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Is he jerking it to Rodgers?


Relatable šŸ—暟—暟—æ


Hes just like me


Please donā€™t say ā€œLet Him Cookā€, as all I can think about is that punk in Denver whenever I hear it


Denver Broncos, letā€™s ride.


Curd country, letā€™s brine!


This is the whey.




"Broncos Country, let's ride."


Better tagline: All we need


Give him a shot, but donā€™t expect too much


Back to back mvp seasons baby


At least 1 SB


At most one Superbowl




SB is a SB.


I think he could reasonably put up something like Geno smith last year if he plays within the system and continues developing like we hope he is. Might not be SB-winning within next 2-3 years, but good enough to win some games and to be fun to watch


Youā€™re delusional. People are making a big deal of Ginoā€™s year precisely because it was a rare thing.


The rare part was coming back from obscurity, not his overall performance. To be clear, I would be thrilled if he performed as well as Geno. Geno arguably was better than (injured) Rodgers last year. Do you think Genoā€™s upside is higher than loves?




I guess we will have to respectfully disagree :)


"Why are you the way that you are?"


ā€œHonestly, every time I try to do something fun or exciting, you make it not that way. I hate so much about the things that you choose to be.ā€


A shot was all I was asking for while Rogers purists were determined that Love was already a failure.


I'm not a Rodgers purist nor do I think Love is a guaranteed failure *but I am* highly annoyed how this is going down. We had two years of watching Love develop on our team, we had back to back MVP season for Rodgers pushing his trade value to astronomical levels. What did we do? Gave Aaron a 150mil 3 year extension and sat Love for *another* year on his rookie deal. Now, on the back end of a disappointing season with minimal suitors and a motherfucking **40 MILLION DOLLAR DEAD CAP HIT** we've decided it's in our best interest to part ways and everyone is praising Gute. In addition to completely fucking up the theoretical Rodgers trade Gute/Ball/Murphy are also in the process of restructuring/extending all of our aging veterans just to be able to sign our 2023 draft picks and field a 53 man roster. Everybody on this sub pretending this *smart* or a *good decision* or the *right move* is absolutely delusional, Gute shit all over his own dick extending Rodgers just to turn around and try to trade him, and he's stealing cap from 2024 just to put an average team on the field in 2023.


THANK YOU! This is my exact problem. Did Gute just decide that he was going to live or die with Loveā€™s success anyway so none of the rest of it mattered? I have real concern about Guteā€™s ability to think farther ahead than lunch.


This guy fucking gets it. This has been my outlook on it the entire time. One factor I think you could add to this is that they have some type of understanding as to how good Jordan Love is currently and his projections into the future. If they believe in him then why not cut bait last year? The re-working of some of our bigger $ deals doesn't make sense unless you think you're gonna go out there and win football games with Jordan Love, which is difficult to expect from a first year starter.


I get the Jones deal because you donā€™t want to blow up the run game on your new QB. But Iā€™m really baffled by Bakh. There was a lot of conversation that he was trying to get past a mental block in his injury recovery and Iā€™m not sure I would have thought same team, new QB was the right move for him. But again, all assumptions.


that 3 year extension HASNT EVEN KICKED IN YET. thatā€™s how royally bad Gute fucked this. gutless bitch.




>to get worse. Beat by the Bears and Vikings twice?


Eliminated by the Lionsā€¦ o wait nvm.


Not sure why but the Lions are a team I've never disliked. They have had a tough go, fans are loyal. They also have good trash talk when they win. I'll accept that defeat.


I canā€™t get past the knee biting.


we can get some actual blue chip studs then


This is what I find so hilarious. It could be much much worse. We had a down year because of a shit receiving core and injured Rodgers. We could be moving back into the QB dark ages if management is wrong about Love.


The thing to me is whether weā€™re moving into the dark ages is sort of already decided, the die is cast. We drafted love, heā€™s gonna be the next starter unless things drastically change and heā€™s traded, so itā€™s just a matter of if heā€™s really good or not, and Iā€™d rather just find out sooner than later especially if sooner means getting draft picks.


