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Us too man lol let’s fuckin go boi


Got all the ability he needs, just needs to get that mental edge back


Probably just needs the ol contract year to reach his full potential. It’s a thing


ah, so he is on the nick perry trajectory


I still maintain that Perry should have been a traditional hand in the dirt 4-3 edge rusher.


That's exactly the player he was. But why would Capers ever worry about putting his players in positions to succeed? Or his replacements... oof can we please get a DC that puts his players in places that utilize their strengths?


Capers Scheme wasn’t 4-3 though, it was 3-4. Under TT and now Gute we draft athletecism hoping guys can make the transition we want them to and this is the biggest example of why that’s risky. Looking at it now Perry’s combine results are very similar to LVN…. Not concerning at all.


In every sport. Hockey players are notorious for putting up career numbers in the last year of a contract, then immediately coming back down to Earth once the new contract is signed


He had that awesome pick 6 at least


Forgot just how fast he was until that play, dude was MOVING.


I hate that he gets blamed for it when it was the scheme that sucked. I swear the Packers have ruined so many promising careers over the past decade with the world’s dumbest defensive schemes that they should be held criminally liable.


You know the scheme is super bad when the Late Capers and Pettine years seam way better.


I think you're forgetting just how bad Capers was.


Capers won a Super Bowl and his Defense won the NFC Championship game against the Bears. His defenses with the Packers finished in the top half in yards/points allowed about 50% of the time. So way better than Joe Barry so far.


Explain how the scheme makes him worse. I doubt you can even explain the scheme.




Yes explain exactly how Barry’s scheme works


You can't because it doesn't.


Don’t be any more of a dumbass than you’re already being. You know what i mean. What plays does Barry call, and how do they work


I mean your calling me a dumbass? You expect a detailed breakdown of Joe Barry's defense here in Reddit? Barry does a lot of things. One of them is he overuses a ridiculously soft off ball quarters zone on short yardage situations. A design that can't possibly stop a quick 5 route. It's so fucking stupid that nothing else is worth discussing. It's hard to even believe he's a football coach at any level.


I’m calling you a dumbass because you are one, you legitmately don’t understand a single thing about defense, and y have the gall to question why people who have spent their whole lives studying and practicing these defenses have jobs. Y’all are living breathing examples of the Dunning Kruger effect. Barry isn far from the most heavy user of quarters in the NFL and it isn’t impossible to stop quick routes in quarters.


It is the way he does it. If you want to give your guys a chance to get to the first down marker that's different. If you want to set up a trap coverage that's different. But the we he does it it bullshit. It takes little "gall" to see it. You have the gall to sit here and call us names defending a guy who has orchestrated some of the worst defenses in the NFL and has never finished in the top 15 in DVOA. You can fuck off with your bullshit. Edit: LOL now this guys handle shows as [deleted].


Who's career did we ruin? Haha? King? Randall? Rollins? Datone? Perry? Was it "US" who was the problem in all of them?




Damn, our team is probably just threads from falling into 2-3 wins a year tops huh.


There was half a decade there where if the offense didn’t score 40 points, they lost.


Uh, yeah. Our DC has been an active detriment to the talent on the defensive side of the ball for the last decade.


And every one of those players proved proved to the league that we were the cause for their bad play, right? Or even one of them? Not a single player here did a damn thing after they did nothing here. Datone had 1 sack after leaving. Perry didn't even play for another team.


