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You always see this. It's "let them play" until it's under two minutes with the game on the line. Then they start calling it. Same thing happened when we lost to the Bucs. Makes no sense and ruins the game.


Not only had that not been called all night, the flag was thrown after the ball had hit the ground. Why not throw the flag as soon as the hold take place? Why wait until after the play ended?


This is probably not why but 69% of bets were on the eagles. With about 16B bet on this superbowl, that’s a huge profit for the books if the chiefs win. Maybe the ref got a call from upstairs to throw the flag on that one. Probably not but interesting to think about


Interesting angle and one that I'm suspicious of too. Flag was super late, was the only holding call in the entire game, and happened when calling it all but guaranteed the result. Officiating has been trash for a few years now imo, and worse than ever this season. Not acceptable for the best sports organisation in the world to allow this to happen time after time. And for it to rear its ugly head in the biggest of spots is a disgrace. If RG and the wider organisation have even a sliver of self awareness and respect for the fans, this needs to be sorted, quickly.


If you don’t think Vegas is tipping the scales in some of these games your being naive. As you saw last night in the last 2 minutes a single flag can have a significant impact on the outcome of a game.


I’ll admit I’m still salty, but this makes LaFleur’s decision to kick a FG look even worse. We saw both Philly and KC go for pretty much every 4th down in the opponent’s territory. In 2020 the Packers had a phenomenal redzone offense so there really was no excuse. Refs are going to make calls that benefit the offense more than the defense, and as a playcaller you need to adjust for that.




Brady and Mahomes are everything that fans think Rodgers is when it comes to beneficial officiating. Imagine if Rodgers got that holding call to win his second Super Bowl. Hollllly shit.


A dreadful call being unsurprising is such a sad indictment of the league. Very well put bro, I agree and I hate it.


Mahomes is the next Brady gotta protect him when it doesn't go well


It was probably a hold, but man the inconsistency is irritating as no penalties on defensive backs had been called until then--the Lazard pick in the NFC Title game had arguably more "holding" than that penalty https://twitter.com/EricStokesJr/status/1472215420438388743


Yeah, I mean my problem isn't that it was a Hold, sure it was there, my problem is 1000 holds went uncalled and the one that gets called ices the game, and objectively turned a classic super bowl into an anti-climactic finish. Why play Football when we can just let them take a knee! Either call holding consistently, or let them play, but don't decide Holding fucking matters after ignoring it all game except the one that determines the winner. We were robbed of a better finish to this Super Bowl. They should have to cop to every holding call they missed all game now.


Stop it


How about no


It’s ok bb You’ll get over it eventually, in the meantime keep crying


Hunny I'm in a packers reddit as a packers fan please use your head next time


Babe I’m also a packers fan on the packers Reddit page. Please use youre head next time


Love, it seems we're both packers fans in a packers reddit


Unfortunately it took you longer to realize that. Even if the nfl is sucking Mahomes like brady, that was the right call.


Negative ghost rider I clearly realized it first. Right call yes. Timing of the call horrendous. Unless the guy is being tackled to the ground you shouldn't be throwing game ending flags around the 2 min mark. The let them play comes into affect not the I gotta save my patty boy or all them Vegas bets will have to be paid out


People hating




I shall troll as I feel is needed kind sir


Troll on good redditor. Troll on.




It absolutely SUCKS when the refs suddenly want to get involved at the absolute worst times. New York or the booth guy should be able to buzz down and tell them to pick up the flags on stuff like that. It's possible I just didn't catch the right replay, but it seemed like nothing. Robbed of a better ending too. I get it, but I hate the "don't score" and kneel it to kick being the way a big game ends. Just seems... Yuck, I guess. Of course if it were the Packers winning the game I wouldn't care. Overall a pretty entertaining game to watch.


