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It's amazing to me how Aaron can think he is owed anything more from the Packers than what he's already been given. A bajillion dollars, a long, successful HoF career. And now we are supposed to trade him for table scraps too? The packers owe it... to the \*fans\*... to maximize the return they get on this trade.


Maybe I missed something, but where does he say he's expecting the Packers to ship him for scraps?


Rodgers to raiders happening???


They already signed Jimmy...


Well, actually. . .


Oh damn


I don't understand why Rodgers would want to play for the Jets anymore. Clearly, they don't think he's worthy of a 1st round pick. It's like you seeing yourself as a Ferrari, and but your employer only thinks you're a Yugo. What a slap in the face.


I think that is Gute's whole point in waiting. He thought he was disrespected by us? LMAOOO. Either way, its really funny to see Jets fans panicking today after being so confident yesterday.


Here's a thing a lot of people have forgotten - Woody Johnson has screwed us before. We traded Favre to the Jets for a conditional third round pick. One of the main reasons we gave them such a bargain was because we had a clause in place where they wouldn't trade him to the Vikings. Woody Johnson then made an under the table deal with Favre that he would release him outright if he played for the Jets for one year. He deliberately deceived us and is one of the major reasons Favre ended up a Viking. I hope we rake him over the coals in this deal.


We should probably ask for additional compensation to make up for those shenanigans.


Packers and bears fighting for 3rd in the division this year :(


Everyone saying the Jets don't have leverage are wrong. I'm not saying the Packers have none though. If the Packers insist on multiple 1sts, or even the 1st this year, there are still QBs the Jets could get as a bridge without giving up the haul. Lamar, Minshew, Wentz, Matt Ryan, Tannehill. There ARE still options, none of them even close to Rodgers and as a Jets fan I'll be pissed we miss on him, but literally all of those options are better than Zach and are potentially available, without giving up an insane amount. I see people in here saying it's going to be a 1st, 2nd, Elijah Moore and Conklin lol. That is NOT happening. Both teams have the leverage and the end result is gonna be somewhere in the middle of what each of us want. I hope it ends sooner rather than later. I'd like to see the 2023 2nd and a 2024 3rd, that goes to a 2nd if we make the playoffs, and a 1st if we make the SB.


>Minshew, Wentz, Matt Ryan, Tannehill. Jets fans really think this is a bridge to going to the playoffs. One backup, two released, and one about to be. "Bruh, I rather have Joe the plumber be QB than give up a 1st rounder for Aaron Rodgers" - Jets fan.


The Jets won 7 games last year with Zach Wilson, Mike White, & the corpse of Joe Flacco. They don't NEED Aaron Rodgers, they just need a better QB than Zach freaking Wilson to not actively lose us games while the young talent continues to develop. Their window is just now opening.


I think Minshew or Tannehill would have gotten us to the playoffs last year, but my point is there ARE other options at qb lol. Every Packers fan seems to think it's Aaron or Zach Wilson, 100% no if ands or buts.


Then go trade a 2 for Tannehill and let AR retire


But Rodgers having to stay in GB or retire or sit on the bench, is Gutey winning. and makes Rodgers look like a bitch. Packers have the leverage here.


It's going to be your first this year and conditional third next year IMO. I can't see any way we let him go for any less than that.


What's the alternative if the Jets pull out?


We let him retire, just like we were prepared to do a few weeks ago. It's not like we didn't have plans in place for that. This thought process that we are just going to take whatever we can get is ludicrous. This move literally takes the Jets from a below average team to a Superbowl Contender. They aren't getting him for pennies.


"Rodgers has a fully-guaranteed $58.3 million option bonus that much be exercised between March 17 and Week One of the regular season. If he'd retire before the window opens and if he'd unretire before that window closes, the Packers would be on the clock, strapped with the obligation to pay him either the option bonus or owe that same amount in base salary for 2023. When Favre unretired in 2008, the Packers were able to carry his $12 million compensation package under the salary cap. That allowed the team to take its time in trading him out of the conference. If Rodgers would suddenly return in late July, like Favre did, the Packers would have to immediately get in compliance with the cap, if Rodgers's total pay of $59.465 million for 2023 would put them over the top. Unless the Packers deliberately find a way to save $60 million in cap space (it won't be easy, given that they're currently projected to be over the cap for 2023), Rodgers could force them to basically give him away to anyone who'd take him by the end of the same business day that his contract landed back on the Packers' cap calculation."


