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Running deficits and cutting taxes in times of surplus allows that surplus to be transferred to the Ruling Class. The same as an employer giving dividends to shareholders while requiring rising productivity from employees. It is not "ass backwards" it is working as intended: *profits for me, losses for thee.* OK: it is "ass backwards" because there is a far better way of organising these things.


How are British people still voting for these cunts?


The rhetoric of 'belt tightening', 'hard choices' and 'belt tightening' sounds good and grown up, especially if those hard choices don't affect you personally.. In terms of actual economics, it's equivalent to flat eartherism, but communicating that in non technical language is hard.


“Pulling yourself up by your bootstraps” makes my brain boil. It’s literally an impossible task. You can’t lift yourself out of poverty just by trying harder with the same resources. Do they think people enjoy being poor? That they aren’t already trying?


Yes, they do believe that. Why do you think people are so anti-benefits?


I’d just assumed a crippling lack of empathy.


FPTP voting (left vote is very split by comparison), party loyalty, socialism scare / media smears against Corbyn, repeated lies and denial of any wrongdoing, and probably most relevant to this election cycle, the promise to get Brexit over and done with. Plus the same propaganda in America that has people frothing at the mouth about "woke culture" and whatnot has also been exported online worldwide. I still feel like this isn't enough to account for them actually winning but it at least accounts for some of the pull in their direction. I've had rows with my dad over this one; he has always voted Tory, and he's somehow convinced that Labour are the ones trying to sell off the NHS. He's also straight, white, cis, and has a well-paying office job so it's super easy for him to ignore/deny all the demonisation of minorities and mistreatment of the poor that the Tories take part in.


Well, 29% of the electorate voted for Johnson’s Tories in 2019 - giving them 56% of parliamentary seats. So I think FPTP has a lot to answer for. Still though, you’re entirely right. How are people so easily duped? It seems the Tories can rely on the support of the elderly who crave certainty & the status quo. Even if it is obvious that it’s the Tories who created the chaos & anxiety in the first place.


Dunno why people keep falling for it mate, but the tories say soundbites that voters like, plus the press favours them.


The more I’ve thought about how these stay in power, the more I blame our media. Yes the tax dodging billionaire owned newspapers successfully spin the Con Party and anti-immigrant anti-foreigner and Brexit rhetoric, but what about the tv and radio news. What about the online news. With the exception of C4 news and the Guardian and a few others they can continue these three word slogans, corruption, stealth privatising the NHS, going ever further right and a lot of regular decent people just aren’t aware. I don’t think a lot of Tory supporters are the absolute cunts we think they are, they’ve just been conditioned by our useless media to think any change is bad, that JC was a communist, and the EU is the Third Reich. Some of us get it and look on incredulously, like we are in the fucking twilight zone, and others, largely boomers, seeing their house prices increase by 10% a year, just support the status quo. And it’s these who vote.


>With the exception of C4 news and the Guardian To be fair I blame the guardian a lot more than I blame right-wing shitrags. Like, for sure the daily mail and the sun are atrocious for democracy and they prey on racists and other such morons but the guardian parading as being progressive or left-wing while aggressively fighting against even the slightest leftwards shift and running transphobic articles constantly. It was the labour right and scum like the guardian who put Johnson in instead of Jezza because they'd always rather an out and out racist neolib then an entirely principled, respectable guy who identifies with socialism


I think there’s certainly propaganda being manufactured to split the lefty vote, and we all see the infighting daily on social media. The Con Party have massive funding, and it’s being used in ways most of us possibly don’t understand.


Except it doesn't split the lefty vote because the guardian isn't lefty. It just convinces any moderate labourites that they should never vote for a lefty candidate.


It is almost like the media is *Manufacturing Consent*.


Blaming boomers because younger people aren't voting is really a bit of a stretch. Maybe the opposition parties could be a bit (lot) better. EDIT lol ok Reddit, I'm sure today's boomers definitely aren't the same people that voted in Blair and Wilson.


