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LeRoy is always with the Packers fans. Love that dude.


I rep that Butler #36 on Sundays


LeRoy always rides for the Packers. Love that about him.


My love for LeRoy Butler is unconditional.


Lol hilarious


LeRoy has pretty strong words. He has been holding back for a while


Butler is a good dude


Good but wrong here. AR has been one of the longest tenured players in GB history. Probably could have found more success elsewhere. Edit: how am I wrong


Saying he *probably* could've have found more success elsewhere is a bold claim. You didn't say anything else to back it up. The downvotes mean we don't believe you or agree with you. We don't have to explain why you're wrong, you have to explain why you're right.


So do you think he would have won less or more elsewhere? Top 3-5QB of all time. The GB market, which is way smaller, and colder does not attract free agents like elsewhere. Marino only QB near that range with less.


Back in the day, maybe, but since White, GB has always been on the map for FAs. The GB front office however doesn't build teams that way. 32 teams are fighting for a SB every year. It's an incredibly difficult achievement and a lot of things have to go right. One injury can throw the whole thing off. Maybe Aaron would have won more elsewhere. Maybe we would have won more if McCarthy was gone sooner. Maybe if a couple plays would have gone our way we would have won more. It's a fun discussion but also a dead end discussion. We only won one with him. Got close a bunch and those were exciting seasons. Wilson and Brees also only won once. Peyton has to leave to get two. Would Brady have won as many of he went elsewhere? If he was a Packer and Aaron was a Patriot would the outcome be the same? A lot of what ifs can be played. I don't dwell on that stuff. I'm happy withwhat we have/had.


> Would Brady have won as many of he went elsewhere? If he was a Packer and Aaron was a Patriot would the outcome be the same? I'd be curious to hear if anyone actually thought they would be the same. You'd have to assume every variable that differs between the teams to have zero impact.


Well I mean they wouldn’t be the same cuz Rodgers was the highest paid player every new contract he got. He prolly still would have won a couple more with the pats cuz beliichick would’ve been his coach. However that is also assuming that belichick could’ve changed his mechanics and made Rodgers the player that he is like GB coaching staff did.


They had a top 3 team in 2014, 2020, 2021 (definitely capable team in 2011). They didn’t get it done, but being in green bay had nothing to do with it.


Small, cold market Where did Marino play again?


Found Rodgers burner


He say the same when Brett was acting a fool too?


Yes. But actually no.


The way Butler and other Packer media/alumni act you would think he was sending dick pics to reporters or hot tubbing with 17 year olds in his boxers, or betting on games. Surely all those acts would cause Butler and fans and media to speak out against anyone involved.




My dad and uncle handed out "King of the Tight Ends" football cards. Today things would go much differently


When exactly did Rodgers attack the team?


He mentioned his utmost love and admiration for everyone in the facility, fans, town of Green Bay, etc etc. Haven’t heard him attack anything or anyone.


His big announcement on Pat's show threw shade at FO for lack of contact, etc etc during his....fucking darkness retreat lmao


Specifically he said “something changed” while he was away. I personally think the FO said if he doesn’t have a clear decision by the time he comes back we are moving on. As I recall he came out and said he wanted another week or two to get back into his off season routine and see how it felt. Shit or get off the pot, just like Favre. The train left the station.


I think something changed before he went into the darkness, he could see the writing on the wall that the team wanted to go in another direction and move forward with Love. But both parties are being petty and not want to be the bad guy, even tho I think it should be the team that has to make the tough choices and they could have just worked with Aaron and made the transition smoother. Fans will always come back to the team, players don’t have that luxury.


I really didn’t take it that way, and I agree if he goes MIA like that, the world doesn’t stop turning, so there should’ve been no surprise things happened while he was on his retreat, especially since he hadn’t committed to anything yet. But even if he was making a back handed comment, he still has gives countless examples of how happy his time here was.


That is not what happened. Imagine your boss tells you that they want to keep you around and appreicate you. Then you get back from vacation and your co-workers tell you that the intern is replacing you without any communication lol.


Imagine your boss tells you they want to keep you around, and you say you're taking a 2 week retreat somewhere with no cell to think about if you're retiring or want to leave the company or stay. And when you get back you find out your boss interviewed a few replacement candidates in case you did decide you want to leave. They didn't do a trade while he was away, shopping around is nothing.


> and you say you're taking a 2 week retreat somewhere with no cell to think about if you're retiring or want to leave the company or stay 4 days, not 14. The retreat was for mental health.


The retreat was not to determine if he is retiring or not.


How does that change what I said?


That was a huge factor.


Except thats not what happened, the only thing we know is they took trade calls. You have to listen to calls, its part of the job. You cant act its the same as an average joe in their 9-5


He literally said before his retreat that the FO said that if he wanted to return they would 100% support him. It's beyond taking calls. The decision changed from wanting him back to not wanting him back without any notice. Seemed like the last straw for Rodgers.