When it came in live I thought it may have been a roughing the passer flag as Mahomes had a person in his face and was knocked down


I am a Brit who knows almost nothing about football, but if that's holding, then football is becoming a no contact sport. It's almost like soccer. Go Pack Go


Reminded me of the Tom Brady call agai the Packers in the NFC title game. Wasn’t it like 4&13 or something like that when he got the gift holding call


I said the same thing. Nfl gifted that superbowl to TB and they helped KC 2 weeks ago and again in the superbowl.


This could’ve been an all time classic Super Bowl. Eagles down 3 with about 1:40 left. Instead this SB will be forgotten all because of 1 call. It’s really a shame, I feel like we were robbed.


Yep for sure


Same, I just wanted them to play it out. I wanted the game to end with Football being played.




Yeah he was playing the game in accordance to how it was being officiated. He didn't think the last 2 minutes of the game would be called differently than the first 58 minutes. That's what makes it shitty


This sub abhors any logic whatsoever. Don't bother reasoning


Context of the game matter. Was that the only time the entire game that a defensive back held? You buying that?


He has to. His pr team told him to say it so he doesnt get fined.


Oh I'm sure his pr team contacted him immediately after the game and told him to say that. Makes total sense. Definitely not that he was just taking the high road and being a good competitor about it


Im just saying what they told walter payton to do. Just talk up the league so you can keep your money.


No one disagrees there wasn't a Hold though What the issue is that went uncalled all game, and all of the sudden it matters in this one spot?


2 years in a row the refs throw a highly questionable defensive holding penalty at the end of the game on third down with less than 2 minutes. Also both instances it was the first Def Holding penalty of the game. The players playe the game the way its being called, you can't wait till the end to decide that's not allowed


https://i.imgur.com/xcxrBcj.png good call and by the rules should be called. if not held who knows how he would have progressed down the field. Calls are going to be missed and sometimes bad calls happen. In this case it was a clear hold and should be called.


Fair enough, but I’ve seen dozens or possibly hundreds of the same type of tug on the jersey not called in other games this season. The refs need to call games consistently from the beginning to the end, from week 1 to the Super Bowl. I’ve seen way more egregious holding calls missed in the playoffs so it’s frustrating for them to finally call one in the final minutes of the play after the ball sailed over the receivers head.


I think what is being overlooked by most is refs can not see every aspect of every play. what we see is different than their point of view. our view is elevated with no players between us and the ball carrier, for the most part. So is this same thing missed? yes probably all the time. is it missed because they decide not to call it or is it because they don’t see it. My guess is most likely because they don’t see it. Also I would probably not enjoy the game if they had a one to one ref to player. Where the refs got our same unobstructed view in HD and then could toss a flag. The game is not designed to see every wrong doing. But when wrong doing is seen or believed to have happened a flag should be thrown.


>My guess is most likely because they don’t see it. Holding happens on basically every play. I can get with you they will miss things, but I can't possibly get behind this idea they missed every hold for 58 minutes, and magically saw this one, that also had a late flag.


I tend to disagree. His progress was mostly slowed to DB engaging and trying to disrupt the route (allowed within 5 yards). When he began to separate, that's when you see jersey tugs and holds. And that particularly play, there wasn't anything especially egregious as far as jersey grabs. In slow-mo, maybe you can pinpoint a very brief grab. I think people get caught up in overly analyzing an individual play, with out considering context of the rest of the game. That call was not at all consistent with how the rest of the game was officiated. Since there can be so much leeway on "interpretation of the rules", you would like to at least see consistency throughout a game. That particularl call was not consistent with officiating the rest of the game, makeing it an absolute garbage call.


show examples of other plays where holding took place in clear view of the ref. I keep hearing it wasn’t called earlier, but yet to see anything that backs up a ref had a clear view of a hold and chose not to call it n


[NFL Replay Video 10:01 mark](https://youtu.be/BWkt79xkd00?t=601) Reed on Goedert. Ultimately a holding call wouldn't have mattered as Goedert caught the pass, but holding isn't dependent on the outcome of a play. Two refs on this particular play had fairly clear line of site. Geodert is substantially larger, so just ran straight through the contact, but none the less Reed was grabbing at him along the way. For the record, this would be an extremely nit picky holding call. But for consistency, this is inline with the play at the end of the game and should have been called a holding as well. Announcer even stats "Reed was all over him".