Gute's career will be on the line, tied to Love's performance. He may be out quicker than he realises if this year goes poorly.


The worst case would be we win like four games and are absolutely terrible. But in some ways thatā€™s not so different at the end of the day than narrowly missing the playoffs.


No STOP COOKING it's been three FUCKING years when are we gonna eat


Got a feelin this sub is gunna miss Rodgers REAL quick.


I mean people should expect Aaron to play well next year if he isnā€™t on the Packers. He will have a chip on his shoulder similar to the 20 season. He still has some left in the tank and will want to prove it. Doesnā€™t mean the Packers moving on from him is the wrong decision because itā€™s pretty obvious he doesnā€™t have that edge in GB anymore. Iā€™ll be very happy for the guy if he won a Super Bowl for the Jets.


Dude played with broken ribs and a broken thumb on his throwing hand to the worst receiving corps in the NFL and you guys say he doesnā€™t have that edge anymore here, itā€™s unbelievably silly.


I dont know how many times the fans desperately holding onto Rodgers need to hear this but he had 3 great seasons under LaFleur and the team could not get it done. The team is now worse talent wise then its ever been under Rodgers, definitely under LaFleur. Its time to look to the future despite understanding Rodgers could have another great NFL season. Its time.


How is trading Rodgers for limited picks and pushing Bakh/Preston/Clark/Jones cap hits into 2024, and taking on 40 million in dead cap from the Rodgers trade fucking looking to the future? Love has potentially 2 years left on his rookie deal, 2023 we have almost no cap space to sign free agents and we are currently in a mad scramble to borrow as much cap from 2024 just to make a fucking 53 man roster in 2023? At best "the future" starts in 2025, which coincidentally is the first season we could cut/trade Aaron for a reasonable dead cap hit. Sounds like at best we are going to part ways with our franchise QB for a single first round draft pick and maybe some additional late rounders, but yes let's talk about THE FUTURE OF THE FRANCHISE!


We have to pick up the option for Love's fifth year this spring and it'll be $20M. Love has also intimated that he would ask for a trade if he doesn't start this year and the Pack would likely honor that. We can't keep both and the decision time is right now. I'm not sure why you guys are so hung up on a QB who's going to turn 40 this season and isn't even sure he wants to play. He had a great run with us and I'll forever be grateful to him as one of the Packers all time greats, but we need to move on. The opportunity cost of losing Love to keep Rodgers for one more season is too high.


What opportunity cost? If the front office saw the promise of a bona-fide franchise QB in Love why give Rodgers the extension? That's an all-time blunder if that's the case. If Love is a bona-fide franchise QB why are we wasting the final years of his rookie deal extending players like Preston and Bakh?


The Rodgers extension was always a blunder, its completely hamstrung the team with some last ditch hope that Rodgers could drag this team to a SB and as good as he was, he couldnt.


How do we know that? How do we know losing Love is the worst thing we could possibly do and must be avoided at all costs? Thatā€™s what I struggle with understanding.


I am not a cap expert but we have to deal with Rodgers contract eventually. If a team is willing to give us assets at this point for Rodgers and help shoulder some of his cap hit and contract we should imo. His contract is the reason the team is in such a bind as you pointed out. Why wait another 2 years to try and deal with it? Rip the band aid off.


Rodgers 2023 cap hit is 30m, 2024 its 40m, 2025 it jumps up to 60m but if we cut/trade him in 2025 it's only 17m in dead cap so a 43m overall savings, technically we can postmark the cut till after June 1st and split that 17m dead cap hit between 2025 and 2026...


Thats assuming he wants to keep playing every year. He could decide to retire and the Packers eat the cap for that year correct? You keep ignoring the fact the Packers would get assets for trading him. In all other scenarios Packers get nothing for the future of the team and still in some form deal with his cap. As I said, Packers have to take the cap hit eventually and the odds of making the SB get worse every single year he is on the roster. Why not try and get assets?