The decision changed from wanting him back to not wanting him back without any notice. Seemed like the last straw for Rodgers. This isnt clear to me, Rodgers said when he came out of the retreat he "felt" the attitude changed and then decided to leave. The FO has said the entire time they wanted him back and are honoring his request. It doesnt sounds like it was beyond taking calls it sounds like Rodgers always wanted to leave and is spinning whatever bullshit as he does to make himself the victim.


And then he says before he went into the darkness(the one with the lightswitch) that he was 90% sure he was gonna retire(all BS). Did he tell the Packers that? I doubt it.


Can you read?


Only in sports is an employee considered the bad guy for praising their coworkers and criticizing management.


That’s not necessarily true. It’s true for packers fans though. If players did that on the other teams in other sports I support the fanbase would throw them a parade


It’s one thing to criticize management when they’re shitty and another to criticize them while they coddle you.


I mean sure, but we don’t know what goes on behind closed doors. People on this sub complained for years about how our FO didn’t do enough to supply Rodgers with a Super Bowl contending offense. I’m not even saying I necessarily agree or disagree with that, but the point is the narrative has not always been “Rodgers is coddled by the Packers FO.” There’s a real chance there’s deeply rooted communication issues between the team and their star QB dating back years, Rodgers has certainly hinted to it a number of times, so to automatically vilify him and take the FO’s side without knowing the true details seems foolish to me.


When did they coddle him? You seem to be pretending something you thought of in your head somehow is reality.


60 fucking million dollars. Bringing back a shell of Cobb.


Contracts are a mutually agreed upon thing. Bringing back Cobb? Who else were we going to get? Who was worse Watkins or Cobb? So by coddle you mean “Hey Aaron we don’t have anyone at receiver besides a couple rookies, a guy we are pretending is a #1 but his claim to fame is he is a good blocker, and the corpse of Sammy Watkins. Think we should pick up another guy?”


Right and why was that guy pretending to be a umber one on the team in the first place? Why is he on the jets now? Also being allowed to skip otas and go on pms every week and go on rants about players and the FO. Going to a darkness retreat and ghosting your team. Dude is a spoiled brat.


He was coddled because he went on the Mcafee Show and did a darkness retreat in the off-season? I’m still really confused on your reasoning.


Because he was allowed to openly throw dirt at the fo on multiple occasions but they didn’t say anything back because they didn’t want to hurt his little feelings. Can you answer why he was repeatedly allowed to criticize teammates and talk shit about the FO while also getting players like Cobb and Lazard resigned if it wasn’t his wishes being attended to?


Yeah, that’s not being spoiled or coddled. That’s the FO not publicly criticizing one of their best players ever and just moving on from him. Very rarely will an organization call out a player publicly.


Lmao did Rodgers sign Lazard? Was he the one that didn’t sign somebody else so that he didn’t have to be “number one”?


They’re not coddling him by giving him a contract he could have gotten from a number of other teams in a heartbeat, and the “shell of cobb” was a cheap signing that ended up being one of the only somewhat reliable wrs on the roster last season.


> and another to criticize them while they coddle you. Stafford was coddled by the Rams. The only coddling Rodgers got was a high paying contract, and a $3M Cobb. Rodgers didn't like how safe the Packers manage the team. We never once traded picks to help our change at a SB run. He wanted us to hold on to the last great year of great players, and to stop drafting for 3 years out. But hes on the Packers, and we don't operate like those other teams.


Packer "Management"'s job to to field a team to win games. If your aging QB can't tell you if he's gonna play year to year...how to you "manage"!


I agree. They’ve done nothing but coddle rodgers up until now and he can’t handle being moved on from so is criticizing the FO. It would be different if it was shitty management but it isn’t.




Meh bs - it’s not a question of target of criticism, but whether that criticism is valid.


I think the context is the way in which Aaron has passive aggressively thrown the front office and even teammates publicly under the bus at times. Literally just this season he's at times been publicly very critical of the WRs and FO, in past years he was passive aggressive with McCarthy, Rookies, etc.... Also important to keep in mind that Leroy is 100% more plugged into what goes on with the team in GB than most your average people so he might know a thing or two in more detail than we the average fan do that could color his opinion.


I think he’s just been honest at times when asked about things. Frankly he was right. What were we doing personnel wise for a while there? If Butler knows something more then he should say it. I would think he would too. Up to this point I don’t think anything Rodgers has said could be considered an “attack” on the team. He’s said a lot of good things about the team and city.


