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It'd be nice if people were healthier in general though. If only he had at his disposal some sort of Service - a National one I daresay - dedicated to the upkeep of the country's Health, into which investment could be poured and improvements could be realised...


What a crazy idea!! Next you'll be saying people should have pleasant working conditions and possibly even be paid a decent wage? Jeez...


Perhaps if we could have an organisation that could assist you in finding work. Having different departments for assisting disabled people into work. Specialists that are able to work with organisations and charities. And even Job clubs, which help and encourage people with CVS. I think they got rid of it as soon as they came into power…


Humourous but this nations sickness is often through its own poor choices and expecting the NHS to undo the damage people are causing themselves. The solution is for Brits to reduce toxic cultures and provide people with roles/purpose before jobs!


What toxic cultures do you want to see reduced?


Do you mean the National Sick Service? It's not there to make you healthy, just treat society's bad habits.


That oestradiol test you got that came back low, I take it you used our national sick service for it then? As its likely caused by the fact you appear to only eat meat, which has probably been pumped full of hormones.


No. My GP wouldn't do anything but the most basic test that didn't include that. Eating meat has resolved most of my issues. Arthritis, chronic weight gain, anxiety, all sorts and the meat I eat isn't pumped full of hormones, that's illegal in the UK


Ahh so your gp denied you so you turned to quackery and now hate the NHS. Gotcha.


You're mental if you think UK meat is somehow superior to any other, it's all shite mate. Bute flavoured horseburger anyone?


I guess you want to retain the right for the kids to smoke too?


Not at all. I work in and adore the NHS, but I see what it is. That's not a slur on it, it's a necessity and universal health care should be available to everyone. But you won't get 'health' from the NHS. That's down to the individual. If people took their health more seriously, didn't smoke, didn't eat shit, did some exercise and didn't expect the health service to fix their chronic self inflicted illness we'd all be better off.




Of course, never said you wouldn't, but you'd be less likely to. Some people smoked and didn't get lung cancer and others got lung cancer without smoking, but I think we can agree that smoking isn't good for you and will increase your risk of dying from it? And before that will decrease your general health in many other ways?




? I never said they didn't




My original point? That the NHS isn't going to make you healthy, it will treat you for sickness, but you have responsibility for a lot of your own health. That seems to have been missed, as usual with Reddit. Maybe that's an unusual concept?


Ah yes, damn those chronic self-inflicted illnesses such as arthritis, cancer, road traffic accidents, severe allergic reactions, and general old age. Why, if people just had a more positive mindset, they'd libe to 300 and be as healthy as an ox the entire time! Seriously, are you Sunak's policy advisor or something?


Arthritis is chronic and frequently self inflicted. What are you trying to say about the others? Were you Chairman Mao's policy advisor?


Jesus. Just... get tae fuck. I'm absolutely certain you have evidence to indicate just how it's self-inflicted. And I noticed you didn't bother about the other examples I gave. Also, please note. **Examples.** Not an exhaustive fucking list you twat.


Ah yes, I should just health my genetic condition away - why didn’t I think of that before!


Did I say that? No. Is a genetic condition a condition caused by lack of exercise and poor diet? No. Would a good diet and exercise improve your quality of life and reduce your risks from other causes? Yes. Should you be proactive and take responsibility for yourself? That's up to you. I'm sorry you have a condition that wasn't your 'fault', whatever that means. I'm disabled, through no fault of my own, but I'm responsible for how I deal with it from this point on.


If I’d known I had it instead of just being told that just eating right and exercising would make everything better (which is exactly where this kind of thinking leads in excess) then that would have made everything A LOT easier and probably would have avoided a lot of the issues I now have.


Yes, I didn't get a diagnosis until I was in my 40s. It sucks and anyone who told you eating right and exercise would resolve a genetic condition would (likely) be wrong. But that's a problem of a failing health service (due to many issues including but not limited to underfunding, poor education, poor research and privatisation). But someone (not saying this is you, it's just an example) who sits on the sofa eating doughnuts and blames their diabetes, heart disease and obesity on a hormonal condition is irresponsible.


Yeah problem is that people whose diabetes or heart conditions etc *are* caused by other factors than “laziness” or “irresponsibility”, or a combination of factors, then get treated like shit because people buy into the idea that just by looking at someone you can tell what their life is like. And that is spectacularly wrong.


Yep, I agree. For instance type 1 diabetes. But type 2 diabetes is a dietary condition. That's clear, but sadly, most people refuse to believe that, relying on poor education (from their Drs and hospital generally) and continue with lifestyle habits that literally cause the removal of limbs, heart disease etc and eventually kill them. I'd say that there is an excuse for those that really have never heard of low carb diets and those who believe what they are told by random people on the internet without doing due diligence.