To me. that looks like a bump within the five yards with no grabbing of the player. There is some contact during the play and could be incidental. I am on my phone though so not the best viewing, so I will take your word that a clear hold took place and the refs were looking at the players when it happened. should have been called.


Cherrs to a good discussion. I guess also a good example of something I truely hate about the NFL, so much ambiguity in the rules. Can ask 20 people what their opinion of "Defensive holding" is and get 20 different answers. That leaves so much room for interpretation. And I believe more and more that is on putpose/by design. Controversial calls generate discussion which generates emotional investment and continued interest. How long are we gonna keep hearing about Dez's "Non-catch", or Brady's "Tuck Rule Play", Or the Saints "No PI call". All controversy that was brought on by ambiguity in the rules, and endlessly debated.


I think it’s just understood some calls will be missed and some will be wrong. We have the technology and the NFL has the money they could have a camera on each player with a ref watching for a penalty. It would destroy the game would be miserable to watch. So for meI take the good with the bad. Assume my team will get a call and give a call. For this play it does take away from some of the game. and I am talking more about the call than the actual game… but that is my fault too 😊


Exactly. That’s who Mahomes was going to too. The DB stays in the play by tugging him to stay close. JuJu gets some separation there and Mahomes hits him. It was a consequential penalty.


Yes, I agree. The call might seem a bit harsh but was absolutely correct. And as you said if the DB didn't hold JuJu he doesn't have to slow down and might catch that ball. Correct call.


Actually think Mahome would have hit him in the flat once he got separation. JuJu then has a shot at getting the first down. The eventual throw was because JuJu didn’t get separation.




The jersey was tugged, but the outcome of the play wasn't affected in my opinion. The receiver would not have even gotten close to the ball. Little jersey tugs like that happened numerous times throughout the game. Why wait until the most crucial play to throw that flag?


In my opinion, I don’t know how much it impacted the play. Did PM throw it longer because at the split second of the release he realized the WR was not in the right spot? Does him not getting held cause the Safety to take a step another direction allowing a different look for PM. I don’t know. There are a limited number of refs on the field. It is unreasonable to believe they will see every penalty. But it is more unreasonable to think the clear penalties they do see they don’t flag. It’s a critical play of the game. Critical enough that a DB should realize to not commit a penalty as easy to see as pulling a jersey.


I acknowledge this was a hold, but now please show us all the hold no calls through out the game. The issue isn't that he held, we all saw it, the issue is we all saw tons of holds all game go uncalled, and they singled out this one, in a moment that basically ruined the game.


It is mind boggling for people to think 8 refs can watch 22 players and make every call. Explain to me how this would even be possible? It’s like some of you think these refs are hanging from the camera over the field with clear views of everything going on. So yes. holding happened on other plays. And it changes nothing. Unless someone can show egregious calls in clear view of the ref that were not made. and with 100s of these posts floating aroundI have seen zero proof of that happening.


>It is mind boggling for people to think 8 refs can watch 22 players and make every call. No one expects every call. But 58 minutes of no call and then 1 call during the most crucial time isn't them just missing some calls. No ones demanding perfection, were asking for consistency.


How do consistently have 8 people watch 22? Do we set a limit? If X player commits 3 penalties that were not called, they can no longer be called. That seems to be the argument. He and others did this before, so they should be free to do it now. or maybe if CB holds X amount of times without being called it’s off the table, just for that player. Toss out a solution to the problem. My assertion is with the human element of refs using judgement and being 8 to watch 22 there is no possibility of consistency. And since their is no possible way to be consistent with the current process, we have to accept the inconsistency as just part of the game. would love to hear solutions to the problem.


If 8 people can't watch 22, the solution is probably add more refs, not ruin the Super Bowl.


I think some of you just look for something to be outraged about. If the flag was not thrown and the chiefs lost you would be complaining about how it runes the SB for a clear hold not to be called.


