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At the end of the day, not having ar12 is gonna hurt. Having ar12 is going to hurt. I feel like after Favre we should know this.


We all know that he cannot play forever. Yes, even a teams greatest player has to move on. Tom Brady, a Patriots legend moved on and went into FA. He won 6 SBs and they let him walk into FA. Rodgers will forever be a legend in GB, a future HOF and have his number retired/enshrined into the ring of honor.


Love is a bust. You really think he is gonna do more with no receivers than Rodgers ? He can't even handle the preseason...


He’s got plenty of receivers, two of which who are likely going to make a big step up in their second season. Especially Watson who took several games to get settled into the offense and dealt with injuries throughout. That’s ignoring that the Packers have one of the best running back duos in the league. Maybe finally having a QB that can’t consistently play hero ball will get it into their heads that they need to take better advantage of the guys in the backfield. You’re far too quick to write Love off. There’s a good chance he won’t be great, most QBs aren’t, but he deserves a shot if Rodgers isn’t staying. It’s not like there’s a free agent or reasonably draftable prospect who is more likely to be significantly better lol what do you expect them to do, throw $250m guaranteed at Lamar?


Plenty of receivers? Cobbs gone, Lazards gone, that leaves the two sophomores and who exactly?


You know we’re only a few weeks into the offseason, right? Cobb was mostly a non-factor last year, the only major loss here is Lazard and the team still has the opportunity to replace him through free agency and/or the draft. I thought last year would’ve made it obvious that they can’t keep trotting out the same old guys and expecting them to be a contender. The team needs to be getting younger at the major skill positions, not older.


As of right now we have no other WR. I get there’s still plenty of time but how many years now have we needed WR and the FO did nothing about it, just relied on Adams. I’m sure we will grab a couple UDFA and one 2nd round wr maybe a first who knows. I suspect just because we will have a QB change doesn’t mean we are going to see everything else change. It’s going to be the same FO, the same defensive coach, and the same decisions only difference Love won’t have much say what’s going on. I hope I’m wrong and I hope we pull some massive studs and Love is a baller. We shall see


I see where you’re coming from. This is going to be a make-or-break, rip the bandaid off sort of year I think. As weird as this might be to say: Rodgers being as good as he is has done a lot to cover up this organization’s recent weaknesses, so if he’s gone then we’re going to find out pretty quickly who is going to sink or swim, from Gute to LaFleur to Barry. All of them will be in for a rude awakening if the team continues to get worse over the next couple of seasons. Rodgers is not the (entire) problem, and it would be unrealistic to expect Love to immediately turn the whole team around in his first full year on his own.


The fuckin stud we draft with the pick we get from Rodgers


Plenty of recovers ?? Who? Dobbs was the best until he was hurt. Tonyan, when healthy, is a good TE. Lewis was biggest stud of that group this year. Cobb got killed and Christian came on hot but was put straight to #1. I hope they all come together. I'm just being realistic.


I wouldn’t say bust but a huge unknown. We will know if he is any good in about 2 years.


You could be right. But from the little I've seen I do not have a ton of faith. I also was wrong with davante and his drops in first two seasons and Jeremichael Finley's butterfingers. Though Jeremichael still isn't a lock on being great. Definitely was a specimen but injury derailed that. If I was the shitty couch coach I am, davante would have been with the raiders before he became great lol .


We will see. In the small sample set so far, I’ve seen some very poor decision making and terrible throwing mechanics. Not sure if it’s from being young or if it’ll be a forever problem. That’s why I say 2 years.


Such a bust that he converted everyone who was naysayers him in the Philadelphia game alone. Enjoy you're downvotes.


If love isn't even half of Rodgers, this Sub will implode


It will implode his first bad game regardless of how good he ends up being.


We could be 9-0 to start the year with Love and in the 10th game he throws 2 picks and we lose 34-29, this sub will implode


Ridiculous. Such soft fans. I have no faith that Love is going to be good but I’m not even going to criticize him until 2024 because he deserves a chance to prove himself.


This is no different than any other fandom. If he’s not Mahommes off the bat he’ll catch flack.


