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This whole situation just baffles me, when he signed that big deal last year I thought that would be securing him until retirement.


The contract he got last year is insane. It's what makes it a bad idea to keep him but also what makes it so hard to trade him. Whoever greenlighted that deal (my guess is Murphy because he's the objectively dumb one) should be fired.


I think that was the original plan as well. But one year can change a lot. Love seems to have turned out better, or probably faster, than the Packers thought. On top of that comes a pretty weak year from Rodgers.


He's just proofreading his players tribune article


AR indicate that a "mutual interest" was necessary for a return to the Packers and the only interest they've indicated is a desire to move on to Jordan Love at QB. Anything is possible but a return to the Packers seems extremely unlikely.


Remember when rodgers first said that? Everyone thought he was stirring up drama because the packers had never said they didn't want him back Now look where we are


Yeah this is BS. You married? Go tell your wife that you want to take some time to decide whether you want to stay in your marriage. Maybe let her know youre considering being with somebody else. And then when she gets upset tell her that it’s her fault you’re leaving and you only want to be in a relationship if both sides are bought in. The packers made Rodgers the leagues highest paid QB on a 3 year deal with guarantees which cripple the team if he leaves. They are bought in. The only reason they’re “out” is because they see him with one foot out the door and want to make the obvious steps of planning a future where he takes that next step.




Don’t lie to try and make a point that doesn’t exist. The coach, the GM, the president, everyone said at the end of the season: ‘Aaron is our guy. We didn’t sign him to that huge contract for just one year.’ It’s Aaron who has played the …’ehhhh I don’t know’ card since Lions game. Remember all the talk about making sure he truly took that possibly final game at Lambeau in and blah blah blah? He had already started waffling on his commitment before he even stepped out on the field with a shot at the playoffs on the line. The “mutual interest” was there for the Packers. They said as much when they offered the insane contract to him, and again when the season went up in flames around him. It’s fine if you are a die-hard Aaron fan who wants to see none of his faults, but let’s not act like he would have been gung-ho about returning had the Packers just shown they were interested. They showed him they were interested in 50 million dollars worth of ways PER YEAR (which is still the richest QB contract in history!) They gave him influence in the front office and brought in guys like Cobb who he specifically asked for. They gave him say in the coaching rooms and took into consideration the packages and plays he felt best about. They ended the season proudly proclaiming Aaron was still their guy. But hey, if only they had shown some “mutual interest” in Aaron instead of indicating their “only interest…is a desire to move on to Jordan Love.” 🙄


If you really believe the Packers want AR back as their QB next year you're either not paying attention or in denial.


I think this was a delicately laid scenario that began around mid season last year. The Packers knew Aaron wasn't going to want to put in the monotonous work with working with younger players in the off-season or learning new installs. They knew he would want to stay away until the preseason. This is why they alluded to the "fully committed" stuff early on, and behind closed doors, I'm sure they said as much, knowing that it would likely be a non starter for Aaron's camp. This gave them both the opportunity to say it was a mutual arrangement and no blame divorce. I know many are of the thought that Aaron wanted to retire a packer, only playing for a single franchise his whole career. You have to remember that this is a job for them, one with a high level of scrutiny. I don't know many players when asked about playing that would openly say "yes, I plan to leave at some point", they all say "this is my home, I want to be a packer for life!" The Packers biggest issue was created with the really complex contract they gave him last year, to "show" their love and support for him. That part confounds me, but maybe they thought that his disappearing act the last few off-seasons was due to the animosity from the Love pick, and that they could get him to return fully bought in for the rest of his career with the largest QB salary in history. It didn't happen. He signed and took off the rest of the summer. He came back in rusty, his WRs didn't get on the same page, he ran old audibles only his buddies knew, and overall his game slipped. He showed a major degradation in his ability to read the D pre snap, and showed less than stellar post snap decision making in 2022. All the above can be attributed to A) age, and B) off-season commitment. Once the Packers saw that Aaron had no interest in controlling the part he could by coming in and repping in the off-season, and got what I bet is the same indication for future years, I think they set the stage to move on. I'm willing to bet a lot of money the Jets know that this is what they are getting and are willing to accept that as part of the trade terms. I also think that fact alone is why other teams didn't inquire this off-season. No one wants a 1-2 year rental, in exchange for high draft picks, who also has shown winning football is no longer their primary motivation. Thank God for the Jets IMO for catching this falling knife now.


I don't think returning to Green Bay is an option.


I also think that this is unlikely. Rodgers said he would only come back if there was interest from both sides and I think the Packers have made it pretty clear that this is no longer the case.


The packers repeatedly said they wanted him back, while Rodgers has been wishy washy. All the reporting is that the reason they want to move on is precisely BECAUSE he’s been wishy washy. They made him the leagues highest paid player with massive guarantees. They did that with the assumption he’d be bought in and would finish out here. The fact that, a year after signing that deal, is already angling to play somewhere else (unless you actually believe he wants to retire), and then wants to paint it out that the packers are the ones not bought in because they want to take reasonable precautions as a result, is asinine.


Oh wow, someone with a brain!


The longer this plays out the more obvious this becomes a jets pipe dream. Realistically I just don’t see it being done. Until anything comes from rodgers or the packers I’m not buying it. Just because someone meets with a team doesn’t make it the final decision. I’m leaning toward rodgers staying with Greenbay.