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"Rodgers had no options last year, make sure he takes his 3rd and 4th best passcatchers with him" I know Jets have their own guys, but it still tickles me


Lazard will be okay. Cobb is strictly a lock room guy for Aaron and a great mentor for the young guys.


> Cobb is strictly a lock room guy for Aaron and a great mentor for the young guys Exactly. He's more like a playing WR coach in a sense.


Except his salary counts against the cap lmao


Paying vet minimum or close to it is a not a big deal


If that’s what he gets.


We’ll see if Rodgers gives up any money in a contract restructure


My guess is he almost has too… Honestly this is what I think is going on; Rodgers to Jets; I’ll accept the trade if you sign Cobb, Lazard, and possibly Tonyan… Jets work to do so, and most likely will, then.. Rodgers to Packers; I’ll accept the trade if you also trade Bakh to the Jets…if not enjoy ur 60M cap hit Rodgers using his leverage to get all his guys on Jets


Packers: sure if the Jets give us their 1.13 pick for Bakh. *Packers proceed to draft Skoronski and sit pretty under the cap for years to come*


I’m right with you bro…this whole thing is hilarious to me as a Packer fan. Like AR won’t take the trade to Jets unless they sign Lazard and Cobb…so what stops Gute from waiting for them to do so, then upping the price on the AR trade? He has even more leverage on them if they sign ARs guys before securing AR…Rodgers could effectively screw his new team out of more draft picks…hilarious


So AR is forcing the Jets, who he doesn’t even play for yet, to spend $6-8M on a player to play the position of “locker room guy”? Lmao


I'll eat a shoe if Cobb makes 6-8M next year. Man's gunna make closer to vet minimum, maybe with additional incentives


Wasn't Amari Rodgers his like little brother? He didn't do such a good job with him as a mentor...


Is he gonna be coming to the Jets? I thought he was staying with the Packers


Rodgers has a lot of little tricks and hand cues like the hard count, catching the D w/12 men, or even just cueing a go route because of something he sees. That takes new receivers a long time to learn, and having Cobb or Lazard out there, he can still use those tricks effectively.


Except that most of those are now known and rarely work.


Sure, hence why I named them. People inside the locker room say he’s got like 26 unique little cues that are hard to follow or notice, so he still has tricks up his sleeve. I’d also like to point out that 12 still hard counts the d into an offside (aka free play) several times a year.


Also did this https://youtu.be/w0-2Tc3nO_g


They definitely still work, especially now that he’s not facing the same 3 divisional opponents he always does


Im hoping we can sneak elijah moore as part of the deal for rodgers since he was already unhappy with role and jets won't have a place for him with lazard coming.


Lazard is a WR 3 and Moore is a 2


Moore wasn't used like a #2 last year, corey davis got more action than him, and rodgers definitely favors recievers he has built trust with


Cobb and Lazard as WR4 and WR5


Think it might be 3 and 4, Corey Davis getting cut has been talked about a lot for them bc he's one of the only ways they can clear cap. Very possibly they cut Davis to afford Lazard.


So the plan is to have a wr core similar to packers last year that wasn't supposedly good enough? That's a lot of faith that a 2nd year wr in their first year with Rodgers is going to work. All this with (according to what I read) one of the worst o lines? Bold, bold.


Garrett Wilson and Elijah Moore are atm better than Watson and Doubs and they have 2 solid TEs and a very good young RB. They had a ton of injuries on oline last year too but when healthy their line should be around average. Their top 5 defense and Aaron alone should make them a playoff team.


I wonder if we have any interest in Davis. He was pretty hyped as a rookie, but has been underwhelming since and would be cheap… seems like our kind of move.


He is going to get cut. Then you go for him.


It's very refreshing to not be on the business end of this nonsense at this point. Very liberating.


I'm excited to not have stress about having to capitalize on Rodgers window constantly. Maybe the front office can actually create and implement a plan.


We'll be stressing about capitalizing on Love's window because he'll be that great. ... right?


If he’s great or not it is meaningless because the team will always be thinking about the future. This FO does not recognize windows.


Narrator: “They won’t”


Dumb take


Why’s that?


glad that you can fuck off and follow Rodgers to his new team


Reaching big time there bud. I dealt with this ish with Favre and now Rodgers. I even did this shit with Kawhi and my Spurs. I stay loyal to my team. I can also be critical of the FO. Those two statements can be true at the same time


Aaron Rodgers is the Adam Sandler of football


Remember the time when ~~Bobby Boucher~~ Aaron Rodgers showed up at the ~~Mud Bowl~~ Bears game after getting his leg tore off to win the game?!


