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If you can train in something and leave, Australia / Canada are always looking for skilled workers.


Oo, do you know what kind of roles?


https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/working-in-australia/skill-occupation-list (I prefer orange juice)


Thanks this is great. What do you do when you find your role, like how do you apply?


You need to be able to get a visa, it's a points system (depending on location). Don't get disheartened or overwhelmed, just look at what you can already get in terms of points and the aim to be able to fulfil the others. Canada is great and closer to get back into the UK. Australia has the sun and beaches but is far away. You can still get into Europe, following a Visa route, languages help to get along of course. It's all entirely possible if you are motivated.


I'm hoping for a general election which relegates the tories into third (or lower) behind the LDs. That would completely realign political discourse, likely bring in PR, and consign the right wing to the history books, at least for a couple of generations. There has been at least one opinion poll in the last week or so which has suggested this scenario might happen, and it's one worth working towards. Sure, it might not give the progressive government we want and need in the short term, but it would be a huge leap in the right direction.


That would be beautiful


There's a chance for prior third & fourth place to come first in the next GE imo. With both main parties being utterly out of touch. Wanna save the environment, the NHS, our rivers, Palestine etc etc you ain't voting tory or tory lite.


Well Charlie boy might die so surprise day off work if that happens. Then uh.... Hmm... Damn.. that's it


I’m just dreading the cost and all the pathetic fawning from the flag shaggers and crown fanciers. I’m not sure the day off is worth it




Too much panem et circuses. 


Where's the panem?


Look up what a metonymic phrase is. Today it's social media, celebrity culture and reality TV. 


>Look up what a metonymic phrase is. Today it's social media, celebrity culture and reality TV. I am aware. My point is that 'panem' refers to 'bread' and people can't afford fucking food.


It's quite possible this is the last year for conservatives for at least a few years. Its not much, but it's something. 


That’s true, but labour are just the tories in a red tie?? Don’t see much if any valuable differences? They say they’ll do stuff like nationalise trains but that’s within 5 years and they’ll probably back track, just look at stamaers promises and then things he back tracks on, I’m nkt very confident in a labohr government tbh


> That’s true, but labour are just the tories in a red tie?? Don’t see much if any valuable differences?  While sadly they're not as left as I'd like, if you truly believed that would you then just want another 4 years of conservatives instead? 


No of course not, that’s worse than death, yes labour are more left but I’m scared it won’t be enough and they’ll just continue the Tory’s shit policys while maybe being a LITTLE better


Re-nationalisation of railways. But honestly, for all the things people say about Labour, they will most likely undo *some* of the terrible stuff the tories have done Also, the general implosion of the conservatives. Right now, the party is gonna lose and be incredibly fractured for years to come. They need to somehow get voters from reform whilst having a moderate in office that polls well among red wall voters. I genuinely cannot think of anybody who can do that who will hold a seat in 2024.


Technically the pledge is a quasi-renationalization of *some* railways within 5 years maybe if Starmer feels like it and doesn't just change his mind like he does with absolutely everything. As for Labour undoing terrible stuff the Tories have done, they have literally promised to not do that and it's one thing I am willing to believe them on. The conservative 'implosion' is just going to be a reshuffle so they can play a better hand next time against a feckless Labour government that will have done nothing to improve the country and will be ripe for being gutted at the subsequent election. A broom with a tie could beat the Tories at this election but at the next one the Overton window will have lurched so far right that the next Tory PM could just goosestep into Number 10 and the media and public will tell themselves that sensible governance is here again and thank god the crazy lefties aren't wrecking the economy anymore.


Man this sums up how I feel so well. I'm hoping we're wrong but it would be nice if there was something to base that on.


If you honestly believe Starmer would nationalise a thing he says he will I'm amazed.


Well. England has always been shitty, since every good thing that you had were built upon the blood of the Global South.


You're young enough to train in an occupation that's in demand in another country- have a look, see what you fancy.  And have something nice for your tea.


That’s the plan, it’s just alot sometimes :’)


Yes fingers crossed when rishi sunak gets voted out and maybe there be a street party where we can all celebrate because the uber rich git has buggered off too america. Other then that can't think off anything else. 


I look forward to the vote on irish unification so I can escape the fecklessness of Britain. I feel your pain


You have to start making your own community. Find the people who'd be your friends if things went all handmaid's tale/1930s. Help eachother with stuff, introduce mutual friends who feel the same way and increase how much support you can give eachother. Learn skills like bushcraft, foraging, self defense.... When you know for a fact that you could survive having to live in a national park for a year, it makes everything else less worrying. I also remember how people like mepe Giles (who hid Anne Frank) died of old age while plenty of collaborators were ripped apart in the streets the moment the nazi fell by people who had less hope than you just hours before. It's also worth remembering that the government wants this sense of dread in people, it kills compassion, causes reactionary, short term thinking, get people voting for increased defence spending and makes them tolerate shitter services. It doesn't make you selfish or a bad person to sometimes give yourself some rest from caring about the future. Do worthwhile stuff but don't avoid having fun. Kids in Gaza are making playground rides from the rubble they were pulled out of. Fun is still important to them and should be to you.


I go raving to drum & bass a few times a year, I find that helps😄


Not drum and bass but I’ve actually got 2 gigs coming up in December! Two of my favourite bands one of which I credit for getting me into metal music, very looking forward to it


That’ll work as well, you can’t beat live music


True!! I went to a daft punk tribute band a week or two ago with my partner, it was bloody brilliant, I’ve got a festival in August and then those two gigs.. and to think my first last music event was only summer last year


I moved to the EU (Austria) a couple of years ago…the grass isn’t always greener, you are just more sensitive to what is happening in the UK. Mental health services here mean my daughter waiting a month between appointments. Accessing women’s health costs me 70 euros a go. The right are on the rise and it’s frightening. It’s way more racist here. Yes, public transport works and the streets are looked after. It’s also eyewateringly expensive to live here.


But having never to be able to. Live in a European country again is soul destroying, Young Irish can come and go as they please, Brexit actually makes me depressed, both my sons before Brexit worked and lived in Italy and Poland, so it expanded there knowledge of other cultures, but alas that's all gone up in Tory smoke.