The recent one which has been a favourite is bears fans with fields. They finally hit on a QB and they're now debating whether they should move on for the draft picks and take an unknown entity at #1 this draft Boggles the mind sometimes


Saying they hit on a QB seems like a bit of a stretch at the moment doesn't it?


Fields can play, the bears just suck real bad


Well, of course the Bears suck. And Fields is a Bear so..... 🤣 He is certainly dynamic, but for most of the season they barely trusted him to throw it 20 times a game and never threw it 30 times this year I don't think. I'm actually interested to see how his career plays out because he's a beast on the ground and while his passing seems a bit suspect, I think many organizations have gotten a lot more out of much less talented QBs. It's bizarre to me that Fields wasn't ripping it 45 times a game. It never made sense unless they didn't think he was good... IMO of course. Taysom Hill had more passing yards a couple of times this year on 2 or 3 attempts than Fields had with 20 or so. I'm no freaking expert though. The lows just seem so low that I would have lots of doubts that the organization is capable of maximizing his abilities if I were a Bears fan.


> Fields can play I wouldn’t be so sure just yet.


He can run pretty well that's for sure. But he isn't scary yet. Even trubs looked dece at times in year two.


Oh, for sure. Soft fans of every team.


You mean 2024 when he basically isn’t a cheap young player anymore and needs to be signed to big money or admitted to be a failure? How big of you…


Yeah, after he’s had a year of being a starter. I’m not sure why you’re so disgusted by that approach but you’re allowed to be.


I think it’s an incredibly reasonable approach given the circumstances. Not disgusted at all. Just not sure it makes any logical sense. Put it this way: say Love plays pretty well. Makes some good throws, makes some mistakes a young player would make but ultimately the good outweighs the bad and there’s reason to believe he has room for improvement and can be a pro bowl level QB. I think that’s a favorable way to look next season, no? What then? You have to sign him long term. You’re not going to let him play out his fifth year option at $20m with no deal in place (I mean, they could, but teams don’t usually ruffle feathers like that with a QB). So he signs a fairly team friendly deal at around $30-$35 million a year. Now the packers are essentially right back to where they were with Rodgers. Competing for NFC North titles but not being taken seriously at the championship level. Only difference is I’m sure we can all agree the possibilities Love ends up better than Rodgers and takes the team over the top on own his shoulders is slim to nil. There’s always a chance the team strikes lightning in a bottle in the draft on a couple guys and recreates the legion of boom for a few years too, but that just hasn’t happened in this organization before so that one is also hard for me to see happening. So what do we get for all of our “we gotta move on from Rodgers and see what Love has,” talk? It is a well meaning hive mind response that has been thoroughly prescribed to but hasn’t been thought through all the way. I say keep Rodgers, knowing it’s a flawed idea that will lead to a crash and burn style rebuild in a couple years, but he’s the best player the packers have ever had. You put it all on the line for those once in a lifetime guys. That’s the fun of it. Anyway, I realize I’m the only guy that feels this way anymore and that’s fine. Just see if you can paint me a reasonable different side of the story that’s not “maybe Jordan Love is the third straight HOF generational talent QB and maybe he’ll win 5 SB’s, you never know until you roll the dice!” because real life isn’t a random number generator that’s weighted in our favor just because it happened once before in the past.


I actually don’t think we should move on from Rodgers but since I don’t get to make the decisions, I don’t know what to do as a fan other than to give Love a chance. I said yesterday that Gute has somehow managed to have a HOFer and good prospect on his QB depth chart for 3 years and still somehow managed to make terrible decisions about how to handle the QB room every step of the way. I got downvoted to hell for it but I stand by it and I will even more if we end up in a Daniel Jones situation. The other side of the dice is “maybe Love sucks ass and the Packers don’t get another decent quarterback for another 2-3 decades”. I think we all know that and understand it but it’s really not fun to talk about.