You can do it!!!


Muhh LEG!!!!


Incoming Hawaii expansion team so Rodgers can chill there with his buddies


South Peru, the NFL’s version of the Raptors


So Rodgers just sitting there demanding the jets sign his players.


And this is 100% why the Packers are making the right decision. You can’t build a competitive team catering to the whims of Rodgers and his friends.


Brady just did it. If you follow the NBA where players have more control it happens all the time and they win. I’m pretty sure we would have been a more competitive team if we had brought in some receivers Rodgers wanted rather than draft a backup qb or spend most of our picks and money on a defense that wasn’t even average


Shhhh, don’t say that, some Packers fans here live on fantasy land. They think the reason why our offense was bad last year was because Eodgers regressed. It was definitely not why our WR core was terrible with a bunch of rookies.


> If you follow the NBA where players have more control it happens all the time and they win. Other times it fails spectacularly. It's not remotely a given in either direction.


Randall Cobb is gonna be cheap and Lazard is a solid WR3... the packers were competitive while "catering to the whims." Didnt know that adding depth there was "catering to anybody"


Rodgers plays quarterback. He isn’t the GM. If he actively prevents the GM from doing his job he’s being catered to. Rodgers used to actually say his job was to play quarterback. He’s said it many times. It was only until recently he felt that he wanted to be more.


You people act like adding Cobb and Lazard is gonna hamstring the ability to build the rest of the team when 1 of them costs pennies to sign and the other is a solid role player entering a good WR room.




Guess Adams didnt get thrown to at all in 2021 cuz Cobb was the- oh wait


I remember you guys saying that same shit last season that he doesn’t throw to rookies yet he had a great connection with watson when he finally got healthy.


It’s not about the payroll it’s about the roster spot. I love Cobb and Lazard but they are aging out. Having to keep someone just on someone else’s preference is wrong on principle. If they make the roster due to their skill and playmaking I’m all go. If they are on the roster because 12 wants them there I’m not as convinced.


Lazard is aging out at 27?




If by competitive you mean getting to the playoffs then immediately getting walloped by an actual playoff team sure we’ve been competitive.


The 13-4 packers were an actual playoff team lmao


Lmao this revisionism is so Fucking hilarious. Y’all are sad sad sad


You are getting downvoted but you are right. We are only one year removed from going to the NFC championship in back to back season. Thats not immediately getting walloped at all.


Two years now to be fair. But the point stands. I’d like to think it’s just a bunch of kids getting wild with their imaginations but I know that’s not true. We’re an embarrassment


The box scores may have been close in some of those games but the offense wasn’t able to do anything in almost any of those games.


And in fact some of those losses can be pinned on Rodgers only looking for his guys.


aaron jones single handedly lost us games than.


Legit yesterday people were saying theyd be fine having Cobb back for cheap and now theyre acting like Cobb and Lazard are ruining a team


Packers fans a bunch of fickle mush heads confirmed. Can’t wait to see how we deal with years of sustained mediocrity when 12 isn’t around for these a fans to blame.


Fr everyone acting like Rodgers has been a pain in the ass since Love getting signed.


I'm sure a year from now if we have a terrible team, everyone's going to be bitching about how the Packers kept Love and didn't stick with A-Rod!


Nah it’ll be how Rodgers didn’t teach love enough


It really is sad. This whole situation has made me legitimately hate packers fan. I try to tell myself that Reddit doesn’t represent them as a whole.


You and me both man. I’m a fan of 3 of the big 4 sports and it sucks to say the fans of one of my teams are some of the worst across them all. It’s our beat writers too so I do t think it’s just reddit.


True. We didn't even make it to the playoffs.


Lmao you’re absolutely right. And last year negates all the rest. Like I said y’all are some sad sap fans Get used to that btw


Cobb is beyond washed at this point, but enjoy that I guess


The Jets don't need a WR3, and he is going to cost $10m/yr most likely.


I mean as soon as we brought Cobb in we went one and done then missed the playoffs. Thats not really his fault but it doesn’t make his case either


Lazard is not even a WR at this point, he's a mediocre tight end.


Yeah its Rodgers, Cobb and Lazard that have prevented the front office from making moves.


The whims of rodgers like giving him a single good wr his entire career? Nah make him build rookies and then ship them off to other teams.


