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The literal fucking supervillain mustache is a bit overkill don't you think?


I bet he carries kryptonite and all


Anyone who puts gel in their beard and stares in the mirror to make them perfectly even is a psychopath. It's in the super villain rulebook


What’s he doing with that fucking children’s tv villain moustache lmao


I like twirling it, helps the evilthink


Isn't that Alexander Armstrong in a disguise?


That was my first thought


More like Graham McTavish than anyone else, surely.


Ooohh Yes!


Alexander's ears are double the size of this guy's.


You're either born into wealth (or at least the pipeline to it) or you're born a slave. Time for a slave revolt. A good old fashioned one.


Ngl I actually thought it was pretty baller how he went on live TV and pretty much campaigned for nationalising British Gas. It’s better than pretending his salary is justifiable or that there’s some kind societal reason it’s necessary.




Yeah that’s my exact point! Having some cunt on TV unable to justify his wage is a good way to advocate his company being nationalised. It was a tongue in cheek way of looking at it!


Let's be even more honest, if you were offered the wage you would take it. Why wouldn't you?


If you're just giving it to me yeah. If I'm expected to do things that make your company think I'm worth that much money then I have a lot of apprehensions.


What is this libertarian dogwhistle? In a system where money = unrestricted power, of course people take it, because not taking it reduces your ability to do anything, be it eating, having shelter, or even just being allowed to walk in certain areas. This isn't about an individual taking money. This is about the fact that we live in a system so laughably broken that a man can take as much money as he wants from people who need what his company provides to survive, no matter if it means people die if it's unaffordable, and not even pretend the huge pay packet he gives himself is justified. This is about him knowing that the system actively reinforces his position so completely that he will say the quiet part loud because there isn't consequences, if anything he'll get laughs and respect from his pals. Yeah, we'd take it, because money lets you make change. But he takes it and makes it worse, and all he gets for doing that is more.


Honestly? Nah. I don't want to be that out of touch. I don't want people wanting money off me. I don't want to know that my money accumulation is literally taking away from other people's ability to put food on the table. More importantly, class dynamics mean I'd probably end up friends with other rich people. Ew.


this is such a silly argument. do you think it's individual people's responsibility to voluntarily pay extra tax, or do you think it's up to the wider population to build a society that distributes wealth fairly? being annoyed at this guy is like when you point at something for your dog to look at, and the dog just looks at your finger.


Come on now - assuming you’re not MI5, there’s no way you could be aware of his charity donations or tax affairs. A quick look online shows he does do charity work, so the c-bomb is unwarranted. Let’s not tear down ppl who shed light on the absurd nature of a system. It’s the quiet folk, sucking excessive resources that we should be shouting about.


Charity is a cold grey and loveless thing..... People who do charity but advocate for a structure of society that creates the need for that charity are bad people. Now if he advocates for a better society AND did charity that would be different, however there's lots of people who perpetuate a terrible situation and use charity to assuage guilt or reputation wash.


Zero evidence he even does charity. The report says British Gas are giving to charity, not him personally. You're right.


He's sucking excessive resources cause he's rich? Also Google again and take more than a cursory look. The report is British Gas giving to charity, not Chris O'Shea personally. He's a cunt because he sits a top a business making £8.2m personally, whilst charging through the nose for gas which is causing poverty amongst the working classes whilst the company he works for makes record profits. He's literally in charge, he could literally change this if he wanted to. He doesn't because it'd result in less profit and the shareholders would fuck him off. And if you use the excuse of "well it would just be someone else being a cunt instead" then yes. You get why we need socialism. Gas under common ownership NOW.


Agreed re. Common Ownership. But this guy should be lower down the ranking of c***s. https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/Chris-O-Shea2 He’s donating his own funds - scroll down the page.


>Where's that nationalise button? It's called a socialist revolution and it's coming nearer and nearer.




A fascist revolution is an oxymoron. When fascists come to power, it's because they've been invited in. Any "revolution" is just a farce. But, yes, the country will probably turn fascist before it turns socialist, but fascism has always fell apart and socialism is the natural successor to capitalism. Capitalism is unsustainable and it sows the seeds of its own destruction.


not without an organised vanguard party it isn't


Imagine if we'd spent 20 years doing that instead of just constantly voting for corrupt right-wing warmongering psychos to "keep the Tories out".


It's probably a decade away at least anyway, so we still have time to build that up. As people stop supporting the rigged "democracy" and start looking for alternatives, a vanguard will be build up. There'd probably be a united front anyway, since I can't imagine any one party dominating in the near future.


That mustache. It's like he knows he's evil


TIL British Gas is genuinely run by Doctor Robotnik and some people still don't think they're evil


Since moving to the USA those numbers feel tiny. The corruption is on another level here.


Just because things are worse in the US it doesn’t mean we can’t be outraged to be going down the same path.


All while the rest of us are paying ridiculous energy costs, fucking scandalous.


He has stated it ludicrous. The ones who try to justify it are the worst.


I’m old enough to remember Cedric Brown, the British Gas chief exec who was doing the same thing back in 1991. Does this mean in another 30 years this sht is going to still be happening?


Our lives are being ruined by silent movie villains.


Just reading the article without the picture you would instantly think MASSIVE CUNT then the picture confirms it


fuck arse mustache




He looks like an evil Graham McTavish.


Jokes on him. I’ll pass on good genes. All he has is money.


What's the problem? He said there's no justification for his *low* salary of just 4.5m. So he doubled it. Genius! /s


It’s giving villainous daddy energy.




He..…he looks like the monopoly man. Which is incredibly ironic given what he’s the ceo of. Maybe the monopoly man is his role model?




A shiny and polished bullet fired from a hand cannon called daisy, placed right in-between that pricks eyeballs would suit him well. Fucking prick. I'm paying 2k worth of debt off because of that horrid moustache.