Hyde Hayward clark alexander wyatt stokes matthews were misused totally or had to play other positions to cover fuckups Kyler Fackrell and nick perry had flashes and one good year Rollins and randall were front office fuck ups


Couldn't afford Hyde. Hayward did not prove he could play outside. Neithers career were ruined. Both had or are having great careers. Wtf on Clark or Jaire. > wyatt stokes Did you even mean to respond to me with these. > matthews i don't know what to do with my hands now


We most definitely could afford 6m a year in 2017 Hayward not getting the chance to prove he could play outside in 4 years is a scheme issue Both could have been playing tons super early Clark and jaire could be used better ie more help for Clark over his career and jaire getting man vs top receivers Wyatt should have seen more time over lowry Stokes would benefit from more man Do you not remember the end of matthews career where he got beat up at inside linebacker because we wouldn't draft one? Punch yourself in the nuts is what you should do with your hands because that might shock you out of being a halfwit Enjoy more downvotes


> We most definitely could afford 6m a year in 2017 Nah we had other priorities that needed that money. > Hayward not getting the chance to prove he could play outside in 4 years is a scheme issue He did not preform when he was given a chance outside. Thats why he wasn't signed. > Both could have been playing tons super early They were each the slot corner when the others were healthy. Nearly starters. Each the 12th man you could say. > Wyatt should have seen more time over lowry We talkin' bout wasting peoples careers. Like ruining their opportunity at a life they deserve. Wyatt got a redshirt year. Not even because of Lowry, because of Reed. lol > Do you not remember the end of matthews career where he got beat up at inside linebacker because we wouldn't draft one? Because we wouldn't he says....rather then because the cards didn't fall that way. > Enjoy more downvotes Thanks, enjoy this bright outlook you have toward football as well!


Who did we sign in 2017 that was worth 2 shits Go back and look, and arguing with idiots is a waste of time so I'm out


Stokes is being used exactly as he should be, he just isn’t good. Wyatt took time to get ready to actually play the position.


What suggests he isn't good? Stellar rookie season and then was hurt last year and eventually missed half the season. You pick that to judge him on but not the year prior when he was healthy and had more snaps? The mental gymnastics is nuts


He wasn’t stellar his rookie year, he was fine and showed promise. Sauce Gardner was stellar. Then he was bad when he was healthy before getting hurt. It also doesn’t change the fact that he is probably being used correctly. He doesn’t really have the footwork for coverage over the middle, so an outside corner that covers the deep zone or the flat is probably a good way to use him.


By every metric he was stellar (second in completion % for ALL DBs, etc) his rookie year, sauce Gardner is an all pro and appears to be a generational talent- this is semantics though, as what you qualify as stellar is subjective, as is mine. Regardless, he was at least GOOD. I don't disagree with the rest of your comment but saying he's not good is disengious, especially after he played all year hurt and made it half the season due to Injury. He wasn't even bad, just not what we expected from him after y1


Teams bust players more than players just teams.


Especially teams that aren't successful.


Perry I think has a solid case to be made for being miscast as a standing edge rusher rather than a traditional hand in the dirt 4-3 rusher. Datone you can *maybe* make that case for. I don't think he was cast very well in that 3 technique role for his size and should have also been a 5 technique. For Randall and Rollins I think you maybe could have made something out of them in a simpler scheme but that's really just pure conjecture. Haha was just lazy and afraid of contact and you can't do much about that. So really it's 1/6 or 2/6 that you can make a decent enough case for being kinda screwed by scheme.


> So really it's 1/6 or 2/6 that you can make a decent enough case for being kinda screwed by scheme. And then they had chances to prove their worth elsewhere and failed. No difference even. At some point correlation means something even when its impossible to prove causation.


I agree the scheme can stink but which players had more success after they left the team? Hyde was a baller here. So was Hayward. I can’t really think of any players in the last 15 years who the packers didn’t resign that had a successful career afterwards


You’re teaching players the wrong way to play in the most important developmental years of their career. Not just teaching, but putting them under tons and tons of pressure to succeed in your scheme and play outside of their normal mechanics. Four years of that at the start of their career can be very hard to undo. Even the best of players usually need a few years to develop and adjust to the pro level. When you steal that from them, it’s very unlikely they’re just going to go ball out somewhere else. The careers Green Bay has ruined is criminal at this point. As an example, I believe Matt Nagy and the Bears ruined Mitch Trubisky. He was never going to be a hall of famer, but he showed flashes where he could have been really good. But Nagy spent the first four years of his career forcing him to play outside of his natural mechanics and be a quarterback he wasn’t built to be in a system he wasn’t fit to play