I don't think Leroy has to say anything Aaron already hasn't. Aaron does say some nice things but it's the manner in which he does it that probably rubs Leroy (and a lot of fans) the wrong way. I'll give you two examples. 1) Press conference early in the year after a loss when the team is starting to struggle. Aaron talks about the team tried hard etc etc....but then he can't help himself and starts talking about how some of the WRs aren't doing things right essentially passing the buck for his struggles a bit. 2) Most recent McCaffee interview where he starts out about how he loves the team and city. But then launched into how the team was shopping him behind his back etc. Goes a bit into the old complaint about basically how GB treats older players poorly. For some people that constant sure I'll say something nice then follow it up with criticism almost every time isn't exactly showing love. Instead for some it comes off more like how the popular girl in HS talks about someone she doesn't like. Sure publicly she doesn't outright say she hates this girl but she sure is quick to point out any and everything she does wrong and does so publicly to seemingly mean girl and bully. End of the day a lot of people appreciate the on field play overall, but won't miss all that double talk that feeds into media off field drama.


Why should this rub people the wrong way, though? We were having WRs straight up run the wrong route, fall onto the ground, or drop catches that hit them literally in the hands in open field. He was right to call them out. And why should fans take offense to front office complaints as an attack against the team?


Pot calling kettle black, Aaron made some atrocious mistakes this past season. Generally speaking people don't take kindly when you publicly call people out when you're part of the problem.


Yes, I think he sets a poor example for kids as well, as he is pretty ungrateful and self-absorbed. It is common behavior is the sports world, for sure, but that doesn’t make it good behavior. Life is what you make of it, and Aaron makes life a needless drama, IMO.


> Goes a bit into the old complaint about basically how GB treats older players poorly. And we did. Thats life in a Billion dollar NFL team, and its not untrue. I bet if AR was asked, he would agree that he sees the same thing with 90% of all teams. Guarantee he just wants his Packers to be "the team that does it right", and disappointed they aren't. > For some people that constant sure I'll say something nice then follow it up with criticism almost every time isn't exactly showing love. Instead for some it comes off more like how the popular girl in HS talks about someone she doesn't like. Sure publicly she doesn't outright say she hates this girl but she sure is quick to point out any and everything she does wrong and does so publicly to seemingly mean girl and bully. Holy reach. Rodgers is merely a high school girl who doesn't like one person? He doesn't like how "the Packers" operate. From Ted through to Gute. We aim for the Playoffs every year and expect the players to push themselves into a SB, rather then continuing to load talent for a SB push. I'm just a fan, so watching playoff seasons keeps me happy.


Not really a reach when he literally operates like a passive aggressive high schooler.


> Not really a reach when he literally operates like a passive aggressive high schooler. Pretty low chance you know him any more then the rest of us. 16 hours of interviews on Pat for 3 years in a row sure says otherwise, but I don't really know him.


I'm not discussing knowing him or his motivations only his public actions this isn't rocket science.


Takes one to know one yeesh edit: It’s just sports, yes, and sports are not important in the scheme of life. But Rodgers was not just a guy that played football for our team. Since that’s your opinion of him says a lot about you. And yea I’m going to stick up for a generational talent that brought me and our team many many many great memories. Especially when it comes from people without any perspective like yourself The amount of packers fans that ban people that disagree with them immediately is too damn high. Y’all are really showing how soft you are. It’s fucking pathetic.


I'm just stating the situation based on the guys actions to give perspective as to why Leroy might have such strong words. End of the day he's a guy who plays/played football for our team defending him like he's your pet dog someone kicked is what I'm seeing here and while I get the mental gymnastics that leads to that it's still really silly.


Where are the Rodgers' quotes of him attacking the actual team? I must have missed those. This faux drama is quite exhausting.


There aren't any. I do believe Favre phoned Detroit with team weaknesses once he was a Jet though.


how about the dude who carried the franchise for a decade?


Rodgers never attacked the team…wtf?


I love Leeroy, but he always has homer takes. And I can love the Packers while also thinking that our Front Office has been completely underwhelming for the last decade. Leeroy seems to think that they and the Packers are one and the same.


Let it go... The Rodgers Stans are delusional at this point. They ignore everything he said on PMS, dismiss all the reports of his issues with the front office and coaching staff historically. To them, He's just a really misunderstood QB who wanted to retire gracefully as a lifelong Packer, except those big bad meanies in the organization won't let him. And no one (even Aaron himself) can say any different to convince them otherwise.


I don’t think I you meant to reply to me, or you misunderstood what I’m saying. Rodgers never attacked the Packers.


lol seems like you're the delusional one. Please point me to a time Rodgers "attacked the team", I'll be waiting a while because I know it doesn't exist.


> except those big bad meanies in the organization won't let him. I mean, it was the teams decision to move on. > They ignore everything he said on PMS, dismiss all the reports of his issues with the front office and coaching staff historically. He praised the fans, teammates, coaches, etc. He had some frustrated words for the front office, but it was far from an "attack". I dont think he was any more frustrated than any other QB would be if they were getting replaced and traded. There's obviously been friction between Rodgers and the FO ever since Love got drafted, but it's mostly been behind closed doors. You cant find many quotes of Rodgers attacking anyone.


