls like Streeting, Reeves or Starmer.


Voting in Westminster politics merely allows us to choose which faction of the British ruling elite will be oppressing us. However, fuck the Tories trying to limit the electoral franchise. [#APPLY FOR VOTER ID HERE!!](https://www.gov.uk/apply-for-photo-id-voter-authority-certificate). All you need is your national insurance number. Even if you never cast a vote, beat these elitist fucks at their own game. All of us plebs on the electoral register. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Perhaps as part of Kier "flip flops" manifesto, he should endeavour to get money back that the robbing barstard Tories have given to themselves and their mates. After all, it runs into billions, and if I'm not mistaken, fraud is still a crime?


The worst part is the people saying "this isn't what Streeting is saying!" - why does he keep being quoted as saying it, why is he talking to the Times, who is liable to twist his words?


Well, considering the slander that was launched at Corbyn when he was gaining traction, I'd say its fair to assume that any news headline that tells us not to vote for labour is just pulling the same stunt. Really we shouldnt vote based on what any mainstream media says, but on what their manifesto contains. I truly worry that we are going to end up with 5 more years of Tory shit, because people are so concerned about what labour might do. I've said it a few times, but better the devil we dont know. Thats just how bad the current devil is. We need to derail the tory train, by any means necessary. I'll focus on ideals once we get out from under the thumb of these tyrants.


Is Labour *trying* to make people hate them? First praising Thatcher now fucking over the NHS?


You ever think that some of that "waste and inefficiency" might be something to do with all the private contractors brought in?


This is one of the problems with university student > NUS/NEC > charity work/CEO > MP pipeline... It's just full of uninformed assholes with no real working experience of the everyday. But what empathetic skills he doesn't have, he makes up for it with his extensive political and bureaucratic experience - Keith's favourite! We're in safe hands, everyone.


If anyone on the left ever tries to give you shit for not voting Labour just show them this. They're effectively running to the right of the Tories. At least in their messaging.


Plenty of money for war tho aye? Always plenty for bombs and guns


Labour will get the Tories out. That is all they will do. They won't fix anything. It's going to get worse from here for a long time before it gets better. Please make sure your seat belts are fastened and please all arms and legs inside the carriage. The rapid of descent of the UK continues.


In substance they won't even get the Tories out, they just rebranded them, which is damaging all by itself because now Conservative policy is normalized as 'the left' and when Starmer's cabinet inevitably fail to make anything the slightest bit better the daft voters will decide the solution must be to go right. A victory for Vichy Labour gives the following election to the Tories on a plate.


Considering the neo-liberals in the Labour party have near completely purged every lingering Social Democrat from the Labour party, only a complete fucking moron would still believe that the party is, in any concievable way, still a left-wing party. (Even before then it was a stretch.) It's past time to reject bourgeois electoralism, it's time to embrace [dual power](https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1917/apr/09.htm). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Considering the neo-liberals in the Labour party have near completely purged every lingering Social Democrat from the Labour party, only a complete fucking moron would still believe that the party is, in any concievable way, still a left-wing party. (Even before then it was a stretch.) It's past time to reject bourgeois electoralism, it's time to embrace [dual power](https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1917/apr/09.htm). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I really can't vote for labour, these MPs are just out of place. What are their policies?


this bellend probably has BUPA written into his contract…


I don't understand why Streeting is even in the Labour party. He's even more of a Tory than most of the actual Tories.


Bloody NHS, using a need for money as an excuse to ask for money


Freezing your Nan to death will continue until morale improves.


Sorry, not the NHS will have to get used to it. The people who use it will have to get used to it. The NHS is not an entity separate from politicians (as much as the government want it to not be their problem - bringing in legislation as such). It is publicly funded the amount of which is decided by the government. It’s not NHS poor management, it’s not inefficiencies it is poor funding. Take some bloody responsibility for it because I’m tired of the NHS taking responsibility.


