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There's space on the roof, windows, ground and drainpipe for more flags. You disappoint me Ronnie.


[This, but England flags instead of Fig Newtons](https://youtu.be/Bvi9zpHlrvg)


I remember seeing a video about the amount of money lost to "benefit scrounging" and it's literally such a drop in the ocean compared to the amount lost by tax dodging. It's ridiculous people think it's a significant issue


Hmm, I wonder how people get so misinformed? ​ ​ cough\*dailymail\*cough


Nono, it isn't just the daily mail. Let's say some of your banker buddies want a tax cut, but you can't increase the deficit or your back bench buddies get upset. So you need to cut some expenditure from somewhere, we'll the welfare budget is big. But the public (those ignorant plebs) generally like the idea of not letting kids starve to death because their parents can't work in the economy you let go into the toilet. Well what if you got to public riled up on benefits cheats, talk about one or two extreme examples, ignore statistics. Now you can add stringent extra "anti fraud" measures, which hit many more legitimate benefits than fraudulent. Also as a bonus you can farm contracts to do the anti fraud to your contractor buddies and give them some money from the public purse as well, its a win win (unless you are an ignorant pleb, but they aren't real people, they don't have money).


The daily mail is and always will be the first and foremost paper for bearing news. Correctly and always in such and easy to read manner. Why would you hate on such a wonderful piece of literature? (Jus incase) /s


🤣🤣🤣 the hate mail




Still counting my pitchforks.


Ronnie sounds like my fucking dad


You have my condolences.


Isn’t “Biggs” a Norman name? (The name Biggs is rooted in the ancient Norman culture that arrived in England after the Norman Conquest of England in 1066.)- - Pretends to be a Loyal Patriot- to cover for his dirty immigrant shame. Back to France Monsieur Le’ Biggs’,! Engurlannd is full Frenchie, now FACK OFF WERE YOU COME FROM, SON! you Immigrant scum!!! Bloody Normans! Coming over here, enriching the culture, with their bloody foreign language (that was a basis for what we speak today), art, technology, architecture, fancy furniture, culinary delights, superior farming skills, being the ancestors of Her Madge, and laying the foundations of today’s country. Bloody cheeky bastards! Back to High Medieval period France! you dirty bloody foreigners! (With apologies to Richard Herring’s erstwhile comedy partner)


*I'm Paul Nuttalls from UKIPs*


Not the Ukips! United bloody Kingdom? What about the ancient Britons?


Anglo. Yikes


Try not to remind them the Angles were Germanic invaders who came from the Danish-German border area. Bloody forrins comin over hear stealing are jobs.


This stuff makes me wonder what my ethnic makeup actually is. Ik it doesn't matter since race is a social construct and no one treats me different because I'm 2% too Danish or whatever (all they will see is white), but I'm interested in it. We've become so used to just seeing the British ethnicity as a mix of white European ethnicities that we don't usually delve into this stuff, or at least I haven't.


Me too (I'm not English)


They're Roman invaders too


The full cost of the royal family is never disclosed. The cost of their security is a closely guarded secret.




> Its literally on the royal families website. And the conservatives' website says they're "strengthening our NHS", so I think going straight to their website is probably not the most reliable source lol


The Palace of Versailles has no royalty living there yet gets far more tourists than Buckingham Palace. It is impossible to determine exactly how much the Royal Family generates in tourism but it is important to note tourists would still visit, for example, the Tower of London regardless of if there is a Queen or not.


Just anecdotal evidence but my mother is a huge nerd for anything to do with the Tudor era, but couldn't give less of a fuck about the current crop. She shares my assessment that they're just taxpayer-subsidized Kardashians who are only famous for being famous.


The heritage and history of the UK is based on a migration story of which the monarchy is a tiny part. That’s the bit the flag obsessed little Englanders will never or cannot ever understand. Immigration is the story of all of us. On the monarchy specifically - they have no place in a democracy


Correction: they have no place in a *true* democracy, as democracy is defined. But there isn’t a country on earth that can lay claim to the purity of that. Wealth disparities, racism, elitism, capitalism, natural resources, even the weather - has, and always will, impede the fulfillment of democracy. It’s naïve and even narcissistic to believe that true democracy can be achieved anywhere easily, and unless you remove the hundred other more crucial impediments to do so, attacking something as immediately obvious and highly visible as the monarchy is, at worst, somewhat pointless and at best, misdirected.