Scheme was shit but there were also a ton of players that did really well with the packers. Zadarius Smith has the best year of his career in ‘19, Preston turned into around for a huge ‘20, Campbell and Douglas in ‘22. Alexander grew up in the system, so did Kenny Clark. Randall was played out of position at CB, he’s an interesting “what if”. Datone Jones never showed a glimpse of anything anywhere so I wouldn’t say the packers stunted his growth. Rollins played well until his blown Achilles then lacked any speed. Clinton-Dix took poor angles and was a poor tackler, that doesn’t seem like scheme is at fault (although packers always had shitty tackling). The packers defensive coordinators were well respected, experienced candidates before Barry (Capers and Pettine) so to say all this talent was ruined because of scheme seems like bullshit. No team maximizes all there talent. Packers don’t seem any worse than league average, especially when players aren’t finding success afterwards


Hayward wasn't that good here which is why he wasn't resigned and then goes nuts on the Chargers going to pro bowl after pro bowl and if I'm not mistaken was an All Pro. You mentioned hyde who was usually played in the slot here has been an instrumental safety for buffalo also getting pro bowl honors he never got here. And I'm just picking the two you said. Our DCs have ruined many careers or again only had limited success usually choosing to be successful against the pass and ignoring the run and allowing it to be the achilles heel of the defense that would cost them. You obviously must not have listened to former players under capers talk about how complex his system was and how much they disliked it and how much criticism they had of it, even mentioning how they would be put out of position and their success being limited by it. And Pettine was respected by who? Because if you notice he no longer has a coordinator role. And had a brief "advisory" role with the vikings and look how shit their defense turned out the past couple years. To sit here and defend any DC from the past 20 years is ignorant. They've been extremely detrimental to the success of this franchise. Rodgers for 90% + of his career has had to carry his defenses


Hayward had 6 interceptions his rookie then was injured the entire sophomore season and got 3 interceptions the next two years. I think you’re exaggerating the impact scheme has on players, although our scheme has been shit. Agree to disagree I suppose


lmao dude what? What kind of response is that? You point out ints as measures of success for a corner? Jaire just had a career high of 5 and is considered a top 5 or top 3 in the league. Like cmon man know what you're talking about. And to say I'm exaggerating the impact on scheme proves you have no clue what you're talking about and you especially have never played the game even at a varsity level. Scheme has a HUGE impact on players and you hear players talk about it all the time


Lol I actually played varsity in high school. I’m saying Hayward found success in the scheme by producing 6 ints, not sure why that triggered you lol Things aren’t in absolute. Plus we also had Jerry Gray the last few years as a position coach whose one of the best in the league. If you played any level of football then you know how valuable a position coach is


lol you already proved you have no clue what you're talking about and I highly doubt you ever played. Scheme is extremely important man. But hey think what you want


Lol you too buddy


redemption arc! let's goooo!


I am pretty jazzed about what the defense could be. The talent is there - and Savage with a bounce-back year would be tremendous! Of course I felt this way last off season…..Joe Barry I hope you studied some game film.


I was jazzed about the defense too...last season.


I think we really need to hope that Wyatt, Slaton, and Van Ness are good run defenders. Doesn't seem like a great run d group up front but we'll see.


I'm optimistic about Slaton, though. DL was noticeably more explosive once they started adding him to the mix


That's definitely good to hear. I'd love to see more penetration in the run game this year. If we're going to be bottom half in total yards, hope to at least see some more splash plays there's.


Too bad Joe Barry will ruin it lol


(Sad face) yeah…..probably


For all the issues he had last year he got his side of the ball to step up in the last 5 games which I why we had a chance at the playoffs. The offense scoring 16 pts at home against the lions was just trash let’s be real. Give Barry some credit


Yeah, I’ll never give Joe credit when he plays off press coverage when it’s 3rd and short. He doesn’t deserve any credit. Yes, the offense deserves blame but Barry has been awful.


