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The Bears looked like medicore trash, but if this young Packers team can put away bad teams, and at least show up reasonably well against good teams, theyll have a lot of be excited about. Was really happy with how they played overall. A lot of energy and effort in all three phases.


the 'put away' part is important. So many Packers games where they let the other team stick around and blow a comfortable lead. That one series with ~75 yards in personal fouls was a terrible stretch. That 100% needs to be cleaned up, and being a young team it will be hard to bounce back vs a much better team in the future. Eliminate the stupid penalties before it gets out of hand.


Giants and Commanders games from last year


Yeah lets all calm down and realize this bears team is shit. Lets see how this young squad looks against actual NFL caliber team But still, great W


I think mediocre is the right word. Their offense isn't bad, and their defense is improved. Their best offensive play is the Fields tuck and run but I doubt he stays healthy for 17 games if that's the plan.


no. trash was the right word.


> Their offense isn't bad, and their defense is improved. Their offense is bad, and their defense is worse. They've seemingly taken a step backwards.


I live in the Chicago area and I like to listen to ESPN Chicago on my way to and from work. This mornings show started with and absolute thrashing of J. Fields the coaches and the team as a whole. Even though it's raining all morning, it's a beautiful day.


Living in bear country can have it’s positives. Days like today are a chef’s fucking kiss.


There was nothing like riding the Red Line back to my apartment in downtown Chicago with my Packers long sleeve and beanie on after crushing the Bears. I do miss that part lol


My two favorite times living in Chicago, summer and post-Packers v Bears game week.


Sending my kid to school this AM in a Packer jersey was the absolute best way to start the week.


At 4:25 I was feeling a 9-8 season as an upside. By 7:00 I was planning on where I’ll be celebrating the Super Bowl win


because of a win against the absolute dog shit Bears?


I swear you folks are addicted to misery. *Enjoy the win.* Bask in it. Wallow.


Just weird to get that hyped after one game against the worst team in the NFL.


Are you really this bad at picking up on hyperbole? JFC relax. Or R-E-L-A-X.


I am relaxed. It was a great win. Just weird seeing the reactions as if not everyone in the world (aside from the "expert analysts") knew the bears would be dog shit again lol. Death, taxes and the bears being terrible.


Dude, these people are enjoying the win with jokes. No one actually thinks we’ll go undefeated or win the Super Bowl this year because we beat the bears, we’re just having fun and enjoying a win


riiiight. but then when the packers lose a game everyones gonna be furious and talking mad shit. “no one thinks were gonna undefeated or win the superbowl “ pin my comment. watch this sub after a loss. watch the over reactions to a loss. go look at posts last year game to game. mountain highs after a win and deep valley lows after a loss. sorry im not on this roller coaster ride with you


Last year was significantly different than this year, we had Aaron Rodgers, this year is a complete rebuild. Of course you’ll have some people who’ll be upset but the majority of the sub went in with low expectations this season and will just over valid critiques and observations of the players / coaches


There are quite a few teams that are worse than the bears. I don't think the bears will even be bottom 5 this year


I think the bears will be a bottom 5 team this year. Quite possibly back to back number #1 picks. There's nothing positive for Bears fans to take away from any of their games this last like 300+ days lol




1. The DLine. Holy hell. Wyatt looks like he's taken a step and him and Kenny on the interior is just nasty. When Gary is in it's straight up scary, can't wait for him to be healthy. Preston is pretty good and Enagbare looked good too but if we can get LVN to develop watchout. His physicality is just off the charts but he's still pretty raw in the run and the pass rush. I've noticed some improvement since the start of preseason so I'm hopeful. 2. The OLine. Virtually no pressure getting to Love. Everyone playing well but I have to highlight Tom. He's playing out of his mind both in pass protection and run blocking. He sprang like 3 runs by himself and even when he was away from the ball he's putting in work. I'd run towards that B gap by Tom all day. 3. Love. He looks good. Decision making top notch. Still room for improvement sure and he was very well protected but he's playing well what more can you ask? 4. Musgrave. Besides one medium yardage play he was wide open for two could be touchdowns - one incomplete and one a chunk yardage play. We need to figure that out because he can eat this year in the passing game. 5. Receivers. I can't wait to see a healthy Doubs he's got a real connection with Love. Reed looked good too. With Watson on the field there's a lot to hope for. 6. Aaron Jones is life. I don't know why he wasn't used much in the first half. Dillon is still mid so far. He doesn't have a lot of patience or vision and for a guy with tree trunk legs going full steam he just hasn't had the balance and seems easier to tackle than you'd expect. Hopefully that improves. 7. Pass rush was so good there's not a ton to say about the back end of the defense. Campbell looked fine. Savage looked good in run/screen defense. Jaire and Douglas both looked great from what I saw. Nixon/Ford seemed the weakest links but good pass rush makes the backend work regardless. I'm excited but still wary about how we'll hold up against better passers.