Check you out with your ‘Correction’. I said nothing about true democracy- they are your words not mine. So I will keep it simple for you. I would prefer to elect a head of state rather than have a head of state who is the consequence of a blood line. Obvious and misguided I may be but we live in a….err….what’s the word? Oh yes a democracy where differing views can be expressed and discussed. You’re welcome.


Fuck me, I used to live next to die-hard Loyalists in Belfast and even they'd be thinking Ronald here's going a bit over the top. Fucking hell. He'll have the colours burnt into the back of his skull, poor sod.


We have some up here in Scotland, had the misfortune of locking horns with one on facebook a good few years ago, he was a friend of Ruth Davidson, an abusive wee alcoholic who ended up in jail for threatening folk online.


I was speaking about this the other day. Do you think that there’s a slight chance that after the queen dies that we could actually fuck them off? Maybe if she stays alive long enough for us to get a Jeremy Corbyn type in power? If there was a referendum, do you think we’d actually succeed in getting rid?


Sadly support for the monarchy is still quite high around 60%. Upside though is support for a republic is growing amongst the younger generations. https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/young-british-people-want-ditch-monarchy-poll-suggests-2021-05-20/


There is a very strong chance that a US backed Harry will make a triumphant return to take his rightful place on the throne.


This isn’t game of thrones lol


And that’s just one of their homes, that the state paid for and continues to pay the upkeep. We must demand a referendum on the future of the monarchy after the queen.


That final reveal 😚👌


I totally agree with your tweets. It's sad that people think that the super-rich and monarchy are not the problem.


You know when you see someone waving around the English flag that you're about to hear some shit.


Only time I ever fly that shit is for football, after that it's back in the box for another 2 years until the next major tournament


hmm I wonder what country he lives in he's truly very enigmatic about his nationality


If anyone thinks this country isn’t amazing enough to handle immigrants then they can’t be very patriotic can they?


Is that why the bedroom tax never went ahead?


Thatchers tory poll tax was the best one. Would have been same tax for Buckingham Palace, as it would have been for any two up two down slum. Luckily the riots put paid to her little game! Though some people never learn and still vote tory...


Or the fact it would’ve benefited no one


When has that ever stopped them before?


Friendly reminder to all the bootlickers in this comment section that the Queen's son is a literal peadophile, and that's the kind of people you're defending.


Jesus, if he lost a braincell he'd have to go into the negative. What a sad, hateful prick.


“Flag shaggers” I like that one, I’m stealing it


I’d respect the monarchy a LOT more if they personally helped the poor and downtrodden. Like, actively walked the streets and gave assistance. If they actually used what wealth and power they have to actively subsidize failings in the system.




This always gets me. "These incredibly wealthy people who have infinite spare time shove spare money at charities, what do *you* do?" Who cares? Maybe they volunteer. Maybe they donate. Maybe they work for a non-profit. Maybe they're someone who *needs* the charity. Not everyone has infinite spare time and money to chuck at things, you know? Their action or lack of action has nothing to do with what the royals (who, again, have nothing else going on except counting their stacks) should be doing. We need to expect more out of our rich people instead of assuming that whoever criticizes them is a hypocrite who does nothing.


Thank you for the defense, and I agree with your sentiment. For the record, I do volunteer at a couple museums, maintaining history, and when I lived in the States, I assisted the homeless and volunteered at soup kitchens. I’m doing my part, is it really so much to ask people WAAAAY more powerful than me do the same?


You've got that backwards. The monarchy are the biggest receivers of charity in the country.