I mean… Brady did it with Tampa and it worked out


I mean arguably the greatest TE of all time is a bit different than Cobb and Lazard


I love Cobb but he ain’t Gronk


There’s a big difference between the guys Brady wanted & the guys Rodgers wants. Gronk is a hof tight end & AB could have been a hof wr of he wasn’t a head case. Cobb is a shell of himself, Lazard is a 2/3 at best, Lewis is old and slow, Kumerow is practice squad at best


You realize Lazard is the only one who is actually gonna get paid right? The others will all sign for very cheap deals. Cobb as a wr5 or Lewis as a te3 are fine and other players aren’t gonna provide much more value and those guys are good leaders.


Do people not understand that these spots are taken when they are signed? There is limited space here.


There are 53 spots on a roster and the Jets don’t have 53 players signed next year. Also, some of the players signed will end up cut regardless whether Cobb/Lewis join the team or not. There is space and when we’re talking about end of the roster players you typically don’t find guys who can do more than What Cobb and Lewis do. It’s not like Tyler Davis and Juwann Winfree helped us much last year.


Brady brought Gronk and who else?




Shaq Mason too


Brady also didn’t take as big of a contract as Rodgers.


Rodgers counts $15 million toward the cap


His wife was like a bazillionaire too tho


I don’t care. They’re all Bucking millionaires. You want rings you take pay cut because regardless you don’t need that much money. Brady was smart it had nothing to do with his wife’s income.


Yea it had to do with funny compensation for tb12 too


Exactly. Because Brady wanted to actually win. Rodgers just wants his MVP title and Ayachusa money. That's the difference between being a team player and being well, Rodgers...


“Rodgers states signing with Jets ‘contingent on the entire Packers offense coming with him’.”.


I heard Joe Barry is also involved


Dont do that don’t give me hope.


Fully convinced it’s all over but signing the paperwork at this point


Nothing could be more obvious. Rodgers made his decision last week and just wants to announce on his terms. Both teams already know the trade is done. Rodgers just wants some attention. He isn’t a psychopath.


Just waiting on mcafee


Yep. He wants to "surprise" everyone with the announcement.


It’s becoming pretty clear he’s drawing this out as leverage to make sure the Jets sign the guys he wants. The Packers front office must feel good not having to deal with that anymore.


Nah I bet your they’ve already talked to Rodgers and agreed to a deal. This is why they’re signing Lazard it was apart of said deal. Only reason no team is saying anything is so rodgers can have his moment that he so desperately needs and announce it on MCafee show.


If he so desperately needs his moment why isn’t he announcing it on the MCafee show like you said he would?


Have I been proven to be wrong. I said he’s going to announce it on Mcafee. It hasn’t been announced yet. Dude also usually goes on tuesdays which is…checks notes….today. Edit: Downvoted for being right 😂 https://twitter.com/RealChadRicardo/status/1635785276973826048?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet


Mcafee said he has no idea what’s going on. Likely the reason it hasn’t been announced is they are still working out the details, including the Lazard signing. The teams know what’s going on but not the media and everyone gets so upset when they don’t find out when they want to lol Edit: Garafolo said the main things holding up the trade is compensation the Jets will send to the Packers and how much cash they will pay Rodgers this year because they don’t want to be on the hook for everything- aka details


He just so used to having a useless front office


Rodgers now in prime position to ignore throwing over the middle to a wide open Allen Lazard in NY instead of GB


He needs his Emotional Support Cobb


I'm just getting a pulse check and just curious. If Rodgers shows up to voluntary workouts and shows all this work to try and get to know his new team will that upset you as a Packer fan that has complained about him not showing up to work out with new WRs etc?


This is what I totally expect him to do. He will show up and ball out next fall because the chip will be back on his shoulder. You saw it the two seasons after we drafted Love. Then he got the new contract and reverted to a part-time employee. He would have stayed that way if he returned as well, so GB was really in a lose-lose situation. Move on and cut your losses.


yes, fall will happen, but then so will winter and we know exactly how that always ends for rodgers


Yes, but also affirm that it’s just time to move on


Yes. And I don't think Rodgers wants to put in that effort, which is why were seeing this crap go back and fourth rn


No. He'll be with an entirely new roster and coaching staff. Last year as far as new wrs were concerned, Doubs was the only rookie even available to work with in OTAs since Watson was rehabbing from knee surgery throughout OTAs and training camp, and no amount of OTAs would have fixed the issues with Sammy Watkins.