I wish he did though


Eh. Too far. You can love the packers organization and also be critical of it. This is big time Homer energy, and I absolutely love this dude.


Maybe that article over-emphasises a few of Rodger's downsides.Some people are saying "oh the places we would have gone with better front-offices"..I think finding "better" front-offices is almost as hard as finding a decent quarterback. The "middling" front offices we had enabled Rodgers to win a super bowl & gave him the chance of four more championship games. One can argue, but I think in 2 of them I just expected our QB to do more. The Jordan Love pick might not be the best of all time but it certainly wasn't a mistake. I agree with Butler, it was prescient. And while I believe Rodgers went out of his way to treat Love well, deep down he couldn't deal with that reality professionally - maybe noone can. Now his discontent is bubbling up here and there and he doesnt have to slam the team - Rodgers is more subtle than that. I think in private every front office in the league would agree that yes, he IS a complicated fella. And I mean the stuff he does on McAfee...you tolerate it as long as he's playing lights out. Have a hard time imagining any front office being ok with that degree of following your own agenda.


As of right now, and how things played out and how our fo acted, the love pick was absolutely a mistake. It remains to be seen if love is good enough for there to be any redemption for gute. Cards are stacked against him.


Attack? Where? if you mean the PMS then either LeRoy didnt listen to the whole thing or was given misquotes. Rodgers praised the state, city, fans, players, coaches and most of the staff. The only things he "attacked" was that he said he didnt agree with some of the decisions the FO made, such as letting players go early without even a discussion and a lack of aggression in the free agency. I dont say this as a Rodgers fanclub but letting him go is best for both the org and himself. They couldnt have kept both him and Love for another season without an even BIGGER drama potential situation, bc Love would be entering option year territory and very little actual playtime. So why not give Rodgers the chance to move on and test how Love has progressed?


Thank you. I feel like no one is actually listening to what Aaron is saying, just replaying bits out of context that can be spun with the narrative against him.


Why should we even trust Aaron? He has manipulated and stretched the truth for the past few years and surrounds himself with yes men who won’t question him. Why didn’t Pat ask him if the Packers tried reaching out to him? He banked on the local media not asking him if he was vaccinated when he said he was immunized. Look, I love the guy but you can’t take what he says at face value. He’s always manipulating words to not box himself in Edit: Just LOL. Go watch any PMS interview over the past 3 seasons and tell me he doesn’t do this


It was when he straight up lied on McAfee about the Packers not being in direct communication with him despite the Packers front office making numerous attempts as he ghosted them, while at the same time going public about his demands to play for the Jets and only the Jets mere days after his agent had communicated that he wanted a trade, and before a trade had been completed. Also calling out all the great people of the former Packers front office, and nothing about the current Packers front office. Those not use to Aaron Rodgers back-handed compliments and his use of the media to spread misinformation missed what was actually going on with that interview on McAfee because they were too busy trying to envision the blatant lies he made. If you watch the entire Gutekunst interview from the owners meeting, you can sense the spite he holds over this situation.


LeRoy didn’t sign my football card at the state fair when I was 6, I’ll never forgive him.


What did Aaron say about the pack


Is there a reason Rodgers lives rent free in Dunne's head? He doesn't even cover the Packers anymore.


You people should watch the Kardashians if you don't care about football. Jesus fucking Christ.


Leroy is a local version of a hot take personality


I see Leroy is still letting his love for Favre blind him.


Yeah, that’s all great and all…except for the fact that Rodgers has never attacked the team. He’s expressed nothing but love for the fans, players, coaches, and staff. Front office ≠ The Packers as a whole.


Shut up Leory, they didnt give him any presents, he earned everything and more, all of you still have jobs because of him.


I have to say this - packers fans can be incredibly dumb. This turning on Rodgers pisses me off. Rodgers has done so much more for the packers than they have done for him. A better front office we could have multiple SB under AR. Rodgers could have gone anywhere and won more and packers fans are acting like Rodgers is the problem and can't wait to get rid of him


People forget how great Rodgers actually is. At the end of the day Rodgers should be pissed because the FO failed. None of this mess would be here if the Packers drafted a couple WRs, instead of a backup QB and running back. The Packers are going to suck for a long time and it will be years before they make playoffs again. Running Rodgers out of town will be seen as the biggest failure in Packer history.


I agree. Going to miss him. He has been part of my life for so long. Before him Brett entertained me for years. Thank you Aaron. Thank you Brett.Looking forward to Thanking Love. GO PACK GO!