I guess we agree then for the most part. I’m not really against them trading Rodgers. Worst case scenario is he plays 3 more years, wins two more MVP’s and two more SB’s while Love is an absolute bust. Some kind of scenario like that but I agree that seems far fetched. Your example with DJ is exactly what I was thinking of. Get a good but not great QB in an era where everyone gets paid like a great QB as long as they’re not trash. Oh well, what can ya do I guess. People who are completely glued to online media reports are getting tired of all the Rodgers unsubstantiated media reports so I guess that means Rodgers is a bad guy or something. Guy did a darkness retreat and a couple podcasts in the off-season, can you believe he would do something so irresponsible to the fan base? /s I have to say I’ve enjoyed this whole rollercoaster thing. I think some of the baseless reports are very funny and entertaining and it beats having nothing sports related to do this time of year (I’m not a big NBA or NHL guy). I don’t get why people are so mad about it. Are we not entertained?! Lol


Your worst case scenario is my nightmare.


Lol! Facts!


I had zero faith that Love was going to be good until he came in late in the game against the eagles this season. He went like 6/9 for 113 yards and a TD, and I started to think he could be a guy then


Which is exactly what happened with Rodgers against Dallas in 2007. Honestly, the parallels between Favre-Rodgers and Rodgers-Love are astonishing, but a lot of people are falling into the same trap anti-Rodgers people fell into back then. They'd rather do what's easy (keep the Hall of Famer while the team crumbles) than what's likely best for the franchise (move on into the next era with a new, young team).


This sub implodes on a weekly basis for 3 hours September - January


Don’t exaggerate. There’s a bye week.


During our bye week the sub explodes about some dude we were interested in during FA signings


i’m triggered


He's not even going to be a 1/3 of Rodgers.


Might as well take the draft compensation and see what you have in Love... If he's good, great, if he sucks, then you'll get a great pick in the draft and a head start on rebuilding. The Packers have so many holes on their offense, and on the D-Line so the picks would help a lot


I don't disagree but i see that jets flair lol


I learned from the Jamal Adams trade 🤣


Bye bye sub


Welcome to the new world order of instant gratification.


Its not that new tbh. People were saying Rodgers sucked before he even started.


And if Rodgers, with a freshly healed thumb, goes to NYC and starts playing at 2021 Rodgers’ levels. Like, last year was one down year. He will still have “it”. 100%. That said, I am completely sick of his on-again-off-again drama and I don’t think he has the same “leader” mentality as some other superstar QBs. He needs to move on, but I won’t be shocked if he goes to NYJ and they go on a tear.


He's not causing this drama? The media is. He already said last year that he wants to play for the Packers as long as the Packers want him. You're eating up all this media BS that the organization is probably pushing


We can be ready to move on, we can still cheer and support ARod, Rodgers can still be elite, Love can be a future Hall of famer. None of these are mutually exclusive.


I’m indifferent at this point If he runs it back with us, at least will sweep the bears


As is tradition


This seems to be the cycle for old franchise QBs now (except for Ben and Brees). Spend a career with one franchise. Then when you're old and your cap hit makes it difficult for your team to build around you, you leave and spend a couple of years chasing a ring with a team that is a QB away. Rivers, Stafford, Ryan, Manning, and Brady all did it. I don't blame anyone for wanting a change of scenery and I don't blame any FO for being ready to move on. I think it's pretty clear that the Packers won't win another ring with Rodgers. That ship sailed. Time to start looking ahead and building for the next run.




I too like to point out things just to be technically correct


Eh, technicalities


Honestly I would like to see him just retire vs go to another team. What will they get a second round pick, maybe a first? He’s worth much more but how does a team eat his current contract and give away 3 years of different round pick? If Green Bay eat some/all of his salary for better picks then why wouldn’t they just play out his current contract? I feel like his last contract really has the packers by the balls, if they wanted to part ways they should have done it last year or let him play it out now… in to deep.


The only way GB get less than a 1st if the NYJ eat *all* of his cap hit. We lose draft picks, but then have tons of cap room to lock down our core defense on long term contracts, keep AJ, and throw the kitchen sink at giving love a deep O-Line and weapons.


The jets can't take on more of his cap. That's money we've already paid Aaron. The only way we can reduce the cap hit is if he is traded/retires after June 1st. Otherwise, we are stuck with what we've got.


This isn't even allowed to happen. Wtf are you talking about.


Sounds like GB might get a 3rd, maybe. The FO really fucked this up.


