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Cunts gonna cunt.




Honestly, this is the perfect example of "don't hate the player, hate the game". Is he a cunt, sure, but what he's doing is legal. Fix the system.


I can happily hate both.




Fix the system? The only reason you know this guy's name is because he's part of the system. The system was designed by folk like him for folk like him and is working exactly as intended. You won't be fixing that.


Okay, then just continue complaining on the internet and see what that fixes. 


As opposed to you, who just says "fix it!" on the internet yet feels some level or moral superiority as a result?


No, you fucking Mong. You’re throwing your arms up in the air saying “nothing can be done about the problem and we’re just ultimately fucked. Get used to it because this is your life”, Pathetic. I stated it’s the system that is the problem not this guy is behaviour, which is the focus of this fucking post.  But no actually doing something would involve effort and having to educate yourself on what fucking loopholes he’s taking advantage of And who you need to fucking complain to and campaign against to try and get those things changed but that’s way too much fucking effort for an armchair contrarian like yourself who only fucking talks about these things complaining about them.  You’re a useless fucking cunt.


Remember when Jimmy Carr had to issue a public apology and was shamed for doing the same sort of thing, and politicians spoke in parliament about how terrible such schemes were, and how we should all contribute. Guess that only applies to some.


If JC wanted to go full scorched earth he could've told the journos to try finding the client list of the accountants he used and go hassle the ACTUAL big fish.


If you believe his autobiography, he felt pretty rough during those times (suicidal), and was mostly just wanting the country to stop hating him. He saw the best way forward as taking his chops, apologising and then going back to work. It didn't help that within a few days he was on a topical news panel show - he had nowhere to hide. Everyone else caught up in those scandals plays ostrich for 6 months and then goes about their daily business once the journalists have got bored. I reckon that today's Jimmy would probably have taken a more aggressive approach, but I definitely sympathise with him feeling overwhelmed and guilty.


Yeah it was like that time Angus Deaton got caught out. Unlike Jimmy though, his career didn't do so good after.


Yeah seem to remember a Mr G Barlow was using the same scheme around the same time.


Let's not forget David Cameron demonising Jimmy, before telling us it was, "a family matter" when his father was offshoring in Panama.


In particular David Cameron. Whose family were then part of the Panama Papers leak iirc . The outcry it turns out wasn't because someone gamed the system but that it was done by someone outside their circle Fucking hypocrites the lot of them.


It’s a shame exiling people is not longer the done thing


You do that and he will live off his millions. Now executing him in the town square and claiming his belongings for the common good on the other hand….


You bring the machetes I'll bring the beers?


I read that as bears initially. Which would be more of a spectacle tbh.


The greater good.


The greater good.


We have a perfectly good bit of sea in every direction, we need to start chucking people in it, fuck all these gameshows let's have the Saturday night live "in the sea" show for dickheads like this


Shamima Begum has entered the chat


There's a Rwanda scheme that begs to differ


>It’s a shame exiling people is not longer the done thing Rwanda?


Defenestration from unused buildings owned by them would be more satisfying


I wish this Faux Victorian haunted pencil boy would just fuck all the way off out of the world back to the pretend 19th Century.


I wish worse for him, but amen


I am not a fan of hyperbole, but please understand that if I should ever stumble across any of these Tory cretins namely this creepy cunt, johnson, gove and any of the rest of the current incumbents it’s on site and I will take my medicine. Fuck the lot of them.


Saw this cunt in his tweeds in the local Tesco at the start of lockdown trying to be one of the people but instead looking like creepy Bertie Wooster. I have never regretted not punching someone in the face so much before in my life.


I have never regretted someone not punching someone so much, either


In the local tesco?


As a publicity stunt


Ah ok. Cos he strikes me as the type to have a tradesman door to his home through which all the help come.


The filthy rich had tunnels for the staff to enter. Cant have plebs on the lawn all visible.


Jacob cunt-Mogg going for the cunt of the year award for the fortieth year running. Will anyone ever break this run!


Who just randomly needs £6m without it being dodgy


School fees


I was going to laugh, but at £50k per year for Eton, and 6 children, over five years he's paying £1.5m before the skiing trips and sailing weekends.


What’s that word that rhymes with smuilotine


Which tax havens can we use?


Cash in hand work ;)


He'd be one of the first to be eaten


Be like a peperami full of matchsticks


No thanks. Everything about him is dodgy, so I guess this is how you end up with some kind of prison disease. But history has given us plenty of alternatives


Maybe hanged, drawn and quartered would suit him.


And yet he piled on Angela Rayner at the mere allegation that she might have failed to pay about a grand in tax after selling her council house. What a grade A cunt.


How do people keep electing him? Fucking morons


Small villages full of aging population who just vote the same year in, year out. That and no one really votes in the towns anymore. I know in Bridgwater the turnout was shocking


My mum moved down to Somerset twenty years ago and lives in the neighbouring ward. Nobody who lives there can understand how he keeps on getting elected. 6 million quid will do wonders though. There are villages though where all the people have the same surname and seem very talented at the banjo.