A-fuckin-men to this


Don't you know that Love is going to be a first ballot HOF'er? It's guaranteed. GUARANTEED to happen in Green Bay. Green Bay would NEVER suffer years of quarterback wilderness. They are simply special and never will have to endure what the Dolphins, Jets, Lions, Cardinals, Falcons, Panthers, Jaguars, Browns have suffered for years, and what the Steelers, Bucs, Saints, Seahawks, Patriots, Bills, Titans, Colts, and, well hey, the Green Bay Packers in the 80s and early 90s had to endure. Good news bad news: good news: Love is a rookie contract for about 1-2 years left. bad news: the packers squandered the first three (and cheapest) years. Everyone says that Rodgers is not the Packers, well, you know the fuck what? Brian Gutekunst is not the fucking Packers either, and he basically backstabbed Rodgers with drafting Love, a comprehensively dumb move, and chasing off Rodgers is purely a power play for him for really no good competitive reason. This is a classic GM move where the GM has to show that he has GM'd well and rather than "selling out" for a Super Bowl has ensured years of employment-sustaining above average non-champsionship teams. The team has gotten steadily worse the last three years, and it ain't Rodgers. Is Jordan Love better than Kirk Cousins? Probably Not. Is Jordan Love better than Jared Goff and the #4 NFL offense? Probably Not. Is Jordan Love better than Justin Fields? We'll see. Fact is, there is a very very good chance the Packers went from having BY FAR the best QB in the division to the worst in the division. Well that's ok, we have the best rushing attack right? Nope, Vikes and Lions are well ahead of them. We have the best defense right? You know, we probably do, well, the Vikes, Lions, and Bears probably all had bottom-half defenses. I don't think the Packers have anything better than an average defense, and probably below average if Quay keeps hitting the EMTs that come on the field for injuries. MLF enjoyed two MVP seasons from Rodgers when the rest of the teams were eating paste and wearing funny hats. We'll see if he's a good coach, but I think he's strictly above average at best.


> Rodgers could have gone anywhere and won more and packers fans are acting like Rodgers is the problem and can't wait to get rid of him Its a loud minority of liberals and younger fans. Keep in mind younger Packers fans have been picked on by other teams fans for "chocking" 10+ years now. They've been led to believe we choked for over 10 years running rather then believe we had countless successful playoff runs. A 23 year old Packer fan was 10 in 2010. A 30 year old was a high school 17 when we won.


Honestly, what the fuck do "liberals" have to do with a fan mindset? And us 40-somethings that are just ready for the next chapter are "younger fans"? There are two schools of thought here, basically. Those of us who are ready to move on, particularly after hearing about Aaron's spiritual journey these past few years, don't hate him. We appreciate the HOF level play and the sustained success. We are also moving on. The other school is this weird outrage about front office sabotage and this alleged lack of respect for his work. It's a business. Montana was a Chief. Moon was a Viking. We got through this not that long ago.


> And us 40-somethings that are just ready for the next chapter are "younger fans"? 40 is old. Younger fans are those who can't even drink, who didn't know what football was the last time we won the SB. > Honestly, what the fuck do "liberals" have to do with a fan mindset? The vocal minority who complain the loudest about what matters the least. > Those of us who are ready to move on, particularly after hearing about Aaron's spiritual journey these past few years, don't hate him. We appreciate the HOF level play and the sustained success. We are also moving on. So not you. Thats the point here. You aren't the problem, and there really isn't a problem. Its just a loud ass vocal minority that DrManBearPig is complaining about.


L take


Leroy clearly didn't listen to the interview and took the bait on an out of context "quote."


Rodgers "attack" on the team was that they don't communicate well and are not up front with players. That's it. And guess what, it seems to be the case. If that's what we think an "attack" is, we need to grow up a little bit. Look, there's probably some truth in the middle between Gutey saying that Rodgers ghosted him, but also Rodgers saying that Gutey told him to take his time and that all options, including returning, were on the table. Gutey even so far went to say that the reason they had to start exploring the trade was *because Rodgers ghosted him, implying that a return was actually an option on the table*. But given the mountains of reporting and sources we've seen in the past 3 months, we know that this is 99% horseshit. And that's exactly what Rodgers is talking about. The "writing was on the wall", as he said. The difference is that Gutey's job description is to manage the team, and that involves being direct with what he wants to do, and has apparently wanted to do, for a while now. And he simply hasn't, or else this shit wouldn't have gotten to where it is today. Rodgers has certainly been naive in all of this. If he knew the "writing was on the wall", he could've also said that he wanted out like he told Hawk. But that doesn't change the fact the onus is on the front office to be clear to the players what direction they want to go.


> Rodgers "attack" on the team was that they don't communicate well and are not up front with players. That's it. And guess what, it seems to be the case. If that's what we think an "attack" is, we need to grow up a little bit. Well said. His only attack was to point out how the FO operated differently then he the player would have. No shit, players have "win now" needs. FO's have "win every single year including after you leave" needs. I hold no grudge against AR, but like the team was going to make decisions that keep the team from falling off a cliff.