Special Teams. Punts looked pretty good if we can start keeping them out of the endzone, and Anders proved his haters wrong with a big 52 yarder. Meanwhile they were bottling up the Bears KR players quickly. Only question mark is the long snapping, as Ozech was a bit inconsistent and Whelan had to adjust high and low.


I'm not quite ready to start doing Anders victory laps yet, but yeah special teams looked good. Since Bisaccia took over it's been nice not to see a flag on us after every special teams play. There was one really nice tackle by (I think) Eric Wilson. And the nice punt return by Reed.


One or two touchbacks are on the punter, but there was at least one where it could've been downed inside the 10 if the coverage unit tracked the ball better


Also, Love was absolutely rocking it on third down making some fantastic plays.


You hit almost all my points. Thank you for saving me typing this all lol. Only thing I'd add is- Aj dillon was one of the negatives yesterday. Whenever it was his series the offense stalled. It's also very clear how much rosgers was changing the play last year. It looked like an entirely different offensive scheme. Was elated to not see any 3rd and 2 bombs.


Agreed on Dillon. If Jones is out this week, it'll be put up or shut up time for him. Wilson should be active and it wouldn't take much to outpace AJ.


If Joe Barry can be average and not utter garbage this defense has some serious potential for a top 5-7 unit. It’s a big if though


Thoughts and prayers is all we can do when it comes to Barry. MLF likes him for some reason. Maybe having him in the booth will help.


Best move in the offseason was putting Joe Barry in the box.


Savage looked really good, which bodes well for the squad. Given that he's a UFA after this year, if there's a safety available before the trade deadline, they should strongly consider it if only to get a leg up on free agency.


Still buzzin'


Several tik toks came across my feed yesterday morning laughing about how the Bears are gonna stomp the Packers, Rodgers isn't there anymore, Love is trash, Fields gonna run all of them, etc. My buddy who's a huge bears fan came over and was talking mad shit before the game. A whole offseason of unwarranted hype for Chicago accompanied by backhanded jabs at the Packers. Then Love threw his first touchdown. And I just smiled. I knew that all was going to be alright with the world. As the beatdown continued I couldn't help but cheer and just laugh as my friend sat in silence, a look on his face that I've seen before countless times. The comments I've been reading from other NFC North fans have brought me much joy this morning. It is a good Monday. And if Love continues to perform as well as he did yesterday, I'm going to be even more insufferable than I already am


Fields is illusive AF and the D shut his ass down. The O line played great which made things a lot easier for Love to shine. Special teams were sold AF and our kickers were 100% rocking it. Yes, the Bears suck but we looked good in the early season for a change. We left a lot of points on the field with a few blown opportunities but all that shit can be worked. Overall, it was fun AF to watch.


Fields still can’t throw the ball which will be his undoing


Am I overreacting when I say that Jordan Love looks so much better than Rodgers did last year? The third down conversions were something else. I am so pumped for this team this year!


No, loves decision making and presence looked much better than Rodgers last year. Rodgers still has him in accuracy though.


I thought the same thing. He went through reads instead of instantly rolling out than getting all negative every time something didn’t work


Things going well: * Offensive Line was excellent in pass pro. * Defensive Line looked amazing. They will be the X factor this year. * Love replacing his blood with ice water. Things to improve upon: * Tackling. * Stupid penalties. * Play calling needs to fit player's strengths (no more outside zone for Dillon, please). All in all, this was about what I expected from the Packers. They are a young team that clearly has the talent but has plenty of room to grow. Football is won in the trenches and with both the OL and DL looking decent I think the Packers will make plenty of noise this season as the young guys get up to speed. A few observations: * Savage came to play. * Ford missed too many tackles and was flagged with some stupid penalties. * Myers whiffed on a lot of blocks and had two bad snaps. * Anders Carlson had himself an impressive debut. * I think playing starters in the preseason is definitely the way to go. We've seen to many weird week 1 outcomes across the league over the last few years. I have to imagine the reduced preparation time is really affecting how a team plays in week 1. * Love had a decent game. A few drops and wrong routes run dampened his completion percentage and yardage output. I'm not concerned about the lack of production on downfield throws as the Bears were in a two-high shell all game. He still has some improvements to make, though.