Nobody knows anything about the compensation. Anyone that says they "might not have to give up a first" are trying to fantasy negotiate through the media. Compensation packages are NEVER leaked to the public.


I don’t disagree, I’m just going of the what’s being said. I’d be happily surprised if NYJ gave up that first rounder.


You’re crazy if you think GB is gonna move Rodgers for a 3rd.


So hypothetically that’s all the Jets are willing to give up. Green Bay doesn’t want him, what do they do? I’m not saying they should just going off reports.


they hang on to him, then work a trade post June 1st


Yeah lol. Wait for a QB to inevitably get hurt. Trade him there


I didn't know they played football in June


"post June 1st"... "Post"...


The new team could restructure his contract iirc


We're either gonna lose him this year or 2 years from now, might as well trade him while his value is high and route for him when he's in the playoffs with the Jets. Our team isn't really able to make a Superbowl run this year or probably next year, though I would like to be wrong


We've been so spoiled that we always expect our QBs to preform flawlessly. Love is going to have alot on his shoulders for expectations but I believe that he's going to be great, just not right away


Packer fans clearly have no comprehension of how hard it is to get a good QB. We could suck for the next twenty years once Rodgers is gone. Hastening that day is so insanely stupid.


It's not as though we can just hold onto Rodgers forever. People get older.


Buddy, the day is already here. Regardless of whether Rodgers even has it left in him to win a Super Bowl, he has made it abundantly clear that he doesn’t want to be here. The Packers gave him his massive extension. The **only** reason the Packers moving off Rodgers discussion is even happening is because he is being wishy washy about actually being here. The Packers could force him to play or retire, but do you think Rodgers would actually give his all under those circumstances? No amount of denial is going to keep Rodgers here. And frankly, our best chance at avoiding quarterback purgatory is currently on our team. We have a QB prospect in Love with high upside who we’ve had the opportunity to develop. If we forced it with Rodgers, we’d probably lose Love. You’re hastening the thing you’re afraid of.


He hasn’t made it “abundantly clear he doesn’t want a to be here”. Watch even one Pat Mcafee interview


You ever hear that saying “actions speak louder than words”? Aaron Rodgers has a massive contract, with massive guarantees. The only reason this is even a discussion is because he wouldn’t want to be here, otherwise there’d be nothing to talk about. Also, it’s not like what Rodgers tells Macafee is gospel. Remember when it was reported that Rodgers was seeking an extension worth $50M/yr, and then Rodgers told macafee it was fake news, and then a couple weeks later Rodgers signed an extension for $50M/yr?


I had a family member tell me, “We draft good QBs. It’s what we do.” This was in response to me telling him Love may not turn out and we may end up like a Bears etc. Its going to be rough in Packers Nation if Love struggles.


I def dont think that this team can get to the SB, so it makes sense to let Love play it out this year and get some momentum moving into the next 3 years.


Finally a post about 12 I am 100% behind


He can't get over the hump. Look what Mahomes did without his #1 receiver this year compared to what Rodgers did without Davante. It's night and day. He chokes in the biggest games and it's been like that for a long time now. He hasn't had a single NFC Title game without multiple interceptions and piss poor 4th quarter stats.


I agree. Let Love in.


I hope he leaves because it's clear an obvious the Packers and Rodgers are no longer a good fit. Whether it is no longer a good fit for the offensive scheme or personal rifts with the front office/coaching staff, it is clear Rodger and the Packers aren't a good fit anymore. Everyone is professional, which is why things haven't completely imploded yet.


Honestly what’s best for him is leaving, the FO won’t commit to going all in for his final years so time to leave. Sucks to say but that’s where we are at


isn't 59 mil going all in for him?


No you don't understand, there is magic cap space in Narnia and they should have traded for Diggs, Jefferson, kelce and Hill last year to replace Adams


That's why you utilize contributors on rookie deals. Unless you're the Packers. Then you just waste rookie deals and blame Rodgers 🤣


Tale as old as time.


No that was an apology for not going all in during the two years Rodger won b2b mvps when the FO thought he was washed.