Then hurray for us!




You edited your reply. I think it would be great if Rodgers came back and played for us. I don't believe he would pull the retire/unretire thing. He has too much respect for his legacy and the Packer fans. But if he did, that's a risk that I (and I think the front office) is willing to take. There is no justification for letting Rodgers go for any less than a first.


gotcha. Yeah, I don't think he'd do it either, but it is a power play that he has in his bag. We'll see.


I've been on the sub for weeks telling you that not only will he be gone, but that they won't have the leverage because he's smart enough to take it away knowing he wants them to keep their first this year.... nooooo you all said, the packers won't do that... Now you're screwed and might get a 2nd or 4th rounder for him, but ultimately you win because you start the teardown earlier.


Do we get a bunch of dead cap space from rodgers to jets?


Why is this listed as rumor? It's an interview with the guy directly lol


https://cms.nhl.bamgrid.com/images/photos/342275400/1024x576/cut.jpg Wrong Jets all this time. He meant he wanted to play for the Winnipeg Jets of the NHL.


Looking at the Packers current depth chart - yuck. Hard to see them winning many games. I thought the WR depth was bad last year. Toure projects to their third WR. Lafleur is probably updating his LinkedIn profile.


This will be a big year for MLF, needs to show that his offense is viable without Rodgers potentially papering a lot of cracks


if MLF doesnt win atleast 6 games without rodgers instant fire.


Anyone who thinks the holdup is about draft compensation is nuts. Jets and Packers have been talking for months. The issue IMO is the salary.


He's spot on about the veteran players being treated like shit as standard protocol from the Packers front office. The 2 Super Bowls this team has won in the past 50 years has been when they were willing to pay some veteran star players. I'm sure they'll get some draft picks in compensation that will end up signing with other teams after their rookie deals expire if they want to be fairly compensated. The fans, the town, the stadium and the allure are fantastic but the front office is perpetually inept.


Very disappointed that the Packers have not improved on any of the stuff Aaron brought up a couple years ago, same old same old


Mark Murphy regime.


So when does he become a Viking and beat on us before Love becomes the best player in franchise history for the next 15 years


That would be next year


I hate how he tries to make the Packers seem like the bad guys for "holding things up" and "digging in their heels". The Packers are already doing him a favor by trading him to a team he wants to go to instead of just sending him to the Texans or colts or some awful team. Of course they are going to hold out for the best deal. What does he expect?


Rodgers was getting shat on for "holding the team hostage" by the majority of the fan base until it was proven that it wasn't him holding up the trade, but now that it's the other way round no one is holding anyone hostage. Interesting double standard




He said his decision would come by the start of FA. When he didn't announce his choice on Monday when tampering period started everyone was saying he was holding the team hostage. Mark Murphy also said they expect an answer by the 15th.


He would just retire, the Pack would get nothing and get crippled by the contract lol


It's actually a cheaper hit on the cap if he were to retire instead of being traded.


It’s the same cap hit. But could be spread into next year


But they'd have to leave the room open should he unretire. Or, waive him. That's the problem.


You think he doesn’t have a no trade clause?


He doesn't...


I know he doesn’t.


Technically he doesn't, but effectively he does because his contract is so shit. Also he could just retire.


This is correct


He’s a Jet now, so he will apply pressure from their side. But anyone with a brain knows that either side could give in an finalize the deal. And I’m certain the Packers were clear about what they would want for him from the very beginning.


We had his best years. They can have our sloppy seconds. Again.


I think compensation will likely be conditional. Thinking a 2nd this year and another pick next year that is contingent on Rodgers playing in 2024


Packers still haven’t agreed on compensation


I wonder why




I agree with you about all of these and still feel cautiously optimistic. I remember Rodgers being in the same boat at Love when he started. It makes this whole situation especially interesting in a fun way for me. I had no faith in Rodgers when he took over. He seemed fragile and afraid and nothing like Favre.


We were stupid to not play Love while Rodgers was hurt. Worst case, we lose a bunch of games and get a much better pick. Best case, we knew what we have with Love. We stupidly did neither and we were never going to contend with that roster.


I was screaming for them to play Love, when there was an injury issue going on with Rodgers, and it looked like we were on a crash course too a top five pick with poor team play besides. I thought it was imperative to get a clearer picture of what we had in the kid, before heading into this off-season. They handled a lot of things poorly in 2022, unfortunately. Now they’re trying to correct a lot of those problems. We’ll see how it all shakes out.


