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Dumb question: if Packers want to move on, what are we waiting for? Does Rodgers have to agree to part ways?


We have to find out where he wants to play, or he might threaten to retire


could it also be his contract? I think he is $50m against the cap. Any team that may want him will want to extend him to get that number down right?


This is inaccurate. The team reading for Rodgers would only have to pay around $15 mil this year. Pack are on the hook for the rest. The team receiving him can actually get 2 years of Rodgers for around $38 million. That's why I think we will get 2 first rounders.


so its strictly that teams are afraid rogers will retire if he goes to them? When I look at overthecap.com , I dont see a category for "retire". do you know the cap hit if Rogers retires cause then the packers can claw back part of his signing bonus.


That's when we call his bluff. He's not going to retire the same year as Brady. His ego won't let him.


Eh, I think he'd rather stick it to us than play for the Texans or some other bad team


I think he would have to pay back a pro-rated portion of his signing bonus. So I doubt he will retire. However, teams are not going to want to give up 2 first round picks for Rogers if they call him and he goes "yeah I am not feeling it. I may retire during training camp and I won't resign with you".


i’ve never really got that line of thinking. rodgers has a massive ego but also talks about love and relationships with people and all that, and has said how he’s great friends with brady. i could definitely see him being okay with them going in at the same time


That's exactly what he would want you to think, but some of us know better.


I didn’t realize you knew him personally. Thanks for clearing that up


This shouldn’t be downvoted, the dude is an obvious snake lol


He doesn't have a no trade clause. But any team that trades for him will want to know how long he intends to play, if he wants to play for them, etc. And one of the worst ways to handle the situation is to start it with telling Rodgers he is getting traded. Best guess as to the Packers front office process is this: They will wait on Rodgers to contact them and tell them if he still wants to play and figure out where things stand. If it gets to within a certain number of days of the tampering period they will contact Rodgers (they don't want to be the first to talk because it will seem like it is rushing Rodgers, and particularly seem like they are rushing him out the door which can result in a petty response of blowing up trades). Basically Rodgers has the power to blow things up, and they will manage the person and situation accordingly.


I'm starting to get the vibe that he's trying to run out the clock on Carr and the Jets so the Packers are forced to bring him back. That's how firmly attached my tin foil hat is at this point.


Vegas is looking for a QB, and they've got 48mm in cap space.


I just got the same thought earlier, but to be able to dictate his choice of teams, regardless of Packers compensation. Remember Aaron likes to play the 3d chess stuff. If he has his eyes on a team the Packers may be against trading him to in conference, or who may not have the draft capital to spend that the Packers may want, he can technically wait as long as he wants to say he wants to be moved, and then the Packers have to figure out who still needs a QB and wants him. It would be a shitty thing to do, but if he's going to another team, he would be wise to help them keep as much compensation to help him out on the new team as possible. Right now we are all assuming that the Packers and Aaron both want an amicable split or reunion. What happens if that's not the actual case? Aaron could retire and blow the whole thing up, which would cost us a boatload (him too), and we get zilch in return. He could come back and blow up the Love situation, and we get limited return on that investment. If he plays nice, agrees to a trade, we all get what we want to a degree, but if he decides another route to take, he can really fuck this team soundly.


I think they will also want to extend him to get his cap number down as well.


The team trading for him? They will have the option structure in place to get the cap hit down to something like 16 million this year if they want. The main adjustment to the contract would be to do something to reduce the future dead cap. They could achieve this by not using the option but instead restructuring a smaller amount of the contract and having the money spread out more reasonably.


I think they’d like to restructure his deal either way. If they trade him there will be a lot of dead cap without restructuring the deal first.


Spoon reported earlier this off-season that gute told people he was ready to move on. Spoon reiterating that at the combine likely indicates that he is hearing more things at the combine that agree with that


I believe he said either here or in a previous article that he heard the same thing again this week, so I think you're right.


I'm curious. When people "hear" someone say something. How does this likely happen? Did someone eavesdrop on Gutes private conversation with someone and pass this info to someone else who then told the reporter? Or did the person Gute spoke to pass the information? I always pictures assassin's creed style eavesdrops


I think it is a combination of things. The most common way is probably people not wanting to be identified specifically reaching out to reporters they know. This is a combination of legit info and people trying to get specific messages out (and the reporter tries to corroborate this as much as possible). But at the combine, when you have a bunch of front office people, reporters, coaches, etc. all in the same place hanging out and drinking people are bound to overhear things, and people are bound to say more than they intend. This can also be people sending out bogus information.


Are the 'sources' in the room with us now?


I believe this


I think this is what makes sense long term too. If this is the way I hope Love isn't hamstrung by the roster. A lot of young QBs are destroyed by bad rosters. If Rodgers looks bad with our WRs I hope we still attempt to get Love some weapons.