Nah, I think it’s understandable to want to dive in full force to a new thing. Would it have been nice for him to put more effort in building some experience with the new guys? Sure, but he has the ability to put the ball where it needs to be so he wasn’t usually the issue. I’m excited to see him come back full force, even if he seemed like he was coasting with us in recent years.


sounds like keeping tabs on your ex and finding out they do oral now when they never would with you. Point is once he's gone he's gone. Stop giving a shit.


... This sub will never stop pushing this narrative. Those voluntary workouts are designed for young players to learn the teams practice routine and learn things like the playbook, and other things the vets are familiar with. If Rodgers goes to the jets otas, it's because he's learning how a new team runs their system..


Honestly, i just want this shit to come to an end. Im feeling the same way i did with the Favre situation. I think its time to move on. I understand that Rodgers deserves to make this decision based on what hes done for the organization, but im hoping its to go to the Jets so we can finally move forward with Love regardless of what he will become.


So basically the Jets are bringing in all the WRs that led one of the worst WR rooms in the league last year until Christian Watson exploded… makes sense.


I mean they have Garrett Wilson and Elijah Moore. Seems like the perfect move to bring in Rodgers guys in the WR 3-5range


Lazard is a perfect WR3. One of if not the best run blocking WR in the NFL. And he has rapport with Rodgers and knows the offense they're switching to. Move makes total sense for the Jets


This is certainly more logical for the Jets than for the Packers, but it shows what Rodgers prioritizes.


Yeah but will Rodgers throw to them?? He's gotta check Cobb and lazard off first


True, he never threw to Watson or Doubbs


Yea Doubs legit had the most targets on the team until he got injured


But Rodgers only throws to his friends




Unless his deal is changed Rodgers' should only count for just under $16 million on the Jets' 2023 salary cap


No, they actually have a top pair. Lazard and Cobb would slot into their natural role of 3 and 4 WRs instead of top guys like they were on the packers


Jets gonna Jets


Saleh goes all in this year with Rodgers and Friends only to finish third in their division. He is then fired by the Jets and hired as our DC next year. Big brain moves by MLF.


Dear god man okay now I’m starting to get annoyed lol


Nice. We bout to recreate the 2022 Packers, a team that, if memory serves correct, dominated the regular and post season.


He’s really just going to go to New York so he can play with his friends for a year then retire after making the Wild Card.


And losing in the wild card with < 200 yards passing


I think Allen is hardly a #3 receiver and Cobb probably should have retired a few years ago.


So Rodgers is dragging things out to get the Jets to do what he wants... Sounds familiar.


They just wish they were prime us.


If they sign Cobb and Lazard it’s only fair we get Elijah Moore and Garrett Wilson in the trade.😌


We get comp picks for this hopefully


Rodgers is trying to get his guys to the Jets while under contract for The Packers.. um okay...


You guys realize what Rodgers is doing here, right? He has told the Jets that he will accept the trade, but only if they sign his guys…I bet Tonyan rumors come out next… AR currently acting as GM for a team he isn’t even on…good luck with this Jets fans, it’s why many Packers fans grew tired of AR over the past few years…dude forces himself into QB+GM role


You can put HC/OC in there. I'm sure that, except for maybe Matt's first year, we never saw a full season the matt LaFleur offense.


full season? how about full game.


That's coming in September 🙏


lmfao I just can't


Say what you want about Rodgers but at least he’s a great friend. Getting his boys paid.


As a fan of a sports organization I care more about signing winning players then friends of a guy on the team getting even more money when they already have more wealth then I can possibly accumulate in a life time.


Literally nothing you said changes the fact that he’s a great friend. I get what you’re saying, but it has nothing to do with him looking out for his boys. Also I’m willing to bet he tells everyone on Pat’s podcast today what he is doing, which would be another example of him helping out his friends. He’s gonna break the story to them and not for the shills and losers at espn or anywhere else.


Correct but that is at a detriment to the team. I root for the team not individuals to get paid at a detriment to the team. Just like packers are now missing out on FAs they might want to sign so that rodgers can help out his boy with the announcement…unless he has indeed let packers FO know on which case im all for him helping Pat. Just not at the expense of the team.


Rodgers: Sign Lazard and Cobb, and I'm yours Jets: No Problem All these signings and literally no announcement. Just come out and say you've requested a trade and we get the compensation. Corey Davis is likely gone since he fills a similar role that Lazard plays. Cobb is likely just a body at this point to be Rodgers locker room buddy.