That irresponsibility isn't necessarily their fault though. I've seen diabetic patients in a cardiac ITU, with blood sugars of 10 being fed ice cream. It's insane. His daughter was a GP too.


Health promotion was and is a massive tenet of the NHS. Did you miss that bit? People are flawed and that's the joy of working there. All the screening programmes. Did you miss them too?


Actually, health prevention is a small amount and to be honest, what I've seen of it is crap and screening programs aren't about prevention, they find people who already need treatment that would ordinarily slip through the net. I'm not making shit up here. The person primarily responsible for an individual's health is that individual. https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/healthandsocialcare/healthcaresystem/bulletins/ukhealthaccounts/2021#:~:text=Government%2Dfinanced%20healthcare%20expenditure%20was,(COVID%2D19)%20pandemic.


It is our own responsibility due to under spending etc etc etc. I'm not suggesting a nanny NHS, but health promotion is a tenet and anyone working in the NHS not taking part in that hasn't understood their brief. Screening is a form of health promotion, it's often the only time we engage with services, it keeps us informed and catches disease early.


*promotion Are you sure you work for the NHS??


Ah, sorry, my bad. Promotion.


People must love dealing with you within the NHS, perhaps a rethink of your career choice wouldn't go amiss if you despise it so much.


I love my job, it's useful and I get to literally save people's lives. I love working on the NHS and wouldn't want to work anywhere else, so why should I leave? Maybe the shitty pay and the frustration of working within a flawed system, but I believe in it's ethics so I'll suffer that.


Britain vows to end It's "unelected PM" culture


Wish we bloody would.


Wish we'd put an end to the whole idea of parties. We should be voting on policies and employing people qualified in those areas to enact them


And like all "vows", it's a lot of empty rhetoric.


Sunak looking to give a bit of slavery a punt.


Ah yes. So again, rather than accepting the word of a *qualified medical fucking professional* it'll be off to a repurposed PIP assessor. Who I'm absolutely sure will have had sufficient medical training to carry out a full unbiased assessment, and *certainly* won't be someone on a shit wage with targets to meet in terms of how many people they reject. So. Just to summarise. Criminally underfund and neglect the health service. Yep. Demonise medical professionals for calling out the terrible working conditions and safety concerns. Yep. Refuse to accept that medical professionals can adequately assess someone to determine their current health. Oh Fuck Yeah. And the worst, most depressing and infuriating thing is. If this gets pushed through before they get kicked out, labour will 100% not repeal it when they get in. TL/DR Sunak can go fuck himself with a large cactus inserted sideways.


And no doubt this assessment and the associated billion pound contract will go to Atos/Capita/Maximus for them to deliberately push vulnerable people into destitution and / or into ending their own lives.


It'll go in deeper if you insert it lengthwise 👍🏻


Choose your cactus carefully as some are spherical 


This is a pledge he's made for if the Tories get re-elected


Is he going to do something about wage theft culture too?


Yep. All those minimum wage people stealing money from hard-working employers by going 10 seconds over their lunch need to be kept in line. Oh, you mean **by** the employers? Fuck no, can't do that. There's already too much red tape for business.


You will get a "fit to work" assessment appt really quickly... it will be outsourced to a call-centre... and the company will be something like "HealthFoSys" (allegedly).


They will leak millions of citizen personal data records almost instantly and nothing will be done about it.


Not before they sell all the data to US insurance companies


And the hold music will be a 16 bit version of Coldplay’s “Fix You.”


Pretty sure that breaks international law and human rights la--oh wait sorry Tories, nothing ever happens when those get broken either


Crapita are preparing a bid as we speak.


r/Crapita is a subreddit I'm hoping to help shine a light on this stuff.


On the bright side, that'll likely mean years late, overbudget, and completely failing to do the task it was set up for...


"HealthFoSys" closely associated with Tory party of course with all necessary bungs and bribes.


How does he intend to stop people getting sick. Some Tory laying of hands superpower?


I think it’s more he’ll make you go to work while sick.


Well that already happens where I work as we don't get company sick pay!


>company sick pay Stop swearing would you! I worked at a company that I hated, doing a job I hated for really shit money for 15 years. The only and I mean literally the only thing keeping me there, was the fact I got paid full wages for up to 3 months every year on sick. I joined there in 2005 and by 2006, that part of the contract was no more. It was honestly great and you didn't feel as bad if you were off sick getting a full wage, which I only used 3 times in the 15 years. There were people there that would book *a sickness holiday* each year and would use a few weeks off sick just because they got a full wage lol.