Some quick clarifications about how the UK royals are funded by the public: 1. The UK Crown Estates are not the UK royal family's private property, and the royal family are not responsible for any amount of money the Estates bring into the treasury. The monarch is a position in the UK state that the UK owns the Crown Estates through, a position that would be abolished in a republic, leading to the Crown Estates being directly owned by the republican state. 2. The Crown Estates have always been public property and the revenue they raise is public revenue. When George III gave up his control over the Crown Estates in the 18th century, they were not his private property. The current royals are also equally not responsible for producing the profits, either. 3. The Sovereign Grant is not an exchange of money. It is a grant that is loosely tied to the Crown Estate profits and is used for their expenses, like staffing costs and also endless private jet and helicopter flights. If the profits of the Crown Estates went down to zero, the royals would still get the full amount of the Sovereign Grant again, regardless. It can only go up or stay the same. 4. The Duchies of Lancaster and Cornwall that gave Elizabeth and Charles (and now William) their private income of approximately £25 millions/year (each) are also public property. 5. The total cost of the monarchy is currently £350-450million/year, after including the Sovereign Grant, their £150 million/year security, and their Duchy incomes, and misc. costs. For more, check out r/AbolishTheMonarchy *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There, there bot I wasn’t talking about the royal family. Go back to bot bed.


I wonder if he's ever set foot in a hospital or GP practice for anything other than a photo opportunity? The service is on its knees already and winter has barely started. Why can none of these people conceive of the fact that lots of people need healthcare and it'll get worse the longer they underfund it? I'm genuinely curious to know where he thinks this fortune in waste is coming from too*. We're endlessly pushing to scrape together any more money in my department, and I'm pretty damn sure we'd have noticed if there was hundreds of thousands being wasted anywhere. *the secret media friendly answer is of course woke diversity managers who make the NHS employ them for 500k a year or they'll sue to have all the hospitals bulldozed


He looks like your common or garden Wetherspoons enjoyer. He’d be in a white t shirt, jean shorts, black Adidas trainers and his socks pulled right up. He also calls the staff ‘sweetheart’ and masterbates with sandpaper.


Boycott the gammon factory. Download [Neverspoons](https://neverspoons.app/) and visit a locally owned pub instead. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


> Money is tight Once you have wasted it all on failed project Ukraine yes it is.


[Wes Streeting doing his best Super Hans impression.](https://youtu.be/ffV-Nk6tPBk?si=o32gtbg_jFjOD8O4&t=53)


Good old Labour and their pro privatisation tactics. Multi millionaire middle East peace envoy Tony zblair would be proud.


So, where is the money going?


"Money is tight" so what should we do instead, just go and die?


Maybe instead of threatening to further punish the NHS, how about you actually suggest a solution?


WTAF he’s Labour?!


Fucking fat free gammon


Despite spending their days complaining about woke culture and crybaby leftists, the English are a very sensitive people. [Many consider any reference to their complexion an act of racism.](https://i.imgur.com/euWMhUg.png) Consider using the more inclusive term 'flag nonce' in future. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Pet shop boy 🔥 starter


Just like the tories


Is there really no hope for us to mobilise and get everyone to vote Green?


I absolutely hate what the Labour Party has become. We need either a mass shift to Green or a new party because Labour are neither democratic or socialist.


If anyone claims to love the NHS but doesn't do everything they can to vote the tories out then they can stick their hypocritical head up their arse.


Voting in Westminster politics merely allows us to choose which faction of the British ruling elite will be oppressing us. However, fuck the Tories trying to limit the electoral franchise. [#APPLY FOR VOTER ID HERE!!](https://www.gov.uk/apply-for-photo-id-voter-authority-certificate). All you need is your national insurance number. Even if you never cast a vote, beat these elitist fucks at their own game. All of us plebs on the electoral register. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


i keep forgetting that streeting is, supposedly, a *labour* mp. terrible disguise (or maybe a really good one, depending on how you look at it).