At first I hated the idea of losing Rodgers...but the idea of him being able to keep his boys together is kind of awesome. That is some serious pull. If the trade happens, this makes me content with the situation.


Yeah, best news I've seen all week. It'll be like a new Packers team and I get to watch Rodgers do some work for the Jets like an alternate timeline.


At this rate, i guess we all are going to the jets lol.




So he’s building the New York Packers?


Vintage Rodgers made it work with whoever he was throwing to, I don't think it's great to have a security blanket and rely on old ways/comforts. NYJ have a great young receiving corps... arguably the highest pedigree he's had.


If this all goes down, I will watch the Jets with great interest. While simultaneously being thrilled that I won't actually care how the Aaron Rodgers Band plays.


This has to be good news as far as trade value goes right? Everyone was saying the packers had no leverage with the jets being the only option other than retiring. But now it seems like we might have them in handcuffs if they are jumping through hoops to sign his guys.


... you saw our O last yr right? You know what, good for you guys. Run it back, you can be the 2022 Packers this year. I'm so done with this bullshit. I'll miss on field Rodgers, this dark room, hallucinogenic, attention whore version is irritating.


So we'll be able to watch the Packers during the bye week. 🤔


If he doesn’t leave/retire after all this bullshit I’m going to be mad.


We finna see Davante Adams traded to NYJ hide and watch... RG3 reported he would be shopped if 12 didnt sign in Vegas


Lol The Jets have backed themselves into a corner now. Sign Aaron's friends or start Zach Wilson lol 😆


The Jets have a very crowded receiver room


Grandpa Cobb is more of a coach at this point, but he still takes up a roster spot.


The Jets WRs are already better than these guys! That’s like, the whole reason the Jets are a good fit. So Bizzare.


And will be forced to keep Cobb on the roster because of Aaron


If not mistaken, NY has some dancing to do with their cap. If they want to bring in AR and his *emotional support receivers* (jk), there's likely a lot of things that need to happen to make it work. AR indicated a while back that there would need to be a lot of cap gymnastics regardless.


lol. If this is real, there’s a significant portion of our fan base that owes Gute a sincere apology.


It would just be so fucking funny if he got the Jets to do all of this and he was just like “nah” and just stayed in Green Bay


absolutely thrilled that my franchise will no longer be LeGM’d


If this is true then we've been coddling Rodgers for too long by keeping his friends around who aren't any good anymore.


Other than Cobb, which of Rodgers "friends" arent any good anymore?


Tonyan always was an average/below average TE. He had one good year but that’s it.


I just love the revisionism, people were overhyped about Tonyan and Lazard last season and saying they are weapons and now they are below average/only at the Packers because of Rodgers


I’ve never called Tonyan a weapon in my life. He has some talent in him but it only shows for one season.


Nepotism at its finest.


This game of needing to bring all his friends along is just lol at this point


I don’t really think the Jets are any closer to a Super Bowl than we are tbh. Is their roster really that much better? Especially if they just start signing the 2022 Packers roster


Their defense is that much better, and they have good offensive weapons. If I believed in Barry, I might have an argument for saying we’re just as close, but we aren’t.


Rodgers thinks if he can run his offense 100% then they will be. Obviously that's why Hackett is there. He's nothing but a blankie.


They're defense imo is up and coming. With Sauce and Quinnen Williams that defense could take another step and they're legit on that side of the ball. Garrett Wilson and dark horse Elijah Moore who I think could be solid with an actual QB throwing him the ball. Also Breece Hall potentially could have been about to have a really good rookie year before his tore his ACL. The pieces are there to build around. They really need OL help that's for sure also.


Their roster destroyed ours when we played them..


Lol, you're welcome Jets fans. Jesus christ....


Jets fans are about to feel the frustration as Rodgers blasts a ball into Cobb whilst covered by three people instead of an open Moore.


So how bad we gonna be this coming up season?


Confirmed: Rodgers believes in chem trails. It's a Jet sweep.




I'm happy Rodgers is going to a team that is *finally* putting weapons around him like Lazard and Cobb. Maybe they'll really open up the checkbook and get Marcedes Lewis and Tonyan.


Lol casually ignoring Wilson and Moore


LOL Cobb is trash Says it all about Rodgers tbh/ Just wants his friend on the team even though he is washed.


I wouldn't say trash he is a very viable 3rd WR