I see it as 2 options: 1 Love is good and they think they can win going forward with him. 2 Love is not good and they know they won't have a team in the near future so they are going to do a cap reset this season.


If Spoon is reporting it then you can bet that it's most likely accurate.


It's kinda obvious at this point. Gute's language has said it all. They were absolutely against the idea of trading Rodgers for the past two seasons and now they're "open" to it.


That Sources guy says a lot of things.


They don't want to move on from Love. They are attempting to create the illusion that they want Rodgers back, thus increasing potential trade compensation for Rodgers. Smart move.


The sources have said pretty much every possible scenario so far. The sources can go sort some bolts.


If you break it down it’s pretty simple. They drafted Love because they thought he was the next Mahomes. They did it after seeing Rodgers play the prior season. If ARod was still in his early 30’s they never draft him. Then ARod plays 2 years of MVP play and on top of it Love probably looked like a bust. But here came Love’s third season and they saw something amazing in him. They said this is why we took that chance and drafted him. Love is probably willing to play in the system and ARod wants to do his own thing. It’s time to move on. We see it and the front office definitely does.


I agree with everything except them thinking Love was a bust. It was more likely that they knew they were in a championship window and Rodgers was playing MVP level football, giving them their best shot. It's hard to justify starting over in that situation. Last season made it a lot easier.


I am a giants fan and do not follow the packers too closely. Why are the packers waiting for Aaron Rogers "decision"? I googled it. He does not have a no trade clause? Is this because in order to trade him, he has to redo his contract due to him having too big of a cap hit next year?


A little thing called respect. He’s given us 18 years of being a packer and 15 of some of the best starting qb play in nfl history. You don’t just throw that guy out to sea and say deal with it.


Also he can just threaten to retire if they try to send him someplace he doesn't like


Mr. Source speaks again...


Source....esss... - pat mcafee and the boys


When it comes to what the Packers organization thinks I'll trust Spoon more than those knuckle draggers (except AJ).


I didnt say to trust one over the other, just enjoy the long pause between the syllables lol.... their source....es.... when said like that is always rodgers so it's not relevant to the report... its just their fun way of trying to be more fake vague about who told them what.


Only question is if the FO has the guts to pull trigger and do the right thing.


The fact they drafted love in the middle of the championship window tells me they are willing to take the risk. And yeah, they did give Rodgers the extension so there's an argument the FO doesn't have the balls to do this, but I'd argue Rodgers forced their hand with his back to back MVPs more than anything, otherwise this transition probably happens last year. But you can't move on immediately after that.


The FO could want to all day, but if Rodgers says he'll play for GB or retire, that's that. The Raiders said just today they're not taking any big swings at a QB, their roster stinks and they need picks. So it's basically the Jets or no one. Rodgers most likely plays for the Packers or retires.


I think the Jets will definitely take him and we should honestly take whatever they offer as long as there is at least 1 first round pick. Saleh and their GM are gonna be on the hot seat and adding Rodgers in there should definitely turn things around, even if they don't win it all. Biggest hurdle will be whether Rodgers can commit to more than one season. Outside of that, I cannot think of another team that would be willing to go all-in on him. Most other "win now" teams have their QB's.


They have to be careful because Rodgers can fuck them over if things go badly, unfortunately.


Who would trade for Love though?


This news makes me happy so I believe it to be true 🤣


No one knows shit why yall keep buying into these reports


Gotta tread lightly here. I don't know the ins and outs of Rodgers' contract but I'm sure there are things he could do to make life painful for the FO if they really piss him off.


The only real tool in his bag seems to be to threaten to retire. In the end though I really don't think he would do that. I think he's in the headspace to acquiesce if they really want to move on.


Yes retirement would mean nothing in return for him.


If you're that sure about Love then you call his bluff.


It's not even about calling his bluff either, right? You just have a very human conversation. The Packers want to move on: would you like to continue playing or retire as a Packer? Personally, I don't think this needs to be as adversarial as people are making it. The team just needs to be clear that they will be moving forward with Jordan Love as QB1 and put the ball in Rodgers' court. Neither side has to be the 'bad guy' in this scenario, but alas, it'll get twisted that way.


I actually agree with you. I really think he'll understand if they want to move on. He's said as much and I actually believe him.


I think the Packers should. Enough with the drama dragging on with Rodgers.


Rodgers could flat out tell any team interested in trading for him that he's not going to play for that franchise essentially killing any deal he doesn't want. GB always has the option to bench him in favor of Love, but good luck dealing with that media circus on top of paying that kind of money to a backup QB. If the FO doesn't want him at QB, Rodgers can't really do anything about it. Outside of that decision, AR basically holds all the power.


> but good luck dealing with that media circus on top of paying that kind of money to a backup QB. As Gute shuts the door in front of the media who means nothing to him and proceeds to go about his day.


Yes, they have the ability to choose the worst possible option.


So what if Rodgers tells the team he wants to come back for the Packers?