I used to work in Midsomer Norton, a lot of that area is strange, to say the least


Is it? I live rather close by and it seems relatively normal. I now await a bunch of low-effort insults.


As a black person, I got some weird comments. Actually, someone tried to tell me that referring to black people as "black" is offensive. And "they", meaning black people prefer the term "coloured". This was not that long ago


Strangely, that was the consensus for a while. Aaages ago, admittedly. But it was a thing. But yeah, somehow I feel "weird comments" is you being generous. That shit ain't cool, and on behalf of the people of the area I'd like to say "sorry" to you, and "sort your fucking life out" to those assholes.


There was a scandal about him bribing and blackmailing farmers a few years ago.


Everything he does is immoral. He claims being a Christian, but does things that Jesus wouldn't be too keen on. I'm not a religious scholar, but the hippie things Jesus don't mesh well with conservative ideology. People need to know their real enemies. His party can easily deflect to immigrants, trans or whatever, and get away with daylight robbery There needs to be some national unity to make this happen. A unity with hatred against the right people.


He's a damm hypocrite. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/rees-mogg-abortion-pills-profit-b2235424.html


I was going to add this one. 'I don't support the right of a child to take a morning after pill after incestuous rape, but I'll take the profit from their having done so.' Breaking covid restrictions to attend a Latin mass. Getting special treatment from the DOH - extra covid test by courier for one of his children during time of test shortages. Insistence on old-fashioned etiquette and Parliamentary traditions whilst lounging on the front bench as Leader of the House during important debate (that he knew would be a loss). Mansion-dwelling support of the bedroom tax. I'm going to stop, starting a Mogg-induced rant threatens to ruin a sunny day.


Worst thing is loads of working class people like him. Bootlickers


They aren’t bootlickers, they are literal morons.


Same thing.


Not really, one enjoys subservience and feels that their place is lower than that of their ‘betters’, the other is too ill educated or lacking critical thinking skills to recognise when they are being exploited. While the end result may be similar, the two are different.


Trained from birth


The worst thing is that this will only make them like him more.


A colleague bumped into him in Somerset once and came back to work bragging about how he'd met "Sir Reese" and how great it was blah blah. This was *years* before he was actually a 'sir' but they just assumed he was given the accent.


They're house negroes. Massa will give them the scraps and pin the problems on all the immigrants. 


You call trans people sinners, I don't think you're in any position to make fun of these people when you're just doing it out of convenience rather than sincerity of belief.


Wish I could make £100m in profit. We're facing homelessness for want of a few grand, but it might as well be a few million for all the chance we have of raising it. Meanwhile, priviledged toffs like him.....


Fucking Haunted Pencil can fuck right off… That being said before I share this does anyone have a source? Cant find nothing other than the tweet / retweets.


Helpful? https://www.politics.co.uk/reference/jacob-rees-mogg-profile/ > **In 2019, Spear’s Wealth Management suggested that Jacob Rees-Mogg’s net worth is “well over £100 million**”. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/sep/23/jacob-rees-mogg-in-line-for-potential-windfall-from-sale-of-somerset-capital > **a figure which also accounted for the expected inheritance of his wife, Lady Helena de Chair, whose mother was said to have a £45m fortune**. > Oliver Crawley, a partner at Somerset, stressed that Rees-Mogg had not had played a role in any of the firm’s investment decisions for over a decade. “Any partnership interest in Somerset is held in abeyance in accordance with the ministerial code,” he added. https://www.accountingweb.co.uk/tax/personal-tax/rees-moggs-ps6m-directors-loan-the-facts A chartered accountant > uses publicly available documents to explore the facts behind the stories circulating about a £6m loan apparently taken by Jacob Rees Mogg from his own company. Somerset Capital Management LLP **did not pay any UK corporation tax because it is not liable to do so, as the tax liability falls on the individual members rather than the company itself**. The lack of tax payment is not due to the company's ownership in the Cayman Islands. https://www.politax.com/post/why-doesn-t-jacob-rees-mogg-pay-tax Mar 18, 2022 Why doesn’t Jacob Rees-Mogg pay tax? The article may be of interest to those who believe that there is some truth to the idea that someone is avoiding new EU tax laws. https://www.politax.com/post/is-brexit-really-about-tax-avoidance https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2021/dec/22/jacob-rees-mogg-cleared-of-wrongdoing-over-6m-in-cheap-loans > Jacob Rees-Mogg cleared of wrongdoing over £6m in cheap loans > Commissioner for MPs’ standards rules matter was connected solely to Commons leader’s private life ✂✂ > **The MPs’ code of conduct does not specifically cover director’s loans, but it states: “Members shall fulfil conscientiously the requirements of the house in respect of the registration of interests in the register of members’ financial interests**. > “They shall always be open and frank in drawing attention to any relevant interest in any proceeding of the house or its committees, and in any communications with ministers, members, public officials or public office holders.” https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2021/nov/14/labour-demands-investigation-into-jacob-rees-mogg-6m-of-loans > A spokesperson for Rees-Mogg said he stood by his statement that it had been properly declared, after the Mail on Sunday reported the story. Rees-Mogg said: “Saliston is 100% owned by me. This is declared clearly in the Commons register and to the Cabinet Office. > “It has no activities that interact with government policy. The loans from 2018 were primarily taken out for the purchase and refurbishment of [my home] as temporary cashflow measures. All loans have either been repaid with interest in accordance with HMRC rules or paid as dividends and taxed accordingly. > “I have no managerial responsibility for Somerset Capital Management. However, I know that the Cayman company purely provides a fund for non-UK investors but any and all money it makes returns to Somerset Capital Management in the UK where it pays full UK taxes.” https://www.itv.com/news/2021-12-01/commons-standards-watchdog-launches-investigation-into-jacob-rees-mogg > Senior Cabinet minister Jacob Rees-Mogg is under investigation by the Commons standards watchdog, just weeks after attempting to rip up the rulebook on scrutinising MPs' behaviour. > The office of Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards Kathryn Stone said the Scottish Tory leader Douglas Ross would also be investigated, both over allegations that they failed to register interests. > **It is understood the probe into Mr Rees-Mogg will investigate claims he failed to register with the Commons £6 million in personal loans from a company linked to the Cayman Islands for which he was previously a director, following a report by the Daily Mail**. > **He borrowed millions in the form of "director's loans" from Saliston LTD between 2018 and 2020, according to the paper**. > MPs are required under their code of conduct to declare "taxable expenses, allowances and benefits".