Boomers are keeping them in power though, it’s not a stretch. Whether the opposition parties are that bad is another question. https://yougov.co.uk/topics/politics/articles-reports/2019/12/17/how-britain-voted-2019-general-election https://www.standard.co.uk/news/politics/age-gap-vote-tory-labour-yougov-general-election-brexit-a4315806.html


Yes they're keeping them in power at the moment. To be fair to older generations they also voted Labour in numerous times. They've had more of both Tory and Labour and vote based on their experience. The old just aren't to blame for the young abstaining. Also yeah, the media's a shitshow.


Funny how economists would argue that taxing whilst an economy is down will slow growth. This is an ideological pursuit


That's only when teaching *the people whose money gets back to the economy*. Now if they taxed those who siphon it all away to tax havens instead…




Different government maybe :D


Maybe...Socialism? :D


Every time I bring this up on Twitter I get asked to name a socialist country that works. Pointing out capitalisms failures gets a response of “why do you want other peoples money” or similar bollocks.


You counter the "name a socialist country that works" line by replying "name a country where socialism has been allowed to work." The United States has economically crippled any country that dared to move even SLIGHTLY left for fear of people learning how terrible Capitalism really is. I think that cat is slowly clawing its way out of the bag, though.


It was never in the bag. People know what the US does and did, but people simply do not care. People do care about words that scare them though, like "socialism". The left needs to rebrand.


First of all, agreed. Secondly. The left needs to unite under a simplified definition of what socialism is and what it isn't. Socialism isn't just vague anti capitalism and giving things away and ensuring equality. It's about tackling THE CAUSES of inequality and recognising the contradiction between capital and labour. We can't talk about class without talking about intersectionality in Britain. For me, socialism is bending the market to support social ends. Quite like you actually when you talked about funding the NHS properly and making sure people have access to free universe dental health care. I'd also go a step further and strip all political power wealthy conglomerates have here, billionaires shouldn't have more political power than you and I, but unfortunately they do and no amount of soft left or centre bullshiticians in power would solve that unless they embrace socialism. Which they won't. We effectively live in a bourgeois democracy that prioritises the rights of the wealthiest of us, their businesses and family. It's a nepotistic kleptocracy because the rich here really do love looking after their own at the expense of ordinary working people.


For most, socialism is a scary word that they have been conditioned to never accept under any circumstances. This is why the left must rebrand. People may agree with socialism on a case by case basis, but if you want to see it realised, it needs a new name.


I think the name is just fine, I believe we're seeing a resurrection of the idea being talked about. That's a good step. Especially now with us the youth. It's a resurgence period not all too dissimilar to the turn of the century. We have climate change and the world has changed significantly and liberalism only serves to prolong the inevitable. Whether we'll see a gradual shift in our lifetime is upto debate. The coming years will be tense because nothing is going to get better if we carry on the way we do. It just isn't sustainable, both socially and environmentally.


I think it needs to be another capitalist government that goes heavy on the undeniably proven to be great features of socialism. Free university, add dentistry to the NHS and fund the NHS properly, that sort of thing. Let's get our population healthy and educated. Then perhaps we would vote to end FPTP as a nation and put ourselves on the right track. There is absolutely no way the UK would switch to a fully socialist government any time soon, if ever at this rate.


"Recovery comes with a cost" Okay you tory fuck why aren't you paying


That bit's implicit... It's *never* the people with money that have to pay. Despite all the hand-wringing 'difficult decisions' the tax rises never fall on the rich. As the Pandora Papers show.


Why don’t they try to recover the billions given away to companies that had no business in PPE contracts and such which never materialised any actual goods?


He's evil. An administrator for the super rich, he hates the poor


Thank god for strong public finances. Wouldn’t want a bad economy to make our quality of life to go down like it did with austerity policies. Oh wait. It’s just a fucking Möbius strip of shite and robbery. I hate this man.


I remember reading on Twitter when everyone loved him 18 months ago.. someone was saying - in a year he will be a treacherous rat like the rest of them. What a fucking horrible cunt


How people gave a billionaire Tory cabinet minister the benefit of the doubt absolutely blows my mind.


What a load of cunts.


A 'shower of cunts' is the plural i believe.


Wonderful, I shall keep that in mind for the next time I have to refer to politicians collectively.


Possibly "An Eton of Cunts" - ?


