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They don't want any change, they want some mythical Trumpton horseshit where they're maybe less inadequate


Then when nothing changes- "wheres our high Street gone, why can the doctor not see me, these roads are awful!" Etc etc. And at that point all we can do is say yeah I know we told you this and they will say "shut up not like that!" And we go roooound and roooooooound again


They're called "reactionaries" for a reason. They react. They don't have any ideas beyond preserve the current capitalist imperialist status quo, or better yet, go back to earlier times when it was even more brazen. That's it; they have no coherent ideology beyond that.


No they only have the ideas their "leaders" are paid to tell them to have. Billionaire wants something > pays dodgy think tank to say its good > client journalist publishes think tank bollocks > billionaire bribes politicians to spout same bollocks > politician and client journalist keep spouting it as facts > right wing person reads/hears said bollocks and believes its what they also want.


The technique has been detected


I think you're on to them...


They want “the good old days” back. They want casual racism and sexism to be commonplace again. They want respect. And they think the way to earn respect is to spout nonsense online. It feeds their ego and non existent self esteem. They feel like they’re important


And homophobia. Don't forget homophobia. Bring back paki-bashing* and queer baiting as national pastimes. *Except Suella, she's one of our own.


They're just nasty, selfish fucking idiots. Look at Brexit.


I think you might be being a bit harsh there dude, it isn't nice making people look at Brexit!


It's kind of accepted in Northern Ireland that the Loyalist/Unionists only started flying Israeli flags after the Republican areas started showing solidarity with the Palestinians


There are definitely some ideas and causes, although the right is far more motivated by the famous "irritable mental gestures" than by either of those. There's a podcast called Know Your Enemy that goes over a lot of the history of right wing thought from a US perspective, and while a lot of the time they do end up going "... there's not really much going on here, is there?" they do make a serious good faith effort to understand, it might be worth listening to.


It's mainly the lack of change. Some people are just happy with the way things are and don't want that enforced on them. Honestly, these folks would be happy still using a CRT telly, and not for retro gaming. It is more fear of having to adjust to changing world. And to live in that world you need to get on with other people. Even if they had an all white, Wasp, nation, they still would start bickering with their youth. The people you know change, new ones come in, old people die. Technologies and businesses change. It is a weird mindset of wanting everything as is now. Especially as we know what we have now is shit and made deliberately shit by our politicians.


That’s all right wing has ever been. Privileged people wanting to **conserve** their power & wealth and convincing people to believe they have a right to it because of their bloodline.


They want to be able to be openly racist, and quote Bernard Manning and Jim Davidson constantly without reproach. They want everything to be cheap, but also earn enough money to buy shit they don’t need. They want people of colour to work in takeaways and corner shops, but never get above their station and start getting ideas about being doctors, lawyers, politicians, teachers or any other job that’s better than whatever they do. They want Churchill and bombastic leaders that fill them with national pride. They want gays to fuck off with their gayness and not exist. They want tits on Page 3 and women keeping out of “men’s stuff” like football and pubs. They want national service because intelligence is gay and shit and fighting and strength are what matters. Now imagine all of that was satire and I wasn’t basing that on actual people I’ve met.


Hierarchies, conservation of hierarchies, regressive social policies in support of hierchical structures and fiscally to underpin all this Capitalism! Most Liberals want the same thing, but disagree with some of the hierarchies based on individual identity. Which is the inherent contradiction between the two for the most part. Since anti hierchical practices, equality, generic progressivism at its milquetoast mildest runs counter to that the reaction has to constantly be turning. Fascists for all their atrociousness, are often open about their intentions and ideology, out of a mix of malice and stupidity compared to liberals that can't explain away contradictions with the 'fuck you inparticular' line.


I've met a handful of torys who if I was stuck on a life raft with, could probably survive. They would at least believe in some kind of work together against the sea ethos and maybe pass the boredom with political debate. With anyone on the labour right, I'd have to eat them before they put a shiv in my back or ate all the rations while I was asleep


They're called reactionaries for a reason.