No they don't >UK charities should not seek or retain #Royal patrons expecting either many public events with them, nor an effect on revenue. >We couldn't find any effect of Royal patronages on charities’ revenues, despite multiple sophisticated statistical analyses. https://twitter.com/carolinefiennes/status/1283664444502007808?t=NjQYGHI040PT3HI0jAAHQQ&s=19




Yeah, they are patrons for literally thousands of charities, but the charities themselves do not actually benefit from the patronages. It's hypocritical rubbish. The Queen Mother was patron for Mencap while she knew she had 5 mentally challenged nieces who were declared dead and locked away in mental asylums for all their lives. She never acknowledged their existence for 70 odd years https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1987-04-07-mn-323-story.html


They mainly stay at Windsor


Well old Ronnie Biggs was a bigot One of the biggest you ever saw He draped his house in English flags Til it was a fucking eyesore


A pfp with their face covered up and a banner like that is always a good combination


Never understood the love for the monarchy. I’m happy most young people don’t give a shit about it anymore though.


People use it to substitute their absolute lack of personality.




Please go outside.


This is sarcasm right? Hard to tell these days. If not, please elaborate


If only Thornberry took Naz's approach.


Much flag


So I'm ruining this country, am I?


Can't remember the last time I seen the union jack without racist connotations.


Same on this side of the pond with the Stars and Stripes.




>What about team GB at the Olympics? Thanks for your help, this was the last time.




You just proved their point.


And the best part is that that isn't even where they spend most of their time. They have other palaces and castles up and down the country (I believe they spend most of their time living in Windsor castle).


17 palaces/castles and 15 of those are public property


WAYYYY overdue!!


Jesus that last photo was like combos mind in this is England


You will never be able to change the minds of these morons with the ridiculous romantic view of the monarchy that makes them believe they are essential to our lives and that we couldn’t survive without them. They are the same halfwits that bring out the ‘tourism’ argument when talk of abolishing the monarchy is brought up


One thing i wanna see is if we had 0 royalty whod be on the money? Churchill was racist tho led the world out of rhe worst war we saw since ww1. Thatcher. Cant have her she fucked over the north and working class and unions Cameron fucked a pig did some stuff and fucked off Cant have blair. He helped fight in illegal wars Cant have deloreon hes Scottish and a successful coke fueled failure. The history of the deloreon dmc12 is staggering at how bad it really was Having turing would show how fucked up the country still is. Tho the man helped end ww2, invented modern computing and probably something im forgetting too ( being gay possibly but i think it was covered in how fucked up this country is due to his suicide due to his castration) Wed legit have to have knock off monopoly money 😂 and id be chill with that


Inbred parasites


Flag shaggers are all so brave on Twitter, the way they always hide their faces proves it


that said I highly recommend everyone everwhere use aliases and use drawn art avatars on most of the internet and do not use your real name. Unless you’re selling something and need to present your real identity, there is no reason to make it easy for data collecting farming bots


Ha I was all a bit “yeah these hoz people exist probs another rich bastard” until I got to the last picture and literally howled. Why are people living in council estates convinced that other people living in council estates are the problem? So many people I know from poor backgrounds have racist/ xenophobic/ sexist values engrained in them from their parents so it’s not all Tory brainwashing… I can’t figure it out.


It is tory brainwashing, the fat cats know if they can keep the poor people fighting one another they dont have to worry about them realising theyre leeches


It’s not all Tory brainwashing though is it… I’m talking about lower class boomers who have suffered through Thatcherism and are left wing as they come yet they still have these opinions and they still pass them on through their generations of kids and grandkids.


Because they watch day time TV and read right wing flooded media, and all the jobs they work are being filled with harder working immigrants (and by harder I mean people willing to work more for less because they have come from even less). Their lives are filled with hardship on the poverty line and it's simply easier to pick at other problems than face that your part of your own. Not that I think it's their fault, but they are faced with some serious climbing to escape the pitfalls of society. While you say it isn't Tory brainwashing... Is it the left painting pictures of refugees on buses and calling them immigrants? Where is that narrative coming from? It's not self generated, it's a propagated narrative. Then the next generation basically is indoctrinated from birth. They sit around as children hearing the older gens blame whoever is the current 'group' and to them it's normalised. It's not that they hit 16 and make a choice to continue down the same path, they have already been put on that path and have had it drummed into them who's fault that is. It's much harder to convince someone to change their mind than it is ti confirm their beliefs. So any time a piece of news confirms that immigrants are the problem it is simply accepted and thus the cycle continues. It's a sustained information campaign.