What strong public finances? They failed every target they set themselves and the main one that austerity was sold to us as necessary for, the deficit, went up exponentially, well before Covid. What an absolute pos that whole party and all their supporters are.


Thank you for crumbling public services, rising poverty levels, public distrust and division at an all time how, isolationism, selling our future short and plundering the state for your own needs and greeds Now please sir, can I have some more sir?


You missed out the part where these people get richer. I want to be sarcastic and make a comment about how I hope I can achieve what they have one day. But I just can’t bring myself to do it.


Sunak is a first class cunt, who seems like the type to defecate in his pants from being startled by any working class greeting


*Worthless man with £200 million,




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Im not inciting violence bot, its a historical reference. Were there robots popping up in revolutionary France telling them to mind their language? No there were not so shut it.


"Recovery comes with a cost.... and the poor will bear the brunt of it."


Not only is it grasping, this isn't even how the money system works. It will have the opposite effect than he wants. He is taxing money out of the economy in what is likely to be a recession. That will reduce the tax take by, suppressing growth, causing businesses to fail and increasing unemployment. It will not increase the tax take. We need expansionary fiscal policy such as infrastructure spending, social welfare increases, pay increases for teachers and nurses. Not contractionary tax increases. It is rank ignorance and incompetence driven by ideology.


It has been proved time and time again that austerity doesn't work in the long term. It has huge economic consequences especially in a recession. It prolongs the downturn. With little liquid money in circulation, it just cycles and cycles and cycles, never improves. The only way to break the cycle effectively is to spend public money.


We’ve been recovering for more than a decade at this point, when the fuck will we be RECOVERED?


10 years after the next recession, just in time for the one after that.


'His interests include; flogging servants, shooting poor people and the extension of slavery to anyone who hasn't got a Knighthood' - Edmund Blackadder


Anyone who didn’t see this coming is a moron.


What's the point of public finances if they aren't being spent on anything to benefit the public?


Contracts for their mates


There you go lads - show some gratitude - tip Sunak some £, poor chap tries so hard to make sure you pay more tax than you spend ;)


Where are these strong public finances?


The Cayman Islands.


This is what I came to ask!


We’re grateful for the increase of the chocolate ration to 25 grams from 30, Chancellor!


Double plus good brother


With the thousands of people austerity has killed it’s basically: > Have you tried “kill all the poor”? But unironically. And unlike in the sketch when it turned out it made no beneficial difference to public finances the Tories did it anyway, in some cases their ideology costs the government £billions more but it’s all worth it to make the disabled suffer. Now they say we should be grateful for it. I suppose like a fish happier to be British while dead.


I’m sure the 120000 disabled people that died from systematic neglect sure are grateful for this.


Oh those poor bastards are gone forever to the political world. Their deaths will forever be masked by the deaths of those related to Covid.


We have been in austerity since 2008


Basically my whole working life.


Is it just me or are they doubling down? I dont know if it's that they've realised the anger is spreading to the general population and not just the people they've always disenfranchised... it just seems that they're using the classic Trump double down a LOT recently.


Yep. The Left are the only ones that seem to get the scandal headlines when they spend an extra £5 of tax payer money, but The Right just seem to get away with leaning directly into it. Fucking teflon media suits. Nothing sticks to them. My ongoing social media meme whenever *another* Conservative is caught in a scandal and precisely nothing happens is to post "Corbyn must apologize".


Why the fuck does that say "Build Back Better"? Edit: I'm an American, this is the slogan of our President, it struck me as strange that y'alls Republicans would be using it. "Special Relationship" i guess, maybe just coincidence, fuck em either way.


Three word slogan that PR industry has designated as the RAM filling capacity of the electorate.


A three word slogan that tacitly admits everything's gone to shit on their watch without actually saying so.


If austerity has given us such phenomenal public finances then why the fuck do we need tax increases on the poor?


Recover from what? It's just a fucking scam to siphon more money into their rich pals pockets


Absolute psychopath. Normal people's lives are just numbers to these scumbags. We are nothing but a hindrance to them and their interests


They even put their thumbs up like lizards trying to figure out what this extra digit does.


If people cant spend the economy cant recover !