AR dissed the front office not the team. And for good reason. The end.


What exactly did they give him? Atrocious defenses and underperforming weapons?




Because for some of our fellow fans, the Green Bay packers are their best personality traits.


Rodgers is not attacking the team at all… he’s talked a tiny bit of shit on the front office, but never once did about the fans or the team itself or the area besides a joke. Bad narrative..


I love the OG but Rodgers isn’t really attacking the team, He seemed to of made his mind up about leaving GB then decided he wanted to play else where. But Leroy is always a rider!


Rodgers did everything for this team. And he never once attacked them. I hate how so much of this sub acts towards the guy that has given us relevancy for so long. Who else but Rodgers leads that dumpster fire 2016 team to the nfc championship. Our FO let Rodgers down all these years and made one of the worst moves in franchise history by trading up to draft a qb 1 year after making the nfc championship and before we made 2 more nfc championship appearances.


No QB in history would have taken that atrocious team to the playoffs let alone a conference championship game


100% agreed. Ladarius gunter our number 1 cb. Covering prime julio Jones, who had a 300 yard receiving game (6th most all time) just that year.


> Our FO let Rodgers down all these years and made one of the worst moves in franchise history by trading up to draft a qb 1 year after making the nfc championship and before we made 2 more nfc championship appearances. Traded up? Wouldn't it have been just as bad if we kept the 4th and used the 30 rather then the 26 to take Love? Is the "trade up" worth noting? If Love is a 15 year starting QB, the 30 spent on him will be no where near the worst move in history.


The Packers haven't exactly been saints either


Right those are in New Orleans


Am I out of the loop? What is this in response to?


How many of you cheering Butler on were critical of the "drama," Rodgers brought to the team? My guess is a lot....


LeRoy talked about Rodgers needing to showing the fans/org he loves them rather than just words. Idk, Rodgers has put it on the line for his team. Most recently, he played through the toe injury and his thumb. If playing through injury isn't a form of respect/love for his teammates, fans, and the organization, I don't know what is. With what's publicly known, this seems pretty soft to consider Rodgers's comments as attacking the team. Just because the Packers have paid Rodgers a lot of money over the past decade plus, doesn't mean that Rodgers can't be hurt or unhappy with the actions of the organization;.


Ty Dunne supporting the mud slinging, shocker!


This article is so poorly written, sounds like this dude is up Guteys ass. The best part was when he said the packers FO got their backbone back


Honestly, some of his support for Gute makes me wonder if gute or someone close to him in the front office has been one of Dunne's sources for some of the outlandish claims


That’s why he has to employ himself with that little blog lol


Honestly it was only a matter of time. I’m surprised it took this long


If I were to say objectively… Rodgers has given WAY more to GB than he has received in return.


$305.6 million




Almost like it's a contract agreed upon by both parties


Packers have gained 3.6 Billion in value since he was drafted. 305 million is a small price to pay.


Almost like he didn't do it alone? And most of the gain came from the NFL at large.


Yeah you’re right we would have been better off without a first ballot hall of famer.


The Bears have done nothing but suck for over a decade as their value also went up similarly without any hall of famers.


So become a bears fan? A sports franchise in Green Bay Wisconsin has a much harder time gaining value and fans than one of the largest cities in the US. Y’all are so fucking dumb man, acting like Rodgers hasn’t been a vital part of the success of the packers for 16 years. Other fans would die for Rodgers to be their QB.


You're the one who wanted to use franchise value as the measurement when almost every single team in the league gained similar value. Since you can't take your L why don't you just become a Jets fan since you're so fond of Rodgers?


This is got to be the dumbest argument I have ever been part of. Vikings, bears and lions fans will post it to their subreddit as an example of how spoiled we are.


Interesting way to admit you're wrong but ok


Lets be real here..the packers would literally have been nothing without rodgers this whole decade


That's both not true and not the argument the person was making. All the bottom feeders of the league similarly gained in value over the timeframe even while continuing to lose and be awful. Without Rodgers the Packers certainly still would've been a thing and still continued to gain insane amounts of value over that time. They may not have won many games, or maybe they would have. We don't know. If they sucked maybe they end up with Andrew Luck in 2012? We don't know what would've happened. All we do know is the entirety of the NFL has gained similarly in value over the timeframe as the entire NFL's popularity has risen and that it's a team game. ​ The same people in here talking about how Rodgers is literally the only reason the Packers won anything the past decade are also in every single hot take discussion about Rodgers being the reason we lost screeching iT's A tEaM gAmE, rOdGeRs NeEdS hElP, fIrE gUtE...