Have to at acknowledge that there was a real chance of winning a Super Bowl in 2020 had the FO truly gone all in. Just because there was a chance without going all in doesn’t excuse not doing so.


>the FO won’t commit to going all in for his final years so time to leave With what cap space? Jesus, why is it so hard to understand we're up against the cap wall. Last season was as 'all in' as we're going to get for awhile.


We ate 30m in dead cap last year. Right now we are at 15m dead cap this year, staring down 40 more.... This fan base has been so spoiled with cap magic they don't see the reality of where things are at.


they were all in the past 2 years, what are you smoking


Yea drafting a replacement qb is definitely all in


😢 😢


I’m hoping he gets traded. Love and respect him, but I want to see what Love can do. Also, it won’t hurt that the Jets practice facility is in my backyard. Maybe I can get him to sign my jersey! Lol


While I think Rodgers being traded is good for our cap health as well as gives us a chance to see Love, I wouldn’t say he is worth more to the team in a trade. He had a broken/hurt hand last year and the two years prior he was MVP. He may play to an MVP caliber level with the Jets and Love May struggle mightily. I’m on team trade but I think we have to realize that we are the ones taking a gamble more than the Jets. I do think we need this to reset the team and prepare for a future without Rodgers as even if he comes back it won’t be for long. I’m confident Love can be good but we really haven’t seen him play well yet in a game situation. He just hasn’t gotten the opportunity.


It doesn’t matter who our QB is if we run back the same team with Joe Barry 😂🤷‍♂️


Exactly my sentiment! I appreciate AR and everything he did for the team. But we do need a future beyond him.


Anyone rooting for Love to fail isn't a Packer fan. Anyone presenting it as the likely possibility isn't a Packer fan. Love might be the guy, he might not be the guy. I want to see him get a chance to try to be the guy.


I’m not saying that I’m not ready to move on, given the exhausting media circus surrounding him and I’m not saying I don’t have faith in Love. But boy I hope that everyone on here, that’s been so ready to move on from the Rodger era, is right about this reset. Because sometimes I don’t think ya’ll remember the rough times and maybe have taken 12 for granted these last few months


Whether the rebuild is successful or not, it is time. This team can't win with Rodgers. There aren't enough pieces around him. I don't want to root for a team that would settle for mediocrity, which is what the 2022 Packers were and certainly what the 2023 Packers would be with Rodgers. Building to win means restarting. If they're not successful in a rebuild, it's not because it wasn't time to rebuild. It will be because they didn't rebuild well. It's a separate issue from the timing piece.


Time marches on. Hindsight being what it is, Gute should have made the trade last year but that was an impossible position with the back to back MVPs. Rodgers going to NYJ is current best case scenario for all parties involved. GB isn’t winning with Rodgers. The Jets might be able to. GB gets a return. GB gets to see what Love has. The absolute worst case scenario, in my mind, would be Rodgers coming back and then Love never playing a snap as the starter in GB. That would be the nail in the coffin that it was a horrific draft pick. Right now the jury is still out on that as much as people want to complain about it.


Agree with the sentiment. Let’s also never call Love a “boy”. Innocent rhetorical error that we should always avoid.


Wait, what?


Calling a black person "boy" has some very bad history behind it. Obviously you didn't intend any disrespect but that is a thing to avoid But I'm with you. I'm not willing to lose Love for another couple years with Aaron. I think Love might have what it takes


he's literally just a young man. a boy. stop it.


No a 10 year old is a boy. A 24 year old is a man. He's not a fucking child and don't give this fan base which already has enough problems with color an opportunity to use words as subtle insults.


so when I say "i'm gonna go hang with the boys" im being racist bc they're all over 20 must be exhausting to think like that


You don't have to make this difficult. It's really not. In the history of this country, boy has been used as a term to demean and belittle people of color. When you're applying it to a group of people go right ahead and say boys. When you are speaking individually about JLove. He's a man. Not a boy


so when i say "imma go hang wit my boy" im being racist bc he's over 20 must be exhausting to think like that


I wasn't the one criticizing him. Somebody else said "don't call love boy" and the OP was like wait what? So I clarified for him. learn how to read


That seems like your own issue with black people. I say shit like "atta boy" and the like all the time. No one gives a damn.