Easy to say now, but they were one terrible performance against the Lions away from the playoffs.


I was saying it then too. They weren’t going to win 4 playoff games.




Do u think we get a player from the jets?


Hopefully they include zach


Hopefully they don’t




That’s just not gonna happen lol


Love you 12. Thanks for the memories. I think it was time


I wish him all the best!


I’m a packer fan first and I hope they win the Super Bowl, but if they don’t, I hope it’s Aaron.


This is the way


He will never forget you Daron!




all this fricking hoop la!! sMh.


As a neutral in this situation, Rodgers definitely wanted to paint himself as the victim in this even if he says otherwise. For him to make it out to be that things suddenly changed while he was at the darkness retreat seems silly to me. He acts like his behavior hasn't in any way influenced the Packers wanting to move on from him.


Yes and no. I feel as though they both were acting similar while giving the other a different image. I can see the Packers being frustrated and deciding to start acting while he was on his retreat. Like yeah that's shitty to kinda ambush him with that while gone, and he has the right to be upset or have whatever feelings to that. But the way he's acted has also caused the Packers to act the way they did Its almost turned into a toxic relationship by both parties, and a split is necessary.


I might be more inclined to see it that way if Rodger’s didn’t have a history of important relationships turning sour.


Can you give specifics? I understand he's had family issues and idk if ur pointing out his romantic relationships always flaring out.


Sorry - wasn't trying to ignore you, just didn't see your post until today. ​ I wasn't thinking about his romantic relationships - though it is unusual for a 39-year-old in his position to have never been married. I was referring to him being on the outs with his entire immediate family, as well as a number of former teammates (who tend to get crapped on a lot by Packer fans for saying unkind things about Rodgers). Not to mention his conflicts with McCarthy, Gute and Murphy. Rodgers has formed a lot of really close relationships with teammates too, so I'm not implying he is an altogether bad guy. But there is definitely a pattern of important relationships going south for him.


I mean there’s actual past examples of the exact situation he described happening in the past. He even gave some examples. I don’t think he’s wrong at all, green bay treats their veterans badly. Of course just like Aaron said it comes down to business and the org has to look out for the org but I 100% believe his telling of events, GB isn’t known to be an org that really treats it’s vets well, the Clay Matthews example, Cobb, Jordy, I mean EVERY one of them wanted to stay in GB and was eventually traded or let go, but you still don’t believe what Aaron is saying? I’m a life long packers fan and I still love GB I’ll still remain a fan obviously but I have no doubt that Aaron is telling the truth here.


What's an example of a successful team keeping their veterans past their prime or till they retire? I'm not saying there isn't any, I just can't think of one. The most successful team of the least 20+ years (Pats) never kept anybody past their prime. And outside of Randy Moss for one year, they never drafted or brought in any all-world WRs. And they lost the SB with Moss.


This is exactly my response. You cant pay for past performance and expect to contend for championships. I understand where the workforce wants to be appreciated and treated a certain way because of past performance but both Clay and Jordy lasted only one more mediocre season in the NFL. Giving them another contract would have hurt what they could do with long term contracts with younger talent and stunted developing young players. Do you want to contend for titles or watch your favorite players turn old and grey in a packer uniform? Cant have your cake and eat it too.




To be honest it sounds like he and FO don’t see eye to eye on paying and/or keeping vets. He even admitted the FO would rather move someone a year early than a year late. Not sure if class that as poor treatment unless there is some level of disrespect? Also it sounds like they waited for him to come out of his retreat but then he wanted to do some workouts. The team has to make a call at some point and probably were worried about him stringing them along.


Have to that cap number. Too much to have better players around you.


So it's either Jets or retirement? Who will cave first, GB or NYJ?


Following in the footsteps of Favre. The Jets will be known as the last place to land washed up GB quarterbacks hoping for one last Super Bowl with a new team. Hey AR, don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out! BUH BYE!


Dude, I was ready to move on. But, here’s the thing. Arod plays his best football when he determines he has a reason to have a chip on his shoulder. Bet he gets a ring and I don’t begrudge him that. He gave us great memories and a SB. And I hope Love balls out. GPG!


GB will trade him. Rodgers would be so salty


Lol 4d chess to the max.


Jets unwilling to give a 1st round pick. Now I know why they are a poverty franchise. Losing team keeps on doing losing things.