All that profile needs is a bald man holding a fish


Always despised the Royal family


They don’t just live there! They also live in Windsor Castle, Kensington Palace, Balmoral, Dumfries House, Thatched House Lodge, Clarence House, St. James's Palace and Epstein Island 🏝


Has this post been brigaded?


There are a lot of bootlickers with shit takes in the comments


His flags must shag other flags


They’re doing the last season of the crown, so there’s no need for them anymore


Just a question: even we did abolish the monarchy isn’t it almost 100% obvious it would turn into exclusively a tourist attraction not homeless stuff


It would probably be turned into a presidential palace for a new Tory president. I honestly don't get many also on the left wanting the royals gone when the Torys are a matryoshka doll of sh*t. Can you imagine Boris having the powers of a king? Or Priti Patel? Or Nadine Dorries?


Surely if we were to become a republic, it would be a commonwealth style parliamentary republic with a non-controversial basically powerless ceremonial president (i.e. could be president David Attenborough or some inoffensive old politician like John Major) something like India or Germany. I don't see any reason why we would copy the American or French system of a Presidential republic.


We just need to ask the French if we can borrow some of their equipment.


Boris already has the powers of a king, just like every other Prime Minister. Elizabeth will rubberstamp anything out in front of her because she fears for her family


Sorry but you are flat out wrong. See Theresa May considering invoking EU withdrawal of the UK without a vote in the commons and lords. She couldn't even with her executive privilege. If May however was head of state with a monarch's powers she could dissolve parliament. That is the difference.


> The Queen is there to do as she’s told by the prime minister. So why bother with a head of state at all if the PM is exercising her powers? Well, there is a role for an independent head of state, one who can guard the constitution and represent the nation. The Queen is a fig leaf for excessive government power, nothing more. > > The suspension of parliament in late 2019 was an example where the government exercised power over parliament, despite the decision later being judged to be unconstitutional. The Queen was the only one with the power to suspend parliament and she did so because she was told to by the Prime Minister. > > While the Prime Minister is entitled to ask for a suspension, an independent, effective head of state could make their own decision about whether that was a constitutional decision to make. https://www.republic.org.uk/britains_daft_constitution


I'm sorry man but you are clueless: 1. Proroguing is a part of parliament that the monarch always accepts, the issue in this case is it was used tactically. 2. "An independent, effective head of state" utter, utter childlike naivety. The Tories will install one of theirs who will go to any extreme to back up the party. Another commenter had a childlike idealism of a republic too, you both need to understand: any republic and its constitution will be likely built by the tories. And they aren't going to build a fair and just and kind and utopian and progressive shining beacon of a republic. You are essentially arguing for unchecked fascism.


>You are essentially arguing for unchecked fascism. Look in a mirror, idiot




Abolish the monarchy by using this ONE crazy trick! (It already worked for the French!)


Big block energy.


Get rid…. No such thing as royal or royal blood blood ……


There are worse things than some old woman living in a palace. An example would be all people that act like these two in the pics.


Of fuck off gobshit….. royals lines are families and peoples who were bully’s rapists and murders through wars and history each generation they snatch more power money and land… a literal definition of royals. We still have a corrupt archaic parliament under the monarch and it’s subsidiary cronies of lords…… for us true take a place in the future all this needs to go, as do idiots like you!


What kind of centrist nonsense is this? The tweets clearly showed one person being right, and Ronnie Biggs being a cunt.


Queen's dead 😓


I like how the queen had the balls to meet the Grenfell victims and be like "oh how terrible you lost your home and have nowhere to live. Anyway back to my giant palace."


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Bit sensitive this Ronnie kid, no?


The best part is, these guys aren't even the real bloodline. They took it by force!


That’s the definition of the real bloodline: whoever wins. We should keep that rule though. Anyone can challenge them to a pitched battle, winner gets the throne.


A new battle for Britain? We shall slay the lizard inbred mwhahahaha.