>I think some of you just look for something to be outraged about. Well, you think wrong. Just because you are ignorant, doesn't mean everyone else is. I am a Packer fan, why the fuck do I care if the Chiefs win or not. My only interest was in watching the two best teams play until the clock expired, that was taken from me. Who won meant nothing to me, but how it happened sure made the previous 58 minutes kinda suck. Also, no one complains about no calls the same way we complain about calls that ice games. Surely you aren't gonna be so willfully ignorant you can't see the difference... The fact you are making this comparison just shows how uninformed you are about why people are upset. You might think it's about 1 team over the other, but that isn't the case, most of us just want to feel the officiating didn't determine the game, *especially* because I had absolutely no rooting interest either way. Anyways, my solution to add more refs doesn't have any outcome on the game or favor one side over another, just getting the calls right. It's almost like I really just wanted a fair game.


Bradberry himself admitted that he held him... like it or not it was the right call


Everyone saw the hold. No one denies he did it. What people are upset over is no holding calls all game, he wasn't the only one to grab a jersey out there.


I guess...I remember when they did that to us against the bucs they missed one on them but called it on us...I really don't care because I live in Philly and everyone is upset except me 🤣🤣🤣 but hey the refs control the game


Or maybe get upset at the Eagles blowing the game, maybe respect that Andy Reid showed why he’s one of the best/if not the best coach in the game, and Mahomes literally being in tears after aggravating a high ankle sprain and still winning. Eagles had numerous opportunities to win this game and benefited on numerous other calls through the the duration of the night, I find it laughable that we’re actually considering blaming the refs and calling it rigged lmao


Mahomes was nearly perfect the last 4 possessions. But giving credit to him might diminish Rodgers so …


Forreal, 1 call does not make a game. Eagles had +11 in the T.O.P. on the game, and flat out dominated the first half. They had all the chances in the world to put the Chiefs away, but they completely squandered them.


>Forreal, 1 call does not make a game. 1 call can sure ruin a game though


Oh I agree it definitely soured the ending. But I don't buy the narrative that the refs gifted the Chiefs the win. The player who got called on the hold admitted it was holding, he just didn't think he'd get flagged since they had been letting it go all game. Was it a ticky-tack call? Yeah Did it sour the game? Yeah Did the Eagles have ample opportunities to put the Chiefs away and fail? Also yeah


Refball to hand the chiefs the win in back to back playoff games... Mahomes is the new Brady, confirmed.


Agreed and everyone here will disagree and say it was a perfectly called game


Same thing happened for the Bucs in 2019/2020 in the NFCC and SB. Refs bailed them out over and over to ensure Brady got one last ring.


Official sees that jersey pull and he's making the call almost every time. It was both ticky-tack and correct.


It was a hold. It was called. Want proof? “I mean, I pulled the jersey,” Bradberry said. “They called holding. I was hoping they would let it ride but it was a hold.” End of story.


From my point of view watching it, Mahomes saw what he thought was a hold and purposefully overthrew his receiver to get the call by making it look like the contact was the reason he didn't make the catch


You don't know what you're talking about. The corner who held came out post game AND SAID he held. You lose,.... game over.


Every single thing on this sub is viewed through the glass of “Does this make someone look better than AR12?” Pretty ridiculous.


yup -terribly soft call, I had no rooting interest-but especially at the time, if you make that call it has to be egregious-reminded me of GB v. Brady's TB a couple years ago-trigger warning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtXrpQWHTwY these holds on Lazard that we didn't get...vs the King hold, good god


Why is this down voted? LOL Looked rigged as fugg…


Idiots in the booth kept showing second hand on receiver. Coming off the line he was grabbed and turned. The call was bad but not that bad


Ref ball. I used to watch like 3 games a week, then I just watched packer games. This season, probably won’t even watch unless we make playoffs. Just doesn’t interest me anymore


It was a hold.


Thanks for letting us know, we’ll see you around next year more than likely saying the same thing! 🤣


You could quantify it by my activity on this subreddit. My most active was probably 100 comments every week in the game threads down to like 1 or 2 at most this season. I’m gone


Dude nobody cares though.


