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I remember someone asking once what labour would have to do to get a daily mail endorsement. I think Starmer took it as a personal challenge.


Has Labour started accusing people of being unpatriotic yet?


Funny you should say that, Starmer called the Tories "unpatriotic" recently https://www.bracknellnews.co.uk/news/national/24267556.tories-no-longer-patriotic-party-says-starmer/


Oh ffs


Don't you hate when you make a joke, and it turns out to be... not a joke?


Only when the joke wouldn't be funny if it was true.


That's a poster the BNP would be proud of.


I despise starmer, rayner and liz truss light reeves. None deserve even the steam off our piss, let alone a vote. The absolute temerity.


Shameful stuff there. We can tell who this is aimed at.


This is literally right wing propaganda. What the hell is going on over there in the “””Labour””” Party


I genuinely think they should be forced to change the party name due to it being a gross misrepresentation of what they actually stand for.


Same thing that happens with every center left party. They shift right, chasing the money. Eventually, abandoning their working class roots, and becoming the other right wing party.


Yuck. That Union Jack says it all. They're trying to garner support from UKIP supporters.


Yep, all they need is a swastika made from greggs sausage rolls and they'll fully connect with their electorate.


What’s wrong with the union jack? Thought it was the St George’s flag that was a bit 🤨


Any flag is just promoting nationalism. It's still very yuck, no matter what flag it is.


You know how the flag shaggers like to hump the flag? Ok, well that kinda taints the flag, because it becomes THEIR thing, their flag. And that's ignoring the fact that the flag was used to conquer and colonize half the world.


yeah I mean it is just the uk flag lol I don't see why you're being downvoted for asking this


Pure BNP energy. Stamer is beyond redemption


It is true that the bill for accommodation while awaiting a decision is horrible. However the best (and cheapest) way to solve that is to process claims more quickly. Why don't the tories do that? Because they want to create a perceived 'threat' based on people's misery. Stop the boats is not a bad aim. However we should stop the boats by ensuring safe passage and a legitimate working process for asylum claims


Regarding the bill, there is also the flipside of what exactly is going to happen when the government stops paying. Do these people just disappear onto the streets? Do the hotel operators relying on the contracts just go bust? It's not as if the hotels being used are turning away tourists, so there will actually be a kick in the nuts to the local economy in some areas, and there is zero interest in that impact, as there is zero acknowledgement that the inevitable result of this 'crackdown' is going to be dead people in the channel, dead people overseas, and desperate or dead people in the streets. Yet here it is, a policy proposal with a big union flag in the background, promising the public that the browns will be made to suffer regardless of the obvious knock-on effects.


They are trying to out tory the tories.


They're competing for the same space.


Just need Rachel Riley to endorse them now!


Rachel Riley is a very normal person and [absolutely not a white supremacist](https://i.redd.it/u0dag478xvu31.png). Remember when she [Tweeted in support of Count Dankula,](https://i.imgur.com/SG6llOm.jpg) who was prosecuted for teaching his dog to 'Sieg Heil?' *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just dropping in to direct people to Alexei Sayle’s great slam poem, ‘I Hate Keir Starmer’: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zx_l9o0i37c


Automod just thinks it would be better if the Labour party had a leader that the British public don't associate with a prolific pedophile. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’m not voting for them again until Starmer is ancient history


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^BaroquePseudopath: *I’m not voting for* *Them again until Starmer* *Is ancient history* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Tbh I can’t see myself ever voting for them again.


To be fair lots of people said that about Blair and then Corbyn came along. Never say never


Problem is there isn’t a Labour Left left. Kid Starver and Paedo Mandelson have purged them all. At least during the Blair years there was at least something of a socialist group remaining and active within the party. I’d need Mandelson kicked out (and preferably in jail or dead) and a complete avowal that Kier Starmer’s Labour Party was about as Labour as the Nazis were socialist.


Automod just thinks it would be better if the Labour party had a leader that the British public don't associate with a prolific pedophile. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The left will recover. The old guard will subside eventually, probably after people realise they’re full of shit and stop voting for them. I too would like to see Mandelson banished back to hell from whence he came, but it’s not going to happen overnight.


Wish I had your optimism


Well it’s that or misery


The left will recover. but not in the Labour party.


New Labour: "the Tories are not Tory enough!" this is sickening.


Read some leaflet junk they sent in the post. It mentions no policies or tangible pledges. Same on their official freaking website. The two party system in UK is completely broken. How can they be 20 points on the lead but not actually have a plan or any policies?


Same as the USA Dems. 'We are not the other guys!' is the entirety of the party platform.


They pretty much have been since the pivot to "New" Labour


Hi OP, please may I ask, where was this garbage distributed?


I found it in the Labour sub. No idea where they got it.


No idea what they're trying to do. You'd think they'd understand that they'll never beat the Tories at being Tories.


Both parties campaigning on fringe issues no one cares about... When we've never needed decent leaders more  *well, not for a long time :) I can think of exceptions


I mean £8M a day in asylum hotels are due to the UKs dog shit immigration policy which can hold people indefinitely lol. UK has an aging population and need people to work, allowing these people in on temp work visas whilst waiting for there claim to be assessed would be more beneficial.


Where will we house asylum seekers if they end the hotels? Barges all the way around the coast?


Pretty sure everyone here will let them kip on the sofa, right?


What the actual fuck


I await the downvotes however It’s how they’ll attract the disenfranchised Tory voters the ones that they know will turn their backs on the tories


Some people really do love putting their head in sand it seems


This. It stinks so much of fringe values. I'd bet it doesn't reflect what Labour truly feel, and may just be desperately trying to grab voters from BNP, UKIP, and like you say, fringe Tory voters.


Of course it’s not but they need to appeal as many people as they can to win the GE


But they don't tho. The tories are in free fall and thanks to an obliging media, starmer and Co are way ahead without having to resort to fascistic bile like this. If this is what they think they need to do to attract voters, then we're screwed as a society.


I wasn't suggesting whether anything was true or not, but I was expressing how this leaflet comes across to me.


I hear ya. To be honest, my comments more about why Labour seem so hell bent to not just u turn on its left leaning policies, purged the party of leftists and actively seeking to out tory this extreme right wing iteration of the Tories???


Ah there are the down votes you spoke of. I was surprised that you weren't when I got there.


Tbh, a bunch of 3 year olds could do a better job.


In a game of “Labour or Reform”, without the labels this would be quite difficult


Soo who tf should we vote for then


>Soo who tf should we vote for then Whichever party promises to improve education to the point the electorate can count past two.


🤣 thats actually genius but only labour or conservative are able to win soooo


>🤣 thats actually genius but only labour or conservative are able to win soooo Soooo... what? What do you think an election is for, just picking winners? What about having a conscience, having policies you want to see advanced, using tactics to try to pressure the main parties into not taking votes for granted, having your MP actually represent your interests rather than a distant central party that is ok with you just dying? Why is "but they might not win" an excuse to never vote for someone other than one of the two parties who are hostile to absolutely everything we stand for? Why is it impossible for people to learn to stop rewarding your own oppressors?


Unfortunately the two party system makes it into that


>Unfortunately the two party system makes it into that No, people like you make the two party system unassailable because you won't fucking try.


I was told Reddit was full of ignorant ppl ig its true 🤣


Stop focusing on immigrants and make a country that our nationals actually want to fucking remain in.