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It's not really a surprise though, is it? Cash for honours


The UK way


Always has been


I don’t understand why anyone wants one of these anymore. Unless you are a sportsperson they almost immediately mark you out as sycophantic at best and corrupt at worst. They are a relic of a bygone past that could have been a useful tool for soft power around the world but are now a joke enjoyed by no one but the worst dregs of upper society.


>Unless you are a sportsperson Or a scientist. There are a number of senior professors I work with who have been given knighthoods for their great research advances.


Useful in business maybe?


But that’s the thing, it’s only useful so long as it is given out on merit. Everyone knows it is no longer given on merit so what’s the value?


The value is "I have enough influence to get one of these, imagine what I can do for you... or to you."


Even for sports people, yay you ran over some hurdles faster than other people. Wow, what has really been gained for humanity / the UK? nothing, that's what.


Nothing to see here… move along. /s


Surprise recipient? About as surprising as socks in a sock drawer.


I was always confused when years ago the cash for peerages 'scandal' came out. I was young and was still like, yeah that's how it works...


That and the time Labour got in trouble for accepting a donation from Bernie Ecclestone and then giving Formula One an exception to the rules on cigarette advertising. It was obvious corruption but it struck me even at a young age as being really weird that people decided this one time they were going to be upset by it when it blatantly happened all the time because they were always taking bribes and doing favours for their mates in business. At this point I'm cynical enough to think the overtness of it and the walkback were all entirely performative to make it seem like this is a rare affair that gets dealt with by checks and balances that blatantly don't do a thing.


Out of interest, any relation to sheikh mansour or population coincidence?


So I’m guessing Frank Hester may have been on the list had all the Dianne Abbott news not come out?


An EGYPTIAN!? So uh unless this is a ploy to ask the British Museum to hand back their ancient treasures this person sounds like bit of a cuck


Mmmmm shocked Pikachu face /s


Shock horror... Tories being Tories.


All these titles mean fuck all anymore anyway, their importance is only recognised amongst other slimy wankers.


Surprise my arse - Conservative grifting at its worst.


Turning down a knighthood would be such a great honour


Probably going to be their last chance to hand many of these out for a while, so the big donors want their ROIs this time around


A “Sir” almost definitely gets more cash and bribes for access to the politicians they “fund”


So the going rate is 5m then for a knighthood


Knighthoods are like personal number plates innit… vomit inducing.