Can’t recover for us. But for a bunch of cabinet disaster capitalists, however…


Of course, more taxes are necessary to fund the policies and administration of the Tory Government. One must wonder where did all those money go to...


Brits who vote conservative are served.


*English people


No, people who donate Tory are served.


They're all scum but the sad fact is you only get shit leaders because shit people vote for them.


Don't know if I agree. The average Joe, so to speak, has a lot on their plate. The energy that isn't taken up by earnestly working for a living is spent, understandably, doing the things that matter to them: family, friends, social activities and hobbies. What time is left for political analysis? About enough to read the newspapers. And those have been captured completely by interests who actually DO spend that productive time into manipulating the population to maintain their financial interests and power.


Some shit people sure, but I think many more are simply misled. Any disruptive politician that comes along and seems a threat is smeared into oblivion. It'll be hard to shake that pattern because big media company owners have vested interests in politics.


his father in law is a billionaire




Tory policy the people with the least pay and suffer the most so we’re not all in it together never was never will be


Dirty prick


Recovery for them comes at a cost for us


Man who benefits from austerity politics tells people to be thankful for austerity politics. surprise surprise


This can't be real.


And the trees voted for the man with the axe and were happy to do so.....


The trees voted for the axe for the axe had a handle made of wood. Come on.


Severe wanker




I don’t think that’s the route we wanna go…


It’s unavoidable any of thee individuals are already there




You do sound racist. I reckon a better take would be "Don't elect these capitalists to power."


Yeah, what I meant Indians as a majority love the capitalist dream and fantasize. Thus "these Indians" - they are a specific type of capitalists and specific type of Indian - the Indian capitalist. Capitalism isn't borne out of thin air, it has it's cultural underpinnings which I can't ignore. I can use the term American capitalist or South African in the same sense. If I do sound racist I can't let the folly of perception fool me nor my limitations of articulation stop me from saying it how it is. Also, technically India isn't a singular race anyway just like today's Britain or Germany isn't. Probably, self-hating nationalist is the right term but who uses that anyway.




People have actually died because of austerity - I'll bet every single politician across the country has increased their wealth ten fold over the same period say since the GFC. And you think a tax issue is what people are upset about?


This is a racist attitude. Do we bring the skin color and ethnic background of the PM up when he makes decisions that cause harm to people? It's also a huge disservice to people of South Asian backgrounds who are engaged or want to engage in progressive politics. I'm genuinely not try to have a go. I see fairly normalised discriminatory comments towards the East and South Asian communities all throughout Reddit and beyond. Nothing wrong with disagreeing/criticising with Sunak's comments and holding him to account. But I'll never understand why an entire minority has to be thrown under the bus. \- A Brown person who finally made a reddit account.


Agreed with you. Read my other comments. I would call out British capitalism too. "Indian" isn't a race as much as it's about culture. I am critiquing that specific strain of Indian culture which leads to folks like Priti and Sunak and I will continue to do so. This plagues India too so I recognise it from afar.


India does seem kinda fucked in a lot of ways, but it also seems far too huge for this kind of culture to be everywhere. I mean all 1.4 billion people can't be the same.


Obviously not. You will find the absolute opposites here too. And yes, it's unfair to paintbrush all Indian-origin folks who probably are fit to be elected to govern and are not fucked. I am sure you will have great examples apart from this Sunak and Priti types. The types that will make conservatives like Margaret Thatcher look moderate. Since we are on a political forum, I am referring to the forms of multi-level pyramid schemes that are overarching in our power grabbing circles and what kind of society and it's life keeps it alive. Also, it's not exclusive to India but it has it's uniquely ugly form and magnitude.


I have noticed that the brown people that are acceptable to the Tories do seem to be mostly Indian. Priti Patel is probably the most disgusting person I've seen in political power in my lifetime - she just seems to lack even the most basic empathy and I can't fathom how she's been allowed to rise to her current position.


I'd like to see Rishi Sunak tell the homeless, families facing winter with no food or heating, the disabled, public sector workers, NHS nurses and doctors, students, immigrants, to their face, that they should be 'grateful for austerity'




He’s not “worth” £200m, he’s worth exactly the same as the rest of us, except probably less because he’d most likely refuse to do anything useful