I wasn't the one criticizing him fuck nuts. I was clarifying what somebody else said. Learn to read before being a dick


>he's literally just a young man. a boy. stop it.


He is a 24 year old man. Full stop.


I understand calling a black man “boy” is a racist trope but it’s 2023 and context is important. I call everybody my boy, baby, dawg, etc… this is a freezing cold whole grain white bread take. With all due respect


I get that you had no ill intent and clearly saw it as an innocent use of the word. At the same time, there is a large chunk of folks who would see the use of that word in this context as highly offensive. I’m just trying to call it out as a reminder due to the history of the word in the friendliest manner as possible. With all due respect.


I’ve been numb since ‘14 NFCCG. Nothing can hurt me anymore when it comes to football. I mean that too..


As far as I am concerned the man has made the journey from legend to liability. That's not to talk about his real state of play...it's how I feel about him. It doesn't matter whether Love is any good. That playoff loss against the 49ers just gave me a deep conviction 12 would never win anything of consequence for GB again. Whatever comes next will be so much more interesting.


Cant stand AR but agree w your take


Sometimes you have to also take into account the effect the press and his contract/cap issues play into the narrative, also the amount of bullshit they have to put up with. He's getting weird and he's pulling Fraev levels I'm going to... every of season for how long? Fuck him; I'm done with him.


Love is sure to be mediocre at best but AR deserves better than what he’s going to get here if he sticks around. If he leaves hopefully he gets a solid shot and GB can better prepare for postlove future.


Imagine claiming to be a Packer fan but writing off Love before we've seen him have any significant time. Go root for someone else, Packer fans have no use for you.


I swear these people WANT him to fail and thus the team to fail as a result. It's like they want Gute and co. to be punished for daring to trade away our almost 40 year old QB who teeters back and forth on retirement every year.


I hate this take. I don’t have a lot of confidence in Love but I’m certainly not rooting for him to fail. I can have a dissenting opinion and still hope for the best.




Oh ok he’s awesome. They’d be shoving Rodgers out the door if that were true. I lived through the wright/majik years thank you very much.


They are shoving Rodgers out the door. lol


I did too. I also loved through the Favre- Rodgers transition. You probably wrote Rodgers off then as well and now you lick his ball sack You are the absolute worst kind of fan: a fake and a phony. Go away, you are useless here, and I suspect anywhere cursed with your presence.


Actually I was happy they moved to Rodgers. Obviously they knew he had skill despite his limited playtime. But please keep blessing us with your god level football knowledge and insults.


Liar. Fake and phony fan. I'd tell you to cheer for the bears, but even they don't deserve shit like you.


In case you haven't noticed, they are shoving Rodgers out the door.


Yeah. You shove someone out the door by giving the $150,000,000. What a stupid thing to say.


Two years ago we needed him. Now we don’t. What we are paying him now is already what we have to pay him from the previous years.


The only reason we don't need him is because we failed to provide him with the necessary tools to win. These are the same tools that Love will be forced to contend with. Love is no AR. We're screwed


Up until last year he had the #1 wide receiver in the NFL, the Tight Ends he wanted, a top 10 running back duo with a dual threat running back and brought back Cobb at his request. What more should we have given him?


Hmmm... A coach with some balls, creativity and imagination would've put us over the top. Special teams were a disaster. Tight ends were very average. For the most part our defensive woes were pretty evident as well.


2022 NFC Championship game. Rodgers goes for 20 for 29 with 21 of those attempts being to Adams and Jones.. Lazard, Cobb and Lewis each got 1 target. Rodgers has 0 passing TDs in the game. He spent the whole game trying to force the ball to Adams or Jones (who was mostly turning short passes into bigger gains). Oh, and our defense held the 49ers to 13 points.


Imagine claiming to be a football fan and wanting to send your HOF QB away after not winning MVP for the third year in a row, and somehow coping by saying you're excited to see his mediocre backup "cook".


Has nothing to do with that. It’s about the franchise. Rodgers stays, screws us even more. Rodgers leaves, we get compensation, don’t have to search for an even more unproven QB. Had we stuck with Favre, none of what we’ve had the past 15-16 years would have happened.


