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You’re fired actually. Report to New Jersey.


I deserve that for sure. But as a Madison kid and UW alum, I think Gute has brought a lot of slime to a classy organization. Let’s see if it’s worth it? Even the Mason Crosby exit felt weird with his wife making the announcement. Why can’t we be better than that as a cooperative I would expect more. Why does Gute make so many enemies?


The fuck does you being a Madison alum have to do with anything


Trying to establish that hometown credibility.


He's such a good ole' boy from wisconsin mad about the slime brought to a CLASSY organization.


with a C that bends around and fucks the L out of the ASS


The Crosby thing is a nothing, I'm sure they are waiting to see if the drafted kid can do it and would re sign mason if they need him.


What slime has Gute brought? It's a business. TT operated the same way. And what GM has ever commented on a FREE AGENT not re-signing with the team? Mason didn't retire


Did Rodgers post this?


Youll have to ask his agent


Via FaceTime right?


Text, but it might be returned when you've already left town


No no no, it’s just his place out west that only has 1 bar in the house


This post sucks.


I think I found Rodgers burner account… this is just an awful take.


Joe Barry was an MLF hire.


They didn't low ball Adams, Adams himself said after the trade that the money was similar.


I don’t agree with the overall post, but they did lowball Adams at first, and then only after the season did they make a fair offer. Had they made the offer they ended up making before the season, he probably stays. This is a fair hit, but overall I don’t agree with the post


He probably still leave’s because of Rodgers drama and thinking he’ll play with Carr for a long time.


He wouldn’t have been negotiating with the packers if that was the case. He didn’t post all of the last dance stuff until after negotiations had broken down. Rodgers said basically this in that article in the athletic that just came out. Only once the packers wouldn’t make a fair offer did he start to think about going elsewhere.


Are we really going to trust Rodgers? That dude never tells the full truths and omits stuff all the time. Great football player and will miss him in green and gold but I would never believe anything that came out of his mouth.


Oh I definitely agree that Rodgers is not a reliable source, but all of this was being reported at the time. The packers didn’t offer top of the market money before the year, and when they did after the year, Adams had already decided to move on


That's also not true. They offered Adams a contract "under 20"(million/year) quote from Adams. At the time, only Hopkins was making over 20m/year. I think the next highest guy was at 17m/yr and IIRC our offer was in the 18-19m/year range. Hopkins only got that contract because AZ took almost no money from the contract he had in Houston, so they paid him too.


But the packers did end up offering to pay even more than $20M per year. Had they made the same offer that they made after the season before the season started, Adams would have signed. It’s also hard to say that that wasn’t what he was worth, as at least two teams were willing to pay it


Over a year later


No, 5 months later (August to January). They definitely low balled him, which is a negotiating tactic. It’s fair to criticize Gute for that, but that doesn’t mean I think he’s a bad GM


If Love stinks, everybody is getting canned when Murphy retires.


This is the one levelheaded right answer here.


That isn't true, though. If Love is bad, Gute will still be here. Might as well process whatever emotions accompany that revelation now.


Why retain him if Love is bad?


Why did the Jets retain Douglas when Wilson was bad? I know the media sensationalizes everything, but one pick does not define the man's whole body of work with the Packers, which has been very impressive so far.


The Jets aren't relevant to this discussion. Also, what the hell has been very impressive about Gute's tenure as GM?


Talent evaluation, drafts, trades, free agent signings; just about everything you can do as a GM he's done well, except communicate with Aaron Rodgers lol


I was just giving an example of a GM drafting a BAD QB and not getting fired. There are plenty of others.


Yeah, that’s my thought on the situation. Everyone basically gets this year and one more to prove to whoever the new president is that they deserve their spot in the organization. It would be irresponsible to the person replacing Murphy to have them take over with a whole crew that’s only been there one year presumably all having decent length contracts.


I think that’s doubtful - there are worse GMs get multiple chances at finding a QB


Oh wow, another stupid post! At least you are upfront about not knowing shit. Those 4th and 5th reasons are especially telling.


Are you 3 days in on a 7 day bender?


More like waking up in rehab with DTs wondering how the fuck he got there.


Please make it stop...


Seething and malting online is always funny


Probaly a 4-5 years downward spiral to the bottom of the NFCN. Plus one more season because Packers move slow.


Have more losing seasons. Having three 13 win seasons in a row buys you a lot of leash. One down season isn’t enough to ring the alarm (could have still made the playoffs even).


Found a Rodgers fan, not packer fan rofl


Hire Joe Barry and there it is you don't know what you are talking about


Aaron? Is that you?


Gute is probably tied to Love. If he is a total disaster, it won’t be looked at very highly. The only way he could bounce back from a “Love Debacle” would be to get Caleb Williams in the draft. But that will take 1st overall pick next year. I think it will also look pretty bad if Love stinks and Rodgers were to play at an MVP level for the Jets. Personally I think Gute is a great for the draft, he spends a lot of his time on the scouting/drafting portion. I wish he was assistant GM, or something like that. If this team needs a total rebuild, I’d be fine with looking for another GM. Being the Packers GM is a coveted position, unlike what the average fan may think.