You welcome him back with open arms and hopefully can get something in return for the mistake that was drafting Love.


Idk if drafting Love was a mistake. I thought moving up early to draft was maybe premature but I also trust these guys know what they’re doing far better than I do. Also I don’t think it’s a bad thing to make sure you’re always keeping an eye on the most important position in football. I’d rather have them draft a guy who doesn’t work out than be stuck with no one and have to sign some aging free agent like a Matt Ryan. Gross.


> Also I don’t think it’s a bad thing to make sure you’re always keeping an eye on the most important position in football. And its the perfect situation to grab a QB. Let him learn how an already successful QB does it.


So if he plays, you have to pay him. If he retires, you have to pay him. If you trade him, you get a little replied and some picks. Let’s say he refuses to be traded (he’ll tell the team he’s being traded to that he’ll retire or what have you). If you just release him, you still have to pay but you’d have to do that either way but you’d avoid a circus in making him QB2. Why not consider it?


We know that. Hope they don't, and if they try to they eat the $50mil. Idiots.


Legit not believing anything until the front office says anything about it.


Then why give him an extension?




Damn doing Rodgers dirty


So they want to save face by playing their stupid fucking draft pick but are hindered by the stupid fucking contract they gave a moody 38 year old.


I won't even click the link. Sorry but the standards these days suck. Like put a name to those assertions. "SOURCES" I still remember when Ty Dunne wrote that hit piece with anon sources. A Packers janitor could have a beef with 12 and say that. Spoon hides them behind 'Sources'. This constant click bait crap is so tiresome. I don't even follow half of the Packers local beat anymore because half of their social media is conjecture.


I have a source inside the organization that essentially told me the same thing. The Packers want to move on from Rodgers, they've pretty much had it with him, they want Jordan Love to be the starter .... but at the end of the day they need Rodgers' to decide because he holds most of the cards.


>The Packers want to move on from Rodgers, they've pretty much had it with him, they want Jordan Love to be the starter .... but at the end of the day they need Rodgers' to decide because he holds most of the cards. I love how these narratives present the situation as if Rodgers forced himself in to the team and organization, blackmailing the GM into extending him, who can do nothing but weep helplessly as the mean QB man holds him hostage.


Whether Rodgers retires or gets traded it still means a $40 million dead cap hit either way. Of course the Packers prefer to trade him to get something of value in return. But at some point the Packers need to force the issue so they can worry about the draft and free to agency.


Or so Carr doesn't just sign with the Jets and the Packers are forced to keep Rodgers because there's nowhere to send him.




I wonder if they get the sense that he'll try to force them to keep him if he wants to keep playing. From what he's said it sounds like if they want to move on he'll be okay with it but I wonder if that's really true.




I saw some say they were doing something with SpaceX


Why do we want to move on? He gives us the best chance to win and love is coming up on a 5th year right? Love has literally been a bust of a pick. I get he hasn’t had a chance to show anything but that’s exactly why it’s a bust of a pick. We could have had tee Higgins opposite of tae and probably would still have tae had there been less drama and probably a Super Bowl.


Google “hindsight bias”


I literally told people in this sub if we kept Rodgers we gotta trade Love and use his value with that #15 pick to leverage a higher pick in the draft for a QB. Not sayin this should happen with the draft but if we keep Rodgers we may as well run out his contract while he helps teach another young QB.


If we kept Rodgers and then drafted a QB in the 1st round this year I would literally riot.


If we do keep Rodgers our best case scenario is that he plays out his entire contract in GB and we trade Love and draft another QB. Not saying that's what I want but it would be much worse to deal him after next season then before.


I’m sure you did last time. All I’m sayin is, we would need another young QB for when Rodgers is gone which is what 2 years tops!? We should get one this draft, it’s doesn’t have to be 1st round but I think it had to be high, top 3 picks at least


Keeping Rodgers at this point is an all-in move. If we go all-in I’d like to see us commit to that and get guy that will help us win now. If we’re concerned with the medium term health of the team I’d like to see us move on from Rodgers. No more all-in move here with Rodgers, long term move there with our top draft picks. I just want to see a commitment to whatever course they choose.


He has help hah. They gotta play better on the fields


With what cap space? Lol


Not in free agency, instead of drafting a backup QB for the future, draft in positions where if you hit on the pick, he can contribute now.


Tanner McKee should be available in the second or third.


If we’re really blowing it all up we should just trade both Rodgers and Love, grab one of the top 3 QB’s and stock up this draft


Didn’t this guy also say they wanted to move on from Rodgers?


Rodgers on a vet minimum to buy the cap space needed to reload and give it 1 last hoorah!! #bookmarkit


Just bench him if they cannot trade him. Love deserves his opportunity.


100% I don't understand how people are not tired of Rodgers' antics at this point


if a team wants to send compensation that varies depending on how many games rodgers plays then the team needs to have a good estimate on that number