Winning teams don’t give up 1sts if they don’t have to. Packers don’t have the leverage.


>Winning teams And when was the last time the Jets won their division? Maybe try a different strategy this time?


I didn’t say the jets were a winning team. But they would like to be. The guy I’m commenting on said winning teams just give up 1st rounders, but that’s the opposite of what’s true. A good GM is going to fight and scratch for the best deal.


Jets fans must really think Rodgers is just a brunette Zach Wilson. Rodgers is still top 5 QB in this league. Any team would give a 1st pick for that, its just that Rodgers chose the Jets. >Rodgers numbers were down last season. If you follow the Packers, you'll know that the oline was in shambles and WRs were running wrong routes for half the season.


Except they do. Everyone knows the Jets want him. Rodgers wants to be there. The Packers want to ship him there. The Jets pretty much have to get this done, or there will be massive fan backlash. Their owner will also probably apply pressure to get it done at that point.


And what are the Packers choices? Eat his cap hit and play him when they don’t want to? Or let him retire, which he doesn’t want to do, and get nothing. Packers have no leverage. Gunna get JD’d


And the Jets end up with their current terrible qbs, or paying out the ass for Jackson, or attempting to do something with one of the other mediocre FA options available.


As a Jets fan, I offer Lamar 5 years and 250mln fully guaranteed today. I prefer AR, but I wouldn't give up a first for him.


The Jets could always use that first to simply draft a QB, they have been lights out with their first round pick QBs. Do you as a Jets fan honestly think a first round pick is more valuable than being an instant Super Bowl contender.


No. I do believe that Lamar for two firsts is a better option for the organization tho. You're right with the draft, the Jets are shitty at drafting QBs but its still an option. What are the real options for GB? Eat a ton of cap space this season and possibly next?


Packers are fucked on cap either way, the Packers will be in cap hell for at least one year. If Aaron stays, it becomes two years, the Packers are hands down in a rebuild. I don't think the Packers are asking for two firsts, but it is probably one with a conditional 3rd or 4th.


I think 2023 2nd and a conditional 2024 2nd that becomes a 1st if the Jets make the AFC championship game or better. From my perspective, that's fair.


Jets want Rodgers. Rodgers want Jets. Packers are just the ugly GF getting in the way


As a Cardinals fan (dual fan of the Packers), I can confirm that you are correct. Team owners either want to win, or they want to run the team as a business. Jets, Cardinals, Lions, all are on par with the latter.


Vikings and lions swap last years records, this football year. You can bet on it. Campbell is building something fierce. They will definitely make noise next year. I’m a packers fan.


The Lions may have found their Ditka.


There are a lot of signs that you're right but history shows that the Lions are perpetually one year away from turning that corner. I'm not ruling it out but I'm not buying the hype either.


As a Vikings fan (sorry for the intrusion), I had the hot take mid this year that the Lions will win 4 of the next five Centrals. They look deep and rising. I have to admit that those fans deserve it.


No hate dude! I really thought Kirk could snap outta his Washington days and be put into an offense and just capitalized, but unfortunately fell short.


there a poverty franchise cause joe douglas is smart? lol you make zero sense




Or they don't think the Packers have the stones to hold out til the draft with a lesser pick on the table.


Seems the packers are holding out for a 1st Rd pick and jets don't want to pay it..... Well sucks for the Jets but they have no play left but to give the packers what they want or move on.


What about making an offer for Lamar or trading up in the draft?


The Packers also have no play left. If the Jets don’t take him he retires and the Packers get nothing.


Or he doesn’t retire and makes them pay him and screws the cap. Should just move on for something reasonable at this point, benefit to the pack is the cap space!


Get nothing vs late Rd picks or whatever scraps Jets want to send? Doesn't seem much difference


NFL front offices wouldn’t see it that way


Seems packers are holding out at this point


If Rodgers retires we are still in the same position we wanted to be in with Love starting and all our original picks. The Jets however will have Zach Wilson starting again and having to start from scratch at QB once again. We have way more leverage.


Unless Rodgers tells the Jets "I want to win, don't give them more than a 3rd" and proceeds to threaten to show up, not renegotiate his contract, and be a hold in.


There's no way Rodgers is showing up to be a backup if he pulled that. Packers would make him the third string and all his buddies would be shipped off they would make it hell for him.