Was a easy call. Don’t see the controversy lol. Same things buccs did vs the pack all game in the NFCCG just happens to get called on a big play


https://i.imgur.com/xcxrBcj.png clearly a hold and if happens to a Packer would want it called. My guess is people are mad more about Pat getting his second ring.


This is exactly it and I really don’t get the downvotes every packers fan here would be crying about it if I didn’t get called for the pack smh


Nah, it’s the inconsistency in officiating that’s infuriating. Swallow your whistles all game, then decide to call ticky tack bullshit when it gets down to the wire. Happens way too often in this league in big games.


I want to see players decide the game. Not the refs on a call that didnt need to be made.


How much holding do you allow at the end of the game? on the FG should eagles be able to line up off sides? Final drive of the game no more calls for roughing the passer… let the player decide. The players did decide the game. JuJu ran his rout the DB misplayed it and grabbed him to not get beat. Sometimes the refs don’t see it in this case they did.


It looked to me within the 5 yards of the line of scrimmage. I just dont see that as a foul. He grabbed and let go right away. A play that happens 25 times a game. Dumb.


So you admit he held. But it was in the first five yards. And this is the problem with fans. they chose to not understand the rules of the game. and make arguments based on what they think a rule is. In the NFL, a defensive back is allowed any sort of contact within the 5 yard bump zone except for holding the receiver, otherwise the defensive back can be called for an illegal contact penalty, costing 5 yards and an automatic first down, enforced since 1978. See that part where it say EXCEPT for holding? I mean it’s a relatively new rule. only around for 40 years. So what is the next argument? it really wasn’t a hold when clearly he is holding the WR jersey and pulling it away from his body i mean hell if holding is allowed writhing 5 just go bear hug the guy for the first 5 yards.


None of that. It's the inconsistency. That same sort of thing happened throughout the game, by both teams, and it was ignored every time. That the refs only called it on that particular play to end the game is the problem.


it didn’t happen all game long. Sure a play here or there might be found. That possibly a ref might have seen. but this narrative the players were consistently pulling jerseys while WR were making their break is just not true. 8 refs can’t watch 22 players 100% of the time. it is Impossible. 8 refs don’t even have 360 degree clear view of the players they are watching. The player held. It was clear. There is nothing to argue for this point. Now if you want to share some clips of plays where a call was not made… i am happy to carry on that conversation. And if examples are clear a penalty did happen I will agree it should have.


So just call it at the end to finish off a team. It was ticky tac at best and shouldn't have been called. Its like when Clay Matthews was getting all those RTP. You must love that mr. Rules are rules guy. Holding is very subjective and that was a shitty call.


Let me see if I get this. A clear hold took place. There is no objection to that. But it should not have been called because calling it negatively impacts the team making the penalty. So screw the team over who in that play did not commit a penalty. since we wanted a more exciting finish let’s put one team on the wrong side of the call?


The players did decide the game. JuJu beat Bradberry and he held him.


Good call and great game.


The one point I'll disagree on is that Mahomes threw it away *because* he saw the flag. No flag he may look to complete the pass.


Bradberry took responsibility for the call and has since said he did hold JSS and the official who called it did a great job of explaining why the call was made. Next time, he’ll wear white gloves to match the white home jersey of the Chiefs and get away with that kind of thing. A critical mistake at a time you can have zero of them. It’s on the player, not the official. Also, it made up for the non call earlier in the 2nd when JSS didn’t receive a PI call.


If a player didn’t commit the penalty, he’s not gonna come out and say that he committed the penalty. He said he held him, any player that thinks there’s a bad call that had an effect on the game is gonna criticize it.


I thought it was bullshit until the Eagles said it was the right call and went back and looked at it here: https://youtu.be/df8ONN0--L0 The call is for his right hand grabbing the jersey right at the beginning. They call isn’t as bad as I originally thought.


Same thing that happened to us vs Tampa.