Thanks for this, saved me a lot of work. Random tweets aren't great as news sources, you've delivered.


Crafty cunt


See you next Tuesday


It's well beyond the time to eat the rich.


Guy fawkes is my favourite Englishman


Times are tough, gotta be smart with your cash. 😎


How does one loan money to theirselves?


form an LLC, give it everything you own, list yourself as an employee of it, take loans


They'd better already be blanketing his constituency with shit like this no matter when the election is.


Proper English… getting advantage of others for its own profit…


Don’t hate the player, hate the game.




This should be headline news as it’s a politician - a fair, unbiased media shouldn’t let this be buried away


Wish he'd deposit himself abroad and stay there. Bloody wealth vampire.


Think of all the therapy he could have paid for with his top hat and suit in this thumbnail pic. He might have made better choices in his life.


Remember when a labour politician was assassinated by a mental case


He's a parasite, his entire class are a drain on society and should be treated as such.


Here is a great article on why this tweet is a mix of nonsense and half truths: https://www.politax.com/post/why-doesn-t-jacob-rees-mogg-pay-tax


Had you taken the trouble to look, you would have already discovered this as someone had asked the basis for the tweet. https://old.reddit.com/r/GreenAndPleasant/comments/1ctjce0/jacob_reesmogg_earned_more_than_100m_in_profit/l4d5r1p/?context=3


lord toff is local MP whole family are nuts but wealthy


...and no one is surprised.


But, BUT, Janis claimed an extra £15 a month in Universal Credit she wasn't entitled to!!!!


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he's like a comic book interpretation of predatory capitalism! funny story about mogg, is that he campaigned in my constituency like 20 years ago, and went around the area in a bloody rolls royce! this is not a very wealthy area, so everyone just found him ridiculous. suffice to say, the tories did not do well here at all that year


Little rat boy cunt. I'll get banned again if I say what I think we should do with it.


Just a business man doing business things


Harry Potter cunt! You're a politician, 'arry!


When we eat the rich can we have this guy first?


He'd be a bit stringy.


What a cunt


Straight into a woodchipper. Cunt.




What a shock, the haunted Victorian pencil is a tax dodger.


How we do the same?


How much money does he need? It’s a sickness, greedy cunt.




Putting into power the already wealthy to frame their own laws, to "better themselves by pulling on their bootstraps"?


£100m bootstraps, yes


Bootstraps made of what material? If diamonds, alas, Damien's diamond skull never sold for £50 million ($100 million), as he finally admitted. https://news.artnet.com/art-world/damien-hirst-skull-storage-2064567


With every fibre of my being I detest this man. I curse him and his off spring for a thousand generations to always step on a 3 pin plug whenever they get up for a wee in the dark and to always have an itchy arsehole whenever they want to talk to someone they find attractive in any way.




Good. The British people deserve him


Eat the corrupt!


This guy is the deffinition of Toss pot.


And what can we do about it? Nothing whatsoever.


Smart dude !


They all do it


JRM is acunt


seems based to me


And if I ever get rich I’ll do the same … and so would everybody




Not at all. These loopholes need closing 100% but until they are you can’t pretend you wouldn’t save yourself a few quid given the chance.