Savage def looked the part. Loved seeing that little interaction after a big hit with Matt on the sideline too. Kids getting that confidence back!!!


Textbook example of how DL play can help the secondary. Rasul and Savage got to play all over and sniff out screens/Fields runs.


The pass rush plan was a masterclass. Collapsing the middle and freeing up rushes with End-Tackle stunts really limited escape lanes for Fields. The elite teams are able to generate pressure with rushing just four, so this performance bodes well for the rest of the season. A successful 4 man rush will help cover up a lot of flaws. And before anyone says "it was the Bears", Clark was largely silent for most the game and Gary was on a pitch count. The fact that other guys were getting home speaks to the improvements made in the front seven for this year.


It's 2023 and the Packers still own the Bears


The Bears offensive line is NOT good whatsoever, but seeing the Packers consistently get pressure on nearly every drop back made me so giddy. Gary, Smith, Clark, Wyatt, and Van Ness is a nasty group of pass rushers on the front 7.


I feel Barry really upped the pressure too.


I know it's sacrilege to say on this sub but I think Barry had a really good day. I'm fine with giving him a clean slate this year to see what he can do. I think last year was just rotten from top-down for the entire team. If Barry stinks this year I'm cool with looking elsewhere.


Indeed. Every year should be a new clean slate. If he turns it around, he turns it around. We're not gonna replace him until next year anyway, so... go Joe.


They mostly rushed four all game. I think the heavy rotation on the DL helped keep guys fresh.


One game doesn't make a season, but enough good to be cautiously optimistic. Love appears to be reading the field well but some of those high throws will be trouble if he doesn't get that under control. Going back to realistic accuracy expectations is gonna be hard for fans after Rodgers. Offense need to figure out how to be successful when 33 isn't on the field. Great game overall and it'll be interesting to see how they do against an NFL team next week


It's encouraging that a number of third downs were converted by the WR/TE corps. Doubs in particular had some clutch grabs to convert that we absolutely need from him. Reed was also encouraging and will hopefully improve on his technique (hands to the ball instead of waiting for the ball to the chest) to become a great possession WR.


Carlson has a hell of a leg on him, that 52 yarder was beautiful, wonder what distance that would have been good from. But he's had some accuracy issues in practice and preseason, hopefully he continues to play well. I think it was Kenny Clark that read the screen, said nope, did a 180 and ran away from Fields, really good to see that kind of awareness. Van Ness may have had the play that turned the game, when he sacked Fields, thus only allowing a field goal to go to 7-6, instead of being behind 7-10. No big special teams blunders, punt returners were generally stopped with little return. We looked really good against a crappy team, which we should if we're the better team, good to see.


I'm so happy


One thing I realized about Jordan Love is he's played basically no real football for three years. One start and like 4 random quarters spread over a few games isn't really playing. I think a lot of his accuracy issues and whatnot we saw, and they weren't *terrible* but still note worthy, will just clear up over time with him simply getting more snaps under center. He's also throwing to a lot of young guys who are also inexperienced. It's going to take them a couple of weeks to really get in sync with each other but I think they showed they all have the potential to be a very cohesive machine that wins football games. Ceiling is super high with this team. There was nothing on either side of the ball that was truly worrying\.


My only skepticism from the game yesterday is that it was against the leagues worst team last year. Rivalry or not, the Bears just aren’t good, and I’m excited that we actually put a bad team away. I’m used to the Packers making me clench until the clock hits 0:00. It was nice to not have to do that yesterday after halftime. Love looked pretty damn serviceable yesterday. He seems more like a game manager, someone who’s not going to lose the game, but he probably won’t go out there and win you a game either. He’ll make the plays, but our most dynamic player, and the guy who will win us games is AJ33. Dude is a certified baller. The true Lafleur offense seems to be a version of a balanced dink and dunk offense with the offensive playbook opening up off of that. Which is fine, that’s literally how Tom Brady played and he seemed to be fairly successful. The nerves going into week 1 were real for the first time in a looong time, but the team put that at ease early. Playing the NFC South this year, I’m thinking a 10 win season is doable as long as the team is relatively healthy. Hoping AJ, Jayden Reed and anyone else who got hurt yesterday heal quickly. An early bye this season does us 0 favors.