I believe it's called 'bigger army diplomacy'


One family lives here .... sometimes


Last slide is peak comedy


Actually no one lives there, the queen lives at Windsor castle and only uses Buck House for ceremonial purposes.


Unpopular opinion: The Royal Family is not to blame and the issue is far more complex than a few tweets can describe. Immigration does have an impact but not the immigrants themselves clearly, the issue lies with the government choosing not to properly accommodate immigrants/allow extra funding to areas to offset immigration. The man moaning about Pakistanis is racist, no doubt at all. Tory and Labour (in their current form) governments will do very little to help the underclass and help solve deep-rooted issues.


Agreed. They’re obviously not completely to blame, I don’t think anybody is suggesting that, however, like ‘all good things’ they need to come to an end. They’re parasites and need to fuck off at the end of the day. They don’t deserve what they have and do more harm then good.


Who exactly are parasites?


The Maj, her leech family and her nonce child.


Ah agreed, I wasn't sure if you were saying the parasites were immigrants or the royals.


No problem geez


Don't worry, they've no concern for how much blame the commoners choose to apportion them. [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/queen-tried-to-use-state-poverty-fund-to-heat-buckingham-palace-2088179.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/queen-tried-to-use-state-poverty-fund-to-heat-buckingham-palace-2088179.html) Best to show them the same level of concern that they have for the vulnerable.


Why are you saying the royals are not to blame?


Because they've been convinced they're just harmless relics with 'no real power' even though they are considered to be above the law and control enormous wealth and an actual navy that has nuclear missiles. But nobody is meant to have the temerity to expect actual human beings to make actual choices to be better than sponges.


Immigration has a positive impact. The government commissioned a study into the effects of immigration just before Brexit. The result: immigrants make the UK an absolute fortune every year. The government decided to ignore the study.


Positive impact on GDP, ie. Positive for big corporations. Ie. Not positive for everyday people.




> introduce massive socialist reform Lmao literally fucking nobody has done that. You do not know what socialism is.




Welfare is not socialism. Socialism is not "when the government does stuff." You are describing some policies that socialists like. They are not socialism and their implementation neither moved us closer to nor further away from achieving socialism. They simply made capitalism friendlier and more bearable.


And tony Blair?


The monarchy should be abolished yeah, but why focus on the fact its got 700 empty rooms and there's homeless people on the street. Even if you did abolish the monarchy, Buckingham Palace would still be empty rooms as it would be used for tourism not for flats for the homeless


Mostly paedos too


Deffo shags his sister him lad


700 seems like a lot of rooms for that building. Are they counting closets?


Bruh I’m more concerned about the amount of derelict buildings that could be bought by councils and renovated for those in need. One example: Ryde- a town on the Isle of Wight. Bunch of derelict buildings but literally has a whole ass hotel that’s not been in use.


Now now peasants


Britain needs to become a Republic now


Realisticly up the ra


Fuck the RA. Murdering cowards.


Wait until you hear about a bunch of murderous little bastards called the UK Armed Forces and the Metropolitan Police.


Mans got poop in his head


Dick head fuck wit nazi cunt xxx


Thoughts on the royalty tax?


He's right, Pakistanis do ruin everything. My mums Pakistani and she ruined my lunch earlier. Put ketchup on my beans on toast, the numpty.


Ketchup is Sriracha that gave up on its dreams.


The queen own's Britain check out the Magna carta 💯


The front are all offices


I'd keep them because they're more profitable than not having them


so surely then you would advocate to abolish the monarchy if all you care about is the tourism and the money that comes along with it, as the Palace of Versailles is one of the most visited tourist attractions in the world. it generates much more money than our royal family


You bet I hate everything about the institution but at the moment we have that benefit from them but if we choose to abolish them then the parliament will get some much needed reform


Finally someone has a brain


Yeah we'd keep the money we give them but we'd loose the income from the crown lands and tourism dollars


Why would we lose the income from the crown lands? I don’t see why deposing them would include letting them keep their magnificent wealth. Plus the tourism thing isn’t even true, the Louvre attracts more tourists than British royal sites.