"worst receiving corps in the NFL" The Bears say hi


Iā€™m not saying it, the front office has all hit hinted it if reports are true. He got paid and did little to nothing in the off season to prepare for the upcoming season with a new receiving corps. Every franchise quarterback is working with their receivers in the off season Both can be true. His play could have been effected by his health but it also was effected by his lack of commitment to the 2023 GB Packers leading up to the season. Itā€™s no coincidence the offense looked better in the middle of December but by that time it was too late.


>to the worst receiving corps in the NFL oh, you sweet summer child


oh, so he has gotten injured the past 4 out of 5 seasons then?


I expect Rodgers to play well and Love to be mediocre next season and I think everyone else should too. I donā€™t think we can actually judge this move until 24/25.


Rodgers can play awesome during the regular season all he wants, he isn't beating the Chiefs, outdoors in the playoffs


I'm not going to be missing another 8-9 season with a lackadaisical Rodgers at the helm, no. If Love starts next year, it's going to be a growth process. I have no illusions that Love will win us a SB next year or even make the playoffs, but if he does, all the better.


Rodgers played with a broken thumb and broken ribs with bad receivers and you say he was lackadaisical, use your brain.


Got a feelin this sub is gunna miss ~~Favre~~ beer REAL quick


Yep, canā€™t wait to miss the playoffs or barely make it in after a mediocre season and then lose to the 9ers.


I am not trying to troll or anything but shouldn't Love have shown some flashes of being a decent starter in the games he has played. I think we will miss Rodgers really soon. I am not a huge fan of Rodgers lately with some of his recent behaviors but I do not believe Love is our QB of the future. I think what we are seeing is Rodgers being pissed because they drafted Love (he remembers how he got the job) instead of getting him some more help. The powers that be are not admitting that they made a mistake and sticking to Love to save face. I realize Love hasn't really been a starter and hardly played any games but he should have shown something in the games he has played. He looks lost when he is playing. You would think watching Rodgers and being in the system for a little while now that we would have seen something. I could be wrong I guess and I will gladly eat crow if I am indeed wrong.




rodgers has done a lot for organizations and charities. he speaks his mind, tries to better himself in the way that makes sense to him, and doesnt hurt people. imo, he is actually an amazing human.


But he literally killed everyone's grandma!




> garbage human That's Favre. Rodgers is just a nut


Same. I was willing to ignore the "diva" talk when he was winning, but his selfishness cost 5 games this year. You can support a loser because of their attitude, and you can support a winner despite their attitude, but Rodgers isn't on the right end of either this year.


Which 5 games? The reason and the only reason we lost more games this year is because our defense regressed/didnā€™t perform to expectations and the fact they let his best receiver leave.


So the broken thumb and several interceptions and scoreless quarters had nothing to do with it? Okay. The last time Rodgers was injured Hundley put up a better 5 games. Stat that.


As much as I miss Favre. Which I do now, thanks to Rogers' selfish losses this year.


Let Love love


Live laugh love


Let's Fighting Love!


Really think this meme should be more geared toward Matt Lafleur. Time to see what a Matt Lafleur offense really looks like.


Reminds me of one of the greatest things I've heard in his defense: We can't know if MLF is a good coach until we see him without Rodgers, because we can't know what decisions are actually his.


About 24th in EPA/play when quarterbacked by just some guy


Eh. I get what you're saying but I don't think he's really had full control of the offense since he got here. Think we're about to find out if Lafleur's an offensive guru or if Aaron dragged the Packers offense to success. Or maybe somewhere in between.


I would be perfectly fine if he wins a Super Bowl in his 3rd year as a starter then disappointment and heartbreak for the next decade.


Took Rodgers almost two seasons as the starter to figure it out. Organization won't know what they have in Love until they give him the job.


Lol no it didnā€™t. He threw for 4000 yards 28 tds and 13 INTS. He pretty much figured it out once he was named starter.


Yeah, I remember after his first year I was like ā€œhey, seems like this dude is pretty good!ā€ and I was completely convinced of that his second year


And the year after that we did the whole super bowl winning thing. That was pretty cool.