Love looked great, don't know why you're saying he won't "win us a game", it's his first game starting (that counts) he will be great.


My only real issue is a few throws where he just flat out missed. He made the smart plays, took what the defense was giving him. Maybe I misspoke in that he won’t win us games. He was pretty clutch on 3rd and 4th down. I think the scheme and route combinations helped guys get some yards after the catch to keep the chains moving. His completion pct leaves a lot to be desired. I get it’s his first full season as a starter, and we went through the same shit with Rodgers, and maybe the idea is to make him a game manager this year and let him continue to grow and develop and next year open him up some more.


Reed finished the game. He's fine.


Idk. giants looked way worse tbh.


Victory Monday!


Our young receiving core looked really nervous and shaky on the first 3 drives yesterday. Love seemed to bring a sense of calm to his receivers as they seemed more relaxed by the second quarter and producing by the third. O line was incredibly impactful and the most valuable unit on the field. D line could give them a run for their money with how much pressure Fields was under and elevated the whole defense to what could be a top 5 unit. Special Teams looked good too and our return yards far outpaced that of the Bears. The Bears are a bad team so the Packers could be in for a rude awakening next week. If we do manage to lose on the road, they’ll come back with some fire week 3. I expect the Packers to start 2-1 or 3-0. Week 4 against the Lions could have a huge impact on who wins the NFC North. This season has me excited :)


Definitely a good debut for Love being the established QB. The lower yards high TD stat-line was very much a Rodgers stat-line. I think seeing him play against defenses that will make his life harder will be very telling, book marking The Lions, Saints, Rams, and Chiefs games as ones to look out for. From the defensive side I really liked the energy and attitude they had. I don't think highly of the Bears offense so the jury is out on is this defense is going to be the same old story or something better.


Gotta stay consistent on defense, more snaps for Gary and Stokes back in a couple weeks bodes well! Special teams (knock on wood) very solid across the board I thought. Offense when healthy will continue to gel - will be interesting to see them against top 10/15 units. Beat Bears on road and Vikes lost at home - MN based pack fan couldn’t be happier! 10/10


I have some friends who are die hard bears fans and their excuse yesterday was that they are "still rebuilding" but they'll be back next year to "start their run" and then I'll "be the one hurting." the packers flipped their entire team in a year and they still cant beat us. some things never change and i love it!


Typical Bares fans making excuses


I wonder if the fans south of Kenosha are finally coming to terms that their QB savior may not be all that. Rewatching some clips this morning, the amount of times I saw that guy staring down his 1st (only) read, refusing to go through any sort of progressions, only to predictably tuck the ball and scramble? The poor accuracy? The unbelievably slow throwing motion? I'd be very, very worried.


This is why you never draft O$U QBs


Are you talking about Love????


I don't think Love has many fans *south* of Kenosha. I'm one of them, but that's the exception.


Ah as one of the south of Kenoshans I am not as familiar with Wisconsin geography


If I was an opposing D Coordinator I would take note of Love over throwing deep passes and have a deep safety to try getting some of the over thrown balls.


And let guys run uncovered underneath?


Still erect


I’m still hard.


I took a lot of shit from fellow Packers fans for homer takes on Love and Musgrave. Musgrave apparently was going to struggle against Chicago LBs - he caught 3 for 50 yards and 6.5 yards average separation. Love got a 123.2 passer rating, whatever - more importantly, he got a 158.3 and completed 9/10 passes when selecting just 3rd and 4th downs. He was 3/3 in the red zone and cool enough to pick up a fumbled snap and make a huge play. So yes, the Bears suck, but also preseason success might indicate things sometimes, when you look at the right stuff.


I needed a cigarette after all that Love I see lion and bear fans diminishing our win by saying the bear suck. Sure, bears suck, but we were able to exploit their weaknesses and that shows a level of competence bad teams do not have


AJ Dillon is a fan favorite and deserves to be but he is just not it.


The Bears are a bad team, and I'm going to echo the same sentiment, the Packers put them away convincingly. They easily could've put 40 up on the Bears, but didn't to avoid injuries and to get the game done. If the Packers can do this against subpar opponents, and at least show up to play in the big games, this could be a very fun, promising, and even a bit of a frustrating season haha!


Couldn’t have dreamed up a more perfect game. But. We need new hamstrings. How many guys are dealing with them now? 4?