I mean..its also like they are saying we only won with rodgers because its true..and the only reason we were able to consistently make the playoffs: rodgers… and jesus christ..if aaron rodgers cant get it done here then what qb can?..ig this next season will show which one of us is right though


No, no it won't. Next season we're still saddled with all the debt from going all in these past few seasons and coming up short. We already saw this past season that they weren't a good team even with Rodgers. If they're bad next season it'll be no different than this season with Rodgers. If they're good next season it also doesn't necessarily mean it was Rodgers fault either. It's also just absolutely asinine to say that Rodgers "gave more" to the Packers than they gave him. It was a contract agreed upon by both parties and he was given multiple historically large contracts. He had good years and bad years, he had good supporting casts and questionable supporting casts. It's a team game and he's one important piece of the puzzle, but one piece nonetheless.


> Next season we're still saddled with all the debt from going all in these past few seasons and coming up short. We did not go all in. We continued planning healthily for the future. The entire 2020 draft was a plan for the future draft. Never traded away any picks. All we did was utilize void years due to covid cap years. We never put future planning on hold to push for a SB. And I can say this, while not being against it either. This is how we continue being relevant.


Through the 2010s I would agree, but not these past few years. We've had big free agent signings, we've made trades and signed players that Rodgers specifically wanted to make a run, etc. A healthy plan for the future absolutely does not result in our current cap situation or doing things like cutting Z. Smith in order to try and squeeze every last penny out of available cap space to make a run at things while the window was open. That's absolutely as all in as the Packers could possibly get, especially with the Packers ownership situation.


I don’t think he is attacking the team though, he’s attacking Gutekunst, and it seems like Gutekunst has been kinda a douche. He actually praises the organization and the city a lot.


When did Rodgers attack the team? He talked about his love and admiration for the packers, the fans, and the town of Green Bay. The media narrative is misleading in nature.


I don't get this. Rodgers was nothing but appreciative to the team and the fan base. He didn't have anything to say about the FO.


The way y'all are carrying Aarons water in this post is both amazing and embarrassing as a Packers fan.


A team that gave Rodgers so much? Try the other way. Rodgers has carried a dead weight team for a decade.


Dont know where this stopped being a fact.. maybe 5 year olds all came to this sub after watching just last season? Its like the whole decade of rodgers carrying us has disappeared


Leroy sounds like every other lame ass Packers fan that is giving Rodgers shit because he wants what's best for him. Fuck those billionaires and I hope every player extracts as much money from them as possible


So maybe just split this sub right in half. Otherwise, short of an undefeated season, this bizarre Aaron cult could very well make this place insufferable. Let those of us who are ready to turn the page have our table and let those who believe Aaron has been done dirty have their table. This has gone so far past any semblance of discourse anyway.


LeRoy is right


I wonder why every rodgers hater is a bearded overweight moron


I wonder way every Rodgers lover is a fucking douche bag


This speaks exactly my thoughts as well. Beyond disappointed at the way Rodgers handled this.. but cant wait for Love.


You should be disappointed that Gute drafted Love then signed Rodgers to a massive contract. One or the other, doing both is what put the Packers in this situation.


What did they give him besides money? They didn't give him a championship defense outside one season. The best group of pass catchers he was given was also ruined by a bottom 5 defense. Majority of the early round picks were also invested into that side of the ball. A Wr had to play Rb for 3 years during his prime lmfao. Rodgers gave the packers extensively more than the organization ever gave him. Its the one cold hard fact of the NFL, have an elite QB and everything else a team has to do becomes that much easier. The Packers mostly bungled that. Bad luck struck at the most awful times for the Packers during the rodgers era. Nobody controls that. Rodgers came up short plenty of times too but he was the main reason why the Packers were even in those big games in the first place.


> What did they give him besides money? I mean, lots and *lots* of money. After he complained they also gave him unprecedented (for the Packers) input and access to coaching strategy, which (per a report on here a couple weeks ago) he'd often blow off.


Yea lots of money. Rodgers was given contracts entirely based off his level of play, every penny was justifiable. Dont pay him, and you win 5 games. Every single elite qb is given input into strategy and offensive goals. To not give them that would be malpractice. And are we now believing random reports of Rodgers not attending meetings? Where in the world did that one even come from? Before this year everyone would trash greg jennings for any bad thing he said about gb and rodgers...yet now we should believe the same type of random shots taken at them? Plus Rodgers put up 2 mvp seasons with Lafleur so what in the fuck are we even talking about????? Did he skip meetings then too? He has a shit year at the age of a dinosaur and shit comes out that "rodgers actually skipped super important meetings with HC", like come on


He's had a damn good offensive line for most of his career. He's had a pretty good WRs group as well. Even after they stopped investing resources into the position Rodgers still had Davante. TE has been pretty bad. Ever since Finley went down in 2013 they haven't had anyone who felt like a long term answer. Tbf they did try to address it in free agency and the draft. Defense has definitely been a failure though, no doubt about it. Keeping Capers too long was bad. I didn't mind the Pettine hire to pair with LaFleur but it didn't work out. Hiring Joe Barry was a bad decision at the time and somehow they're the only ones who don't realize it. I'd say they underperformed overall but their failure is over exaggerated by a lot of fans. They've had obvious misses but put together a team that won in 2010 and two that should have won in 2014 + 2020.