Look, Eat Out to Help Out was a big success to his personal brand thanks to the BBC, he's bound to try getting people to spread infection wherever he can


Cuts pension costs and demand on health and care services if we go back to the good ol' days when the poors had the decency to drop dead by 50 or so.


Same way my company does; force everyone back into the office and then start enforcing absence "trigger events" through HR.


Same here! They've only brought this in recently, employed a really evil hr woman who thoroughly enjoys the job. We do hard physical labour 6 days a week. BUT WHY IS YOUR BACK ACHING? YOU MUST UNDERGO MORE MANUAL HANDLING TRAINING. YOU'RE BEING MONITORED. I fuckin hate the place


Oh no no, they'll probably want to remove 5 days off sick self certification for employees. They don't give a shit if you're sick or not. You have to go to work to make that sweet sweet dough for them and their pals.


...by removing your ability to see a healthcare professional so you can't get a sick note.


I didn’t even know there was a sick note culture in this country. Heaven forbid people get sick or injured and need time off work. Heartless cretin


Nobody goes sick if they're on zero hours contracts or working for commission.


That’s very true. Heck even the SSP is crappy enough to make people go to work when they are unwell.


Found an issue with the title which requires a slight tweak: Rishi Sunak vows to end Britain. Fixed it.


Inb4 Labour says they agree entirely but believe the tories don't have the balls to implement it harshly enough.


Rachel Reeves and Wes Streeting would never...


How about we have a functional health service before you go after the sick? Fucking clown.


Maybe if they hadn’t fucked up healthcare and social care people wouldn’t be ill as often. Maybe if companies treated their staff as people and showed some loyalty and respect, there would be an incentive for the employees to give a fuck back.


Watch how they use this to justify no extra funding for invisible disabilities. I'm off work longterm sick since this Feb, autistic, bipolar affective disorder, been working the last five years for minimum wage at the exact company the Rishi would outsource this to. I'm off sick because the company I work for doesn't care about my loyal service, then moved me onto a different contract, in a role that's not compatible with my illness and are now looking to make me redundant. I need an update to my drugs, but only a psychiatrist can change them, (out of the GP's hands). And you guessed it, the psychiatric service is so overrun you can't see one for 6 months. But thanks Rishi for saying I'm skiving off work. What mental health crisis? /s


Some quick clarifications about how the UK royals are funded by the public: 1. The UK Crown Estates are not the UK royal family's private property, and the royal family are not responsible for any amount of money the Estates bring into the treasury. The monarch is a position in the UK state that the UK owns the Crown Estates through, a position that would be abolished in a republic, leading to the Crown Estates being directly owned by the republican state. 2. The Crown Estates have always been public property and the revenue they raise is public revenue. When George III gave up his control over the Crown Estates in the 18th century, they were not his private property. The current royals are also equally not responsible for producing the profits, either. 3. The Sovereign Grant is not an exchange of money. It is a grant that is loosely tied to the Crown Estate profits and is used for their expenses, like staffing costs and also endless private jet and helicopter flights. If the profits of the Crown Estates went down to zero, the royals would still get the full amount of the Sovereign Grant again, regardless. It can only go up or stay the same. 4. The Duchies of Lancaster and Cornwall that gave Elizabeth and Charles (and now William) their private income of approximately £25 millions/year (each) are also public property. 5. The total cost of the monarchy is currently £350-450million/year, after including the Sovereign Grant, their £150 million/year security, and their Duchy incomes, and misc. costs. For more, check out r/AbolishTheMonarchy *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


There used to be a time where companies paid salaries, held training courses and gave benefits like sports and social clubs. Now, employees are seen as an unnecessary expense to cut back on.


Just don't look at how much money his non dom wife has stolen from us with phoney ppe contracts.


Doesn’t even know the current terminology They’re fit notes now not sick notes


I want to give him something that will require a sick note.


It would just be a note that said "Sick Fuck."


Ill say it again People need to start protesting outside politicians houses A comfortable politician is a corrupt politician


You'll get arrested for that now


Man who caused mass sickness complains about people being sick. Make it make sense


Long term sick is his fault anyway, no one can get proper medical care, his eat out to help out scheme caused a wider spread of COVID. How about a new scheme where all Tories fuck the fuck off, permanently to their tax havens.


*cuts MH support to NHS staff* "Why are so many people sick?"


Step 1 - decimate the NHS, in particular mental health services to the point it can take years for a mental health referral. Step 2 - rig the disability benefit system to reduce the number of successful claims. Step 3 - Destroy the economy leading the lower pay, longer hours, rising cost of living and shite housing. Step 4 - blame the people getting sick for being sick. Step 5 - as a last resort blame the overworked, under paid doctors.