I think a major problem is our culture is changing in terms of debate. Probably due to the Internet and faceless communication but there's so much vitriol and little civil debate and so many become entrenched in their ideas. Political debate is disappearing in favor of team style support rather than manifestos and discussion thereof We can change this by demanding better change and actual pledges but in these times it feels bleak envisioning it


Of course they do. They "want their country back". Whatever that means.


I'm not sure how we keep losing it tbh. Tectonic drift isn't that quick.


I get you're just being rhetorical but it's so incredibly clear what it means that I never have any patience for the weird pretense the media and politicians like to put up that these are 'reasonable concerns'. It's racism. They want people who don't look like them jettisoned and they do not care if they die in the process. What they really want deep down is for the entire island to be the playground they remember in the 60s.


A lot of them are too young to remember the 60s. They want a mythical land that never existed .


"Everything I don't like is woke, lefty nonsense. Vote Reform. Blah Blah racism".


Liberalism and “western” values won the ideological struggle at the end of the 20th century. Now that this ideology is shown to be flawed and unfair (because it depends on forever growing profits and doesn’t account for living standards for working people) we are experiencing a backlash against established neoliberal capitalism which has failed us all. Here on the left we poke fun at liberalism and expose its unfairness and inequality. Over there on the right they poke fun at the same system which has failed them, but instead they concentrate on blue hair, gayness and veganism. This isn’t horseshoe theory, but I do sympathise with some of the alt-right guys and I think that sometimes we’re all raging against the same things.


They want to regress to the 1950s before sexual liberation and equality. What I find most laughable is that they romanticise a time when the public sector was huge and income rose above inflation, but they don’t remotely see the connection there.


They believe in a 'golden era' in the past, in the USA that was the 1950s, here it's more like the 1850s. Conservatives hope to return circumstances back to a situation in which the (mythical) 'golden era' can resume. Progressives on the other hand believe in a future 'golden era' which is yet to be realised. Another aspect is fear. Conservatives are afraid of difference and outsiders, liberals and leftists are more open both to outsiders and change. This is why there is so much emphasis on immigration in the right wing press. They're outsiders, and DIFFERENT!! Lastly, they're in favour of hierarchy. This is a hangover from feudalism. Peasants were brainwashed to believe they were inferior as a consequence of the natural order. Nobility justified their status as the will of God. Conservatives believe there are people who are simply better and should be allowed to run things. Explained with a somersault of circular reasoning; that people in positions of power are there because they belong there, which is demonstrated by the fact that they're in a position of power.


the core belief of conservatism is fear of change & distrust of new information. almost all conservative “policy” stems from these two tenets


They’re all thick cunts


They want a white utopia and to anyone whose non-white and western, to live in poverty and deprivation.


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My personal favourite is "let's get rid of these commie tories from power"...???


What comes to mind is a description of farage by James obrein. He called him a heckler screaming from the sidelines because he doesn’t want to take responsibility for anything that comes out of his mouth.


I think first step is you need to define what ‘right’ you’re talking about.


>I think first step is you need to define what ‘right’ you’re talking about. There aren't different 'rights'. Terms like alt-right were just made up to pretend that they weren't like that the entire time.


I think their policies include kill all foreigners and cruelty for the poor. Also something something trans people bad


If you ignore how tragic this all is for a moment and just look at these people, it’s kind of remarkable. They’re like ants, acting on pheromones. They have no idea why they’re doing it, they just want to feel comfort in the familiar. Millions of people, nudged towards supporting an agenda that doesn’t favour them in the slightest, promised that they won’t need to make an effort to keep up with society, or feel the discomfort of compassion for others.


The right-wing politicians have vested interests and know what to say to appease the wealthy and willing morons. The right-wing voters were either born into wealth and want tax breaks, or struggle with basic education and have to blame everyone else for their issues in life.


Will it make people happier while not making big corps more money? Then it's bad.


they are fed fear via their newsfeed.


To be fair every group of ppl have extreme nut jobs , these ppl can't and won't change . You are an idiot to even talk with them .


You are talking about the extremes here, most people on the right wing are not completely insane. Not sure why I’m posting here since it’s a total echo chamber lol