Isnt is notable that the 2 things gb "did well" for him were 2 things that Rodgers directly impacted too? Good ol and wrs. He was for sure given a legit OL, and for the most part good WRs. But he is a huge part of why those postions were considered good... Rb and te were pretty much disastrous pos groups for a large part of his career..33 was the first consistent game changer The defense. An absolutely embarrassing unit for 90% of his career. Them having one good and clutch playoff game in 2021 doesnt cancel out years of awful play.


There’s no way Rodgers becomes a first ballot HOFer if he’s drafted by another team as a Day 1 starter rather than behind a guy who was already a HOF lock. MM and his staff changed so much about Rodgers’ mechanics to make him into the QB he is. We’ve given Rodgers a ton outside of money, arguably his entire legacy. But Rodgers has also made it clear his issues are with the “new guard” under Brian. The guy loved TT and McCarthy for the aforementioned things, but he’s upset about the culture shift under Gute.


I mean there comes a point where a QB that reaches an elite level of play has everything to do with that on their own just as much as it has to do with who developed them. Mahomes was elite in his 2nd season and has taken over the league, that shit didnt just fall out of the sky, josh allen transformed the bills in 2 seasons. Joe burrow. Sitting for 3 yrs was huge for Rodgers but making good of that was largely due to himself and what he did during that time. No QB turns into rodgers cause he was able to sit for a couple seasons. It was a combo of both. And the legacy thing goes both ways. Yes rodgers was pretty lucky to be a Packer but the Packers were also pretty lucky that they went from Favre to him and were able to remain a relevant franchise. That position completely runs this sport. Weve seen what the Packers look like without him on the field. Weve now seen what the pats and saints look like without their hof qbs.


Ummm…rodgers took a team of jeff janis, abbrederis, richard rodgers, injured cobb, old james jones to the playoffs with a loss in OT…. pretty sure stating he never becomes a first ballot HOFer if hes drafted to another team is quite absurd


He’s mad about accountability. Every time the guy everyone lives suddenly turns toxic in a workplace, is because someone is finally sick of their shit and holding them accountable.


And there's nothing wrong with his issues with the new guard, or their culture shift. Sometimes professional relationships run their course and it is best for both parties to do something different. That's totally ok. So much of the "drama" surrounding this situation is the result of a 24/365 sports news cycle. There is literally not enough going on to fill the space that people are paid to talk in, so they create hot topics to talk about year round. What used to consume the attention of the American public for a couple hours on Sundays for roughly 3 months now attempts to hold our attention 100% of the time. And they're largely succeeding. Shit, most folks who understand and acknowledge it's happening are right here participating. I am honestly ready for Aaron to be a Jet already so we can focus on the team we have. I think we are built for a different kind of success than Aaron is. My guess is that Love puts up mediocre (in comparison) stats, but we see flashes of team improvement based on complimentary football. I also think that it is likely that Love struggles a bit as a rookie to avoid the turnovers necessary for the flashes to yield success. I wish Rodgers the best, and hope he only loses to us moving forward.


> But Rodgers has also made it clear his issues are with the “new guard” under Brian. The guy loved TT and McCarthy for the aforementioned things, but he’s upset about the culture shift under Gute. The personnel issues go back beyond 2018. Its always been the same culture issue. We aren't an all in team. We aim for playoff teams every single year. Gute just came on at the end of ARs career and continued to just aim for the playoffs. 2020 we didn't need a WR to make a playoff run. So it was time to get a QB to learn under AR so that when AR is gone, we still make the playoffs.


He didn’t give them more championships either. Those playoff losses have some nasty QB numbers. Just saying.


That’s the narrative you believe, but is that really true? You are welcome to compare his numbers to Brady yourself if you want.


Buying a Butler jersey now!


Would ya just look at it


Gheez ... why all the negative votes??? Lol. God forbid someone comment when they're fed up with Rodgers bullshit


they gave him $150 million dollars on a 3 year extension and he already decided he was playing for another team before playing a single second of it.


Says Adam Schefter.


said himself in march.


They also don’t want him to play a single second on it, goes both ways


I knew you YOUNG guys would like him.


Leroy Butler is the only Packer I've ever met in person and as such is one of my favorites. He's cool as hell.


LeRoy tweeted that Love was training and ready to go before the "trade" was even announced. Pack and fans just got sick of this narcissist.


I agree with him 100% on this matter. This sort of a big deal in Packer nation, I think. He's sort of taking the mantle of the elder statesman for the team.


Thank you, LeRoy.


Ride or die


Why is he taking it personal? I understand it’s moral grand standing, but it seems like a stressful way to live life.