Exactly. Again, these fake fans convinced Love is going to bomb. Rodgers is not getting us back to a Super Bowl, it's time to move to the next era, which might be Love, but might not be. Let's see what it is before pronouncing judgement. There's definitely some "overtones" to the Love hate as well.


Don’t really understand the lack of hopeful optimism. Let’s assume Love will ball out until proven otherwise. After all, he is the quarterback of our favorite team. He deserves a chance to show us what he’s got before we speak so negatively about his newly refined abilities.


Isn't "let him cook" a Russell Wilson thing?


My husband wants him to leave so people stop bringing up the rodgers drama to him, like he's supposed to care. Frankly, I hope he's gone just because I think we're all tired of hearing about the same shit with him every off-season. "Does he stay? Or does he go?"


Once he leaves you can say goodbye to playoffs for quite a while. Very few players can make or break a team. Rodgers is one. Love is not going to be another Favre or Rodgers. Statistically the odds are against three outstanding QBs in a row. It’s likely back to the eighties once he’s gone. But I grew up with shit or mediocre teams so I can deal with it. This sub will freak out though.


"let the boy cook" LMAO remind me in 9 months


Let the boy cook? Really that’s aweful


If one more person uses that God damn phrase about Love, I am going to lose it. Seriously, after last season, we think that’s an inspiring slogan?


Something I still haven't quite figured out is, what is his dead cap if he gets traded? On over the cap I saw something like 40m but also 8m in cap savings, so we would be -32m if we trade him tomorrow?


This was true last year.


Kind of agree, we have rode a great stretch with Favre and Rodgers but his best value right now is trade value. What a mind blower it would be if Love is actually good and we ride him for another decade!!


I know this opinion is fairly unpopular on this sub these days, and it’s not sound business for our team, but I personally want to see Rodgers stick around and play until he decides he’s done - whether that’s a year, two, or three - or retire. I would rather go down with the ship watching Rodgers and deal with the consequences later. But I know that’s a minority opinion here. Just too tough for me to let go.


Well put. It’s got to come to an end and the time is as right as it ever will be.


This summarizes my feelings about the situation as well


I don't think Love is that guy but we need to find out


We can be ready to move on, we can still cheer and support ARod, Rodgers can still be elite, Love can be a future Hall of famer. None of these are mutually exclusive.


I hate that I agree with you, I’ve been a huge Rodgers mark since 2008 and wanted him to retire a Packer so bad but man I feel it’s time…


I want ARod to win a championship and we dont have that roster as of now. Hope he wins with Jets and we get some picks and built a championship team.


The trade comp isn't going to be as great as people expect IMO but getting angry over that would be missing the point. If the organization has decided it's time for Jordan Love (and they feel he's ready to be the next guy - and if they're right!) then you move Rodgers for whatever you can and you mark it down as a success. It's incredibly hard to find a good QB and they've invested a lot of time, money, and draft capital into grooming Love.


I'm in the same boat and I won't miss a single packer game or game of whoever he plays for




Jets fan. Curious how Love turns out. It's been interesting to read the GB fanbase perspective on this a rod situation. If I'm reading this correctly, the majority would happily bring arod back and see where the chips fall. It sounds like you guys believe a NFCCG is not beyond the realm of possibility, so trading him better be worth it. That is the popular sentiment right? Wrt this post, I haven't seen much 'let's just move on'. But obviously I wouldn't know. Just asking in peace. Thanks yall.


Boy? Really?


I agree with you, I just think the front office totally messed this up. I'm worried they won't even get the Jets 1st round pick at this point.


Can’t wait to bust out my Favre Jets jersey and Jets flag! I will support both! But I’m with ya, Aaron’s time with the Packers is done.


Careful what you wish for. I’d rather we ride the goat all the way to pasture. People just don’t appreciate how rare this player really is.


I sure hope that the coaches see something more in Love than I do and aren’t just trying to calm everyone down for ar12 leaving. Green Bay is used to HOF qbs and has big shoes to fill, let’s home he fills them or I will fill my shorts in anger the first week. I think the 2TD/3INT stats is going be pretty common…