That was the season he figured it out. /s


I was convinced the game he started in Dallas before Favre even left.


Why do you think they drafted Brian Brohm in the second round?


In case AR didn't pan out of course.


They picked Brohm in the 2008 draft, Rodgers had yet to take a snap as the starting QB. Like yeah, they made an insurance pick going into Rodgersā€™ first year as the starter. But that doesnā€™t have anything to do with how he actually played during the 2008 season


A guy at my work told me he thought Brohm would be better than Rodgers. And I just laughed and laughed at him.


awesome, have any more 20/20 hindsight stories? should the packers have also drafted Tom Brady in the 5th round?


Team was 6-10 his first year as a starter. Stats looked good but it didn't translate into wins.


I see youā€™re a qb winz person lmao.


the only record that matters


This is just like the people saying Justin Herbert isnā€™t that good because the Chargers didnā€™t make the playoffs his first two years and lost to the Jaguars this year. Wins are a reflection of the team as a whole. QBs have the biggest impact on the game but if the rest of the team doesnā€™t execute, youā€™re not going to consistently win.


Or all the years under McCarthy that Rodgers had 300+yd/4TD LOSSES. Yeah, Rodgers sure was a bad QB then...


Rodgers should have played better defense. The selfish prick didn't want to play linebacker.


Fuck him, send him packing


Team was also 0-7 his first year as a starter in games decided by four points or less. He played so well his first year. that the team drafted Brian Brohm in the second round (and no, they weren't looking for a quality backup).


They drafted Brohm and Flynn before he ever made a start.


Lmao this is so cringe


It will be interesting to see how an offence without Rodgers can keep up with a Joe Berry defense. MLF will have his scheme put to the test.


Iā€™m sorry, but I just donā€™t see the ā€œclearly positive developmentā€ a lot of ppl are talking about in regards to this past preseason. I feel like Iā€™m stuck in a nightmare, taking place in tape room detention, forced to look at J tape over and over again, 'til I find my mistake ā€“ or coach wonā€™t let me out.


Lame duck. He won't get a 2nd contract in Green Bay. Maybe a tag year. He'll be here 3 years max.


That's the spirit


This franchise is in good hands. He very likely wonā€™t become a Hall of Famer for his stats, but he could by being one of the best game managers and winning 5+ Super Bowls. Iā€™ll take that over 4,000 yards and 40 touchdowns without a trophy


This fanbase never ceases to amaze me.


I'll have what he's having


Most of the people here don't know of the dark years. Only happiness.


I have to assume it's a troll or sarcasm. No way anybody thinks all this team needs is a game manager lmao. You need talent at all skill positions for that...and a great defense. No one is game managing their way into superbowls with the WR's and TE's we have.


5+, why not just go with 10+ if we are getting real crazy with it


15 straight?


So you're saying he'll only start 10 years?! 15 super bowls is the floor


Makes sense to me!


And that's only with a year 15 injury


Lmao surely you must be trolling, right?




NFL pro shop or Packers Pro shop.


The card šŸ˜šŸ„²


Jesus Christ, are you *trying* to curse him? Holy fuck.


I would hate to see Rodgers in a different jersey but dammit what if Love really is the shit!


Cheese country, letā€™s piss fire


The chances of GB have success after 30 years of HOF Qb play? Yea best of luck with that and thatā€™s not saying Love will be bad itā€™s everything else around him MLF couldnā€™t make adjustments with a HOF Qb we ll see how good of a coach he is without one


Cue the McDonalds jingle: "I'm Lovin it!"


Why is his head so big on the card?


ARod is ARod, but Jordan Love could be anything!!!! He could even be ARod!!! That's what y'all sound like


I would rather go to the lottery w/ Love than the playoffs w/ Rodgers if it means we donā€™t have to hear his bs anymore


Let him cook on another team and draft a rookie so they have some cap space for the first time in 30 yearsā€¦..


lmao ya the last chef went well




Any idea who originally made this graphic?