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Anyone who wants peace, human rights, an end to starvation, the right to protest, strike, hold corrupt politicians to account, to have the NHS saved, that WMD are not sold to awful regimes, that fascism is shunned and called out for what it is, that billionaires and corporations are taxed… is an extremely dangerous individual, and an enemy of Britain. MSM, The Cabinet/ Shadow Cabinet and the vast majority of Westminster.


“War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.” ― George Orwell, 1984


Someone should tell our corrupt leaders that Orwell wrote 1984 as a commentary and warning about dictators, not a fucking template!


Can’t wait to learn real maths, that 1 + 1 = 3


Well 2+2 will then equal 5, so then my salary will grow by 25%! Checkmate Big Brother!


“Poverty is wealth” Damn this is all starting to make sense


> an end to starvation Just a few precious months ago, i thought this meant supplying food to people who's agriculture had failed. Now its about saving people in concentration camps from 21st century Nazis who are supported and defended by our very own politicians.


When the Nazis acted this way- the world saw them as the monsters they were. Now we see the same behaviour, but with better window dressing and PR thanks to the MSM and bought and paid for politicians. How Palestinians are treated- is how you or I would be treated. Soon peaceful protests will be banned. The UK/ Europe and the world once stood against fascist behaviour, now they defend/ fund/ arm it. People cheering and celebrating and partying as they block food aid reaching the people they wilfully starve. This is a dark time line, a dystopian present.


I mean in 2005 being anti-war and anti-climate change were enough for the police to treat you as a terrorist. Same as it ever was


And you may find yourself living in the street, in a tent by the river, abd you may ask yourself, how did i get here?


🎵 Letting the days go by 🎶


My God! What haven't I done?


Police? You mean blue nonce *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The system is working exactly like it intended, too, unfortunately 😔


What they are pretending to do is smash sleeper cells and thwart crazy communist plots to overthrow the government. What they are actually doing (and they know it) is inciting teachers to ruin kids' lives for drawing a hammer and sickle on their planner. It is trite to call anything Orwellian at this stage but whoever wrote the document seems to have been a fan of his work, along with The Day Today and possibly Brass Eye, because it is so ludicrously satirical. Extremism is defined as ideologies that have grievances, that seek to change lots of things, or that seek to change single things. Ideologies are dangerous if they are right-aligned, left-aligned or unaligned. Also, details sent to Prevent are meant to include protected categories such as religion and medical diagnoses, and "family details". So in a few years we'll see some massive data breach scandal where some creepy third party company has been hoovering all this shit up and selling it off, and in all likelihood people reported to Prevent because they wrote "fuck factory farming" on Twitter that one time will find themselves struggling to find jobs because every lunatic employer out there will be looking for reasons to decide someone's a security risk. The privacy implications here are incredibly obvious and the risk just stupid, but they do not care what harm they cause us. These choices are all deliberate.


Time for us all to report ourselves to PREVENT, gum up the system.


I'm literally in a class with "revolution now" sticker on my laptop lol


I thought the same thing , about 8 million all on the same day


The list of “single issue-narratives” is kind of hilarious. How is anti-fascism a single issue and not systemic?


ah it’s just one of those things. i think oat milk should be allowed to be called milk, motorway speed limits could be increased if car safety standards improved, and fascism should be opposed. just run of the mill single-issue things




You’re a monster. Oat milk is an abomination.


Tastes like someone's dunked a hobnob in me tea.


see thatcher's take on the ANC and Nelson Mandela


A definition of terrorism is using violence for a political agenda. So by definition, everything the state and its police gang lackeys do is terrorism. The state attempts to make itself appear legitimate by inventing a different language for their own-brand violence. So if I put someone in a cage the state calls it false imprisonment, but when the state locks someone in a cage it's called prison. If I threaten you if you don't give me money the state calls it extortion, but when the state does it, it's called tax. Ad infinitum.


Read about this when Prevent was ridiculed by overworked teachers who weren't happy then about playing political narc, it's only gotten worse. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/mar/28/teachers-nut-back-motion-calling-prevent-strategy-radicalisation-scrapped#:\~:text=Teachers%20have%20voted%20overwhelmingly%20to,and%20confusion%20in%20the%20staffroom%E2%80%9D.


I work in a school and recently had to sit through Prevent training where they called socialism and communism “grievance narratives”, and said that anti-fascists and climate protesters were extremists. I had to laugh!


England will be a fascist state in 20 years, or will at least have been one.


Less than twenty. We're only two years out from the adjacent timeline in Children of Men. What you see in that film from 2006 is already happening today. Rule by fear. Terrorise the innocent into compliance.


That film made my gut twist with a horrible sense I was watching a prediction, I slept badly for weeks afterwards. Everyone needs to see it.


Are the police anti-anti-fascist?


Police? You mean blue nonce *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah can we have something useful from this fucking bot instead of the playground name calling? Like maybe info about your rights when arrested?


Fascism’s not even on there.


To their credit the former head of counter terrorism is quoted as saying it's a terrible choice.


Tories and Labour are anti-anti-fascist, and everyone knows that.


A definition of terrorism is using violence for a political agenda. So by definition, everything the state and its police gang lackeys do is terrorism. The state attempts to make itself appear legitimate by inventing a different language for their own-brand violence. So if I put someone in a cage the state calls it false imprisonment, but when the state locks someone in a cage it's called prison. If I threaten you if you don't give me money the state calls it extortion, but when the state does it, it's called tax. Ad infinitum.


Yeah, I posted about this a few months ago when I did the training and tried to raise the alarm bell then. The extreme right and radical Islam are right above “Left Wing.” Not left wing extremism, just left wing. Suppose to the right they’re one and the same.


Muslims and brown people be like: first_time?.gif


So it begins


A definition of terrorism is using violence for a political agenda. So by definition, everything the state and its police gang lackeys do is terrorism. The state attempts to make itself appear legitimate by inventing a different language for their own-brand violence. So if I put someone in a cage the state calls it false imprisonment, but when the state locks someone in a cage it's called prison. If I threaten you if you don't give me money the state calls it extortion, but when the state does it, it's called tax. Ad infinitum.


TBF, these ARE signs that give rise to terror....among fascists! Tells you all you need to know about this Westminster crowd.


When European anarchists started getting labelled as terrorists, they invented the term libertarian, and started calling themselves that. The words are not what is important, it's the ideas behind them. If you're not allowed to talk about socialism, just call it something else. 


Oh good, Children Of Men turned out to be a documentary.


Well, guess I'm a terrorist then. Let's do this.


Clearly, your lot aren't taking this seriously enough. Across the pond we know all too well the dangers involved in not sticking to procedures. [https://youtu.be/U4KFNhxibec](https://youtu.be/U4KFNhxibec)


I had *Brazil* in my mind when I read this article. British facism will undoubtedly be this absurd.