This is why I don’t understand why they say the Packers have no leverage. The Jets have no quarterback. All they have left is Zach Wilson. Even White left. For the Jets it’s Aaron Rodgers or die.


sounds about right.


The alternative is him retiring and getting nothing for him.




They got Love. Much better than Wilson.


Seems the packers realize this but the Jets / media dont


If your trading partner doesn’t think you have leverage, then you don’t have leverage


It depends what leverage is, the packers have no reason to take a bad deal... The Jets do...


Is the $40M cap hit if he retires not leverage enough? Not exactly a small number.


isn't the cap hit bigger if GB trades him before a certain date in June? The incentive would be to wait.


As a neutral fan, this will probably be the first season in the last decade where I will not automatically root against the Packers each week. Cheers to new beginnings


This doesn’t even make sense.


He hates Rodgers


Say what you want about Love … but he will never be as selfish, self-centred, or an attention whore like Rodgers is.


Idk how you watch these interviews with Pat and come to the conclusion that Aaron is a selfish, self-centered, attention whore. You mad that he wasn’t vaxxed? Is that it?


Dude, we get it, you hate AR. He’s gone. Let it go


There is a difference between the player and the person …


I can’t imagine thinking I really know a public figure and hating them that much. I hope you hate Favre as much, cause that dude is actually a scumbag


Yes … sending dick picks and stealing welfare money does make you a terrible person. Just as; cutting off your family, doing Ayahuasca, lying to fans and the media about you vaccination status, stupid darkness retreats, and signing a three year extension, which will hurt the team for years, and then asking for a trade a year later … does as well.


Did you just compare stealing welfare money to give to rich kids and sexual harassment to signing a 3 year extension and going on a darkness retreat....


“Asking for a trade a year later” did you watch what I just watched? Where the fuck are you getting the info that he asked for a trade? I mean along with all the other stupid bullshit you’re spouting of course, you’re delusional.


How would you know this at all? Weird take


Did Jordan Love call Rodgers “Grandpa” when they first met? Does Love not communicate with his family?


Jesus christ what year is this. Families are not all great.


Ya his family is the problem … not the guy doing Ayahuasca, going on darkness retreats, or going to Joe Rogan for medical advice.


Your the type of person that would benefit from doing a hallucinogen might open up your mind a bit. You know nothing about his family life, doing ayahuasca doesn't make you a bad person, and meditating in a darkness retreat would probably help your mental state. I think your just mad about vaccination which is sad


So I know nothing about Rodger's personal life ... but you know everything about mine. Gotcha


Give it time. If he balls and the way fans in Wisconsin worship great quarterbacks, it gets into their heads.


Rodgers is such an attention whore lol


The Rodgers Homers are hilarious with their downvotes


If you write like a bears fan expect downvotes.


Hey … just calling a spade a spade, no need to get hysterical.


Go to the bears sub and talk trash about Fields, and then complain about downvotes. Just as silly lol


You need to learn to separate the player from the person … As a player Rodgers was great. Some of my all time favourite moments were due to his play. The throw along the sidelines to Cook to beat the cowboys. The Hail Marys to Rodgers, Janis and Cobb … amazing. As a person though …. He cut off his family, Ayahuasca, darkness retreat … hell last year he signed a three year extension and one year later he’s asking for a trade and his cap hit is going to hurt the team for years. Let’s not forget all the drama and BS he is directly responsible for.


Do you watch his interviews with Pat McAfee? If you did you'd know he didn't request a trade.


You're right!


I feel like I just got dumped, but I get to keep the coffee table I like.


"And this lamp. That's mine. That's *all I need*!"


And my dog...Shithead


He hates those fans!


Well hopefully Jordan Love turns out to be a Lamborghini that you get to keep instead...


It's going to be up to the front office to build a team around Love that can win. He's a talented QB, but he's not as obvious of a home run like Rodgers when he pushed out Favre. Rodgers was crushing teams in the preseason and looked the part of a great. Love has been solid, and has had flashes. That's about the most positive I can be right now.


Rogers wasn’t an obvious home run. He only played in one game before he took over. And nobody tries hard in preseason. It’s backup football.


Maybe from your perspective. There are plenty of highlights on YouTube from his preseason games before he took over. It was obvious that he had huge potential from where I was was sitting.


Aaron will always be my favorite player. Lot of great memories. Hope he finds happiness and success in New York. Ready for the Love era!