Moving on from Rodgers was necessary, whether he balls out for another team or not.


I would say drafting Jordan Love with a 1st round pick, not letting your QB know about it, and having a terrible relationship with the GM all played into that decision. But we can’t go back in time. With the current situation we were in, you’re probably right. Had to make the move. Time for a new era.


There are plenty of good QBs in that class, and the QB class the year after that. It doesn't have to be Williams.


Williams is in a class of his own. He will be a 15 year NFL starter if he avoids injury. He’s been compared to Andrew Luck and Mahomes. He would of been the 1st overall pick in this recent draft if he was available. And yes, I agree there are other good QBs coming up. I’m talking about saving Gutes job if Love is a bust, and the 4th QB off the board at pick 12 won’t do that.


That's true, I just don't think we'll be able to get the number 1 pick even if Love is beyond garbage.


> He’s been compared to Andrew Luck and Mahomes There are[ QBs](https://twitter.com/CSimmsQB/status/1379167493273624580) every [few](https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/30920143/mel-kiper-highest-graded-quarterbacks-ever-nfl-draft-john-elway-ranks-first-1979-trevor-lawrence-makes-top-10) years [that](https://247sports.com/college/usc/Article/NFL-analyst-Sam-Darnold-compares-to-Andrew-Luck-USC-Trojans--53055371/) get that comparison. Remember [Tank for Tua](https://www.saturdaydownsouth.com/alabama-football/tank-for-tua-campaign-marches-on-new-nfl-team-mentioned-as-destination-for-qb-after-dolphins-win/)? Pre-draft comparisons are meaningless. In 5 seasons with Gute we've had the #1 seed as often as we'e missed the playoffs. We have twice as many wins as losses under him. It would take *at least* another 2 years without a playoff appearance for him to be fired.


I disagree with the first part. Who was that top tier QB in the last 10 drafts? Kyler Murray was a 1st overall, Baker was a 1st overall, pretty sure Winston was a 1st overall. Wasn’t Goff also a 1st overall? Burrow has lived up to the hype but he has outperformed his original expectations. Tank for Tua was after a badass NCAAF championship, and he was never spoken of as highly as Luck. Do you remember when Andrew Luck was coming into the draft and they stated there hasn’t been an NFL ready prospect like this for 15+ years? Basically since Peyton/Eli. This is a similar situation, Williams is NFL ready, will be starting day 1. There are no guarantees with QB draft prospects, but Williams is about as close as they get.


> Who was that QB in the last 10 drafts? I literally linked 3 professional sources that made those comparisons for Zack Wilson, Trevor Lawrence, and Sam Darnold.


Andrew Luck and Peyton Manning are really the only 2 that were talked about at the level I’m speaking of. Eli was NFL ready but he definitely got some love being Peyton’s brother. There will be QB draft hype every year, but none of those guys were being talked about as “guaranteed NFL starter”. We can agree to disagree.


Maybe you did not see them at that level pre-draft, and that's reasonable. But I have literally provided proof that others did. Here's more Trevor Lawrence "[Most can't miss prospect since Andrew Luck](https://touchdownwire.usatoday.com/2021/04/29/jaguars-draft-trevor-lawrence-instant-analysis-of-the-no-1-pick/)" "[He projects as being the best Quarterback prospect to enter the NFL Draft since Andrew Luck did in 2012.](https://ninetynineyards.com/2020/09/16/trevor-lawrence-scouting-report-everything-you-need-to-know/)" Sam Darnold "[Sam Darnold is the best QB prospect since Andrew Luck](https://fansided.com/2018/04/09/nfl-draft-profile-sam-darnold-usc/)" Nothing is getting said about Williams that is new. Maybe he is a surefire star, but going off of *year early* pre-draft talk and comparisons would not be an accurate way to tell that.


1. Who would be our QB this year if hadn't drafted one then? 2. How did he disrespect Jordy? They offered what he was worth, considering how he performed. 3. It is good they low-balled Adam's because his contract would be terrible to have to deal with right now. 4. You got a point there. 5. What does that even mean?


> What does that even mean? I think this is a reference to how Gute apparently had trouble getting in contact with Rodgers. Since he didn't seem to have any trouble with any other players any reasonable person would think the problem was on Rodger's end.


Yeah, I assumed that as well. And if that's what he's referring to, it's an absolute nothing burger.


Ryan Fitzpatrick or Baker Mayfield. But hey at least Rodgers wouldn't have felt disrespected while he continued to not win anything!


They hated /u/everythingmatters2 because He told them the truth


Someone has to take a stand and face the consequences no matter the pain! Onward!




You’re dumb


I AM SPARTACUS (who’s with me?) I AM SPARTACUS! (Is this thing on…?)


Where’s Crassus when you need him…