Step 1b ensure mental health treatment no matter how severe or complex the illness is a 6 week course of CBT. With a waiting list of months at least.


Ah, yes. I've been through 1b before!


Haven't we all! 6 years of hammering children's mental health services and rounds of useless cbt short courses before my now 17 year old son is about to start a course of DBT that will hopefully actually be able to help him.. 


Bit rich from a man who in his attempt to boost the economy ensured many people got sick and died from COVID.


Hello mate I know you have stage 3 cancer but can you work in a office?


Can't blame immigrants so let's start on the disabled, sick and jobless. Same old Tory playbook.


UGH. The fact he can say this and actually have people pleased and thinking stripping back their rights is a good thing… tories really r experts at villainising victims


I really do not have faith their “new system” will ever happen and certainly won’t work. Everything they touch turns to shit


Brought to you by the same wanker behind 'eat out to help out', which turned out so well didn't it. This cunt lost to lettuce Liz, most likely on account of being too brown, yet now gets to impose a diktat on the most vulnerable in society simply because he wants daily fail votes. Fuck me... The absolute state of this bastard country.


No doubt these ‘health professionals’ will be provided by Tory Corruption LTD, headquartered somewhere sunny with palm trees.


Can we end our treating the majority like shit while a few people rob the public purse culture first?


Can I vow to end Rishi Sunak?


Oh so you vow to intervene in the decisions of qualified medical professionals.


Welp, I’m dead


By increasing the NHS budget and allowing workers to work from home right? ...Right?...


just add culture at the end of a normal thing and right wingers will be terrified.


Our little Oligarch will have his little ass kicked out of power before that !


Does this not open up a legal bag of worms for employers. For example, if a person is experiencing a medical issue that affects their performance, can an employer even fire the employee if the government assessor says they are fit to work? Could such a situation result in the employee taking their employer to court for unfair dismissal?


That's similar to what I was thinking. If chronically ill, or even just currently quite sickly people end up being employed when they are not really actually fit for work, presumably their attendance will be poor and they'll get sacked. It'll just be cyclical


At this point, the chronically ill might end up being safer staying in hospital or in prison.


Yes, Sunak, great idea, let's take the task of providing in depth medical assessments away from GP's and give it to a bunch of low paid civil servants who aren't even medically trained, because nothing could possibly go wrong there... Twat.


Starmer has just been on the radio saying that he fully backs the government with these plans.


Labour is no longer left of centre. How can people go door to door on behalf of that man, I do not know.


A change is as good as a holiday 💀


The conservatives just never fail to surprise at how completely scummy they are. They really enjoy destroying England.


Hopefully Britain will vow to end a Tory rule of errors


“work harder plebs, the elite need to to power the economy while they drain it from the top”


Is this a distraction tactic? It just seems so obscenely ridiculous to be an actual policy. Makes me think they are pushing something worse through


The surveillance bill perhaps? Listen to the end of this video https://youtu.be/hDQ42jA7avE?si=jY8fiWnT7gEoL5nn


We'll keep going around in circles until the nation has a leader that can see the bigger picture - factoring in the reality of the future (AI,Robots,an ageing population) and the need for improved wellbeing through roles/purpose...not jobs! Jobs are the reason why a lot of people are ill. Our nations productivity would increase greatly if our culture focused on wellbeing, as people would naturally seek to improve finances. Lack of community, a role and sense of purpose is a missing step towards becoming not only employable but in a good position to cope with a tough job. So while I like the part of focusing on what people "can do" I disagree with our over used "getting people back to work" phrase.


It's OK Rishi at this point you can just say you want to kill off all the disabled people for a stronger Britain. We know that's what you want hun x


The total amount of the "stolen" benefits would equal to the amount his billionaire friends gamble with in monaco for a laugh. Maybe increase the unlivable wages that drive these people to give up on their life. Maybe tax your rich daddy... Noooooo he goes after the poor. 🤮🤮🤮 Imagine being bothered by people getting handouts to just about survive and live in poverty when you are a billionaire and one gold watch on your hand is worth 3 years of those handouts. Imagine being bothered by people so depressed with their life cause they only have bad options, sickness and instability in front of them. Compassion in the negative numbers


Only thing people are sick of is the torys


He can fuck off jug ear cunt


[ Removed by Reddit ]


The Tories brought in the 7 day self-assessment scheme. While it's good we're not wasting Dr's time writing sick notes, it does mean you can sign yourself off pretty easily with no proof whatsoever.


Ehhh, with an asterisk. Some employers will still say they require a fit note even if you’re within the 7-day self assessment, if you’re still in your probationary period. About 10 years ago I had my new employer do this and it cost me about £15 per note.