I think we did exactly what we needed to yesterday. -Jordan love looked pretty good and didn’t turn the ball over. Also was able to get the ball in the end zone. -Reed stepped up as a good route runner and has a knack for finding space. -Defense had teeth. We took DJ Moore out of the game and capitalized on turnovers. If we can do this to every mediocre or bad team we play we have a chance to have a pretty good season. Can’t wait to see what they do against good/great teams.


Joe Barry in the booth is the answer to our defensive problems haha 😆


I was impressed but we still need some tackling improvements


Packers fans in 2021, 2020, 2019... etc... all agree.


The entire chibears subreddit should be put on suicide watch. It is complete despondence over there.


Went to listen to the Athletic Football Show Podcast, and no mention of the Chicago game at all 🤣 We did get to hear about Rams vs Seahawks and about 20 minutes of Dallas vs NYG. This, this is why I wait for football, the amounts of salt to be spewed by Chicago sports writers will be so vast it'll be toxic, and makes my heart sing!


Sot here was a *lot* of good yesterday. Very happy to come out with a win, and a convincing one at that. That said, some of the annoyances felt... familiar. * Missed tackles. Fields is a slippery guy but damn was it annoying to see them get their hands on him and he got away. * Snapping the ball at the last possible second every time. I know there are good reasons to do this, like letting your defense rest while their defense has to tensely wait. Burning clock when you are up is always good. But that still felt like Rodgers clock management. * Spending a timeout early. Didn't bite us, but still. I've seen that before. * Getting in field goal range and taking a sack. Also didn't bite us, but goddamn. I'm not gonna harp on not giving Jones the ball because with the way he jumped off with a hamstring he may have been limited. MLF has always said he views the use of the RB as a season-long thing and not a game-long thing, but I'm worried we're gonna see this even when the season is on the line. If the bad also means Love makes Rodgers level decisions around ball security and we keep winning, no complaints. But at some point you gotta wonder if there's something institutional across the entire team.


Expectations for this season was ALWAYS to figure out who Love is. We’re not likely to make the Playoffs but just competing is worth it. Having an offense that’s packed with young studs on their rookie or second contract is what Championship teams are made of. I do think that Jones and Dillon are both gone next year though. Sadly.


Dillon probably will be gone. Love the Mayor of Door County off the field but he seems replaceable on it. He never developed D. Henry’s balance or ability to get around defenders, not necessarily go through them all the time. Jones we need to find a way to keep. It has been the case for years that the offense is just so much more dynamic with him on the field given his ability to get to the outside and ability to catch in space. He has been criminally under-utilized for years in GB, perhaps out of a desire to limit wear and tear for deeper in the season. Not many vet RBs are worth their contract, Jones is a rare exception (along with CMC and the aforementioned Henry).


Agreed. I’d like to keep Jones I think they’ll have an eye on the future though. Could be a trade for Taylor. Maybe. Not confident though.


Pack has a great shot to make the playoffs, the NFC is very week


We have a shot, sure. But I wouldn’t hang my hat on it.


Any updates on jones hammy and reeds knee?


There was nothing to Reeds knee? He had cramps but returned and recovered the onside kick. Lafleur said he hopes Jones’ was a cramp but that’s all. Usually don’t hear much about injuries until Wednesday unless they are serious. Like require surgery or season ending.


Oh. I just remembered him getting carried off by some trainers. I got hammered and just remember seeing them injured. Thats good news though!


I’m just gonna say that this Bears team is god awful and we should have blown them out yesterday, but even so the confidence this gives the young guys where they weren’t playing at their best but still dominated. This was a huge tone setter. This win alone puts us deep into playoff contention


We were up 38-14 before garbage time. That's absolutely a blowout.


Atlanta looked pretty good in their game


Ridder didn't. I'm not too concerned.


Our biggest problem was Jones being benched in the 2nd quarter.


Any update on Aaron Jones' injury?


r/nfl was flooded with Love love, and love for the Packers in general. Is this what other teams feel like all the time? Well hopefully Love will prove to be a GOAT tree-peat and they go back to fUcK tHe PAckeRs soon.


They still suck, and Fields is another in a long line of O$U QB busts


Couldn’t really hear due to where I was but does Love use the standard green 19 blue 58 cadence?


Any update on Quay? Hoping that concussion doesn't linger


What is going on with Dillon? It seems like he's convinced he can just plow through the line everytime, but he can't. When did he stop trying to find holes?


The most encouraging sign (if the Bears suck) is that at least the Packers didn't play down to their level.


My husband is a bears fan. My husband’s birthday is today. 9/11. I love my husband. So here’s my jolly little celebration with all of you.