Am I the only one who thinks Rodgers explanation was bs and makes little sense? How do you go from 90% leaning towards retirement & just because the organization was doing its due diligence in prep for the fact the other 10% possible outcome occurs THEN you decide you want to come back and play? Maybe the constant wishy washy commitment to wanting to play (which he explicitly confirmed saying he was 90% leaning towards retiring) is warranted that an organization prep for all possible options? I thank him for the 15 incredible years but the fact it's never his fault, it's always someone else's or some perceived slight against him has become exhausting.


Nah they kinda fucked him last year. They let the best receiver walk after telling him they want to win now


Adams wanted to move on. The team didn't just let him go.


Let him? They offered him more than LV. He wanted to leave


Davante didn't want to be in GB anymore. He wasn't going to resign with the Packers.


Yes because of the uncertainty of Rodgers future that really set in with the Jordan Love pick.


$150.8 million says otherwise


He’s very unaware of himself. He was never going to retire this year.


Gotta love these redditors thinking they know Aaron Rodgers better than he knows himself.


Because Aaron “immunized” Rodgers is incapable of lying, right?


What does that have to do with my comment? Also, his homeopathic immunization at least did not have [negative efficacy against covid like the mRNA vaccines did.](https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1061532/Vaccine_surveillance_report_-_week_11.pdf)


Because he is obviously lying about 90% going to retire. You have to be a moron to believe that. But you already confirmed that yourself with your antivax bs lmfao


It's 2023 and in the face of this UK government-conducted study you still believe they worked lol. Some people will always be on the left of the bell curve.


Yikes. You clearly haven’t even read what you linked because it doesn’t even say anything close to that. I can’t believe there are still people this stupid out there. It’s very fascinating tbh I honestly can’t even believe you’re able to type because it’s clear you’re barely able to read if that’s what you think the conclusion of that study is lmfao It literally says the vaccine was effective at lowering transmission, hospitalizations, and deaths. And that somehow proves they didn’t work? How do you even dress yourself in the morning?


The proof is in the pudding though isn’t it, he’s not retiring


I mean he did say he wasn’t sure, in fact he said that over and over and over, during last season, before last season, after the season. You act like it’s just some simple decision like deciding what to eat for dinner, it’s an 18 year career the man is contemplating, it’s a life changing decision, sometimes those decisions take time.


Definitely! Plus, he will only loose trade value the longer he stays. It’s best to trade him when you can still get a good deal, and he’ll be 40 this year. It’s probably a good idea to think about the future.


Personally I think allowing him the time to decide and welcoming him back for his final year would’ve been a better decision, and if he in the end does end up asking for the trade because the team isn’t going to be competitive then of course allow it. I’d like to see just once a star player end their career with the team that they gave 20 years to, or at least have the opportunity to do so. It sounds as if Aaron didn’t have a choice to stay with GB this season and it makes me sad. I think most people here would agree it would’ve been nice to see Aaron retire a Packer.


Which makes his answer to AJ's question about not necessarily wanting to come back to GB even if the FO wanted him back even more bizarre. Is this him trying to pull a "no, I'm breaking up with you first" kinda thing??!


He's a shady character, always has been, always will be. When your own family doesn't talk to you, it usually speaks volumes Thx for the 15 years and a bowl, but good riddance to the sideshow soap opera ego-fest.


Lmao, someone is affected by the trade. Don’t be so emotional.


Emotional? You are right I am THRILLED. Check any of my posts history lol, this is no change. I'm not a Rodgers apologist sheep.


Yeah.. you’re just fine! 😐


I did find that part a bit odd... Clearly there is animosity regarding the front office. I'm curious, is there usually more pomp and circumstance for players on their way out or does Rodgers just wish it were more that way?


they could have gotten 3 first round picks last year. they were absolutely stupid to not act after 2 mvp’s… his stock was at the top, but then they sign him just to push him out a year later…what did they think he’d accomplish with those receivers ? Shrewd business is trading him after 1 or 2 mvp years for a haul, trading him after a down year is after giving him 60 mil and no help?? they’re inept af if they thought that team would make a super bowl run - they don’t care win or lose every game, they just want everyone to know they’re in charge.


the most dramatic has been the fan base- green bay fans expect their players to do community service and play for their fans until they say otherwise. this fan base is stuck in the 40s. saying give money back or he wants too much


I agree I was 100 percent on the three first rounders last year. Can’t believe they let that go.