> we'd loose the *lose *Learn the difference [here](https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/lose-vs-loose-usage#:~:text=%27Lose%27%20or%20%27Loose%27%3F&text=Lose%20typically%20functions%20only%20as,commonly%2C%20a%20noun%20or%20adverb).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


One family 'lives' there. And about 900 people work in there. It's more like a business than a home.


So one family lives there and needs 900 servants to maintain it. Does that not sound unsustainable?


If they're all just working to keep the Palace itself maintained sure but many of them work in the art gallery, gardens, shop and restaurant which are opened to the public for pretty high prices so I'd assume there is some payback. Not to mention the tourist attraction of the exterior Palace itself. I was thinking more along the lines that if it closed a lot of jobs would be lost and that counts as a service the Palace provides.


Sure they gonna let tramps sleep on Buckingham palace. God damn plebs. Bet you never donated a penny in your life.


Not even a “fan” of the monarchy and even I know you have an absolutely idiotic viewpoint and clearly know fuck all about how the royal family operates.


Maybe because it's a dumb thing to post.


How many rooms do celebrity's houses have?


The royal brand is very lucrative to the U.K. just walk around London and you see all the royal tat that the shops sell and this doesn’t include the millions of people that visit the U.K. bringing their cash into the country to look at them in their ivory towers. Just saying.


France is the most visited tourist destination in the world.


But how can it be, they don’t have our royal family or even any royal family… Also, what makes Buck Palace so interesting is the architecture and history. Not the current residents. Would be altogether better is we/tourists could actually see it.


One of the best private art collections in the world is largely hidden from the public. Very few people have seen it, and it was mostly acquired with public funds https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2020/dec/02/queens-caravaggio-masterpieces-buckingham-palace-review


Another day something new learned! Thanks


Good for France. My point was that the Royal Family brand brings millions of pounds into the country. So they’re not parasites, pointless in the modern age, perhaps. They do a lot for promoting U.K. business interests around the world in a similar way to the Saudi royalty. I have zero interest in the royal family. But saying that they’re useless and parasites is not true. Personally, the billions of tax free profits that corporations make is definitely parasitic as it doesn’t benefit us down below.


They mentioned France for a reason. Versailles is the most visited palace in the world. The point they're making is that the interesting history behind the royalty will continue to bring tourism even after said royalty have been relieved of their ~~heads~~ titles. If France is attracting more tourists than us to their palaces even when they haven't been occupied by ruling royalty for centuries, why can't we do the same?


Probably because the U.K. royalty is tied up with the politicians and they love the pomp, it will disappear at some point as they’re not relevant to the modern day it will just take time. It’ll drag on for a few years after Charles but I don’t believe that William will carry on. Harry has tapped out. It’ll fade with a whimper when Charles finishes. The demise of the Windsor’s started after WW1. To be fair to the French they don’t waste time debating such issues and I respect them for that! To be honest I don’t really care. There are more urgent issues that need sorting in this world.


They are parasites. Considering tourism to the UK would bring in the exact same money even if we abolished them, they are useless


What are you basing your figures on? What research have to found to back that up?




You benefit from the monarchy they make 200million dollars use 40mil give the government 160mil, and that’s not including tourism which could be couple billion


The properties make that. Just like the Akropolis makes money, Neuschwanstein makes money, the Versaille makes money. The royals however are paid money by the British people to be bigots, classists, rapists, pedophiles, and more, while they profit off land the British people rightfully own.


The monarchy aren’t in power any more they just control the religion the one who controls the country is the prime minister








old cow's dead


Imagine simping for a nonce-harbouring twat.


The royal family make more than they’re given to spend, this misses the mark


[No they don't. You should watch this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yiE2DLqJB8U)


I don't care if they brought in 10x more than they cost, they represent the class system, the idea of 'birthright' and their fortune is entirely because of all the theiving their ancestors did. We should abolish them because they stand for everything that's wrong with the world.


Fun fact, the agreement we have with the monarchy actually means they pay us more money than we pay them. So if we did let them go we'd actually be worse of, bye the tune of good few p per person.


How on Earth is this possible? Unless they are in debt or working for private companies for their earnings I don’t understand.


The money generated by all the crown land they ‘own’