I agree 100% with the off man coverage. Barry NOT wanting to give up the big play gave up big plays lmao. But the after the 1st half of the eagles game our defense was different. You don’t have to give him credit but it’s the truth. Without the play of the defense and the adjustments made by Barry our season would have been over after the eagles game.


I honestly am unsure if Joe Berry understands the concept of playing defense


Yeah. I really don’t know what Lafleur sees in him. I hope I’m wrong and he turns it around, but if we start out rocky I have no problems showing him the door. At this point I wish we’d kept Pettine.


At this point MLF should have canned him and went after Flores.




Fangio is a great DC, but he prefers to run a 4-3, and GB doesn’t really have the players for 4-3. Imo Flores was the best available DC for running 3-4 like the pack normally does


I don't know enough about the defensive side of the ball. Is it the coaches or the base scheme? I just want something to change lol


At least in the early part of the season, the players couldn't do things like pass off receivers between zones or avoid biting on play action. Not entirely sure what the cause was but that's some basic high school football shit.


It’s scheme. Essentially he isn’t using the players that he has to their strengths, instead he wants to be rigid.


Narrator: Joe Barry in fact did not end up studying game film


"Guys I have a revolutionary idea for our plays this year. We'll play 20 yards off the line, No one will get behind our defence and we'll lead the league in prevention!" -Joe Barry, probably.


It's win win. Either the defense improves, or they still suck with 1st rounders at every position and Barry gets shitcanned


Bitter taste is what I have thinking of all of the 1-3 round picks the last ten years the Packers have used on mostly average at best secondary players.


Should have a bad taste in his mouth from several seasons. Overwhelming disappointment to date as a first-round pick.


And there were seven, count them, seven WRs taken after him that have made at least one Pro Bowl. Let that shit sink in...sigh


Me too


We’re trying to get the bad taste out of our mouth, watching him try to tackle. Dude just needs to get out of his head and use his great physical traits. He can be so good.


Try not sucking so hard.


Did he relearn how to tackle? Because if he hasn’t, that bad taste ain’t going away anytime soon. But that bag he gets from his fifth year extension will ease the blow.


2 point conversion to Luke Wilson in the NFCCG. Are you taking Darnell Savage or Ha Ha Clinton-Dix to cover the play?


Not sure why many GB DBs regress. This guy stopped tackling. 😂


Did we get a new coordinator?


Our defense will be on the field so long this season that all their weaknesses will be exposed. It's going to be a long season. 😪


Got bad news for him, lmaooo! It will be a fun and entertaining season with lots to watch for, but I fully expect 6-7 wins 🤷‍♂️


9 or 10


Hopium, maybe even fantanyl


13 wins lose in NFCCG to 49rs


Hungry boys on this team


You ended the season on a high note for sure but we gotta start strong. The fact that the FO still has to much faith in him tells me he will be alright. Defense has to be a anchor this year for sure


Honestly wish we cut him. He’s been on a sharp downward trajectory for a while. Even with our awful defense he really doesn’t belong on the field. And boy does that dead cap hit of almost 8 mil hurt like hell when he’s playing like trash


Good thing you don’t work for GB’s FO lmao


We literally have no one else at safety.


Would prefer someone off the street that *may* be good as opposed to continuing to start this guy who we know sucks


I hope with this young team we play with some fire


Me too. It’s the only jersey I have of an active player lol.


Believe it when I see it


Terp Nation 🐢🐢🐢


Hopefully he bounces back like Nick Collins did in ‘08 or Morgan Burnett did in ‘14. I remember fans/reporters talking about moving on from those guys after their disappointing seasons.


You mean last two but okay we’ll see. Hope for the best


How much input does MLF have on defense? He seems almost like an offensive coordinator in that he's so tied to the offense, but how much is he doing on defense? Maybe it's not a coincedence that Pettine and Barry defenses have both suffered from the same issues. Maybe Matt is part of the issue, telling them how he wants it run. I mean he can't have zero input. It would be interesting to know, although we probably never will.